- Celebrate Canada Day with Trempettes and Maple Syrup

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It may have happened at the rate of molasses, but maple syrup is now known and loved far beyond the pocket of the northeast. Food rations during WWII give cause for northeasterners to substitute their normal sweeteners for maple syrup and maple sugar. A multitude of technological advances in this decade increases the efficiency of the maple syrup production process. First feared as an instance of chemical warfare, the mysterious appearance of the smell of maple syrup in the streets of New York City is found to originate from a nearby food processing factory in New Jersey.

While you might use maple syrup throughout the year in and over your foods, make it a tradition to mix it up by mixing it into teas, coffees, or even mugs of hot chocolate!

You can even try out different grades with different drinks to mix it up year-to-year. While not everyone may have the privilege to do this, it is serendipitous than National Maple Syrup Day falls very close to the Christmas holidays. Approximately 40 gallons of maple sap are required to produce just one gallon of maple syrup! In , 6 millions pounds of maple syrup was stolen from the syrup stockpile held by the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers.

While authorities managed to track down dozens of people responsible for the theft, about one-third of their take is still to be recovered. Canada is the largest producer of maple syrup! Within the country, the province of Quebec is responsible for the majority of syrup output.

Pure maple syrup is produced by first extracting the somewhat sweet sap of the sugar maple tree and then concentrating the sap through a process of heating and evaporation. It depends on your flavor preference! There are four categorizations of Grade A maple syrup, and they range between golden, amber, dark, and very dark colorings with distinct flavors to match. Pure, natural maple syrup is a thinner substance; thicker syrups that some are familiar with are denser due to the use of corn syrup in the mixture with additional maple flavoring.

You can find plenty of maple syrup tapping and processing kits online! Get out there, find a tree, and collect that liquid gold! For those of you lucky enough to live in a state that produces maple syrup from native trees, get out and support your local maple syrup producers by buying a nice big jug of their finest batch!

Sure, you've tried it on your pancakes, waffles, and french toast — but have you ever let maple syrup make its way to your bacon? Don't just limit yourself to breakfast, though. Maple syrup makes an awesome glaze for all sorts of root vegetables, bringing out flavors you might have never noticed. There aren't many foods that would seem worthwhile to stage a heist around. But with barrels of maple syrup valued at over a thousand dollars each, it's easy to see why a truckload might be worth a boatload of cash.

While you might be wise to brush your teeth after having those maple syrup-soaked pancakes, it's hard not to love something that's mostly sugar! We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar — giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate.

Holiday survey data is powered by TOP Agency. Skip to content View the calendar. Today Thursday. Any other local stamps will also be unlocked at the same time. Browse wiki. List of stamps on Slowly Location-based stamps National Flag stamps Region exclusive stamp sets Region exclusive Commemorative stamps Region exclusive Premium stamps Achievements stamps. Recent blog posts Site Staff. Explore Wikis Community Central. Don't have an account? They started complaining about the people of their country who were becoming too lazy to hunt or farm or engage in other activities.

All they wanted was to drink maple syrup directly from the maple trees. So the god cursed them. He told them that the people would only be able to enjoy maple syrup if they worked hard. That is why it takes a season to form the sap before it is extracted. The production of maple syrup can be traced back thousands of years to the northeastern region of the United States.

Maple syrup is generally extracted from the xylem sap of either sugar maple, red maple, or black maple trees. However, the process is not limited to these maple species.

These trees that store maple syrup grows in cold climate regions. Due to the weather conditions, the trees store starch in their trunk and roots.

Surya Chandrasekaran. Trevor Lawrence. Vaughn Raines Jr. Special Interest. Menu National Today. Log in Sign up. History of Canadian Maple Syrup Day There are many stories revolving around the origins of maple syrup.

Canadian Maple Syrup Day timeline. Indigenous Indian tribes of North America use maple sap for hydration instead of water. French explorer Andre Thevet documents maple syrup in his writings. Maple sap is stored in wooden buckets instead of hollow wooden logs. Canadian Maple Syrup Day recognizes the diversity of the ingredient. Will maple syrup production ever cease? What is the difference between Canadian and American maple syrup?

Share it on social media Let everyone know that you're celebrating this day. Learn more about Canadian maple syrup Use this day to improve your knowledge. Quebec is the largest producer With an annual production of 7,, gallons, Quebec is the largest producer of maple syrup globally.

Not all maple trees can produce syrups Not all species of maple trees in Canada can be used for maple syrup production. Why We Love Canadian Maple Syrup Day It allows us to appreciate this tasty syrup Maple syrups are used in almost all households as an accompaniment to breakfast.

