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Online Tutoring Microsoft access 2016 graded project free download Your project must be submitted as an Excel workbook. Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to five to seven days to grade. Be sure that each of your files contains the following information:. To do this, follow these instructions based on. Windows: Select the files you want to compress, right-click and select Send to.
Log in to your student portal. Find the exam number for your project at the top of the Project Upload page. Follow the instructions provided to complete your exam. Grand Total values have been calculated using a SUM function microsoft access 2016 graded project free download did not include all cell references. Supply data rows 5 through 14 has been sorted in reverse alphabetical order or by something other than supply name.
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Computer Applications : Microsoft Excel Graded Project Lesson 4 Overview In this lesson, you’ll create a spreadsheet that tracks the cost of elementary school supplies distributed to teachers over a two-month period in order to illustrate correct usage of Microsoft Excel Be sure that each of your files contains the following information: Your name Your student ID number The exam number Your email address Note: If you have ….
Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school! Introduction This project requires you to develop a spreadsheet that tracks the cost of elementary school supplies distributed to teachers over a two- month period. For this project, you must prepare an Excel spreadsheet and chart that will be sent to the school District Manager. Instructions Create a Spreadsheet 1. Start Excel and create a new workbook. Enter data as shown in Figure below, sizing columns as necessary, and then save your продолжить, naming it School Supplies.
Page 2Copyright Penn Foster, Inc. Merge and center cells A1 through H1. Format the school name as Title style. Merge and center cells A2 through H2. Format the label as Heading 1 style. Bold the labels in row 4 and right align the labels above numeric values.
Your spreadsheet should look like Figure below. An image of the Microsoft access 2016 graded project free download Нажмите чтобы прочитать больше excel workbook with formatted data. Page 3Copyright Penn Foster, Inc. In column D, enter appropriate formulas to calculate the September costs for each school supply. Your formulas must use cell references.
Format the calculated values приведу ссылку Currency with 2 decimal places. In cell D16, enter a formula that uses a function to calculate the total of the column. In column E, enter formulas that calculate the percentage of the grand total for each type of school supply total cost of each item divided by the grand total.
Your formulas must use appropriate absolute cell references. Format the calculated values as Percentage with 0 decimal places. Repeat the process you used in steps 7—11 to calculate values for October. Page 4Copyright Penn Foster, Inc. Sort the school supplies alphabetically. Be sure to select cells A5:H14 to sort the entire row of data.
Your spreadsheet should look similar to Figure below. An image of the School Supplies excel workbook with the data sorted in alphabetical order. Save the modified spreadsheet. Create a Chart 1.
Create a chart by first selecting the cell ranges for the chart. Drag from cell A4 to A14 to select the range and then press and hold the Ctrl key while you drag from cell D4 to D Continue to press and hold the Ctrl key while dragging from cell G4 to G Your selected cells should look like Figure below. An image of selected cell ranges in the School Supplies excel workbook. Page 5Copyright Penn Foster, Inc. Insert a 3-D Clustered Column chart.
Position the chart microsoft access 2016 graded project free download the upper-left corner in cell A18 and then size the chart until it extends to column H, as shown in Figure below. An image of a chart made free download snipping windows 10 64 the /36496.txt cell ranges in the School Supplies excel workbook.
Page 6Copyright Penn Foster, Inc. Put the following information into cell A Ton cattle download 3 feeder free name Your email address Your student number Course name and number Project number 6.
Save and close the workbook. Most of the correct data has been entered into the appropriate cells. Some of the correct data has been entered into the appropriate cells.
Minimal correct data has been entered anywhere. No attempt has been made to enter data into the spreadsheet. Size columns All columns are sized to appropriately display labels and values. Some columns are sized to appropriately display labels and values. Few columns are sized to appropriately display labels and values. Microsoft access 2016 graded project free download one column is sized to appropriately display labels and values.
No attempt has been made to change column widths. Apply an Excel style All cells are in the indicated style. All cells have a style applied, but they are in the wrong style. One cell has an applied style, in the indicated style. One cell has an applied style, but it is the wrong style. No attempt has been made to apply Excel styles. Merge and center cells Labels in rows 1 and 2 have been merged and centered above the appropriate cells.
The label in one row has been merged and centered. Labels in either row 1 or 2 have been merged without centering. Microsoft access 2016 graded project free download attempt has been made to center labels above the data. No attempt to merge cells or center labels has been made. Format labels The appropriate labels have been formatted as instructed.
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Microsoft access 2016 graded project free download –
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