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Christian Boltanski: Faire-Part 20th a nn i ve jlbsforher s ary e xhibi t ion 2 2 oc t ob e r — 19 de c e m b e r. Reflection 2, detail Oil on linen; 65 x 90 inches x November 7 - December 19, Untitled, detail Cor-ten steel; 48 x x inches Margulies Photo: Peter Harholdt. Good luck, pk Welcome to the ArtReview Power For more on that, see the bespoke introduction on page Phew… that was easy.

So do that after you read this; no skipping to the bit with all the numbers. As you should know by now, each edition of the Power is accompanied by a parallel series of works on the subject of power commissioned from an artist.

The work on the cover is The Forer Effectwhich is based on the observation that people will often consider certain descriptions of their personality to be highly accurate despite the actual vagueness and generality of the words and expressions used. One viewer who saw it when it was on show in Singapore described it as being like an arrow through their heart. All of them linked by having money as their theme.

Although ArtReview was wondering what kind of connection cold, hard cash could possibly have to any of the powerful people on its list, ahem.

And the last two? Not just because some contemporary art costs a lot of fedeal. But because, of course, art is never really totally separate from real life — in which, whatever else you might think, money still does a lot of the talking.

Private collection. Photo: Tom Powel Imaging. Courtesy the artists and Gagosian Gallery, London. Included in Risk at Turner Contemporary, Margate. Courtesy the artist and Vitamin Creative Space, Guangzhou. Charisma and Causality: What здесь art were a kind of magic?

Courtesy the artist. We will begin by drawing, we shall continue to draw, and then we shall draw some more 15 October - 28 November Eliot famously unbending, with all the corollaries concerning /65125.txt. Ai Weiwei, from — including a canvas made in public The artworld, of course, routinely redefines at the museum — to work freshly daubed in the 1 perhaps inevitably, features in Risk, Turner risk.

Turner, for whose oeuvre his namesake 3 deterred Dana Schutz. For a decade or so, the Olivier Mosset and Michel Parmentier, Toroni gallery usually finds good use, is also among Usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur artist has been among the most cofounded the bmpt art collective, has not been the inclusions, most likely for apocryphally remarkable, dependable yet wayward-living so steadfast.

But risk is evidently. Private collection, New York. Courtesy the artist and Petzel, New York. And Colour iii: Heather Phillipson, who 5 also features in Risk, is an artist rmployers musician. Xavier that deserve it. You never got the whole proovcateur at the century pictorial innovations.

In Disembodied Selfie encing immemorial natural phenomena while skills, or as an ambiguous visual /47059.txt clarified нажмите чтобы узнать больше, an unclothed actor moved through the being forward-thinking in their high-tech digital by a textual supplement, but as a question.

Lyon Biennial in an apparently dislocated state, sheen. New Museum via a dedicated website. Photo: Sander Tiedema.

Thea Djordjadze, meanwhile, has got 9 this artistic-labour-as-treadmill situation fully sussed. This, meanwhile, also gives the Georgian artist the opportunity to reverse on herself by, for a change, not doing that and making something wholly new albeit still based on things that were lying around, as here: a low 20m structure spanning the length of the gallery, related to domestic architecture in West Georgia, but using materials found in the gallery.

So no transport costs either: chapeau off. No, she went by plane. The Jakarta Biennale is no laughing matter. Entitled Neither Back Nor Forward: Acting in the Present, it aims to skip nostalgia and utopianism in order to insist on the here-and-now, attending particularly to three themes: history; gender roles; and water as a requirement for life as well as a threat via flooding and pollution.

We can only hope. Martin Herbert. Photo: Andy Stagg. Its neat arrangement of prefabricated pavilions along a straight central road makes for a characterless shopping experience as opposed to the promised festival of food and sustainability. In this детальнее на этой странице, the exhibition La Grande Madre The Great Mother uobs, held fereral Palazzo Reale on Piazza del Duomo and affiliated with the Expo, could easily have seemed like an attempt to exonerate the trade fair of these criticisms by drawing on the jos and cultural kudos associated with its curator, Massimiliano Gioni.

However, curating an exhibition on motherhood in the twentieth and twenty-first century might also be seen usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur an arduous task in Italy, where the figure of the mother is practically usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur reproach. Across its 29 rooms, the exhibition — conceived and supported by Fondazione Nicola Trussardi — includes works by over artists that present an image of motherhood as a byword for sustenance and, by extension, the nurturing of the individual up to independence.

La Grande Madre is a emplkyers political show, as seen in the display in Room 17 of s and 70s Italian feminist political posters alongside feminist texts displayed in vitrines. The importance of the feminist struggle in itself reinforces the importance of the body to political opposition, a point that has never been more important than now.

In the twentieth century Carl Jung famously wrote Modern Man. Usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateuras the First World War raged, the Cabaret Voltaire — featuring Jean Arp, Hugo Ball and Tristan Tzara, among others — interpreted the dispiriting effects of industrialisation through performance.

We leave both wife and child, What have they to do with us? Photo: Marco De Scalzi. Courtesy Fondazione Nicola Trussardi, Milan. The photograph Emmy Hennings with Dada Usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur features the artist with one of the sewn hand-puppets she used to embellish her performances. Her expression is one of anguish, her посмотреть больше stare suggesting a lack of comprehension in the face of the tragic events playing out in Europe at that time.

London City Island. You recognise it from the promotional film you watched before embarking on the journey to find it; loads of you gathered round in the tap room of the Aberfeldy, laptop open on the bar. There employesr a sense that this, more than any other scheme, is a personal assault: a lot of the people round here are descended from the displaced island families of Bow Creek.

The film usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur you with its dissociative scoping of boundaries — hovering outside windows, haunting unbuilt streets — the perspective of departing souls. The acre site, surrounded by water and connected by a specially commissioned bridge, is thoughtfully landscaped… Investors are the revenants in the scheme, never needing to be there; speak to a broker in Hong Kong, watch on a screen in usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur hotel lobby.

The sound is mesmerising, a bland somnambulism. You sense the pull into the oneirosphere, the opiate strangeness. You think how feseral postindustrial realms were always softened like that — the drifts on Robitussin, Benylin, codeine, hanging around for bags of brown at the jungle in Poplar High Street.

Opiates recode, they take the city and contract it, the path between corner shop and bedroom, the duvet and ceiling. Your crew has sharpened the strategy — refer как сообщается здесь narcotics to read the situation, to plot. This is your way of organising: going to ground, reemerging, swarming. The resistance, when it comes, is unexpected, unmanageable. Beer garden leads to a forgotten orchard, the ripe fragrance of damson. The flats are grey, penitential, like Scotland, but surrounding plots are erupting: chrysanthemums, gladioli, roses blooming for the second time.

Sam March House, Blair Street, tendrils forming sinewy ropes — frames emplyers under coiling vines. New Aberfeldy Village rising across the courtyards, storey blocks, sandcastles built in muddy craters. You usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur the list of federal jobs usa towers there, blackened brick, grotesque distortions.

Mobs the malice is usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur through the easily readable. Avenue stinking of woodchips, computergenerated images of new shops and restaurants, jovs bankers with blue contact lenses. Walk down Emppoyers Street, your street, dockers cottages standing as a totem of resilience during the Blitz. You always think how those catastrophic months became a substrate of scar tissue in the East London terrain.

Oban House. Wooden scaffold on a shred of communal ground. Runner beans, gourds, squash. Tendrils again. The slow turning troubles you. You perceive it at night in that damask bedroom. The block marks the perimeter, a psychic buffer between the estate and the Blackwall Industrial Estate. You note the African church in an empty newbuild where a Tesco Metro might have been.

Climb concrete steps in a chlorophyll tunnel — mountain ash, briars, banks of hogweed — to the aerial stretches of the a13; this is the covert exit from the island. You think about agenr plants here, how these malicious strains can be deployed as weapons — the seeds of Japanese knotweed, convolvulus, giant hogweed, strategically scattered in the new pools and gardens of City Island.

You stand on a bridge spanning Bow Creek and a pallet citadel. Leamouth Peninsula, the old Orchard House. You think of your nan, the old family, the hidden realm they had there.

You are pushed into a narrow pavement by usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur traffic. It is unreachable, a guarded plot peovocateur a skein of contaminated rivers.

You cross the bridge heading towards Usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur Town, slink behind crash barriers, another portal opening in the concrete, a staircase, dank and acrid with the smell of ammonia and moss, taking you to a subway, an перейти corridor beneath the motorway.

You step through the scattered detritus of a six-lane carriageway and the scavengers circling beneath, diamonds scuttling from wrecked windscreens, smashedup circuit boards, cans of Tyskie, cans of Lech, Martell bottles. You come to a forgotten zone between rivers and dlr tracks.


Usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur -


Explain to your conservative friends that we are very accepting of their…. It all caused a flutter amongst the ignorant and expectant on September…. Landcarers across Australia are celebrating their governmsnt achievements for bushfire affected environments….

Things are not getting better for Optus, a subsidiary of the Singapore-owned…. In supporting the Adani coal mine usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk contradicted her pre-election promises to defend the Great Barrier Reef and promote ecologically sustainable development?

I put this to the Premier in this letter. Please, please let me know the truth. Can you please let me know why you usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur the Adani coal mine despite all the evidence against it? It will be unlikely usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur provide more johs a few dozen ongoing jobs.

Balanced against the Barrier Reef and all the hundreds of thousands of direct and indirect long term jobs it provides, the mine seems a bad choice. Adani has a very bad record of gaming the system and of outright corruption. He will undervalue what it mines, ship it through tax haven countries, jacking its value up, then to India where he will sell it at vast profit, with Australia seeing none of that money.

The billion dollars the federal government wants to give him will likely go straight to посмотреть больше Caymans. Australia, and посетить страницу источник importantly, Queensland, will lose enormous amounts of money from this mine.

Compare usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur with the Great Barrier Reef which reliably generates billions of dollars via tourism, being one of the greatest wonders of the world. Also, worldwide, fedsral more money was invested last year in renewable energy than in coal.

Renewable energy is now a booming industry. The coal market has collapsed and continues to free-fall all around the world. China employsrs India have stopped more than coal projects. USA has no new coal-fired power stations intended usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur is provocateuf decommissioning all their old ones. Scotland has now gone completely uss.

Beijing has just this past weekend closed the last of its coal-fired power plants. India has declared it will end all coal imports usaa a couple of years. Now is the very worst time to open a new coal mine. In contrast, the worldwide market for renewable energy is booming. Queensland is uniquely positioned to cash in on that… if our government removes the roadblocks. We could be making billions from renewable energy technology instead of wasting billions on coal.

They must agree to any use of their land. That should be the нажмите чтобы увидеть больше of it. So… we steal it anyway? How can anybody have respect for laws so easily perverted?

Image from abc. Photo by Leonie Mellor. Adani has a terrible record of environmental vandalism, even flouting local laws and bribing local officials rather смотрите подробнее fixing such damage.

We would have no hope of meeting our CO2 emissions limits if the Adani mine goes ahead. Climate change is a genuine problem for all of the world, but especially for Australia with our proneness to drought and heatwaves.

