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Usajobs.gov resume builders firstsource firsthand


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– Career Services & Alumni | School of Government | Regent University


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– Usajobs.gov resume builders firstsource firsthand


The program encourages applications from members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service and those with financial need. Applicants must be college seniors or graduates looking to start two-year graduate programs in fall , must have GPAs of at least 3.

The Rangel Program is funded by the U. Department of State and managed by Howard University. State Department that seeks to attract and prepare outstanding young people for careers as diplomats in the Foreign Service of the U.

Department of State. The program seeks individuals interested in helping to shape a freer, more secure and prosperous world through formulating, representing, and implementing U. The Program encourages the application of members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service and those with financial need.

Candidates compete for month fellowship appointments during which they may complete three six-month rotations in different city agencies, including: the Office of the Chief of Staff, Department of Human Resources, Department of Planning, Department of Transportation, Department of Forensic Sciences, Department of General Services, the Department of Energy and Environment, among many others.

Visit their website for more information. Current Research Workshops. Current Research Workshops bring a late-stage graduate student, postdoc, or junior faculty member before an online panel of two distinguished scholars for a two-hour long video-based workshop based on paper feedback the commentators provide in advance.

Research Colloquia. Continuing the IHS legacy of fostering young intellectual thinking in classical liberal academics, IHS Research Colloquia allow graduate students to present their research in a conference-style setting to top scholars in their field. The colloquia present a unique opportunity to receive constructive feedback on your papers with an emphasis toward publication readiness.

IHS Summer Seminars. IHS Summer Seminars will engage your mind and inspire you like no other college experience. Sessions will cover history, economics, philosophy and other disciplines from a libertarian perspective, offering new insights and inspiration for tackling the many issues facing our society.

Advanced Topics in Liberty. The Advanced Topics in Liberty program is an invitation-only, discussion-based weekend conference series. These conferences feature in-depth, Socratic-style discussion about the ideas, questions, and challenges raised by a set of readings with a discussion leader and fifteen participants from various backgrounds.

Policy Research Seminars. A mixture of advanced graduate students, senior faculty members, and policy experts, engaging in scholarly discussions to facilitate scholarly connections and generate new ideas for research.

Political science is the study of governments, public policies and political processes, systems, and political behavior. Political science subfields include political theory, political ideology, political economy, policy studies and analysis, comparative politics, international relations, and a host of related fields.

Political scientists use both humanistic and scientific perspectives and tools and a variety of methodological approaches to examine the process, systems, and political dynamics of all countries and regions of the world. Are you interested in American politics? International affairs? Critical issues such as health, the environment, civil rights?

Theories concerning the ideal government and how power and resources are allocated in society? Do you want to study these subjects and pursue a career based on your interest? If so, you should consider studying political science. Political science students can gain a versatile set of skills that can be applied in a wide range of exciting careers in federal, state and local governments; law; business; international organizations; nonprofit associations and organizations; campaign management and polling; journalism; precollegiate education; electoral politics; research and university and college teaching.

The links below provides resources and opportunities available to political science students. The Centennial Center, its facilities, and research support programs continue to be made possible in part through the generous donations of APSA members.

For more information about the fund and how to apply, please click here. The Centennial Center for Political Science and Public Affairs assists APSA members with the costs of research, including travel, interviews, access to archives, or costs for a research assistant. Funds can also be used to assist scholars in publishing their research. Your membership with APSA must be active in order to be eligible for a grant.

You do not need to be a member of our visiting scholar program in order to be eligible for a grant. Senior or junior faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, and advanced graduate students are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about the Centennial Center research grant program here.

Beryl Radin Pracademic Fellowship Program: This program provides APSA member academics in the fields of public policy and public administration with practical, hands-on experience off campus that recipients can take back to institutions and classrooms to help build bridges between the worlds of academe and applied politics. Read more about the Pracademic Program here.

Kenneth Sherrill Prize: The Prize recognizes the best doctoral dissertation proposal for an empirical study of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT issues in political science. The purpose of the Prize is to encourage and enable empirical work on LGBT topics by graduate students, and broaden the recognition of this work within political science. Read more about the prize here. William A.

Steiger Fund for Legislative Studies to spend up to two months at the Centennial Center, carrying out a research project on legislative studies, in advance of the main fellowship year. APSA members interested in the Steiger Fellowship as part of their Congressional Fellowship experience must express their interest while applying for the Congressional Fellowship Program.

The Centennial Center for Political Science and Public Affairs assists scholars from the United States and abroad whose research and teaching would benefit from a stay in Washington, D. The Center can host scholars for short periods to extended periods of time, ranging from weeks to months. Learn more about the Visiting Scholar Program here. Since , it has brought select political scientists, journalists, federal employees, health policy specialists, and international scholars to Capitol Hill to experience Congress at work.