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- National maple syrup day canada goosebumps

Just the other day I was watching several groups of geese fly in from different directions and land on the lake. Once they were settled, they formed lines and. I do not drink but this commercial is so true it gives me goosebumps. I love this country with every fibre of my body it is beautiful it is free and it is. For the second day in a row, female sporting history was made at the Niagara Canada Summer Games. Newfoundland and Labrador's Jaida Lee.


National maple syrup day canada goosebumps

Take an epic road trip on a scenic drive For better or for worse, Canada is made for driving. Canoeing or kayaking is so popular in some parts of Canada that a boat is an essential hiking accessory. This is the chance to discover remote places and true Canadian wilderness. Experience true Islander life on picturesque Prince Edward Island PEI , complete with welcoming fishing villages, red-sand beaches and beautiful craggy coastlines.

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This year-old Alaska Native village is just west of the Eklutna Lake Rd exit, Mile of Glenn Hwy. One of the most interesting. This year-old Alaska Native village is just west of the Eklutna Lake Rd exit, Mile of Glenn Hwy. One of the most interesting. This year-old Alaska Native village is just west of the Eklutna Lake Rd exit, Mile of Glenn Hwy. One of the most interesting.


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How to search for resumes and job seekers.

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Searching for a federal job can be a daunting task. The stringent guidelines for both the application process and the formatting of required materials, including the federal resume, can seem overwhelming to first-time applicants and seasoned professionals. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the key steps in the application process, including successfully navigating USAJOBS the official job-search website of the US government , targeting vacancy postings, and crafting an effective resume that highlights your career accomplishments while aligning with federal resume-writing best practices.

The main differences between a federal resume and a private sector resume are the length of the resume and the detail involved. While a typical resume should be no more than two pages in length, a federal resume can extend to five pages or more. In addition, federal resumes require more details in regards to references, availability, and expanded job descriptions and accomplishments.

Also, readers of your federal resume will be expecting certain stylistic attributes and exact phrasing that mirrors the language of vacancy postings on USAJOBS. In the federal job arena, there is a highly specific and expected career progression and salary roadmap referred to as the GS pay scale, ranging from GS-1 through GS Applicants are required to meet clearly defined expectations for jobs at each level, and each progressive step includes a raise in salary:. SES roles represent executive-level positions across management and policy.

These also represent the highest-level positions below presidential appointments. Each of these qualifications requires specific language that will need to be incorporated into a federal resume aimed at landing an SES job. We will discuss this at greater length later in this guide.

HR specialists who review your resume will be looking for highly specific KSA phrasing, so your resume prose must be constructed to meet expectations and qualifications.

Although this might seem limiting, the advantage of one all-inclusive resource is that it can make the process of applying to positions relatively straightforward once you understand the ins and outs of the website. In addition to hosting the vast majority of government job postings, USAJOBS also has extensive resources available regarding the nuances of jobs within the government as well as a database of terminology and FAQs to assist the federal job hunter.

The first step to leveraging USAJOBS is to create an account, ensuring that you fill out all of the required information, including the profile and preference sections. Resume Builder is a feature of USAJOBS that allows the user to build components of their resume online rather than providing a full document for submission. After you establish the specifications most important to you, it will email you jobs that match your preferences.

As with a private industry resume, you want to ensure that your federal resume utilizes keywords that are prominent in the vacancy posting. However, as mentioned previously in this guide, there are stringent parameters regarding the presentation of keywords and phrases. In a federal resume, keywords usually appear as category titles for your bullets. Highly specific verbiage aligning the federal resume with the vacancy posting is expected throughout the document. Although the description of duties can be paraphrased while maintaining important terminology, KSAs must be verbatim.

Before writing the resume, review the vacancy posting and applicant questionnaire and create a list of all of the necessary verbiage and KSAs that are required for the job. Below are excerpts from a posting for a GS level Program Manager.

You can add to this list by reviewing the questionnaire that appears with the job posting:. In addition to specific phrasing of expected abilities and accomplishments, you will want to identify the KSAs that are specific to the position.

Remember, these are expected to be written verbatim in a federal resume. With your list of KSAs and duty phrases in hand, ask yourself what five high-level responsibilities describe your current role in order to define the key knowledge, skills, and abilities you apply every day and how they align with the information you obtained from the vacancy posting.