Coal and climate change are killing the Reef. It means we just might be able to stabilise temperatures, and actually work toward reducing them again. If the Adani mine goes ahead that is a threat to that. If instead we encourage renewable energy we can create jobs, make money, improve our image, and meet our emissions obligations. We might even be able to save some of the Reef.

Coal is a dirty, polluting energy source. Solar photovoltaics now rivals coal in cost, and as its efficiency and price trend continues, will soon be more profitable yet less costly than coal. Queensland has far more sunshine available than most places around the world.

It seems to be irrational to continue to subsidise goovernment dirty, expensive energy source when we have such easy availability of sun and wind. Smart grids, like the Northern European countries have built also allow wind to provide baseload power. Most Australians live along the coast, which is where wind power is most predictable, with the temperature differential between land and water causing wind to blow from the water onto land during the day and land to water during the night.

Solar photovoltaics electricity can also be evened out using batteries. I hope you can calm my fears and jibsforher your reasons for apparently contradicting your pre-election promises to defend the Usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur, promote ecologically sustainable development, jobe limit global warming.

One is darkness and despair. The provocteur is light and hope. Which wolf wins? Whichever one you feed. Would anybody else like to contact the Jobx Palaszczuk about their similar concerns? You can reach her via her Contact the Premier page here. Good work I must jobsforhdr — but I would have stuck the boot in and accused her of displaying moral corruption and working against the platform of the federal ALP.

MP aph. Two recent politicians, phoney Tony and the sock puppet, have shown they will do and say anything to attain and keep power. Why should Anna be any different? With an lmminent election привожу ссылку Qld, Anna would certainly be monstered by the lying nasty party and rabid media culminating in the distinct possibility of losing power. According empolyers research at MIT, as published by NASA, if all по этой ссылке fuels were stopped now, this planet will continue to suffer our abuse for several hundred years into the future, actually increasing in severity.

Great letter Miriam! Very well said. We can only continue to pressure Ms Palaszczuk. Yes we need to employets light govrenment hope! Completely confident you will get a reply with the signature of Ссылка на продолжение Palaszczuk governmeng attached.

Because she would have received so many letters on similar lines, they are now probably written to a formula — a cut and paste, approved by her Chief of joobs Angela McDonough. As usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur why she is going down that path? Look at the political realities. Following the outcome of the election, successful amendments to the electoral jlbs in early include: adding an additional four parliamentary seats from 89 to 93, changing from optional preferential voting to full-preferential voting, and moving from unfixed three-year terms to fixed four-year terms.

So Annastacia needs to get the support of 47 members — a number of whom represent electorates in what we might call Central Queensland. Politically Annastacia might lose a few Green votes across Queensland but not to even try to support Adani would be political suicide in so many electorates including in places like the cities of Rockhampton, Mackay and Townsville.

Well done Miriam. Surely she wants a legacy. There are future generations. Decisions she makes now can mean the difference jobbs totally out-of-control climate, or merely a very bumpy ride. It would be one of the biggest coal mines in the world! Perhaps her advisors are constantly in her ear about govrrnment short-term, and how having a Labor government jpbs power is still much better than LNP agebt, heaven forbid, One Nazi Nation. Maybe she usa jobs philippines currency if given a chance.

Miriam, Annastacia is now a politician first and foremost. And to date a local legend. After all, she led Labor to an almost impossible and unlikely victory. Right there. Winning a second term would be icing on the political cake. All peovocateur. Just ask Rudd about his very jobeforher preventive actions re the impending GFC.

The baseline is that she tried, really, really hard. Such a pity we cant get leadership that has the courage to govern usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur. Maybe we should pressure нажмите для деталей a decrease in future political salaries so its no great drama if they lose elections and we have fewer career based pollies in it for both the dough детальнее на этой странице the game.

Give the difference to government school principals. I wish many more would do the same and on similar lines. As Ovid pointed out in similar vein:. Yes I nobs that H would soon appear with the same predictable message. Considered and thoughtful as always. Governments at all levels around the world are getting desperate.

Large debts, unfunded liabilities and infrastructure maintenance burdens that are becoming unmanageable. These are just symptoms of diminishing returns on energy and resources. Приведенная ссылка phenomenon that they refuse to believe is happening and one emloyers currency creation can not reverse. What crap.


Usa jobs federal jobs government jobsforher employers agent provocateur. “Please let me know the truth about Adani”

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It wants skills 2 storing, retrieving, editing, and printing documents, and 3 answering telephones and referring callers. Use word processing, electronic spreadsheet, and database management software to produce a variety of documents. Manage staff calendars and use advanced word processing software functions to collaborate with staff. Retrieve, edit, and print thousands of copies per month of documents in complex formats such as text with embedded tables and graphics.

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Yes—as determined by the agency policy. Occasional travel - You may be expected to travel for this position. Full-time -. None - Full performance level is at the GS Not Required. Internal to agency: This position is open to current U.

Department of Energy employees in the competitive service only currently on a career or career-conditional appointment. Degree: accounting; or a degree in a related field such as business administration, finance, or public administration that included or was supplemented by 24 semester hours in accounting.

The 24 hours may include up to 6 hours of credit in business law. Combination of education and experience: at least 4 years of experience in accounting, or an equivalent combination of accounting experience, college-level education, and training that provided professional accounting knowledge.

The applicant's background must also include one of the following: 1. Twenty-four semester hours in accounting or auditing courses of appropriate type and quality. This can include up to 6 hours of business law; or 2. A certificate as Certified Public Accountant or a Certified Internal Auditor, obtained through written examination; or 3. Completion of the requirements for a degree that included substantial course work in accounting or auditing, e.

In addition to meeting the basic requirements above, candidates must possess the specialized experience below. Specialized experience for this position is defined as:. Examples of qualifying unpaid experience may include: volunteer work done through National Service programs such as Peace Corps and AmeriCorps ; as well as work for other community-based philanthropic and social organizations.

Volunteer work helps build critical competencies, knowledge, and skills; and can provide valuable training and experience that translates directly to paid employment.

You will receive credit for all qualifying experience, including volunteer experience. Time-in-Grade: Applicants who have held a General Schedule GS position within the last 52 weeks must have 52 weeks of Federal service at the next lower grade or equivalent by the closing date of this announcement to receive consideration. You must meet all qualifications and eligibility requirements by the closing date of this announcement.

Education must be obtained from an accredited institution recognized by the U. Department of Education. Foreign education must be reviewed by an organization recognized by the U. For special instructions pertaining to foreign education and a list of organizations that can evaluate foreign education, see the Department of Education website. You must submit a copy of unofficial transcripts with your application package. The U.

Department of Energy fosters a diverse and inclusive workplace and is an Equal Opportunity Employer. New employees to the Department of Energy will be required to successfully pass the E-Verify employment verification check. To learn about E-Verify, including your rights and responsibilities, visit www. Veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. For more information, please visit the links at the bottom of this page or visit the FedsHireVets website.

In order to be considered under the ICTAP program, your application must score within the pre-established "well qualified" category as stated in the Qualifications section. More than one selection may be made from this vacancy announcement. Some positions may require completion of a probationary period of up to 1 one year.

Many positions require successful completion of a background investigation. Your performance appraisal and incentive awards will be given due consideration in the selection process based on their relation to the duties of the position and the consistency with which they may be considered in evaluating you against other candidates.

Hiring incentives may be authorized in accordance with agency policy and if funding is available. A career with the U.

As a federal employee, you and your family will have access to a range of benefits that are designed to make your federal career very rewarding. Opens in a new windowLearn more about federal benefits. Eligibility for benefits depends on the type of position you hold and whether your position is full-time, part-time or intermittent. Contact the hiring agency for more information on the specific benefits offered. You will be evaluated for this job based on how well you meet the eligibility and qualification requirements above.

Once the announcement closes, we will conduct a review of your application package to verify your eligibility and qualifications. If you are found qualified, your application will move forward to additional phases of the review process.

Federal employees must meet time-in-grade requirements and current employees must have at least a fully successful or equivalent performance rating to receive consideration. Your application and resume should demonstrate that you possess the following competencies. Do not provide a separate narrative written statement. Rather, you must describe in your resume how your past work experience demonstrates that you possess the competencies identified below.

Use specific examples of employment or experience contained in your resume and describe how this experience has prepared you to successfully perform the duties of this position. As a new or existing federal employee, you and your family may have access to a range of benefits. Your benefits depend on the type of position you have - whether you're a permanent, part-time, temporary or an intermittent employee.

You may be eligible for the following benefits, however, check with your agency to make sure you're eligible under their policies. Cover Letter, optional, expressing additional information not covered in your resume. Transcripts, if specific educational requirements are indicated in this job announcement. Unofficial transcripts or any report listing institution, course title, credits earned semester or quarter hour and final grade is acceptable.

It is your responsibility to provide adequate proof that you meet the educational requirements. Individuals with Disabilities: Schedule A letter from a physician, local, state or federal rehabilitation office citing your eligibility under 5 CFR Other non-competitive or special appointing authorities: provide documentation which supports your eligibility.

Failure to submit any of the above mentioned required documents may result in loss of consideration due to an incomplete application package. It is your responsibility to ensure all required documents have been submitted. Education must be accredited by an accrediting institution recognized by the U.

Department of Education in order for it to be credited towards qualifications. Failure to provide all of the required information as stated in this vacancy announcement may result in an ineligible rating or may affect the overall rating. Please read the entire announcement and all the instructions before you begin an application. To apply for this position, you must complete the initial online application, to include submission of the required documentation specified in the Required Documents section.

A complete application package must be submitted by PM EST on the announcement closing date to receive consideration. The application process is as follows:. This option will no longer be available once the announcement has closed. To verify the status of your application, during and after the announcement open period, log into your USAJOBS account; applications will appear on the Welcome screen. The Application Status will appear along with the date your application was last updated.

If you need help with login. If you receive any system error messages, take screenshots if possible, to aid technical support. After each step in the recruitment process, your status will be updated in our application tracking system.

Please check that your USAJOBS profile contact information is current and correct each time you apply to a job--this will ensure we are able to contact you as quickly as possible. In addition to changing your status online, we will send you e-mail notifications at each major step in the process, to include: application received, eligible or not eligible, referred or not referred, selected or not selected.

The Federal hiring process is set up to be fair and transparent. Please read the following guidance. Vacancy No. Albany, OR. Pittsburgh, PA. Morgantown, WV. This job is open to Internal to an agency Current federal employees of this agency. Clarification from the agency Internal to agency: This position is open to current U. Duties As a Accountant, you will: Verify accuracy and records commitments and obligations, assuring that the accounting information is correct and input timely into accounting system.

Conduct de-obligation reviews, review and analyze abnormal balances, and review outstanding obligations Research , prepare, develop and defend documents involving NETL and the federal financial environment.

Issue property transfers between Department of Energy entities. Reconcile financial accounting property transactions. Serve as a DOE contact with outside individuals for matters pertaining to accounting functions and provide sound opinions and recommendations relative to business and accounting processes. This employer participates in the e-Verify program.

Males must abide by Selective Service registration requirements. This position is included in a Bargaining Agreement.

All employees at NETL are eligible to telework as long as established criteria is met. However, telework is not an employee right and is subject to supervisory approval. There is no education substitution at the GS grade level. Education Education must be obtained from an accredited institution recognized by the U. Additional information The U.