The program lasts nine months, beginning in November and ending in mid-August. Fellows spend the month of November in an intensive orientation where they participate in daily seminars with policy specialists, congressional staffers, scholars, and journalists. After orientation Fellows work on a congressional staff of their choosing. Through this unique opportunity, the American Political Science Association enhances public understanding of policy-making and improves the quality of scholarship, teaching and reporting on American national politics.

The Congressional Fellowship is endowed by MCI and receives support from our sponsor organizations and friends and alumni of the program. Donate today to the Congressional Fellowship Annual Fund!

Achieving diversity and inclusion in political science is a priority for the American Political Science Association. Recognizing the many differences, among them — demographic, substantive, intellectual, pedagogical, methodological, and institutional — and leveraging this variation is critical not only to the success of individual political scientists but to the strength and longevity of the disciplinary enterprise.

The individual and collective creativity and innovation required for disciplinary responses to an ever-changing world depend on our ability to harness the variety of unique contributions and differences in our research, teaching, and service.

The role of APSA is to facilitate this endeavor. Apply for the Fund for Latino Scholarship. Ralph J. Bunche, for thirty years the RBSI program has been educating and training students to pursue academic careers in political science by enhancing writing, research, and analytical and statistical skills used in political science; exposing participants to the significant questions in the discipline and profession of political science.

To date there are over alumni, over of which have earned PhDs. Fellows will be announced in June Minority Fellowship Program MFP Minority Fellows Program is a fellowship provides support for individuals from under-represented backgrounds applying to and currently enrolled in doctoral programs in political science. This is the 30th year of RBSI excellence!

Minority Student Recruitment Program MSRP Minority Student Recruitment Program MSRP is a collaboration between undergraduate and graduate programs in political science that connects undergraduate students from under-represented backgrounds who are interested in, or show potential for, graduate study with graduate programs interested in recruiting diverse cohorts of doctoral students.

APSA Mentoring Program The Mentoring Program connects undergraduate, graduate students, and junior faculty to experienced and senior members of the profession for professional development mentoring. The David N. Kershaw Award and Prize is offered every other year if a suitable recipient is identified.

Funding for the award comes from a memorial endowment established following the death of David N. Kershaw and managed by independent trustees. The award was established to honor persons who, at under the age of 40, have made a distinguished contribution to the field of public policy analysis and management. David Kershaw was the first president of Mathematica Policy Research; he died of cancer at the age of This prize is among the largest awards made to recognize contributions related to public policy and social science.

A nominee must be under the age of 40 at the time the nomination is made but not necessarily at the time the award is bestowed. A person may be nominated again if not selected for the current award. Any body of work will be considered, although the selection committee may, from time to time, decide to establish time limits for what may be considered. The selection committee may decide not to make an award in any particular year.

Joint awards for a single contribution will be considered where the contribution can be clearly identified and attributed. Nominations may be made by any individual or organization. Individuals may nominate their own work. The Exemplar Award recognizes the work of an individual who has made major contributions to public policy by valuing the knowledge resident in academia and using research and analysis to craft innovative solutions to policy problems.

This award serves to recognize extraordinary skills in policymaking and serve as a counterpart to those awards recognizing outstanding research.

Nominees for this award should be those who successfully link knowledge and discovery to practical applications that can be implemented successfully for the public good. Nominations must be accompanied by a written description of the significant contributions by the nominee over time and should involve high-level, complex issues.

APPAM seeks to recognize excellence in research by annually selecting a research paper published in the current volume of the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management to receive the Vernon Memorial Prize. A separate grant covering travel costs to the Fall Research Conference also will be provided to one author.

Any research article accepted for publication in the current volume of the journal is eligible for the award. The committee reviews all research articles that are scheduled for publication in the current volume of the journal.

There is no external funding for this award and the recipients do not receive cash prizes. Up to three poster presentations will be recognized each year through this award. The presenters of the winning poster sessions each will receive a custom prize ribbon created specifically for the award. All poster sessions presented at the Fall Research Conference will be eligible for the award provided that they are presented in person during one of the three poster sessions.

A selection committee of three people will be appointed by APPAM to review the posters on display at the conference, attend the poster presentations, and, at the conclusion of the presentations, select up to three posters to receive the award, one per poster session.

Funding for the award comes from an endowment managed by the University System of Maryland Foundation, Inc. This endowment welcomes additional donations. The Rossi award honors the lifetime achievements of Peter Rossi — by recognizing important contributions to the theory or practice of program evaluation. The award may be for a recent paper, publication, or for an entire body of work.