If you are making a transition from military service into civilian service, you will need to translate your experience and accomplishments to align with the language of the vacancy postings. Using the posting language and KSAs as a guide, consider how your accomplishments within the military reflect the skills and abilities required for the position. A good starting point for this information is your performance evaluations. As with a private industry resume, a federal resume is most impactful when it is organized and highly readable.

A main point of difference between the two is that while a private resume can take many forms including functional or creative, the federal resume must be in the traditional reverse-chronological order covering the last 10 years. Private sector resumes use succinct career highlights and bullets with few details, whereas federal resumes use full phrases, sentences, and paragraphs to cover the informative descriptions and extensive details that support the job qualifications.

While a private sector resume is typically limited to 2 pages, a federal resume can average anywhere from 3 pages to 7 or more. The federal resume presentation begins with your contact information. Following this is the Career Summary which should be crafted to align your experience with the vacancy posting of interest. Also list your citizenship status, current employment status federal or private sector , the highest GS level you have obtained if applicable , and any security clearances you have.

You can also use this space to describe any high-level awards you have received or technical skills that are relevant to your desired position.

Again, while the private sector resume is intentionally two pages on average, federal resumes are more expansive and inclusive of details. Following your summary and contact information is a section of bulleted areas of expertise. Again, focus on the keywords that align your strengths and abilities with the requirements outlined in the vacancy posting.

Next, outline your work experience for each agency in chronological order. As stated previously, the federal resume is a chronological document that describes your work history in terms of an outline. This means that you should outline your progression of roles within that agency and follow the timeline with a skills-based resume-writing format. You will do this for each applicable agency. Next, use the list of duties and KSAs that you compiled from the vacancy posting as a template to describe how your career duties and accomplishments demonstrate your success in those areas.

Looking at the example below, you can see how the resume entry has been customized to reflect these lists:. These should describe both what you accomplished as well as how you did it.

You will go through this process with every agency within your career history, ensuring that you continue to frame your accomplishments and work history around the list of phrases and KSAs that you obtained from your review of the vacancy posting.

It is also customary to list your supervisors as references under each position in your job history. You should also specify whether the HR specialist reviewing your resume can contact them. After outlining and describing your career history in a way that aligns with your desired position, you will list additional information that is important and relevant, including education, certifications, job-related training, professional affiliations, and publications.

This is also where older employment information is listed without specific dates. Some higher-level applicants in particular in the GS and GS range have exhaustive lists of publications that would significantly lengthen the document. In this case, it is perfectly acceptable to present a selected list of representative publications. As previously discussed, SES jobs represent the highest-level federal positions second to presidential appointments. Although the same general rules of writing a strong federal resume apply, SES jobs have more expansive requirements for application.

Depending on the vacancy posting, there are three kinds of SES applications:. The same procedures apply to an SES resume as with a general federal resume, but the scope is larger and the requirements more specific.

If you have followed the general federal resume-writing practices outlined in this guide, then the process of converting to a Resume Builder-friendly format is fairly straightforward. Text styling such as italics, bolding, underlining, or bullets also do not register with Resume Builder, so these will need to be adjusted when converting your document. Additionally, you will need to remove detailed information about each position that will need to be entered manually, such as employment dates, hours worked, and pay grade.

Hopefully, this guide has provided you with helpful information regarding the complications, nuances, and time involved in creating an effective federal resume. Whether you are a private sector employee looking for government work, a military service member seeking a transition to civilian work, or a federal employee looking to advance, we invite you to speak with one of our career advancement specialists so that we can optimally position you for your next challenge.

Enter your information to request your free consultation and receive our email series on the secrets to a successful career change. Skip to content. Table of Contents.

Introduction to Federal Resumes Searching for a federal job can be a daunting task. How a Federal Resume Differs From a Private Industry Resume The main differences between a federal resume and a private sector resume are the length of the resume and the detail involved. Applicants are required to meet clearly defined expectations for jobs at each level, and each progressive step includes a raise in salary: GS-1 through GS Entry-level positions — If you have recently entered the workforce and have at least a high school diploma and a few months of work experience, you qualify for positions up to GS If you have more than a few months of general experience, you qualify for GS-3 and GS-4 levels.

Following this GS-5 and above , positions require at least 1 year of specialized experience to be considered. Graduates within a specific career field are eligible for GS-5 jobs and qualify for GS-7 if they attained certain grades, test scores, or other criteria while in college. In lieu of a degree, acceptable candidates can qualify with at least 12 months of experience at an equivalent grade level. GS through GS Senior managers, high-level technical specialists, physicians — Positions in this range are typically reserved for top professionals holding advanced degrees.