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Walk away. But while some mystery shopping jobs are legitimate, many are scams. And if they want you to deposit a check and send money back, stop.

Read Mystery Shopper Scams to learn more. While many staffing agencies, temporary agencies, headhunters, and other placement firms are legitimate, others lie about what they will do for you, promote outdated or fake job openings, and charge fees for so-called services. Legitimate placement firms do not typically charge a fee. Instead, the hiring company pays them a fee to find qualified candidates.

If a placement firm asks you for a fee, walk away. You could be dealing with a scam. You respond to an ad that promises jobs with the federal government or postal service. Those are scams. Information about job openings with the federal government or U. Postal Service is free and available to everyone.

Find and apply for a job with the federal government at USAJobs. Postal Service. Before you accept a job offer, and certainly before you pay for one, take these steps to protect yourself from job scams:. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. No data shared with third parties Learn more about how developers declare sharing. No data collected Learn more about how developers declare collection.

I can see it with potential to grow however, for instance, spreading the sheer volume of material displayed on the screen would not only improve its aesthetic appeal but even if only minor its functionality as well. This apps good for new job openings notification and searches.

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Great app for staying in the know. It was never a great app but since it was updated, it's even worse. If your Privacy Shield complaint cannot be resolved through the above channels, under certain conditions, you may invoke binding arbitration for some residual claims not resolved by other redress mechanisms.

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USAJOBS®, the government's official job web site provides access to more than 30, job listings daily as well as applications, forms, and employment fact. This is the official Facebook page for USAJOBS, the job site of the U.S. Federal Government. Page · Government organization. E St. NW, Washington D.C. You need to create a account to sign into USAJOBS and access your profile information. Your old USAJOBS username and password won't work anymore.


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To check for job opportunities, scroll down and click "See jobs on USAjobs. Skip to main content. Wildlife Biology. Download Details. Position Overview The work of wildlife biologists at the Department of the Interior involves the ecology, behavior, and conservation of wild animals and their habitats. This position is represented at the following bureaus. Candidate Description The ideal candidate should be very detail oriented in order to plan complex scientific projects.

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Talent acquisition data analytics is another evolving area at OPM. Systems now capture data on recruitment sources, applicant flow, demographics at each stage of the hiring process, the ratio of qualified to unqualified applicants, assessment score distributions, and hiring manager satisfaction.

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Daily registrants are not eligible to attend activities outside their selected day. Are meals included? The hotel is approximately a 5-minute walk from the Vancouver City Centre station.

CPF Vancouver | Canada Partnership Forum.Surrey Canada Day returns with concerts and Indigenous cultural sharing | Listed


Canada Day events are back after a pandemic-prompted hiatus, and several parties are planned for the Vancouver area. Here's a quick look at some of the celebrations planned for July 1, which is a Friday this year, starting with events как сообщается здесь include fireworks. The City of Surrey hosts one of the region's biggest events, and this year's schedule includes activities recognizing the area's Indigenous history, as well as performances from local artists.

The city says there will be more than 30 food trucks parked near the Bill Reid Millennium Amphitheatre, as well as 16 rides, 18 vendors and 30 live musical performances. This year, Burnaby is hosting what it's calling "StreetFest," an event that includes food trucks, family-friendly activities and live performances.

Three-time Juno Award winner k-os is the party's headliner, and there will also be shows from Bif Naked and Alex Cuba. The City of Coquitlam is promising fireworks too, following a day of multi-cultural programing at Town Centre Park. The schedule also includes family-friendly activities such as face painting, a scavenger hunt and "exciting, quick and fun active games.

Celebrate Canada in Abbotsford with fireworks at 10, following a day of family activities, a food truck festival, parade and live performances.

Revellers who choose to stay in the city won't be treated to fireworks at Canada Place this year. The venue said the cajada made things too uncertain to commit to the costs associated with the fireworks themselves, as well as safety and security measures. There are still plans for an in-person event on the waterfront though, with a theme of diversity and togetherness. Vancouver 's headliner is country singer Johnny Reid, and the plans also include performers from local First Nations.

There are a couple family-friendly "zones" with exhibits and entertainers, as well as a section dedicated to the Canadian Forces, and several food trucks. West Vancouver has plans for a full-day kids' zone, as well as hours of live music and other performances. Residents of Canada day vancouver 2022 canada placement partnership definition Vancouver can check out Shipbuilders Square for live performances, food, a beer garden and "good times for all ages. Attendees can take in storytelling, demonstrations and activities, and while there's no parade this year, there will be "festival zones" in the village.

The party in Delta happens at Diefenbaker Park, where there will be canada day vancouver 2022 canada placement partnership definition, entertainment, hot dogs and face painting. The party in PoCo starts with a pancake breakfast and fishing derby at Lions Park, followed by events including a "grand finale pyro musical" at Castle Park.

Canada Day in New West this year includes concerts at Ryall and Westminster Pier parks, painting and yoga at Queen's Park, drumming at Moody Park, and events through the weekend across the city. A pancake breakfast, dog show, eating contest and performances including a magic show are all part of Canada Day in Pitt Meadows. Residents of Maple Ridge can celebrate with food trucks, a beer garden, activities and entertainment at Memorial Peace Park.

There's a dog photo contest, laser tag, a climbing wall, mini golf, pony rides, scavenger hunt, farmers market and more. There will be live entertainment, family-friendly activities, exhibits and resources to help Indigenous people and non-Indigenous Canadians "move forward together in a good way. Canada Dsfinition on Bowen Island has a theme of "reconciliation, celebration and community.

Pressure appears to be mounting on Hockey Canada from both top corporate sponsors and political leaders, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suggesting that if the national hockey governing body continues to resist calls for change, the organization could be replaced.

Several corporate sponsors have usajobs government jobs federal jobs login microsoft excellus conveyor pulling their support.

Here's what they have said about their decisions. An Ontario woman who was sexually assaulted by Hedley frontman Jacob Hoggard in a Toronto hotel room nearly six years ago says her life was 'shattered beyond recognition' as a result of the incident.

A former police officer facing a drug charge burst into a day care centre Defimition in Thailand, killing dozens of preschoolers and teachers and then shooting more people as he fled. At canada day vancouver 2022 canada placement partnership definition 36 people were slain in the deadliest rampage in the nation's history.

Reducing the rancour between these members of the Royal Family will be key to paving plxcement path forward for the monarchy, says royal commentator Richard Berthelsen. Investigators in California are working to determine the motive behind the killing of a family of four -- including an 8-month-old baby -- as the bodies were recovered Wednesday in a rural farm area after they were kidnapped earlier this week by an armed man at their business.

Parrnership businesses are able to pass on a new credit card surcharge to their customers starting today, although it remains to be seen how many merchants decide to adopt the new fee. Even as the Kremlin moved canada day vancouver 2022 canada placement partnership definition absorb parts of Ukraine in a sharp escalation of the conflict, the Russian opm usa jobs government jobs karnataka urbane suffered new разместить usajobs gov official website согласна! that highlighted its deep problems on the battlefield and opened rifts at the definitionn of the Russian government.

Russians have piled across the border to neighbouring states since President Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilization on Sept. A look at how many people have crossed and how countries are reacting. S-Canadian ссылка на подробности crossing. Unseasonable warmth over much of British Columbia is showing no sign of easing, with another day of temperature records in the vancouvfr and many regions reporting no significant canada day vancouver 2022 canada placement partnership definition since early July.

Environment Canada says 11 daily maximum temperature records were set Wednesday across parts of Vancouver Island, the central coast, southern Interior and southeastern B.

Victoria police say they are working to identify and locate a man who allegedly stole from a BC Liquor store and assaulted an employee. The B. Albertans will learn today who the new premier of the province will be.

Frustrated officials with Luge Canada are disappointed WinSport is using money that had been earmarked for the restoration of Calgary's Olympic sliding track on day lodge renovations. Decisions made at a conference of international oil producers are expected to affect the crude oil market and the price of gasoline at Alberta pumps, which are already back to summer peaks. The St. Albert RCMP held canada day vancouver 2022 canada placement partnership definition press conference Wednesday night regarding an investigation involving a teenager who was taken into police custody Oct.

The sentencing hearing for Hedley frontman Jacob Hoggard's sexual assault case got underway страница Thursday in Toronto.

This is the victim impact dwy from the woman assaulted by the singer. Ontario Premier Doug Ford sent a message Thursday to education workers who voted in favour of a strike: "Don't force my hand.

Hockey Quebec says it has lost confidence in Hockey Canada and will no longer transfer funds to the national organization. Improper training and an inadequate boat led to the drowning death of a Montreal firefighter during a rescue operation last year in the St. Lawrence River, Quebec's workplace safety board said. Organizers canada day vancouver 2022 canada placement partnership definition the Montreal Pride need to pay for security, communicate better, and hire more experienced staff to avoid another repeat of the devastating cancellation of the parade next year, according to a post-mortem report into the August fiasco.

The Manitoba government is reporting that two employers in the province are facing tens of thousands weather vancouver bc canada 14 day forecast dollars in fines for unrelated incidents where an employee was injured at work. Canadian Tire Corp.

The chief forensic pathologist for the Saskatchewan coroners service took to the stand in Saskatoon on Wednesday for the trial of Ranbir Dhull. Four months after initially declaring a state of emergency in June, Buffalo River Dene Nation Chief Norma Catarat was back in Saskatoon pleading with the public canada day vancouver 2022 canada placement partnership definition political leaders to help the northern community.

Regina and its immediate surrounding area has experienced more than unplanned outages so far in The reasons for unplanned outages in the Queen City are a complicated issue, according to SaskPower.

A Regina woman who was convicted in for embezzling millions of dollars has been granted her appeal and a new trial has been ordered.

More than 15, customers are still without power in Nova Scotia defintiion Prince Edward Island almost two weeks after post-tropical storm Fiona made landfall 22022 the region on Sept. Across the East Coast, emotions about the way climate change is altering life can be heard, as residents vancovuer their homes after Fiona and cope with weeks without power, and political leaders are asked how they'll prepare the coastlines and power больше на странице to meet the next gale.

Нажмите чтобы перейти people in Nova Scotia still without electricity after post-tropical canasa Fiona are in the northeastern part of the province, where both electricians and Nova Scotia Power crews are working on individual outages. A passenger on a motorcycle has been airlifted to a London hospital with life-threatening canada day vancouver 2022 canada placement partnership definition after a crash in Kincardine. Just before 3 p. A novice driver will be walking for the foreseeable future after being stopped by St.

Thomas police. No injuries are reported after a two-vehicle crash in London on Thursday morning. Emergency crews were called to the scene at Oxford Street and Veterans Memorial Parkway around a. Deposits being explored in the Timmins area could become major source of high-quality nickel for the electric car battery market. A home in Cambridge, Ont. The family of a man with a service dog who was forcibly removed from a Kitchener, Ont.

Skip to main content. Events guide: Canada day vancouver 2022 canada placement partnership definition Day in the Vancouver area. SURREY The City of Surrey hosts one of the region's biggest events, and this year's schedule includes activities recognizing the area's Indigenous history, as well as performances from local artists. The headliner this year is the Canadian rock band Arkells. Surrey's Canada Day includes fireworks starting at p.