Any recent paper, publication or entire body of work will be considered however, the selection committee may, from time to time, decide to establish time limits for what may be considered.

When appropriate, joint awards will be made for co-authored works or joint products. The paper, publication, or body of work may involve any aspect of planning, conducting, or analyzing evaluations of social programs and may be directed to lay or professional audiences. The work should reflect the importance of precision and objectivity in setting the evaluation framework, design, execution, and reporting, as well as the value of evidence-based presentation or translation for varied audiences.

Illustrative examples include works on the state of evaluation or knowledge in a particular substantive field, new approaches to program evaluation, and program evaluation and its role in the political decision-making process.

The selection committee is chaired by Douglas J. Nominations should be e-mailed to Professor Besharov, Besharov umd. While at the conference, the fellowship recipients will have the opportunity to formally network with each other and with members of the Policy Council and Diversity Committee at a Fellowship Breakfast, recognizing them, their accomplishments and bright futures. They will also have many opportunities to informally network with other students and professionals during the conference.

The goal of this fellowship program is to introduce recipients to the world of public policy and APPAM, and foster a lifelong affiliation and engagement with both. The full application can be found here. If you cannot paste any of the items into the provided boxes, please email the items to Tara Sheehan, tsheehan appam. Funding for the award comes from the Spencer Foundation, created by Lyle M. The Spencer Foundation Lecture recognizes noteworthy contributions through research and analysis in the field of education policy and management.

The recipient is expected to produce a written version of the lecture within a reasonable time after the public presentation. The selection committee for the lecture consists of three people appointed by APPAM and two persons appointed by the Spencer Foundation.

Are you looking for an exciting and challenging internship experience? Applications for winter, spring, and fall employment should be sent months before the desired start date. Eligibility is generally limited to graduating law students and recent law school graduates who entered judicial clerkships, graduate law programs, or qualifying legal fellowships within 9 months of law school graduation and who meet additional eligibility requirements.

Every year, various components and U. The number of entry-level attorney positions varies from year to year. Review the list of the components participating this year.

Every year the Department hires a significant number of entry-level attorneys through the Honors Program. Selectees represent diverse backgrounds and interests, and come from law schools throughout the country. The Honors Program is centrally managed by the Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management, but each participating component reviews the applications submitted and makes independent hiring decisions.

We highly recommend that applicants read the application tips and checklist and assemble requested information before starting the online application [external link].

If you need an accommodation in order to complete the application, please contact Deana Willis at for assistance. If you are selected for an interview for the Honors Program, see Honors Program Interviews for information about selection, the notification process, interview and travel schedules, and reimbursement.

EEOC hires in many locations around the country for investigators, mediators, attorneys and administrative and clerical positions. Gov for a list of current vacancies. The Fund is awarded on a rolling basis and can be used to cover travel, conference fees, and other career-related expenses. Eligible activities include, but are not limited to:.

Please note, Hayek Fund awards cannot be used solely for conference attendance. Funding will only be considered for individuals presenting a paper or interviewing for a job at a conference. The Hayek Fund is an exclusive award for graduate students and junior faculty who are alumni of IHS programs and events.

The City of Long Beach Management Assistant Program offers an intense and fulfilling one-year apprenticeship filled with challenge, excitement, and tremendous opportunities for career and personal growth — not to mention a host of work-life benefits that are hard to match.

Excellent and meaningful opportunities to explore different career options await you, whether you are looking for a stepping stone to launch your professional life, growing a long-term career, or changing career paths. A unique and rewarding opportunity to work in local government exists where you can gain the knowledge and skills to be effective local government practitioners and make a difference in a community. An opportunity to be a highly valued integral player on the City team makes the City of Long Beach the employer of choice.

Established in , the City of Long Beach Management Assistant Program is the longest-running nationally ranked municipal management development program in California. The Management Assistant Program is designed to attract, develop and retain innovative local government practitioners.

The program consists of four, three-month department rotations. The other two rotations will be in areas where the City Manager has identified critical projects that the Management Assistant can help support, while meeting the interests of the program participants.

These assignments are designed to give the Management Assistant a broad, positive experience in municipal government while providing resources to areas the City Manager has determined to be high priority.

Dedicated rotation programs with the Harbor Department, Community Development, or Water Department may also be available.

On a daily basis Management Assistants are asked to perform a variety of tasks. These may include attending meetings with staff at multiple levels of the organization, analyzing current City policies and procedures, writing memos to managers and supervisors, preparing council correspondence, researching best practices and other background material, coordinating meetings, preparing presentations, working with consultants, preparing Request for Proposals RFP , attending community meetings, or conducting site visits.