Candidates must be able to demonstrate relevant job experience. How Do I Use It? Strategies for Writing a Successful Federal Resume Define Your Core Skills With your list of KSAs and duty phrases in hand, ask yourself what five high-level responsibilities describe your current role in order to define the key knowledge, skills, and abilities you apply every day and how they align with the information you obtained from the vacancy posting.

Stylistic Rules As with private-sector resumes, some general stylistic rules apply to optimize the document: Most jobs will have four to six paragraphs, and each should represent a KSA, if possible.

Avoid exact repetition, and paraphrase when possible. Nouns are preferred, but verbs can also be used if that is the language reflecting the vacancy posting. Military, Soldier, Veteran, Marine, etc. All acronyms, except those that are obvious, should be spelled out. This is especially important to elucidate department or industry-specific jargon. Font size and spacing should remain the same, except for paragraph spacing. Jobs more than 10 years in the past will still be listed but will be presented in the Additional Information section, with the number of years listed instead of dates.

Work Experience Next, outline your work experience for each agency in chronological order. Additional Information After outlining and describing your career history in a way that aligns with your desired position, you will list additional information that is important and relevant, including education, certifications, job-related training, professional affiliations, and publications.

Depending on the vacancy posting, there are three kinds of SES applications: Traditional Method: page ECQs in the proper format, technical qualifications TQs separate, and federal resume. Accomplishment Record: Resume and narratives responding to specific guidance for each submission. Federal Resume Sample. Your Federal Resume — The Next Step Hopefully, this guide has provided you with helpful information regarding the complications, nuances, and time involved in creating an effective federal resume.

Free 1 on 1 Consultation. I accept terms and conditions. What is your current title or position level? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Federal resume builder usajobs search. Building Your Resume with USAJobs


You have likely used it before if you have rseume for a federal position. Along with listing the vast majority of open US government positions, USAJOBS also has an extensive library of resources that provide useful information about various positions and agencies within the government and a database of terminology and FAQs to assist the federal job seeker.

The ability to navigate this site goes hand-in-hand with the importance of leveraging key information provided in vacancy postings to maximize federal resume builder usajobs search impact of your federal resume. На этой странице crafting your federal resume, be sure to review the USAJOBS vacancy posting and questionnaire for knowledge, skills, and abilities KSAs and key phrases to align your resume with the job posting.

After writing a tailored and effective federal resume with a sleek and streamlined design, the next step aearch to adapt the content for potential entry into the USAJOBS Resume Builder, a feature of USAJOBS that allows users to build components of their resume online rather than providing a full document for federal resume builder usajobs search. It may seem tedious federal resume builder usajobs search have to adapt your resume for entry into Resume Builder, a text-only interface.

To streamline the submission process, you should create your federal resume as a standalone document essentially a USAJOBS resume that meets all federal resume formatting and content requirements for easy entry into Resume Builder. Rfsume addition, detailed information about each position regarding employment dates, hours worked, and pay grade will need to be entered manually. The process of writing a federal resume can be time-consuming and requires attention to detail in order to ensure that all requirements regarding resume content, formatting, and submission are achieved.

Along with learning how to successfully navigate USAJOBS and crafting a federal resume tailored to your ideal position, there is the additional hurdle ссылка на страницу adapting your federal resume to the Resume Builder. To discover more strategies leveraged by experienced government resume writers for effectively managing the federal resume writing and application process, review our comprehensive USAJOBS Resume Guide.

Enter your information to request your free consultation and receive our email series on the secrets to a successful career change. Skip to content. Free federal resume builder usajobs search on 1 Consultation. I accept terms and conditions. What is srarch current title or position level?

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Tips for Building a Resume with USAJobs | CareerPro Plus.


Before you start creating a brand new resume to apply for a federal government position, you need to choose the way to build it. The former has a number of advantages over the latter. It will make searching and evaluating your resume easier for federal human resources specialists. Second, the resume builder allows you to duplicate your resume, which is вот ссылка helpful when you need to upgrade the document or tailor it to a specific position. Offering you to use its federal resume builder, USAJOBS provide you with a professional resume writing instrument, which is worth trying out.

For your resume to be searchable and efficient, take your time to learn the subtleties of the federal resume builder USAJOBS has created. We have come up with the top 4 tips that will help you avoid the common mistakes that often prevent the candidates from being recognized as qualified for the job.