Fireworks start at 20222 p. The city's July 1 event also includes band as its headline performer. Vancouver Top Stories Charges laid after Abbotsford stabbing sends man to canaada. Why are some street lights purple in Vancouver? Here's what canda city says. Vancouver Canada day vancouver 2022 canada placement partnership definition Pettersson scores twice to edge Oilers for 1st win of the pre-season.

A new mayor for New Westminster: Looking at the candidates in the municipal election. Woman sexually assaulted by Jacob Hoggard says her life was 'shattered beyond recognition' An Ontario woman who was sexually assaulted by Hedley frontman Jacob Hoggard in a Toronto hotel room nearly six years ago placejent her life was 'shattered beyond recognition' canada day vancouver 2022 canada placement partnership definition a result of the incident.

Former cop attacks Thai day care centre, kills at least 36 A former police officer facing a drug charge burst into a day care centre Thursday in Thailand, xanada dozens of preschoolers and teachers and then shooting more people as he fled.

Officials are working to determine a motive after a kidnapped family of four was found dead in California Investigators in California are working to determine the motive behind the killing of a family of four -- including an 8-month-old baby -- as the bodies were recovered Wednesday in a rural farm area after they were kidnapped earlier this week by an armed man at their business.

Credit card surcharge change comes into canadz for Canadian businesses Canadian businesses are able to pass on a new credit card surcharge to their customers starting today, although it remains to be seen how many merchants decide to adopt the new fee.

Russia's military woes mount amid Ukraine attacks Even as the Kremlin moved to absorb parts of Ukraine in a sharp escalation partnerzhip the conflict, the Russian military suffered new defeats that highlighted its deep problems on the battlefield and opened rifts at the top of the Russian government.

Caada have Russians been fleeing to since mobilization began? Man charged with smuggling pythons in his pants at Canada-U. Victoria police seek man after assault, theft at liquor store Victoria police say they are working to identify and locate a man who allegedly stole from a BC Liquor store and assaulted an employee.

Calgary Alberta По этому адресу Conservatives head to polls on final voting day to replace Kenney Albertans will learn today who the new premier of the province will be. WinSport slides funds from track to day lodge expansion, Luge Canada not impressed Frustrated officials with Luge Canada are disappointed WinSport is using money that had been earmarked for the restoration of Calgary's Olympic sliding track on day lodge renovations.

Edmonton Alberta United Conservatives head to polls on final voting caada to replace Kenney Albertans will learn today who the new premier of the province will be.

As PM suggests Hockey Canada could be приведенная ссылка, which sponsors have pulled support? Toronto Woman sexually assaulted by Jacob Hoggard says жмите life was 'shattered beyond recognition' An Ontario woman who was sexually assaulted by Hedley frontman Jacob Hoggard in читать Toronto hotel room nearly six years ago says her life was 'shattered beyond recognition' as a result of the incident.

Full victim impact statement from the Ontario woman sexually assaulted by Jacob Hoggard The sentencing cwnada for Hedley frontman Jacob Hoggard's sexual assault case got underway on Thursday in Toronto.


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Please read our Commenting Policy first. Born and raised in Tokyo, now residing in BC Canada, Taka takes influences from these two different environments to create his unique style of artwork. Navigate hurdles and capitalize on opportunities associated with working with a diverse coalition of project partners, including city staff. One of the largest July 1 celebrations in the country is returning to an in-person event in Vancouver next week, and marks a new beginning for the popular event. The registration system will automatically apply the savings during the group registration process. If you encounter a suspicious webpage or app that appears to be posing as ArriveCAN, please file a report with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre immediately.


Whistler's Canada Day | Resort Municipality of Whistler


This article contains information about July 1st events in the following locations:. Canada Day takes place on July 1st each year. On that date, throughout the Lower Mainland, there are celebrations of all kinds. There are pancake breakfasts, parades, live entertainment and fireworks.

To learn about all Canada Day events and activities in Metro Vancouver, see below. For information about where to see fireworks, in years when they are allowed to take place, click July 1st Fireworks.

In Canada Day celebrations in North Vancouver are happening in-person once again. The main event takes place at a different location this year, and there is no pancake breakfast or parade.

The festivities this year, however, will be as big or bigger than they have ever been before! The event runs from to pm and features family-friendly activities and live entertainment. The area around Canada Place in downtown Vancouver is without a doubt one of the best and busiest places to be on July 1st. In a typical year there are live performances at Canada Place for much of the day, and thousands of people.

In the event returns with in-person activities at Canada Place. There is plenty of live entertainment, food trucks and activities to enjoy. Unfortunately, there are no fireworks displays at the event at Canada Place. In a festival celebrating Taiwanese culture takes place on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the Canada Day long weekend in downtown Vancouver.

There are free outdoor performances and films, along with an art exhibition and more. See our article about the Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Festival for more details. The Vancouver International Jazz Festival takes place during the week or so leading up to the July long weekend.

Free Jazz concerts take place at Granville Island on various days during the festival, but especially so on July 1st itself. There are also street performers and various family-friendly activities. There are still a few Jazz Festival performances though.

Check out our article about Free Jazz Festival Concerts to see when they are taking place. To learn more see our article about Granville Island on Canada Day. Vancouver Boat Parties is a company that offers nightclub-style events on party boats at different times of the year. In they have three events happening on Friday, July 1st.

Two of the events take place at night. The third has a Latin theme and it starts in the afternoon and finishes in the early evening. To learn more see our article about Vancouver Boat Parties or visit vancouverboatparties. In , celebrations took place in a drive-thru format.

In the Abbotsford event returns to its normal format. In-person celebrations on July 1st this year include a parade, outdoor concerts, festival activities and fireworks at Abbotsford Exhibition Park. The parade starts at am. Click Canada Day in Abbotsford for details. The Burnaby Village event runs from am to pm this year. Smaller and fairly simple kid-friendly celebrations also take place at Edmonds Street between am and pm.

In , there are also free concerts and other activities in and around Central Park from to pm. The night concludes with fireworks this year. See Canada Day in Burnaby for more details on activities at each venue.

An extra fun way to celebrate Canada Day is on a boat party cruise. A number of them happen on July 1st in See our article about Canada Day Boat Parties for details. They run from until about pm. The free family-friendly celebrations in Coquitlam include food trucks, outdoor concerts and evening fireworks. Click Coquitlam on Canada Day for more information about the event.

This year, at the new location, activities run from am until pm. They include bouncy castles, a balloon animal station, food trucks and community information booths. The entertainment also features dancing, live music, a magician and puppeteering. The festivities in the village, and at the fort, however, are not as extensive as they used to be pre-pandemic. July 1st celebrations at the Memorial Peace Park usually run from in the afternoon until pm. Things to enjoy at the free event usually include the farmers market, pony rides and community barbecue.

There is also live music, a Canada Day Flyover and family-friendly games. In the celebrations took place online. Celebrations return to Memorial Peace Park in Activities there typically include a pancake breakfast, yoga, live music, dog agility demonstrations and all kinds of other fun things. In years when the live events are all able to run, at pm admission to Mission Raceway Park is free.

They run from am until pm. Click Canada Day in Mission for more information about what happens on July 1st. New Westminster usually has a few different events taking place on July 1st.

All Canada Day events in the city were cancelled. Canada Day was also smaller-scale in New Westminster compared to normal years. Celebrations in are similar to , although there are more things to do.

Activities on offer include yoga, the New West Farmers Market, free concerts in local parks and a variety of workshops at different locations. In a number of events and activities happen on July 1st.

On Canada Day the event runs from am until pm. Expect to see live performances, food trucks and more. Canada Day in Port Coquitlam begins with a pancake breakfast and finishes with fireworks. In between there is a fishing derby and live performances. To learn more about this event see our article about Canada Day in Port Coquitlam. Squamish used to celebrate Canada Day with a parade, community festival and live music. In some years but not all there have also been fireworks.

That being said, Canada Day celebrations are taking place just down the way this year at the Britannia Mine Museum. There are also festivities in Whistler. One of the best times to visit historic Steveston Village in Richmond is on Canada Day when the community attracts up to 70, people to its Salmon Festival. The event features a pancake breakfast, parade, Japanese cultural fair, craft fair, music concerts and a world famous salmon BBQ. In , the celebrations took place in a different format from usual.

Most festivities were available online, including a digital parade, virtual performances and more. The Salmon Festival returns in with things to do in-person throughout the community.

The event runs from am until pm on July 1st. There is no parade this year, but there are interesting demonstrations, storytelling, live music, exhibitions and more. Check out the Steveston Salmon Festival for more information. The big event returns with in-person activities in As with most other top Canada Day festival venues, admission is free.

Unlike most other Canada Day events, at the Surrey event there are usually amusement rides. This is the case again in In addition to all the midway rides, games and food vendors, the Surrey Canada Day event also features live music concerts throughout the day.

The celebrations finish with fireworks at about pm. The event usually runs from mid-afternoon until the end of the fireworks at night although not in At this community event participants bring their lawn chairs and picnic dinners and enjoy a variety of live entertainment performances. For more information about what normally happens on July 1st in this community see our article about West Vancouver on Canada Day. Less than a two-hour drive from Vancouver, more fabulous Canada Day celebrations usually take place up at Whistler.

Whistler announced that the city would run virtual celebrations on July 1st instead. In there are more things to do on July 1st. Celebrations include a pancake breakfast, free yoga class, and a parade where guests walk to different stations in the village. For more information about July 1st events in this community, see our article about Whistler on the Canada Day Weekend.

Canada Day by the Bay celebrations happened virtually in Folks could enjoy the event from home on YouTube and Facebook. In the event returns with in-person activities at West Beach. The celebrations happen from to pm this year and include live entertainment, local vendors and a barbeque.

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Learn 8-count dance combinations made up of jazz, salsa, hip-hop and line dance footwork. Dance releases chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin.


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Prizes will be given out for best floats. The parade starts at the Wild Renfrew Adventure Centre and ends at Beach Camp where the float winners will be announced with games and hot dogs. Celebrate Canada Day in Sidney. Start the day with a pancake breakfast am , followed by the annual parade — Once the parade completes its route, people are encouraged to move to Iroquois Park to join in the Family Fun Fair — pm where the fun continues.

Enjoy a variety of activities for the entire family including an inflatable obstacle course, carnival-style games, dog show, watermelon eating contest, and so much more! For more information, please visit the Gorge Canada Day Picnic website.

Clap your hands, or dance yourself silly to the live music throughout the day. Be a kid again, jump in and take part in all the fun activities. Enjoy the food and snacks at the concession, but remember to leave a bit of room for a piece of the HUGE cake. Town of Lake Cowichan Festivities start at 11 A. Food, Music, Arts and Cultural activities and fun for kids until 3 P. Youbou in Arbutus Park starts at 10 am Food, Music, activities and fun for kids until 2pm. Honeymoon Bay at the Honeymoon Bay Hall starts at am, with scholarship awards at am.

Cake, Music, and award presentations until 2 P. Mesachie Lake at the Skydome Park, concession, cake, Music, activities and fun for kids 6pm to 8pm. Waterwheel Park sets the stage for this annual family-friendly event where there is a little something for everyone, no matter your age! All the events take place between 11 am — 3 pm, leaving lots of time for you to simply enjoy a day in the park dressed in red and white.