Management Assistants also attend City Council, management policy, project-specific and department specific meetings. They may also attend in-house, local and regional professional conferences during the year, as well as receive mentoring from a Department Director who helps provide professional guidance and advice. Management Assistants are considered key members of the City management team and are given assignments in critical areas that develop report writing, research, presentation and analytical skills to prepare them for a successful career in city management.

The City is currently undergoing considerable transformation, as it strives to resolve financial challenges while fostering an environment of governmental transparency and optimization. Participants in the program have played an important role in this process. Each department rotation is unique and host departments involve Management Assistants in a range of projects and processes, from budget development and analysis to optimization projects and City-wide strategic initiatives.

Description : This program has been developed as a partnership between TWC and the Department of Commerce Description: This program consists of 3 main components: and internship, academic courses and a leadership forum. Interns become involved in projects and diverse settings located all over Washington, D. International internship opportunities are also available. Eligibility : Postgraduate Professional Development Program applicants must have received their most recent college degree within 18 months of the start of the program or be currently enrolled in graduate school.

They do not receive academic credit and do not need liaison or sponsor approval. Financial assistance is available. Email : info twc. The Young Leaders Program promotes the mission of The Heritage Foundation to the next generation by developing and implementing outreach to younger audiences.

Through our Student Virtual Think Tank, young conservatives can interact with Heritage policy experts on their campuses. For those visiting Washington, the Young Leaders Program will host a briefing about Heritage and policy issues. Contact YoungLeadersProgram heritage. As a current student or a graduate of the Robertson School of Government, you have access to an expanding professional network, targeted job opportunities and information on key events offered throughout the country.

These services provide valuable resources, tools and opportunities necessary for continued personal and professional development. RSG Career Services will assist you with practical advice and insight, information on how to initiate an internship, job links and much more. RSG students can access additional career information located on the Alumni Association site.

Registration is simple. In my interviews, I always answer questions from my Christian, conservative worldview. I have found that most people appreciate such candidness. He considered law school, but that did not work out either. He says the failure of those plans were part of a bigger plan that led him on the path to Regent.

While at RSG, Sgt. One study that he completed focused on assaults on officers. The research discovered that aggravated and simple assaults on law enforcement officers in West Virginia have been steadily increasing in recent years.

Baylous also speaks very highly of his relationship with RSG faculty member, Dr. Gary Roberts. Working closely with Roberts on a research project, a strong relationship ensued. Professor Roberts and I have continued that friendship beyond the classroom.

In doing so, we allow our light to shine in an otherwise dark world. Little did she know it would be to attend the Robertson School of Government, and it would put her on a path to inspire generations of other young leaders.

As an online student, she relied on email and phone calls to build relationships with her professors—and was impressed by how available they were.

Even before she graduated in May , she was ready to apply all she was learning. She felt God calling her to build up the next generation of leaders. The enVision Conference, launched in , helps young adults find their God-given purpose and empowers them to accomplish it. The annual conference brings together students, young professionals and dynamic speakers for workshops and networking.

Her goal is to equip attendees to become servant leaders and leave a lasting legacy in their communities. As she began to develop the organization, Hannah turned to her Regent professors for guidance. It is a really unique and very special way they approach education.

As a first responder, she dealt with accidents and other life-threatening situations. Looking back, she says being an EMT taught her that small acts of kindness, a simple smile, and being courteous makes all the difference in the world when serving people.

They emphasize that we can make moral arguments in the public sphere. SAA is a volunteer organization that works to foster strategic, yet effective communication within an established support network between the students, alumni and the public. This has allowed her to demonstrate Regent University hospitality to many guests while attending world-class events.

Geoghean is inspired by the public service example of her favorite political figure, George Washington. Prior to his current position, Ganbaatar worked as a political analyst with the same company. Ganbaatar says his most challenging class was Congressional Leadership. Dunn required hard work, and had very high expectations of his students. However, I enjoyed every minute of his class.

Ganbaatar was also able to secure an internship with an U. Congressman in Washington D. Since there is a presidential election in Mongolia this year, Ganbaatar will be busy monitoring the election and engaging with multiple stakeholders. Earning his M. Raised in rural upstate New York, Gill longs to return to his roots to make a difference. Homeschooled along with his three brothers, Gill says his early education fueled his love of great books, history and politics.

Motivated to make a difference by the economic downturn of and its devastating effect on a family business, Gill worked for his local U.

His work helping people in small business eventually led him to Regent. Rejecting an offer to work in D. Upon his arrival at Regent, Gill began working as a graduate assistant for Dr. Jeffry Morrison, an expert in American political thought. Working with him has taught me first-hand how to honor God with my mind.