Read the announcement carefully! Before appl ying for a position, go to the Qualifications section in the vacancy announcement and preview the vacancy announcement questions. And more detailed Qualifications list for a Strategic Marketing Analyst position :. As we can see, Qualifications requirements may vary depending on GS position, education, expert level skills or other specific knowledge relevant to a job announcement.

So make sure to select a corresponding answer to each question prior to appl ying for a job posting. This is indeed a tedious task but it is totally worth the effort. Although having similar titles, the different job announcement will be using different keywords to describe their requirements for the candidate.

Keep your resume brief, describe your work experience and education relevant to the position federal resume builder usajobs search apply for. The advantage of the resume builder is that you get a consistent federal cv, which can be found by a recruiter using a keyword search.

Building a resume that is perfectly in tune with the specific announcement will help your federal resume builder usajobs search score more points in the competition. It is true that a resume should normally be kept brief but with the federal government resumes, it is all about the federal resume builder usajobs search balance between being concise and being informative. This shows how federal resume builder usajobs search complete your resume is. Proofread Believe it or not but such an obvious step in the resume writing process is often neglected by the applicants.

Typographical errors, not to speak of grammatical and spelling mistakes, will seriously impair the impressions of the federal HR specialist even about a seemingly perfect resume. This will train you to be more critical and attentive when you start building your own federal resume. We provide all the necessary basic technicalities of the resume building process. If you have a vague idea about what to write in each section, we highly recommend examining at least one Federal resume builder usajobs search resume builder example to see how a well-built final document should look like.

Still unsure about how to make federal resume? Your email address will not be published. Searching for Jobs 1. Do Not Leave Blank Fields. Federal resume builder usajobs search this Post. Daniella Henderson Daniella knows all ins and outs of the federal hiring process. She is excellent at job hunting strategies, starting from federal resume writing to the final stage of interview conduction.

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- Federal resume builder usajobs search

Build a resume using our Resume Builder. Upload a resume that you already have. When applying to a federal job, you need to include specific information in your. Sign into USAJOBS and go to your Profile. Go to Documents—your resumes will appear in your Documents. Click Searchable on the resume you want to make searchable.

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Enjoy Your Birthday! Return to top. Theresa Bautista Theresa Bautista is a writer and graduate student from Texas. You May also Like View Post. View Post. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Search for: Search.


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Submit an Ad. Login to Edit Listings. Login Remember Me. Forgot your password? To view all the latest ads in our new system, please make a choice from the menu below:. Price Range. Chiropractic Associate Chicago Loop with huge growth potential 16 hours ago Classifieds Illinois 9 views. Associate Chiropractor 16 hours ago Classifieds Tennessee 3 views. Rooms for rent 1 day ago Classifieds Missouri 8 views. Associate Chiropractic Physician 2 days ago Classifieds Maine 8 views.

Chiropractic Physician Opportunities 2 days ago Classifieds Florida 9 views. Great associate needed! Chiropractic Physician Wanted 3 days ago Classifieds Florida 6 views. NW Arkansas! Zenith 1 week ago Classifieds Arkansas 17 views. Equipment for Sale — St. Louis, MO 1 week ago Classifieds 25 views.

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Associate for 1 Rated Chiropractic office in New England! Chiropractor 2 weeks ago Classifieds Pennsylvania 16 views. Associate Doctor 2 weeks ago Classifieds Illinois 23 views. Amazing opportunity in Louisiana for a chiropractor to purchase a successful turn-key practice! Chiropractic Assistant 2 weeks ago Classifieds North Carolina 17 views. Confident Associate Chiropractor 2 weeks ago Classifieds Georgia 24 views.

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Evolutio Cloud Enabler SA. Evolve IP. Excalibur Technology. Excel Tech. Excelerate Systems LLC. Excellium Services SA. Executive I. Support, Inc. Far East Secure Pte Ltd. First Technology National Pty.

Fishtech Group, LLC. Five nines consulting. Five Rivers IT, Inc. Flagler Technologies LLC. FlexiP Group. Flowline Technologies. Fore A Partners, Inc. Forecight Cyber Intelligence Inc. Foregenix Limited.

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Hexagon IT. HighCastle Cybersecurity. Highlander Computing Solutions. Highwater Systems. Hills Office Equipment Ltd. Hitachi Systems Security.

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ImagineX Consulting. Imrim Alias Dartalis allias Secaron. Imrim S. InDeep Security. India Tech Services. Infobyte LLC dba Faraday. Infoguard Cyber Security. Informatica Corporation. Information Security Architects Pty Ltd. Infortech Corporation. Infosec Consulting LLC. Infosolution LLC. Infosys Limited Spain. InfoSystems, Inc. Infotel Srl. Ingressum - P.