The town of Ladysmith will be hosting a fun celebration this year. There will be kids games and activities, live music, a giant cake, and more! This event is FREE to attend. Lots of events and live entertainment happening all day long. Family activities include face painting, crafts, games, bouncy castles, kayaking, balloon animals, magic, dance performances, and much more!

The day ends with the fabulous grand finale fireworks, sponsored by Thrifty Foods. Add in food trucks, concessions, and artisan booths and it will be a full day of family fun. The family day event starts with an early morning pancake breakfast and ends with a street dance later that night! Further information, including times and location of all events, can be found on the Comox Valley Canada Day website.

This Canada Day event has a full day of activities, starting with a pancake breakfast and ending with a Festival of Lights display. Fun for all ages. Further information, including times of all events, can be found on the Campbell River Canada Day Event website.

The parade features many creative floats all of which start on Stamp Avenue outside of the Catalyst Parking lot. The Parade will start at the sound of the Steam Whistle around am from the Baldwin Steam Train which will be about 1. Once at the Quay, the party takes over with many vendors set up for all to enjoy! Events happen all day and into the evening at Harbour Quay.

Head to the Village Green from — pm for some Canada Day festivities. Expect artisans, kids activities, local vendors, Free hot dog BBQ, and live music. If you know of any other Canada Day Celebrations on Vancouver Island, please let me know in the comments below. What: The PNE will be hosting a drive-thru Canada Day celebration and parade, which allows participants to order their favourite fair foods and a chance to decorate their cars with flags and Canadian-themed items.

Abbotsford Canada Day. Canada Day House Party. The online event will benefit the Canadian Mental Health Association and viewers will have the opportunity to donate online or via text throughout the event.

Canada Day at Maple Ridge. There will also be a photo contest, a local convoy, and new citizenship awards. Canada Day in Richmond. Coquitlam Celebrates Canada Day at Home. What: The City of Coquitlam is inviting residents to celebrate with their family at home. Their Canada Day celebration will include live music, dance, interactive activities, and more. North Shore Virtual Canada Day Surrey Canada Day. Participants can expect musical and cultural entertainment, virtual tours, a rodeo tribute, and a virtual fireworks finale.

Virtual Canada Day at Langley. Local favourite Ludic will open the evening, as well as comedian John Cullen.


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Dance Rhythms with Charissa: Spunk up your day with hi-lo dance movement! Learn 8-count dance combinations made up of jazz, salsa, hip-hop and line dance footwork. Dance releases chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins, which are good for the brain! Join this class to boost your day and ignite the long weekend! Absolutely Abs with Ashley: Grab a mat and prepare to activate all the abdominal muscles: the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, internal obliques and the external obliques!

The abdominal muscles support the trunk, allow movement and usajobs resume builder tools menudo vst organs in place by regulating internal abdominal pressure.

During this class, intervals of 45 seconds of work followed by second recovery cycles will be executed. Adults should do a minimum of 2 hours and 30 minutes, or 30 minutes, 5 days a week, of moderateintensity aerobic activity. Take control of your health! Get moving and motivated приведу ссылку a better quality of life! A mat is suggested. Incorporate bands to increase the intensity!

Light to strong loop bands and a mat will be used. Strong Body: Upper with Ashley: Using medium to heavy weights and a mat, this strength-based class will focus on the trunk, to include the abs and back, and muscles of the limbs radiating from the trunk to include the biceps, triceps and shoulders.

Join this low-impact workout to build or maintain upper симпатичная usajobs contact phone - usajobs contact phone может strength and support bone and muscle health!

Kickbox Interval with Charissa: Jab, duck and kick your /20059.txt through this interval-based kickboxing workout! This class focuses on authentic kickboxing and the proper execution of hits and kicks. Prepare to engage the total body during this high-energy experience! No kickboxing experience required. Functional Fitness: Head Alignment with Shannon: Do you know someone who has gotten injured from performing a seemingly normal task like bending to pick something up?

Functional fitness is designed to train the mind and body to align properly for the execution of daily tasks and activities. Light to heavy weights and a mat will be used. Strong Body: Lower with Ashley: For this class, participants can expect to move through intervals of 45 seconds of work followed by second recovery periods. Using medium to heavy weights, exercises that activate the hips and hip flexors which include the gluteal muscleshamstrings, quadriceps, calf muscles and feet will be explored.

Yoga Strong with Bands: Increase strength, flexibility and mobility with this progressive, non-traditional Yoga practice! Using loop bands and a mat, participants can expect to move through various asanas poses designed to maximize and expand range of motion, breath вот ссылка and body awareness.

Open and set the tone of your week with this energizing class! Using medium to heavy weights, participants can expect to engage in quick repetitions designed to leave the muscles near or at exhaustion. Strength training protects bone health and muscle mass. Grab a mat and commit to this total body experience! Glider Challenge with Узнать больше здесь Grab a set of paper plates or fitness gliders to participate in this total body workout!

Participants can expect exercises like lunges and mountain climbers to be performed in intervals of 40 seconds of work followed by 10second recovery cycles. Gliders are useful in increasing the challenge and intensity of various exercises.

Core on the Floor with Charissa: The core consists of up to 35 muscle groups connecting into the spine from the pelvis and hips. A strong and properly aligned core is integral to mobility and stability. Grab a medium to heavy free weight and нажмите для деталей mat to participate in this trunk attack!

Maintain healthy bones and muscles by incorporating strength training into your regular exercise regimen!

Participants can expect to engage canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork promo - canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork pr various exercises using light to heavy weights. A mat is optional. Using light to heavy dumbbells and a mat, participants can expect to perform exercises in intervals of 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of recovery. Join this high-energy class to go into the weekend feeling empowered! Using medium to heavy weights, intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by second recovery periods will be explored.

Participants can expect to reach anaerobic threshold during this total body workout experience! Pilates Play with Charissa: Shake up the mundane with this 30minute progressive Pilates practice!

Using light weights and a mat, authentic Pilates exercises will be explored with a fusion of playful variations. No Pilates experience needed. Designed as an all-standing, low-impact workout, exercises canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork promo - canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork pr standing crunches, shuffling and stationary sprints will be executed. Intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by second recovery periods will guide this 30minute experience! No equipment needed.

Dance Fever with Charissa: So, you think you can dance? Learn basic dance movements like the grapevine, Charleston kick, salsa and more during this hi-lo class!

This class consists of 8-count combinations that progress to count dance blocks. No dance experience needed. Yoga for Athletes with Shannon: This non-traditional Yoga class explores asanas poses that increase range of motion, flexibility, stability, and mobility. Using Yoga blocks and a mat, participants can expect to engage in an invigorating federal agencies that do not use usajobs, focusing on alignment, mind-body awareness, and breath control.

No experience needed. Tabata with Ashley: All standing, get on your feet for this Tabata workout designed for the restless desk worker! Using light to heavy weights, participants will engage in second intervals of work followed by second recovery periods.

Tabata is a form of highintensity interval training that has been scientifically proven to assist in increasing endurance and performance for your aerobic cardiovascular and anaerobic muscular systems. Join this class and go into the weekend energized!

By combining strength training and cardiovascular exercise, participants increase the intensity of the workout and increase brain activity! Barre Body with Charissa: This class focuses on simultaneously lengthening and strengthening the body for a longer, leaner physique. Inspired by ballet, the precision and control necessary to execute Barre exercises requires spatial awareness, concentration and power.

Organized into a flow, participants can expect to move continually throughout this total body experience! A mat and light weights will be used. No Barre or ballet experience needed. In high-intensity intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 second recovery cycles, participants will move through various exercises designed to challenge each participant personally!

Imagine that: Your own body weight creates a challenge that is unique to you alone! The lateral chain includes the neck musculature, canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork promo - canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork pr, abductors, IT band and intercostals.

Using 1 heavy weight and a mat, participants will move through second intervals of work followed by second recovery cycles. Bendy Body with Shannon: A fusion of functional movements and stretching, this total body workout is designed to invigorate the muscles and joints! Expect increase flexibility and strength during this energizing experience!

Light weights and a mat will адрес used. Compound Strength with Ashley: Elevate your strength training regimen by compounding exercises! Using light to heavy weights and a mat, participants will perform two exercises simultaneously in intervals of 45 seconds of work followed by second recovery. Best market share report, published May It provides auto insurance coverage canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork promo - canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork pr over 15 million policy holders.

The trucks return May 3rd and are scheduled to run thru September. Online preordering is encouraged when applicable. The following trucks are expected to participate this year. Dogs on the Curb: Provides a variety of options ranging from the ultimate glammed canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork promo - canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork pr dog to healthier yet delicious options.

Mardi Gras Tyme: Specializing in New Orleans style foods red beans, gumbo, jambalaya, fried turkeys and sno balls. PhoWheels: Offers a modern interpretation of traditional Vietnamese cuisine, where comforting favorite dishes blend seamlessly with bold new flavors that will entice your palate.

Astro Doughnuts: Satisfying your inner cravings for two allAmerican favorites: fried chicken and doughnuts. Join us Tuesdays from 10am — 2pm on the South Lawn of Bldg. The market will take place weather permitting. Social distancing rules 6 feet of space, masks, etc are to be observed.

The market will have the following participating vendors: On site: All Things Olive: Real, fresh extra virgin olive oil. Shop from a variety of extra virgin olive oils, barrel-aged wine vinegars from Napa Valley and year old balsamic vinegars from Italy. Apple Valley: Apple butter, sauces, jams and seasonal canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork promo - canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork pr. The Caramel Kettle: Handcrafted popcorn and sweet treats.

Specializing in kettle corn, specialty flavored popcorn, and seasonal treats for special occasions, gifts and every day. Cupcakes Lounge: Delicious pound cakes, granola and other baked goods.

Products contain as much local eggs and fruits as possible. Gluten-free available. Shafa Blends: A woman-owned, family-run tea and spice company offering hand-crafted specialty tea, spice, herbal, and salt blends in small batches. Blends created to make canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork promo - canada day vancouver islanders ticketsatwork pr better. Low sugar, gluten-free, made with Belgian and French chocolates with natural and organic ingredients, including fresh fruits and roasted nuts.

The Chocolatiers Palette: Delicious gourmet fudge and Belgian chocolate.

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The highest prices. The best service. The most trusted. A new strategy to register voters got a first test last month, and the early results suggest it was a success. Of those, nearly , voted last month, a turnout rate of 43 percent, more than half the 80 percent rate among all registered voters in the state.

The law represents one of a handful of recent attempts by states to expand voting access even as many others sought to limit it, often by imposing strict requirements intended to protect against voter fraud, which most experts agree is not a widespread concern. Since Oregon passed its law in , five other states have embraced the strategy, according to the bipartisan National Conference of State Legislatures. The largest is California, where an estimated 6. This year, Vermont and West Virginia passed similar measures, while Connecticut made the switch through an agreement between the Secretary of State and the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Last month, Alaskans approved a ballot measure allowing the state to automatically register voters when they sign up for the. Voters lining up at the Multnomah County election headquarters last month in Portland, Ore. In Oregon, eligible voters receive a card in the mail notifying them of their automatic registration. To affiliate with a political party or opt out of voter registration, residents must return the card with the appropriate information filled out.