Gill says Morrison has been instrumental in his decision to pursue a Ph. Learning from scholars like Dr. She completed her M. Accepted into the competitive Capital Fellows program, Jackson was awarded a year-long fellowship to engage in policy-making and public service in the California state government.

My time in the Senate provided me insight into the inner-working of the political world that few experience. A first generation college graduate, Jackson graduated suma cum laude from William Jessup University with a degree in Public Policy and Theology. Jackson began her education with Regent as an online student while working full-time for a California senator. As a full-time student in the School of Government, she learned to juggle the workload of a demanding career and graduate school.

Not many programs can beat that. Concerned about the online learning experience, Jackson says her questions were answered by the excellent quality of the Regent online programs, which are ranked among the best nationally by U. News and World Report magazine. That she was she was looking for. Jackson is thinking ahead — her aspirations include starting a think-tank that equips Millennials to develop real world solutions to challenges facing America.

I also have a strong passion to inspire others and help them discover their destiny. The PhD Project, an award-winning program designed to create diversity in corporate management, invited Regent University Robertson School of Government student now alumna Theresa Judge to participate in their annual conference.

The conference exposed Judge and the other candidates to more than doctoral-level programs across the country. The PhD Project was created in to address the severe under-representation of African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and Native Americans in management by diversifying business school faculty.

Judge joined other qualified candidates at the two and a half-day conference where they heard from deans, professors and current minority doctoral students about the benefits of pursuing a business Ph. I also had the opportunity to interact with scholars and professors during small workshops focused on my desired area of study, organizational behavior. Throughout the conference, we were given advice from admissions counselors, participated in a GMAT seminar, and attended a college fair where we met representatives from AACSB accredited business schools from across the country.

Attending the conference strengthened her commitment to pursue a Ph. Here lies a mortgage broker? I was confronted either by no reason or by a faith that accelerated to absolutely nothing. The intellectual pursuit for truth I found at Regent was very appealing to me. He also enjoyed lively debates among peers and faculty. Those were the debates happening in the mainstream market place. He assumed this would be through nongovernmental organizations, but since graduating, he has had opportunities to bring about change through a variety of roles.

He served as a director of Log School, an alternative school in Dorchester, Mass. His students began the station to provide young women with an alternative to music from a hip-hop culture that they felt degraded women. Next, he served for six years as the cabinet chief of human services for the city of Boston. In this role, he was engaged in fostering community development and creating anti-violence initiatives.

In the process, he had the opportunity to partner with a variety of nonprofit organizations. Two years ago one of those organizations, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Boston, invited him to join their staff as Vice President of Programs. To him, each program he oversees is an important opportunity to live out his calling and make a difference.

Now he is doing that every day. Shortly after we had a revival service, six of them accepted Jesus and we baptized them in a swimming pool in Bahrain. I realized I could make a difference for Christ while serving my country.

On a separate deployment, we distributed food and shared Christ with sailors. We spent time with the pastor and members of the church. When we left, we had lunch in a park area.

One of the sailors saw a homeless guy digging in the trash. The sailor took his plate of food and gave it to the homeless man.

We spoke with him, encouraged him and shared Jesus as best we could through the language barrier. The experience touched each of our lives and at every port we visited, we tried to share the love of Christ with someone.

Chad McQueen is originally from Pocahontas, Tenn. In July, he was able to retire after 15 years of service and became a joint degree student in the schools of government and divinity. His B. McQueen emphasizes that God can open doors to witness to political leaders around the world. Seeing their faith and love for Jesus continues to encourage me every day as a leader. The historical figure that has influenced Chad the most is George Washington. In more than seven years of war he only spent one day at home.

His level of commitment set the example for every American generation and for every nation seeking freedom. While at RSG, I hope to learn more from studying our greatest historical and political leaders.

Miguel Moreno, from Bolivia, already had extensive experience as a leader when he decided to attend Regent University. At a young age, Miguel became active in the government of his country and worked in large corporations. He also served as a Navy officer. Instead, his brother suggested he attend Regent. A highlight of his time at Regent, he says, is the relationships he formed with the faculty. After many years, I still keep in touch, visit and collaborate on projects with them.

After graduation, Miguel returned to Bolivia where he took on new leadership positions. In this role, he coordinated training sessions for leaders both in Latin America and the United States. When his daughter chose to attend college in the United States, Miguel decided to move also. Now he travels the world training government leaders, business owners, leaders of nonprofit organizations and presidential candidates.

His training sessions focus on a variety of topics that include implementing technologies and good business practices, fundraising, gaining media coverage, using technology in political campaigns and developing excellent communication skills. For all of it, he draws on principles he learned at Regent. Each experience provided excellent advice from my supervisors. From her Regent internship with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research she went on to a full-time job.