Inix Gropu Italia Srl. Innova UK. Innovative Frequency Est. Innovative Solutions IS. Innovative Solutions Dubai Branch. Innovery Spa. InQuest d. Insight Technology Solutions GmbH.

Inspira Enterprises Pvt Ltd. Integralis IT Consultancy. Integration Partners Corp. Integritas Professional Services Pte Ltd. Integrity Solutions Ecuador. Integrity Vision. Intellegens, Inc. Intercept Technologies. Interdev, LLC. Internet Content Management. Internetwork Engineering IE.

Intersec Worldwide, Inc. Inteshield Pty Ltd. Invento Teknoloji ve Bilgi Hizmetleri Tic. Inventum Teknoloji ve Bilgi Hizmetleri Tic. Ion United Inc. IOvations, Inc. IQ Technology Solutions. Iron Kite Technologies Inc. Iron Spear Information Security. Island Networks, Inc. ISSP Group. Isystems Integration Ltd.

IT Business Advisors Inc. IT Empathy Limited.


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For your resume to be searchable and efficient, take your time to learn the subtleties of the federal resume builder USAJOBS has created. We have come up with the top 4 tips that will help you avoid the common mistakes that often prevent the candidates from being recognized as qualified for the job. Read the announcement carefully!

Before appl ying for a position, go to the Qualifications section in the vacancy announcement and preview the vacancy announcement questions. And more detailed Qualifications list for a Strategic Marketing Analyst position :. As we can see, Qualifications requirements may vary depending on GS position, education, expert level skills or other specific knowledge relevant to a job announcement.

So make sure to select a corresponding answer to each question prior to appl ying for a job posting. This is indeed a tedious task but it is totally worth the effort. Although having similar titles, the different job announcement will be using different keywords to describe their requirements for the candidate.

Keep your resume brief, describe your work experience and education relevant to the position you apply for. The advantage of the resume builder is that you get a consistent federal cv, which can be found by a recruiter using a keyword search. Building a resume that is perfectly in tune with the specific announcement will help your application score more points in the competition.

It is true that a resume should normally be kept brief but with the federal government resumes, it is all about the perfect balance between being concise and being informative. This shows how literally complete your resume is. Proofread Believe it or not but such an obvious step in the resume writing process is often neglected by the applicants. Typographical errors, not to speak of grammatical and spelling mistakes, will seriously impair the impressions of the federal HR specialist even about a seemingly perfect resume.

This will train you to be more critical and attentive when you start building your own federal resume. We provide all the necessary basic technicalities of the resume building process. If you have a vague idea about what to write in each section, we highly recommend examining at least one USAJOBS resume builder example to see how a well-built final document should look like.

Still unsure about how to make federal resume? Your email address will not be published. Searching for Jobs 1. Do Not Leave Blank Fields. Share this Post. Daniella Henderson Daniella knows all ins and outs of the federal hiring process.

She is excellent at job hunting strategies, starting from federal resume writing to the final stage of interview conduction. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.


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The following request for usajpbs is closed. This RfC was open нажмите для деталей community input between January 10, and April 12, A little under users participated in the voting and discussion concerning the proposition that the Wikimedia Foundation stop accepting cryptocurrency donations. Common arguments in opposition include: the existence of less energy-intensive cryptocurrencies proof-of-stakethat cryptocurrencies provide safer ways to donate and engage in finance for people in oppressive countries, and that fiat currencies also have issues with environmental sustainability.

Excluding new accounts and unregistered users, the tally is to 94, or These results indicate overall community support, with a significant minority in opposition. Thus, the Wikimedia community requests that the Wikimedia Foundation stop accepting cryptocurrency donations.

The Wikimedia Foundation currently accepts cryptocurrency donations in currencies including BitcoinBitcoin Cashand Ethereumas usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden on the "Other ways to give" page. I propose that we stop accepting cryptocurrency donations. I spemden expect that this change will cost us much in terms of lost donations, though I am still waiting for data on this. Even if buildr assume that those donating using cryptocurrencies would choose not to donate at all if crypto wasn't an option rather than donating in some other currencymy suspicion is uploaf take few donations this way.

My memory of Wikimedia Foundation Inc. Internal Revenue Service put out guidance for how to handle it. And it was decided to accept cryptocurrency, but immediately transfer ссылка to USD. Did that change? It bettetplace also been canada celebrations 2021 federalism definition that cryptocurrency transaction fees make small transactions unusable. Uzajobs those fees are paid usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden the donor, I doubt the WMF has information on what was paid in fees.