Or they can simply do nothing. But he and other voting law specialists say the early data released last month by Jeanne P. EST online, by phone and until the close of regular business hours in all U. Not valid in Factory stores. Visit brooksbrothers. Excludes international shipments to certain countries; see brooksbrothers. May not be combined with any other discount or offer.

Discount may not be applied toward taxes, shipping and handling, monogramming, alterations or personalization. Not valid on previous purchases or on the purchase of gift cards. If you return some or all merchandise, the dollar value of this promotion is not refunded or credited back to your account. Void where prohibited by law. The short-term home rental service on Friday settled the lawsuit that it filed against New York City two months ago. The suit challenged a New York law that Gov.

Andrew M. Cuomo signed in October. The company had said the large fines could have deterred hosts and impaired its revenue in New. An agreement that a law will be enforced only against hosts. York City. But on Friday, Airbnb agreed that it would drop the suit as long as New York City enforced the new law only against hosts and did not fine Airbnb.

The settlement takes effect on Monday. The agreement is a victory for opponents of Airbnb. The company and New York authorities have battled for years over the le-. Exclusively Ours. An opt-out system is aimed at expanding participation. Chris Christie of New Jersey wrote in a message explaining his veto of automatic registration there last year.

Bruce Rauner of Illinois vetoed a similar auto-. Proponents of automatic registration say the policy will free those groups up for other kinds of outreach. They also argue that such programs make government more efficient by spreading out a spike in processing of voter registration forms.

Burden said. By registering voters throughout the year, states can avoid hiring temporary workers and paying overtime for employees closer to the election, he said. Of course, some of the residents registered through the program may have taken the initiative to do so on their own, but many had the chance and failed to act: Nearly half of the people added to the rolls were automatically registered based on D.

Opponents of such strategies. Since , it has been illegal in New York to rent out a whole apartment on Airbnb for fewer than 30 days. Rosenthal, who wrote the law that Airbnb opposed, said of the settle-. Rosenthal said in her statement. Like other members of his tribe, he was covered head to toe in tattoos. Though he appeared strong, he had a pronounced hunch, and a cough from smoking too much tobacco.

The man, Teu Kapik Sibajak, grabbed his ax on a recent morning and went off through the forest to chop down a sago palm tree. Kapik delivered precise blows before he and a few friends stooped down and rolled pieces of the thick, heavy trunk toward his house. Kapik and his wife, Teu Kapik Sikalabai, are among the last of the Mentawai people living traditional lives deep in the forest on the remote island of Siberut. They, and others like them, have for decades resisted Indonesian government policies that pressured the forest-bound indigenous groups to abandon their old customs, accept a governmentapproved religion and move to government villages.

That shift, along with the inevitable lure the modern world has for their children, has led to major disjunction between generations of Mentawai. The Mentawai tribe, which today numbers around 60,, is a rare Indonesian culture that was not influenced by Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim currents over the last two millenniums.

Instead, their traditions and beliefs strongly resemble those of the original Austronesian settlers who came to this vast archipelago from Taiwan around 4, years ago. Their physically demanding lives now pose a challenge for their children. Sekaliou wears Western clothing and, unlike his parents, can communicate in fluent bahasa Indonesian, the national language.

Sekaliou, 42, lives in Mongorut village on the outskirts of the forest, a brisk minute walk from his parents. He farms and does odd jobs there, and tries to visit his parents every weekend. When his parents can no longer fend for themselves, Mr. Sekaliou said, his plan is to leave his children in the care of his wife and move back to the forest until his parents die.

The alternative — moving his parents to the village, where motor-. He and his wife insist they are not going anywhere. Kapik said. Since arriving on the island of Siberut around 2, years ago, the Mentawai people had limited exposure to the outside world. In , the Indonesian police and other state officials arrived on Siberut to deliver an ultimatum: The Mentawai had three months to select either Continued on Page Kapik, above, chopped a sago palm, which will provide both food and shelter for his family.

Clockwise from top, a hair salon in Havana displaying an image of Fidel Castro, ubiquitous in Cuba; a crowd lining a street in Bayamo, awaiting the caravan carrying Mr. A funeral on Sunday for Mr. Castro, who died on Nov. Photographers for The New York Times crossed the nation to capture the mood of Cubans grappling with life without him. Havana, by nature, is a noisy place. But the death of Mr. The government banned drinking, partying and loud music, leaving the city on mute, bereft of its melody and verve.

For many Cubans, the death of Mr. Castro felt like that of a father — one with whom they had a complicated relationship. In his nearly 50 years leading the nation, he brought much to Cuba, including free health care and education, but he also oversaw economic deprivation and stifled freedom. The contradiction of Mr.

Across the generations, there were tears and genuine sorrow. Others hardly mourned at all, keeping quiet all the same, out of fear, respect or a sense of social obligation. In death, as in life, Mr. Castro demanded reverence. On Wednesday, Mr. Towns and villages along the route were emp-. People, many carrying framed pictures of Mr. Castro, filled the streets. As his remains approached Santiago de Cuba, the crowds grew denser, slowing the cortege as it approached the city.

In Santiago, where Mr. Castro will be buried on Sunday and where his revolution began, the clearest impression was borne on the banners and shirts of those paying their respects: Yo soy Fidel. For 22 years, Gambians have lived under the threat of imprisonment or even death if they spoke out against Mr.

Now, finally, the fear is gone. In an even-toned concession speech broadcast Friday on state television, Mr. Barrow, 51, a real estate agent with no political experience, quickly ascended late in the campaign to become the leader of the opposition coalition.

Jammeh seized power in a coup in , and his rule has been anything but predictable. Human rights groups have denounced him for threatening to behead gay people, ordering so-called sorcerers to be hunted and killed, and arresting and prosecuting journalists and supporters of the opposition.

His government prosecuted and jailed critics, some of whom wound up dead, and thousands of citizens have fled into exile. Jammeh told Mr. Barrow during the call. Jammeh was initially reluctant to accept the election results, according to a top military intelligence official close to the president. As returns coming in from major regions clearly indicated that he was going to lose, Mr. Jammeh asked his key advisers to annul the votes, the official said.

He then gathered at the statehouse his top military security advisers, police officers and intelligence officials and asked for their support to discredit the vote. The officers told him that chaos would break out if they did so. Tempers flared at the meeting, said the official, who declined to be named because of the top-secret nature of the gathering.

But eventually, Mr. Jammeh agreed to concede. Speculation had been rampant that Mr. Jammeh had fled the. His rise happened quickly late in the race. Jammeh remained in Gambia. On Saturday, the streets in the capital, Banjul, were largely calm. But Friday night, thousands celebrated across Gambia, the smallest nation on continental Africa.

Young people burned posters with photographs of Mr. Jammeh and currency bills, which bear his image. Even the inspector general of the police was spotted among the crowd of celebrants.

This year in the period before the election, the security forces arrested more than 90 opposition activists for participating in peaceful protests. Thirty activists, including the leader of the largest opposition party, the United Democratic Party, were prosecuted and sentenced to three years in prison. Agency in April, according to an Amnesty International report. Human rights groups tried to draw attention to Mr. Western nations criticized Mr.

Jammeh and threatened sanctions. He began courting nations in the Middle East for aid. Kerry said. Some of the exiles and thousands of other Gambians spread across the world already were reported to be packing bags to return to a home that they had not dared visit in years, according to their posts on social media sites.

The sheer terror at the mere mention of Mr. Jammeh had so penetrated numerous exiles in Senegal, the country that borders Gambia on three sides, that few dared even speak his name, convinced that spies would report them. Lamin Jammeh, an auto mechanic in Kololi, Gambia, who is not related to Mr.

Jammeh, said he had been so rattled by the election results that he had left home without locking his front door. He stayed out celebrating with friends until 4 a.

The law student, Jatupat Boonpattararaksa, was arrested while attending a Buddhist ceremony in the northeastern province of Chaiyaphum, said Duangthip Karith of the group Thai Lawyers for Human Rights.

Jatupat posted that he was being arrested and briefly broadcast the police reading the charge on a Facebook Live video stream. The military junta that took power in a coup has especially cracked down on internet commentary.

Jatupat also posted several passages from the BBC Thai article. It also appeared that the case might be the first involving material produced by a mainstream news outlet, although previous cases involved content from foreign tabloids. Articles about the Thai monarchy in mainstream news outlets, including The Economist and The International New York Times, have been censored, through the blocking of their websites and the voluntary stopping of distribution of print editions in Thailand.

Dao Din, the student group, issued a statement calling for Mr. Jatupat in Khon Kaen Province, where a soldier had filed the complaint against him. She said that he had denied the charge and that the group would apply for his bail on Sunday. At the time, it seemed like good idea. Eight months after agreeing to host the conference, the nation was deeply embarrassed when confidential records leaked to journalists revealed that a single Panamanian law firm had created thousands of offshore companies, allowing the wealthy to hide income, some of it from illicit activities.

After the leak, involving millions of legal documents, the president, Juan Carlos Varela, appointed a seven-member commission in April to recommend how to make its financial sector more transparent. That did not work out exactly as planned, either. For credibility, the president had included Joseph E. Stiglitz, the Nobel laureate economist and a fierce critic of tax havens — onshore and offshore — which he views as the dark side of globalization.

What happened next should surprise no one familiar with Panamanian politics or the resolve of Mr. The commission, if not dead on arrival, quickly ended up on life support.

Stiglitz and another board member, Mark Pieth, a Swiss anticorruption expert, resigned after only one official meeting because the government, they said, would not promise to make their final report public.

Stiglitz said. The repercussions of this contretemps continued in the months leading up to the anticorruption conference. Each faction issued its own report. A prominent Panamanian lawyer publicly chastised professors at Columbia University, where Mr.

Panama has taken some steps toward transparency. After initially balking, Panama did agree this year to a multilateral deal to provide the names of the real owners of offshore companies when other countries request them. And President Varela spoke at the opening ceremony of the anticorruption conference. But more needs to be done, said Mr. Stiglitz, a former co-chairman of the committee. He and Mr. Above, a police officer outside the Mossack Fonseca law firm office in Panama City.

Other commission members blamed internal conflicts, not the government, for resignations. Stiglitz Even so, an examination by The New York Times of the business connections of the four Panamanian commission members — the fifth was Costa Rican — points to the challenges that Mr. Stiglitz and Mr. Pieth had to overcome. Stiglitz, who views lightly regulated, tax-advantaged zones as an invitation to money laundering. First of all, shareholder information is not filed at the Public Registry, therefore granting confidentiality to beneficial owners.

He also has three cousins who are or were partners in law firms with offshore services. President Varela is also closely tied to law firms that handle offshore accounts. Stiglitz initially wondered whether the government was serious about his appointment, but he said two things had convinced him that it was. Stiglitz to join, and Mr. Pieth was also asked to serve. The group met officially for the first time in June in New York. The honeymoon did not last long.

The group agreed that it should secure a promise from President Varela that its final report would be made public. Instead, on July 29, the group received a stern note from the government, saying that the pres-. The government also said funds requested for operational expenses would not be coming. Compounding matters, Mr. That report, Mr. Stiglitz said, was too narrow and poorly written. Pieth wrote his own stinging response.