I came to Iraq to teach first and second year university students. These last five months in Iraq have been both a challenge and rewarding experience. Working in a foreign country especially in the Middle East is not an easy task. However, seeds of hope for their nation are evident when they speak. The students have shared stories of family survival during the cruel years of Saddam Hussein. For many restoring Iraq into a nation of religious freedom and ethnic diversity is primary goal.

My work, although challenging, is not in vain. After praying and researching schools in the international politics field, I came across Regent University. After prayer and receiving valuable feedback, I chose Regent. She was not disappointed. I felt welcomed and at home. RSG was different in every way — from the way professors opened up class in prayer to the way they interacted with the students. But, when you ask, be prepared for her to do more than just tell you; she just might break into song.

Are you looking for an employee with strong academic preparation as well as integrity, honesty and a principled work ethic? Our office of Career Services would be pleased to present you with a select list of qualified candidates to fill your government-related employment or internship needs.

Graduates of the Robertson School of Government earn their graduate degrees by mastering the foundations, theory and current trends of their respective discipline and demonstrate the character essential to effective leadership. Many actively participate in internships throughout the United States, including significant opportunities in municipal, state, federal government and nonprofit organizations.

Career Opportunities. American Action Forum. American Israel Public Affairs Committee. For more information about and to apply for our Fall Semester Internship.

Borgne Project. Official Website Borgne project is a non-profit organization that mobilizes leaders to pass laws pertaining to the international affairs budget. Boston — City Internships. Capital Research Center. Cato Institute Internship. Eligibility : Must be enrolled in college or graduate school and be passionate about health and nutrition issues, disclosing deceptive marketing practices, dangerous food additives or contaminants, and flawed science propagated by profits.

Length : 10 weeks Payment : Unpaid Application : Applications are considered on a rolling basis until all positions have been filled. A resume. Experience with advocacy groups is advantageous.

Writing sample, if required by the specific project one to three page document that demonstrates your ability to write in a clear and concise manner.

Email to: hr cspinet. Suite Washington, D. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Charles Koch Internship Program. City of Norfolk — Executive Internship Program. Official Website The Executive Internship Program is open to college or graduate students enrolled in accredited institutions. The Christian Post. Concerned Women for America — Internships. Department of Defense Procurement Internship.

Department of Education Intern Program. How to Apply : Students must submit three documents before being considered for an interview: A cover letter, including what particular offices interest you, keeping in mind that due to the volume of applications received, you may not be assigned to your first-choice office upon acceptance.

An up-to-date resume. Applicants should send all three aspects of the application in one email to StudentInterns ed. If you are also interested in internships outside of OGC, you will need to submit a separate application following the instructions listed above.

All interns, including those selected by OGC will be included in the internship programming. Timeline : Please note that the dates below are approximate. Attend an accredited educational institution, including but not limited to; high school, trade school, technical or vocational institute, junior college, college, university, or graduate school.

Be enrolled not less than half time in a course of study related to the work to be performed. Agencies may hire Interns on a temporary basis for up to one year for an initial period, or for an indefinite period, to complete the educational requirement.

Interns may work either part- or full-time. Each agency must sign a Participant Agreement with the Intern that sets forth the expectations for the internship. When the final Pathways rule takes effect this July, agencies will have to provide OPM with information regarding their internship opportunities and post information publicly about how to apply for specific positions.

Veterans unable to apply within two years of receiving their degree, due to military service obligation, have as much as six years after degree completion to apply. Each agency must sign a Participant Agreement with the Recent Graduate that sets forth the expectations for the Program.

When the final Pathways rule takes effect this July, agencies will have to provide OPM with information regarding their opportunities and post information publicly about how to apply for specific positions. Department of Justice — Volunteer Legal Internships. Department of State Student Internship Program. You can start your search on the USAJobs. You can also view and narrow your search results using the search criteria on the left side of the page.

Note that positions are typically open for weeks only, so act fast! Locations are all over the nation; check specific listings for location s. Many positions require at least hours of work about 16 weeks ; check specific listings before you apply to ensure that you can meet all requirements. Review more information about how to apply for EPA jobs. If you are interested in an unpaid internship, contact: your college guidance or career planning office, since they may have a partnership with a specific EPA office to provide interns, and EPA offices in which you are particularly interested in working.

Fulbright Student Program. Internship applications should be directed to: Internship Coordinator GlobalSecurity. Global Ties. Official Website Global Ties U. Previous interns describe the following experiences and skills as valuable in preparing for their CBO internships: course work in economics, public finance, public budgeting, microeconomics, econometrics, and public health projects involving SAS or other statistical programs and large data sets independent research strong writing skills interest in understanding the federal budget process other policy internships and participation in student government.