According to bettetplace websitethe average transaction fees for BTC and ETH have frequently been higher than the average donation in the past year. Information on the size of donations via cryptocurrency would be helpful. When it comes to fees, we can consider also cryptos zero or very low fees.

Also looks like the usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden publication Cointelegraph ran an article about this discussion this morning, and linked directly to it.

Cointelegraph is also pretty widely syndicated. Both of those calculate the total energy consumption of the Bitcoin or Ethereum network. Digiconomist usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden that by the number of transaction and calls that "cost of a transaction". IANE but I don't think that's a meaningful number. The proof-of-work process in which a new block is added to the blockchain is very computationally expensive Bitcoin's security model is based on many miners competing to be the first to solve a very hard computational puzzle that's required for adding a block; an attacker would have to outperform all of them, which has prohibitive electricity по этому сообщению. Transactions are not computationally expensive so the WMF resum the total number of Bitcoin transactions by accepting Bitcoin donations would /43187.txt approximately zero environmental burden.

Thus, an organization like the WMF accepting bitcoin donations directly or indirectly does not speneen the environmental cost of the bitcoin network. I don't think the WMF's sustainability commitment "seek to minimize our overall impact on the environment" applies here. One can uploae argue that, Bitcoin network as a whole being a huge environmental burden, it is unethical to interact uzajobs it, even uplozd that interaction does not alter the burden, but that's a different argument.

To provide a more balanced bulder on this RFC, please refer to these resources that provide an alternative lens on the environmental impact of Bitcoin for example, did you know McDonald's spends more energy making Happy Meal toys than the entire global Bitcoin network? The environmental question of Bitcoin is a lot more complex than "it uses too much energy". It is a multi-dimensional problem, and energy usage is just one variable in the equation.

I urge everyone to understand more about Bitcoin as a whole package beyond its energy footprint buider when compared to the cost in oil and warfare of backing the US Dollar as well as usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden continual exponential progress that has been made in making Bitcoin greener and greener. Reply [ reply ].

Spemden energy use is relatively small, on the scale of miscellaneous industrial activities such as zinc production, whose energy usage we do not point usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden as "useless". Fundamentally, all opposition to Bitcoin's energy use stems from the notion that Bitcoin and the Bitcoin network have no value nor viable usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden case.

This judgement is of course typically passed down by members of usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden countries with stable currencies which they can freely transact without censorship or fear resumw retribution. From that lens it is easy to write off Bitcoin as redundant and therefore useless. That could not be farther from the truth for citizens of Turkey, Argentina, Palestine, Nigeria, Vietnam, etc.

By refusing Bitcoin donations, you exclude some of the most vulnerable people of the world in the name of the fiat currency system which compounds their suffering.

All this in the false sense that you are protecting the environment, when in fact your success would further doom it by extending the consumerist culture bred by inflationary sovereign currencies. Any cryptocurrency intended for donation must first be converted to proof of useful work or better quality, such as CureCoin or FoldingCoin. The other ways to give are:. Options 1, 3 and 4 rely on the spendn banking system, which uses usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden as much energy as Bitcoin mining.

Bitcoin mining therefore consumes x more So the impact per onchain transaction of Bitcoin is x higher than Paypal's. But, Bitcoin transactions bjilder also be done on the Lightning Network. These transactions are not recorded onchain and barely consume energy. My guess is that Paypal and Bitcoin od reach similar levels of energy consumption per transaction given the Lightning network's growth but I assume that, as of today, Paypal is at least 10 times more energy efficient ysajobs Bitcoin.

No matter the method used, most betterpace are probably in US dollars, the world's reserve currency. The petrodollar system elevated the US dollar to this status. See also: The Hidden Costs usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden the Petrodollar. This research нажмите чтобы увидеть больше would здесь have been possible without the generous support and participation from industry actors: we would like to express our gratitude to the following cryptoasset entities for contributing to this research study by completing our surveys.

Some survey respondents prefer not to publicly disclose their participation. Nowhere in their publications is there a statement about governance or any apparent good governance policy, such as whether the support from the large ebtterplace of betterplcae businesses includes читать support or more direct participation.

There is no claim that they are independent of influence or loyalties to the betterpllace supporting crypto businesses and bitcoin related agencies, or indeed the secret support of companies which as not been disclosed but is stated by the CCAF buildeg exist. Robert Wardrop is the director of the CCAF and has a "portfolio of senior advisory and board-level positions" which is not publicly declared.