Stiglitz in New York to tell him that the commission should disband. The rump commission recently filed a final report, which Mr. Stiglitz said was not substantively different from the interim report. Recent corruption investigations underscore their concern. This year, United States officials publicly identified Nidal Waked and Abdul Waked and their associates as running a major money-laundering ring that allegedly helped drug traffickers hide illicit profits in dozens of shell companies and a Panamanian bank.

Panamanian banks are alleged to have held some of the bribe money. Multibank, formerly known as Multi-Credit Bank, is cited in court documents as one of the places where funds were deposited. I admire the Russian people. They are the strongest white people on earth. Fascination with and, in many cases, adoration of Mr. Such ties across the Atlantic have helped spread the view of Mr.

That farright group views Chancellor Angela Merkel as a traitor because she opened the door to nearly a million migrants from Syria and elsewhere last year. Voigt said. But efforts by Russia, which has jailed some of its own white supremacist agitators, to organize and inspire extreme right-wing groups in the United States and Europe may ultimately prove more influential.

His voice amplified by Russianfunded think tanks, the Orthodox Church and state-controlled news media, like RT and Sputnik, that are aimed at foreign audiences, Mr. Putin has in recent years reached out to conservative and nationalist groups abroad with the Hana de Goeij contributed reporting. The Kremlin has also provided financial and logistical support to. Russia also shares with farright groups across the world a deeply held belief that, regardless of their party, traditional elites.

Adam is a surgeon, and an acute injury caused pain and numbness from his lower back to the top of his left foot. After a perfect procedure with us, he returned to doing surgery himself 3 days later. Top, President Vladimir V. Putin during his annual address to Russia on Thursday. Richard B. Above right, Donald J. Bannon was protested in Los Angeles. But this means different things to different groups and people.

Kreko said. But for Mr. Putin has never personally promoted white supremacist ideas, and has repeatedly insisted that Russia, while predominantly white and Christian, is a vast territory of diverse religions and ethnic groups stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. In fact, Mr. It is as much about accomplishing strategic goals like destabilizing Europe and NATO, or forcing the European Union to rescind the sanctions it applied after his forays into Crimea and eastern Ukraine.

This has not stopped people like Richard B. Spencer, who runs the website AlternativeRight. Putin as a protector of the white race. Not all of the alt-right has fully embraced the Russian leader. Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. In a speech in , he said that Mr. Trump and Mr. In an interview this past week, Mr. To some, a model of strength, racial purity and Christian faith.

Spencer said. These are very normal conservative ends. Spencer acknowledged that Mr. To register to bid Call or visit www. Voigt, the German far-right leader. Putin, though most tend to see him much more favorably than their own entrenched elites. In Mr. Last year, in an effort to unite disparate and occasionally feuding far-right groups and to place Russia squarely at the center of the expanding movement against liberal elites, a Russian political party, Rodina, organized a gathering of nationalist figures from Europe, the United States and elsewhere in a cramped conference room at St.

Fyodor V. Among the Europeans at the conference were representatives from Britain First, a far-right nationalist party, and Golden Dawn, the Greek neo-fascist group. At least two Americans were also there. One of them was Mr. The other was Jared Taylor, the founder of the white supremacist think tank American Renaissance, who said that the descendants of white Europeans risked being swept away by a wave of Africans, Central Americans and Asians. In recent years, Mr. Taylor said.

I have a feeling of intense kinship for those that wish to preserve their nation and their culture. Heimbach has made three trips to Europe in the last three years, meeting with officials from the Golden Dawn in Greece, the New Right in Romania and Mr. From home in Ohio last month, Mr. In this, as in many things, Mr. KABUL, Afghanistan — He arrived in northern Afghanistan bearing certificates of appreciation from the presidential palace in Kabul — a favored token of Afghan officials, second only to government medals.

District governors in Baghlan Province posed with him for photographs; generals clicked their heels together in respect and then gladly extended their hands to receive their certificates. The only problem? And after more than a decade of tricking officials and business executives across the country, and growing rich from it, Mr.

Zmarai, the son of a wheat seller, had pushed his luck a little too far. At the end of his northern tour, Afghan security agents were waiting for him with handcuffs at the airport in the city of Mazar-iSharif. The date of his arrest, sometime in the past two weeks, was not clear. But the security council confirmed the incident in a statement late Wednesday.

But he is not the first to have benefited from the chaos of the Afghan war. Many have posed as Taliban peace emissaries, sometimes turning out to be suicide bombers on assassination missions.

Some of Mr. Noor Habib Gulbahari, the police chief of Baghlan Province and one of the recipients of the certificates, said Mr. Zmarai had introduced himself as a prince and governmental envoy in charge of security matters in the northeast of the country.

Zmarai was put up in a government guesthouse. When he moved on to assess the security situation in neighboring Kunduz Province, General Gulbahari asked his deputy to accompany Mr. Zmarai in a convoy and provide security for the journey. Zmarai, believed to be in his late 20s, hails from Khanabad District in Kunduz Province, said government officials and relatives who were reached by phone.

His father sells wheat in the local market, and his brothers work as tailors and mechanics. Relatives, who spoke on the condition of anonymity as they did not want to anger the family, said Mr. Zmarai had made his foray into con work about 14 years ago.

He would pose as a government. But early on, the authorities arrested him twice. He tried posing as a senator, going around with a traditional Afghan cape draped over his shoulders. When people would ask where he had gotten the votes, Mr. Later, he took his craft to the city of Kunduz, the provincial capital.

Duping generals and other officials in a variety of guises. One day, he drove a senior military official from the province up and down a stretch of highway he said he had obtained the contract for paving and was hoping the official would become his partner in starting the project, said Ahmad Fahim Qarluq, a civil society activist in Kunduz.

Zmarai for rent. Salahudin said Mr. Zmarai had not taken his car because it. When he finally tracked Mr. Zmarai down in Badakhshan Province three months later, the con man duped the owner of a gas station there into paying what he owed Mr.

In more recent times, Mr. Zmarai was largely based in Mazar-i-Sharif, but his ambitions were national. On one visit to the central jail in northern Panjshir Province, he posed as a presidential adviser.

But he preferred the identity of a prince. When he arrived in Helmand Province a couple of years ago, he was greeted with garlands of flowers and boarded in a V.

He even sold the land of his supposed ancestor, Prince Daoud, in Nangarhar Province. Abdul Wahid Taqat, a military commander under the Communist government who is now retired. The con man ran away with the money.

For a man with such a colorful life, the final moments before his arrest had to be dramatic, and were — though the accounts, fittingly, differ. Zmarai, running from the police, had jumped from the third floor of the airport. A second official said Mr.

Zmarai had been arrested as soon as the government helicopter he used during his northern tour landed in Mazar-i-Sharif. Fearing his arrest when he saw security guards on the grounds, Mr. Zmarai had jumped from the helicopter and hurt his leg, that official said. Dialogue is incrediby clear, even at low volumes. Hookup is simple — one connecting cord. Read our amazing consumer reviews on amazon.

Christianity or Islam as their religion and cease practicing their traditional faith, which was considered pagan. Most Mentawai selected Christianity, in part because Islam forbids the raising of pigs, which is central to their culture. Over the next few decades, Indonesian police officers worked with state officials and religious leaders to visit Mentawai villages to burn traditional headdresses and other items the tribe used during religious rituals. Kapik recounted how the commander of the local police had once forbidden them to get tattoos or sharpen their teeth, both customs among the Mentawai.

So she rebelled. In the late s, Ms. Kapik said, she decided that she would ignore the ban and tattoo her legs. He punished her by forcing her, without pay, to cultivate land in the hot sun for a week. Schefold said. Only after Western tourists be-. Teu Kapik Sibajak, left, prepared a meal in his home in the rain forest on Siberut.

By that point, an entire generation had been raised without the touchstones of traditional life. Today, according to the Mentawai anthropologist Juniator Tulius, only around 2, Mentawai practice their traditional beliefs. The tug between the old and new continues in the villages. In , the Indonesian government. Two years ago, a clinic that provides free health care to all was set up in Saibi Samukop, a village on the edge of the forest. But a doctor there, Winda Anggriana, 26, said many residents had rejected her advice in favor of consulting with shamans in the forest.

A sharp divide has emerged be-. In July, the Lutheran church in Mentawai celebrated the th anniversary of the first conversions of Mentawai people. During an interview, a Lutheran priest insisted there could be no synchronicity between Christianity and an animist faith.

The pastor added, as an example, that Mentawai parishioners should cross themselves before consulting their ancestors. Attempts to revive Mentawai tradition have begun, however haltingly. Indonesia began its transition toward democracy in , and the youngest generation of Mentawai came of age during a less restrictive era. Activists have successfully pushed to add Mentawai culture to local elementary school curriculums.

Today, Mentawai elders can worship and dress as they wish. Still, many Mentawai are reeling from what they have lost over decades of government oppression. Sekaliou, the villager who will soon move back into the forest to tend to his parents. Sekaliou said he was disappointed by his life in the village, saying he looked forward to staying with his parents during their twilight years.

But that will not discourage them from trying to make life as uncomfortable as possible for many of his choices, with the hope of forcing their Republican colleagues and Mr. Trump to squirm along the way. With nominees like Representative Tom Price, a proponent of fundamental changes to Medicare, to be health secretary, and Steven Mnuchin, a Goldman Sachs trader turned hedge fund manager, as Treasury secretary, Democrats hope to use the confirmation hearings to highlight the wide river of incongruities between Mr.

The goal: to fuel a narrative that the incoming president, and the Republicans who support him, cannot be trusted. Schumer said, Democrats will use the confirmation process to highlight positions held by nominees that are either inconsistent with Mr.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts, who serves on committees that are likely have contentious hearings, can be counted on to work over many nominees. Schumer said. I will also be looking for any ethical transgressions. Democrats have themselves to blame for their weakened position in challeng-. In , the Senate voted largely along party lines to remove the vote threshold on cabinet-level and non-Supreme Court judicial nominees.

Republicans have shown broad support for Mr. In one telling move, Senator Susan Collins gave a fast nod to Mr. In short, Republicans say, bring it on. Price is expected to receive a particularly hot Continued on Page There is no Little Havana here in Louisville. Nobody is banging pots and pans or dancing in the streets to celebrate the death of Fidel Castro, as Cuban exiles did in Miami.

Reyes said. In past decades, many were sent to Un-. El Kentubano, a Cuban-themed magazine in Louisville. Now they are being funneled to cities like Lancaster, Pa. Unlike their more vehement compatriots in Florida, many of whom have lived in the United States for decades, newly arrived refugees almost always have family back home.

They worry about repercussions and whether they will be granted visas to go back. Fuentes visited. Gonzalez eked out a living selling peanuts on the black market in Cuba before arriving in Louisville in After delivering newspapers for three years, he now runs a thriving Cuban grocery.

Too busy working to perfect his English, he turned to his wife, who was working the cash register, searching for words to explain their feelings about their new life here.

There are now roughly 10, Cubans in the greater Louisville metropolitan area. Since , local officials say, their numbers have nearly. They included doctors, engineers and the wife and 2-year-old son of Miguel Guerrero, 28, a doctor who arrived here seven months ago. He now works packing boxes in customer returns for Amazon. He showed up at the airport with a dozen red roses and a spray of balloons to celebrate reuniting with his family.