Heritage Foundation Young Leaders Program. Official Website The White House Internship Program provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable professional experience and build leadership skills.

Institute for Policy Studies Internship. Official Website Our ideal applicants will be interested in exploring lasting careers in social justice, will be conversational and persuasive writers, and have a deep belief in intersectional, equitable solutions. Leadership Institute.

Complete a new jobseeker profile on ConservativeJobs. Examples of potential tasks include: Program planning Research and analysis Data compilation and entry Constituent services Field work Grant writing Correspondence. Miami-Dade County Executive Internship. Official Website Eileen P.

The Sweeney Graduate Intern will have the opportunity to: Work with leading disability policy experts; Gain valuable work experience; and Make professional contacts and attend relevant seminars, and symposia. To what extent have you studied social insurance programs? What special skills or qualifications will you bring to your placement?

On what types of assignments do you perform best? How will this experience relate to your future career plans? National Capital Planning Commission Internship. The available positions are: Policy Intern. Updates the Congressional database. Organizing Intern. Assists with grassroots organizing efforts for the United for Homes campaign and other legislative efforts. Research Intern. Assists in ongoing quantitative and qualitative research projects, writes weekly articles on current research for Memo to Members , attends briefings, and responds to research inquiries.

Prepares and distributes press materials, assists with media research and outreach for publication releases, and works on social media projects.

Maintains the media database and tracks press hits. Graphic Design Intern. Assists with sending out e-communications using MailChimp; updating collateral print material such as brochures, flyers, factsheets and a variety of other projects using the Adobe Creative Suite.

Official Website Description : City government internships allow students to make important contributions to the City while participating in a challenging and rewarding work experience.

To complement the work experience, all summer graduate and undergraduate interns participate in a special seminar series that features top City officials presenting overviews of municipal government, specific agencies, and the latest issues confronting the City.

Eligibility : To participate in the summer internship opportunities in City agencies graduate students must be currently enrolled or accepted into a graduate program and undergraduate students must be enrolled in college or university.

Application Process : Please refer to the Eligibility, Application Process, and Summer Housing link above on how to apply directly to the participating agencies. Deadline : Mid — March to mid-April of each year. Official Website The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education ORISE provides recent graduates with challenging research opportunities that will prepare them for a career in the scientific workforce and give them laboratory knowledge they can use in pursuit of advanced degrees.

Office of Personnel Management Internships. Official Website The Pathways Programs offer clear paths to Federal internships for students from high school through post-graduate school and to careers for recent graduates, and provide meaningful training and career development opportunities for individuals who are at the beginning of their Federal service. As a student or recent graduate, you can begin your career in the Federal government by choosing the path that best describes you and where you are in your academics: Internship Program: This program is for current students enrolled in a wide variety of educational institutions from high school to graduate level, with paid opportunities to work in agencies and explore Federal careers while still in school.

Additional information about the Internship Program. Recent Graduates Program: This program is for individuals who have recently graduated from qualifying educational institutions or programs and seek a dynamic, career development program with training and mentorship.

To be eligible, applicants must apply within two years of degree or certificate completion except for veterans precluded from doing so due to their military service obligation, who will have up to six years to apply.

Additional information about the Recent Graduates Program. This program is now for individuals who have received a qualifying advanced degree within the preceding two years.

For complete program information, visit: www. Peter G. Eligibility Rising juniors, seniors and graduate students are eligible to apply. Phoenix City Management Intern Program. During this exciting, and fast-paced year, you will: Work on a variety of assignments and projects that affect our community of 1. Participate in the process of setting city policy by staffing City Council meetings. Use research and writing skills by studying an issue, recommending solutions and drafting a management report.

Work directly with residents and city staff on service delivery to the public. The city usually selects two to three individuals a year.

They will work together as a class and on individual assignments throughout the program year. Application packets will be evaluated on all completed materials submitted.

This will include successful presentation of requested information and job-related factors such as writing skills and commitment to public service or local government. The results of the initial screening process will be sent to your primary email address.

In March, semifinalists will be invited to an interview. Selections are anticipated to be made in April. Presidential Management Fellows Program. An individual may apply for the PMF Program more than once as long as he or she meets the eligibility criteria. However, if an individual becomes a Finalist and subsequently applies for the PMF Program during the next open announcement, the individual will forfeit his or her status as a Finalist.

Applicants go through a rigorous assessment process to determine Finalists. PM publishes and provides agencies with the list of Finalists. In addition, a job fair is typically held for Finalists each year. Finalists who obtain an appointment as a PMF serve in a two-year excepted service position. Citizenship is required. Enrolled in at least half-time academic or vocational and technical course load in an accredited educational institution.