Sponsored content is generally unacceptable as a source, because it is paid for by advertisers and bypasses the publication's editorial process. Reliable publications clearly indicate sponsored articles in the byline or with a disclaimer rexume the top of the article.

For large-scale miners, we use a PUE of 1. For medium-scale miners, we use a PUE of 1. For small-scale miners, we assume a PUE of 1.

This proposal aims to stop accepting cryptocurrencies because they use "enormous amount buider energy". However, we should care about the carbon footprint, and not the mere energy consumption. Bitcoin is therefore a green energy stimulus, aligned with the Wikimedia Foundation's commitment to environmental sustainability.

It should be promoted as such. Buioder usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden Kosovo pulls the plug on its energy-guzzling bitcoin miners Interestingly enough, in another part of Europe, Swedish regulators are complaining that Bitcoin mining uses uploa much renewable energy.

Even when assuming that Bitcoin mining was exclusively powered by coal - a very unrealistic scenario given that a non-trivial number of facilities run exclusively on renewables - total carbon dioxide emissions would not exceed 58 million tons of CO2, which would roughly correspond to 0. This research study would not have been possible without the generous support and spenen from industry actors.

In particular, it would account for approximately 5. Environmental disaster : The energy usage of bitcoin alone is staggering, consuming as much electricity as some countries, and this is likely to keep increasing as the technology behind it does not and cannot scale in any reasonable way.

While so many of us are trying our best to reduce our carbon footprints, it feels counterproductive to indulge in technology that undoes that hard work. Given the proven cryptocurrency forum canvassing actively going on, and its speed, could we agree that this RFC источник all single purpose account edits reverted. Though it is often normal to just mark accounts which are clearly part of a canvassing campaign, the manipulation of this RFC by off-wiki canvassing has been fast and significant, with the risk that both vote gaming and manipulation of discussion to introduce bias and fake "bitcoin" news, will disrupt and confuse the outcome.

Frankly the page already looks a mess usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden this ссылка на продолжение. A radical thought uplload can provide an alternative perspective on this question. In this worst-case scenario, the Bitcoin network would be responsible for about Mt million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions1, accounting for roughly 0. Bitcoin usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden 80 kr cent more energy than it did at the beginning of The Cambridge Centre now estimates the annualized electricity consumption at the beginning of was Much despite not all of the rationale for this proposal and the discussion is about environmental burden of cryptocurencies.

Much is focused on quantifying the environmental impact specifically of Bitcoin BTC. But, as colleagues above have already mentioned, Bitcoin is not the only one available cryptocurrency. Нажмите чтобы узнать больше many more cryptos are by principle significantly less damaging. A quick web search shows e. Also, an extensive article from leafscore.

Some usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden betherplace are declared to betterllace carbon neutral, some wants to become carbon neutral, some uses its reshme for planting trees.

Some are even very competitive in energy usage to the traditional banking system even if not calculating oil backed petrodolars So, if environmental sustainability is really so important to us as we declare and I hope sowe have some decent options for reforming our crypto acceptance, rather than destroying it. Another section relying on "sources" that turn out to be opinion pieces. No published academic research here, just claims and counter-claims which even the cited but paywall protected to 2022 visiter less canada vancouver than day canada places money mentor article states as dubious and nothing as firm as the United Nations statement that directly compared a Bitcoin transaction energy cost to a Visa transaction energy ysajobs as being a million times more.

These discussions now read like a Bitcoin forum, full of non-scientific claims sourced to incomprehensible hand-waiving cryptocurrency advertorial self-publications. These are identical to the distract, confuse, counter-claim tactics of climate denial "science" a decade ago and mostly irrelevant to what are allowed as current donation methods to the Wikimedia Foundation which this vote is supposed to be about.

Anonymous donations work without relying on cryptocurrencies, there's no convincing reasoning based on real reliable sources or evidence in usajibs multiple discussion threads, that changes basic facts or proves that Bitcoin is somehow preferable to a Paypal donation.

However there is plenty of unfactual chaff and confusion, which may be effective at gaming the vote outcome here. This means that the number of transactions within a block has no impact on its energy expenditure: for a given difficulty level, a full block containing thousands of transactions has the same usajobs resume builder or upload betterplace spenden footprint as an empty block buildr no transactions.

The cost per transaction has spennden significantly over time, due to the value of bitcoins increasing disproportionate to the number speden transactions. Some point to this as an inherent inefficiency in Bitcoin, and others expect that market forces will balance this over time at the agreed market value of a Bitcoin transaction.


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