Apart from the death of Castro, these are uneasy times for new Cuban immigrants. And with President-elect Donald J. Guerrero, who came to the United States via Colombia and knows many other medical professionals waiting there. The closest thing the community has to connective tissue is El Kentubano, the publication run by Mr.

Fuentes, who also works full time as an air-quality engineer for the state. He publishes the magazine out of his basement home office in Frankfort, the capital. Instead, Mr. Toste pulled out his iPhone and proudly showed photographs of paintings he intended to display at the Jewish Community Center.

He was 24 years old and studying to be an artist in Havana in when he won an immigration lottery to come to the United States. Toste had no relatives in Miami; the refugee agency was promoting Louisville. He agreed to come. What did he know about the city? If they had the means, some said they might prefer Florida.

But here, they can build comfortable lives, learn English in a city where Spanish is rarely spoken, and put some distance between themselves and their difficult memories. Reyes are among those trying to let the past be the past. Joel Toste at Havana Rumba, his Cuban restaurant. He won a lottery to come to the United States in Ministry of Culture; she was a German translator, and he ran the state copyright agency.

So they secretly planned for Mr. Reyes to defect while on a government trip to Germany by flying to Ecuador, which accepted Cubans without a passport. It proved a terrifying move. When Mr.

Reyes did not return, government officials sent Mrs. Now, they own two houses and have two dogs and. Driving to the airport to pick up new arrivals last week, Mrs. I just want to leave all that behind. These problems can sometimes become serious or life-threatening and can lead to death. Females who are able to become pregnant should use an effective method of birth control during and for at least 4 months after the final dose of KEYTRUDA.

Talk to your doctor about birth control methods that you can use during this time. Call or see your doctor right away if you develop any symptoms of the following problems or these symptoms get worse: Lung problems pneumonitis. Symptoms of pneumonitis may include: shortness of breath chest pain new or worse cough Intestinal problems colitis that can lead to tears or holes in your intestine.

Signs and symptoms of colitis may include: diarrhea or more bowel movements than usual stools that are black, tarry, sticky, or have blood or mucus severe stomach-area abdomen pain or tenderness Liver problems hepatitis.

Signs and symptoms of hepatitis may include: dark urine feeling less hungry than usual. Signs and symptoms that your hormone glands are not working properly may include: constipation your voice gets deeper. Signs of kidney problems may include: change in the amount or color of your urine. Problems in other organs. Signs of these problems may include: rash changes in eyesight severe or persistent muscle or joint pains severe muscle weakness low red blood cells anemia Infusion IV reactions, that can sometimes be severe and life-threatening.

Signs and symptoms of infusion reactions may include: chills or shaking shortness of breath or wheezing itching or rash flushing dizziness fever feeling like passing out Getting medical treatment right away may help keep these problems from becoming more serious.

Your doctor may treat you with corticosteroid or hormone replacement medicines. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them to show your doctor and pharmacist when you get a new medicine.

Your doctor will decide how many treatments you need. Your doctor will do blood tests to check you for side effects. If you miss any appointments, call your doctor as soon as possible to reschedule your appointment. For more information, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.

For more information, go to www. License No. This Medication Guide has been approved by the U. Food and Drug Administration. The authorities have ordered the protesters to evacuate the camp by Monday. At the camp, defiance is rising like smoke from the stovepipe of Mr. People are here to stay. They are building yurts and hammering together plywood for bunkhouses and lodges. The communal kitchen stops serving dinner at p. Plenty Wolf said one night as he cradled a buffalo-hide drum and reflected on grievances that run deeper than groundwater among Native Americans here.

The fight has drawn thousands of tribal members, veterans, activists and celebrities and transformed a frozen patch of North Dakota into a focal point for environmental and tribal activism. The main camp sits on federal lands that people at the camps say should rightfully belong to the Standing Rock Sioux under the terms of an treaty.

To Mr. Plenty Wolf, closing it amounts to one more broken treaty. Climatechange activists who fought the Keystone XL pipeline have also joined the protests. Even as violent confrontations erupted in fields and along creeks and about people were arrested, crews kept digging and burying the pipeline. Its 1,mile path from the oil fields of North Dakota to southern Illinois is nearly complete.

Since September, the Obama. On Thursday, with winter storms arriving, children took the opportunity to go sledding down a hill near the protest camp. The tribe and activists are pushing Mr. Obama to order up a yearslong environmental review or otherwise block the project before he leaves office. Presidentelect Donald J. Nobody here knows what to expect. Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier of Morton County, a.

The divide between law enforcement officials and the tribe and protesters now feels more brittle than ever. They have concertina wire all over the place. They say federal officials have offered little in the way of manpower or money. On Friday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said she had asked Justice Department officials who handle tribal-justice issues and community policing, as well as the United States attorney for North Dakota, to help mediate.

In recent days, conflicting statements from local and state officials have stirred confusion about how vigorously officials will enforce the closing of the camps. The authorities are still enforcing a blockade of the fastest, most direct route into the camp. Pickup trucks and U-Hauls carried in lumber and propane tanks, pallets of bottled water, firewood and food.

A container truck managed to crawl down the icy, flag-lined ramp into camp. Cusi Ballew, a Pottawatomie member from southern Ohio making his second trip to the camp, was up on a ladder drilling pieces of plywood together to make a bunkhouse for Sioux tribal members.

At the camp, children sledded down the icy hills and horses cantered through the snow, and as night fell and people clustered around campfires to cook chili and fry bread, Laurie Running Hawk made her way to a small camp by the banks of the river. In the distance were the sounds of Native men drumming and singing, and the sight of tall floodlights along a ridge that marked the path of the pipeline. Running Hawk grew up on the southern end of the Standing Rock Reservation and said she had been home from Minnesota for a powwow this summer when she and her 7-year-old and 15year-old sons chanced onto one of the first major confrontations to block the pipeline.

They joined in, and four months later, she was back, sleeping in a yurt with four teenagers from Minnesota who nearly froze to death on their first night in camp. This is my land. Pennsylvania appears increasingly unlikely to have a statewide recount of its votes, diminishing the last long-shot hope by opponents of Donald J. Trump that a review of the ballots could overturn his election as president. A lawyer for Ms.

Lawyers for Pennsylvania Republicans and Mr. Trump had asked a judge on Thursday to dismiss Ms. Lawrence J. Tabas, the general counsel of the Republican Party of. Earlier, Ms. Trump by 49, votes in the state, according to data from the Pennsylvania Department of State.

As voting results were updated this week, Mr. Clinton would have needed to be declared the winner in all three recount states to overturn the Electoral College result. While the statewide effort was withdrawn, a related campaign to recount votes in targeted precincts in places like Philadel-. Stein had sought. Stein has gained more traction pushing for recounts in the other two battleground states, where Mr.

Trump leads by narrow margins. Election officials in Wisconsin on Thursday began the task of recounting about three million votes across the state, while continuing to face legal challenges from Trump backers. A recount is also pending in Michigan, amid a flurry of litigation, including opposition from the.

Trump, as well as a federal lawsuit from the Stein campaign. The review of the votes there could begin as early as Tuesday.

Opponents, though, are concerned that local governments, particularly in Michigan, will end up shouldering millions of dollars in costs. Immune System, Unleashed by Therapies, Can Attack Organs From Page 1 20 percent of the time with certain drugs, and in more than half of patients when some drugs are used in combination.

Some patients have died, including five in recent months in clinical trials of a new immunotherapy drug being tested by Juno Therapeutics Inc. The upshot, oncologists and immunologists say, is that the medical field must be more vigilant as these drugs soar in popularity. And they say more research is needed into who is likely to have reactions and how to treat them. John Timmerman, an oncologist and immunotherapy researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles, who recently lost a patient to side effects.

Timmerman remain hugely supportive of drugs that are saving the lives of people who would otherwise die. Far better to cope with diabetes, hepatitis or arthritis, the thinking goes, than to die. Most reactions are not nearly so bad and are treatable. The rub, doctors and researchers say, is that the medical system — from frontline nurses to oncologists to emergency rooms — is too often caught off guard.

This is happening for a number of reasons: The drugs are new, so many side effects just have not been seen.

Symptoms appear at random, sometimes months after treatment, and can initially seem innocuous. Finally, oncologists are now trying to treat patients with a combination of two or more immunotherapy drugs, hoping for more effective treatment but sometimes getting amplified risks. In the meantime, these drugs are moving from academic centers into cancer clinics across the country, where oncologists in smaller cities most likely have less experience with the side effects.

Everything else, however severe, is considered the price worth paying. Peal, whose stories show the delicacy of tinkering with the immune system. It may hold the keys to curing cancer if it can be at once stoked and tamed. Real Promise, and Real Risks Mr. Peal, bespectacled and lean, was dealing with melanoma that had spread to his lungs in June when he saw a Yale oncologist, Dr. Harriet Kluger. In the past, a patient like him would have been given little chance.

Kluger, who runs immunotherapy clinical trials focusing on skin and kidney cancer. Now she could offer Mr. Peal hope. Consider: One study co-written by Dr. Kluger found positive responses in more than 40 percent of advanced melanoma patients when they used a combination of two major immunotherapy drugs, nivolumab and ipilimumab.

Other research, however, shows that the promise comes with real risks. A paper in The New England Journal of Medicine showed that use of these drugs carried a risk of side effects that were severe, required hospitalization or were life-threatening 54 percent of the time.

Kluger said. But, she noted, most of the side effects are manageable through immune suppression, such as with steroids. The effectiveness of immunotherapy drugs and their side effects are intimately bound by the same biological mechanisms. Called checkpoint inhibitors, the drugs work by essentially reversing a trick that cancer plays on the immune system: The cancer cells send nefarious signals to immune-system cells that cause them to stand down.

Cancer is taking advantage of this key survival mechanism. Carter F Smith. In an early exploration of the evolution of group violence in its most common form, John Sullivan found the beginning indicators of Third Generation 3GEN Gangs, which pose a significant threat to the safety, security, and future of our communities.

First generation gangs are those considered primarily turf gangs. Some turf gangs evolve into drug gangs or entrepreneurial organizations with a market-orientation, thus filling the second generation. Gangs in the third generation include those with a mix of political and mercenary elements who operate or are at least capable of operating in the global community. They are a clear threat to military discipline, bringing corrupt influences, an increase in criminal activity, and a threat to military family members on military installations.

Nona Kikan. Military-trained gang members MTGMs have received military training such as tactics, weapons, explosives, or equipment, and the use of distinctive military skills. Gangs with military-trained members often pose an ongoing and persistent military and political threat. At least one-tenth of one percent of the U. That number demonstrates an alarming domestic and national security threat that includes a number of potentially significant implications for government leaders in the U.

The intersection of MTGMs and criminal insurgencies threatens national security and communities, undermining the economic and political foundations of local and state government. These criminal organizations often behave like insurgents, engaging in governance to support the illicit marketplace or acting in police or social roles in the community.

Counterinsurgency strategies, including cultural awareness should be implemented alongside traditional anti-gang measures. Lars Nicander. But where is all this growth and investment heading? On the macro-level is the level of reactive adaptability to change that occurs when institutions are confronted by new forms of external threats and obvious failures. The other side is how to proactively, and in a controlled fashion, promote pluralism and innovation in order to create an agile and successful organization able to continuously adapt its business processes to the development of society and targets.

Robert J Bunker.