Be able to provide a letter of verification from your educational institution showing proof of current enrollment in school. Requires formal agreement by student, the school, and HUD. Work experience must relate to academic study. Reason Magazine — Summer Paid Internship. Official Website The Burton C. Summer Internships begin in June, application deadline March 1 Fall Internships begin in September, application deadline July 1 Spring Internships begin in January, application deadline November 1 Internship dates are flexible.

Official Website A listing of federal careers and internships are available for students and recent graduates. The Washington Institute Internship. Official Website A wide variety of internships are available in government offices, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit companies.

White House Internship Program. World Vision Internships. Official Website The oldest and most prestigious congressional fellowship devoted to its original objective of expanding knowledge and awareness of Congress.

California — City Hall Fellow. Official Website Have you ever wondered what really goes on inside City Hall? Charles G. Koch Summer Fellows Program. Attend press conferences, City Council hearings, senior staff meetings, and strategic planning sessions.

Meet some of our visiting scholars or continue reading here for more details about the program. Candidates will provide direct assistance to top policymakers throughout DHS and will work side-by-side with experts in policy-focused areas and offices. Candidates will have an academic background that prepares graduates with strategic organizational management processes used to protect critical assets from hazards, man-made and natural disasters and facilitate recovery operations.

Application : Refer to website for additional information. Positions : Several. Eligibility : Check agency website for details Length : Check agency website for details Payment : Check agency website for details Application : There are three steps in applying to be a Florida Gubernatorial Fellow.

Request your university or college to send your official transcript to this address: Gubernatorial Fellows Program Executive Office of the Governor Collect three letters of recommendation. Complete the online application, which will be available each October. Hebert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship. Official Website The Institute for Justice, the national law firm for liberty, is seeking paid interns for its Maffucci Fellowship program. Intercollegiate Studies Institute Graduate Fellowships.

Official Website Each year the Collegiate Network offers paid summer internships and postgraduate, year-long fellowships at prominent media outlets to promising student journalists. Fellows develop real-world management skills while participating in meaningful and important local government projects; Fellows receive direct mentorship from senior local government managers. Fellowships are available in a variety of local governments across the nation. How do I apply? Do you consider yourself to be ambitious, resilient, or optimistic?

Are you interested in learning about developing public policy or addressing issues through governmental initiatives? Does it sound like fun to argue legal issues or lead a civic improvement project? Could you see yourself working for a city, state, or federal agency or non-profit organization? Careers in this community focus on public affairs, politics, and serving the community. Professional Organizations.

Reach your goals through networking and the professional development opportunities your association provides. Plus, professional associations often offer discounted memberships to students! Watch More. Employment Attorney. Environmental Program Manager. Nonprofit Director. While working in CDC programs to enhance the informatics workforce, fellows help state and local health departments and international public health agencies solve complex public health informatics challenges.

The Public Health Informatics Fellowship Program PHIFP provides applied public health informatics training to fellows to apply computer science and information technology to public health problems. PHIFP is a 2-year, competency-based training program in public health informatics.

Fellows are placed in assignments in centers and offices across CDC where they gain experiential training to enhance the public health informatics workforce.

The following list includes routine opportunities for PHIFP fellows:Work with teams involved in research and development of public health information systems. Conduct informatics evaluations on complex public health information systems. Provide technical assistance to state and local health departments and international public health agencies through short-term assignments, or Info-Aids.

Makes recommendations related to parole plans and eligibility. Job Responsibilities may include but are not limited to the following: Responsible for performing all duties through a team approach to risk management the addresses criminogenic risks and needs. The work requires ongoing proactive communication and interaction with inmatesAssists offenders assigned to case load with adjustment to incarceration, program completion, rule compliance, release planning and reintegration into the communityUtilizes and demonstrates risk reduction skills including motivational interviewing and cognitive strategiesAttends Kansas Parole Board hearing for assigned inmatesAssists uniformed security staff in times of emergency.

This individual serves as an advocate providing referral and follow-up services to clients who need such assistance. Responsible for all local public relations and outreach to ensure veterans are adequately informed and maintains relationships with all county veteran service organizations and other partners that support the Veterans Service Office.

Applicants must be a Wisconsin resident who served on active duty and is an honorably discharged veteran as set forth in Chapter A completed Taylor County application and resume are required to be considered for this position. An electronic and printable application is available at www.

Applications and resumes will be accepted until Friday, September 30, , until p. This is a great opportunity to participate in a virtual practice interview with an employer and receive valuable feedback on your interviewing skills! Limited space available – be sure to sign-up at least days prior to the Mock Interview.

To sign up, follow these steps: 1. From your Handshake account, click on “Jobs” at the top and enter “Mock” into the keyword search area.