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Watch now: Federal Budget Tax Highlights webinar. In addition, you can download the Tax Highlights. The CRA has recently published 3 updated policies:.

The CRA has recently informed us that it has revised its guidance, which we originally summarized in our March 8 update, on how to deal with questions 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 where a note must be attached to a T3 return that is being EFILED. The CRA has now advised us that this information only has to be retained by the taxpayer in their records in the event the CRA asks to see it at a later date.

According to the CRA:. Subject to parliamentary approval, the tax will apply beginning on September 1, Key considerations for filing T3s include the following:. As noted in our recent tax blog , there are several Budget proposed tax measures that would impact personal income tax returns. As these measures have not yet been enacted, there has been uncertainty on how affected taxpayers should file T1 returns.

We followed up with the CRA to see if it could provide more details, and we now understand that proposed tax changes for T1s will be administered as follows:. As such, if a return is filed claiming either of these credits prior to the legislation receiving Royal Assent, there will be a processing delay as the entire return will be held by CRA until Bill C-8 has passed.

Therefore, taxpayers and their advisors will need to decide on whether they want to file the T1 return with or without a claim for these credits. If they file without the claim, any refund due without the additional credit will not be delayed but a T1 adjustment will have to be filed later once Bill C-8 receives Royal Assent. The February 4, draft legislation includes measures which amend electronic filing thresholds for prescribed information returns.

Proposed subsection This proposed amendment applies in respect of prescribed information returns filed after and there are associated penalties for non-compliance. Since most tax year information returns will be filed by the time the legislation receives Royal Assent, the CRA has confirmed that the new mandatory electronic filing penalty under proposed paragraph 7.

The CRA will publish additional guidance over the coming months. We are still confirming with the CRA on how it will be administering the proposed measures with respect to electronic filing thresholds for tax preparers and electronic payments.

These measures are also effective for and have associated penalties. We will provide you with updates on this page when more information is available. On February 9, the government announced it intends to extend the expanded access to the Local Lockdown Program and Worker Lockdown Benefit originally announced on December 22, by one month, until March 12, In other words, the expanded access to both these programs is now being extended to cover qualifying period 26 which is from February 13 to March 12, As reported in our recent blog , the draft legislation released on February 4, indicates that the effective date for the measures on the electronic delivery of certain NOAs is January 1, The CRA has now confirmed that it will not be implementing this measure until this date.

Users logging into Represent a Client, My Account or My Business account for the first time after this update will be prompted to make this selection. Once the 8-hour period elapses, a new code will have to be entered when logging in and you can again select the 8-hour option. Taxpayers logging in for the fist time to MyA after this update will be prompted for their email address if there is not one already on file.

If an email address is not provided, the taxpayer will not be able to access MyA. Finally, as previously noted, the CRA has confirmed with us that mandatory email addresses in My Business Account and Represent a Client are not required at this time.

Further, to qualify as DIEP, the property must be acquired and made available for use within certain time limits:. As mentioned in our news item dated January 26, , the CRA previously told us the following on the application of these changes:. Taxpayers are advised to request an adjustment request to their return once the supporting legislation receives Royal Assent.

Now that supporting draft legislation has been released for comment, we will follow up with CRA on its plans for implementation timing. On February 4, , Finance Canada released draft legislation that included revisions to the trust reporting rules that were originally announced in the Federal Budget. The rules generally apply in the same manner as originally announced and include a deferral of the rules for one year. Specific changes include:.

It should also be noted that the Quebec government has also deferred the new reporting rules for Quebec tax purposes for one year.

On February 4, , Finance Canada released draft legislative proposals to implement previously announced tax measures. The proposals would implement various measures announced as part of Budget and previous budgets, including measures that would:. Finance Canada has provided a detailed backgrounder on the proposed income tax mandatory disclosure rules along with sample notifiable transactions.

A backgrounder has also been provided on the proposed immediate expensing measures. Canadians are invited to provide comments on the draft proposals and the sample notifiable transactions.

We will be reviewing the proposals in further detail and will continue to update you on key developments and findings. The CRA has shared with us the following update on the Budget proposal which would allow for the immediate expensing of certain assets:. In addition to the enhanced CCA deductions available under existing rules, such as the full expensing for classes As of December 31, , the legislation to support this proposed measure is pending.

The Canada Revenue Agency will only allow claims related to immediate expensing once supporting legislation has been introduced. Taxpayers are advised to request an adjustment to their return once the supporting legislation receives Royal Assent. The service connects income tax professionals with experienced CRA officers from the Income Tax Rulings Directorate who can help practitioners with their interpretative issues related to the Income Tax Act.

Any income tax service provider can register and benefit from the service, provided they do not belong to a firm with greater than 50 partners. The DTS currently has 6, income tax practitioners registered. According to a recent survey conducted by the CRA, approximately 68 per cent of the registrants are Chartered Professional Accountants. In addition, 93 per cent of survey respondents indicated they are satisfied with the DTS and would recommend it to a colleague.

The survey results confirm that the DTS has been well-received by small and medium-sized practitioners and is helping them find answers to their interpretive income tax enquiries.

The CRA has also highlighted the criteria that must be met for employers interested in automating the completion of electronic TS forms. As noted in our January 4, news item, the CRA published their administrative positions for employer-provided benefits and allowances pertaining to home office expenses, commuting and parking for The CRA has further updated their guidance with two key changes :.

Finance has recently published the explanatory notes for Bill C The CRA has confirmed that this additional reporting requirement applied only for the calendar year and therefore, no additional reporting is required for The CRA has updated their webpage on the proposed trust reporting rules with the following message:.

That version appears to contain no reference to the new trust reporting rules. However, we also understand that a draft version of an earlier version of the T3 return was included in some software packages and this form did have references to the proposed rules.

Similarly, some software packages contained a draft Schedule 15 which would be used to report the information required under the draft legislation. Given the ongoing confusion, we have again asked both the CRA and the Department of Finance to provide an update on the status of the proposed rules as soon as possible. Today, the government announced that the repayment deadline for CEBA loans to qualify for partial loan forgiveness is being extended from December 31, , to December 31, , for all eligible borrowers in good standing.

Outstanding loans would subsequently convert to two-year term loans with interest of five per cent per annum commencing on January 1, , with the loans fully due by December 31, The government also announced that the repayment deadline to qualify for partial forgiveness for CEBA-equivalent lending through the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund is extended to December 31, These sessions will be held in:.

Affected businesses and organizations can register online for these sessions. When the changes are made, taxpayers will be prompted for their email address upon logging in to MyA if there is not one already on file. If an email address is not provided, the taxpayer will lose their access to MyA. The CRA is suggesting that taxpayers provide their email addresses before February to avoid delays. Taxpayers should keep in mind that by providing their email addresses before February , they will no longer receive paper correspondence from the CRA.

Instead, they will be sent an email notification whenever they have received CRA correspondence which they can then download by logging into their MyA. However, starting in February , all users including taxpayers who provided their email addresses before February will be given the option to receive CRA correspondence by mail or an email notification by logging into their MyA and selecting their preferred option.

Affected Canadian workers in newly designated lockdown regions can apply for the benefit now. Payments will be retroactive to December 19, On December 30, the CRA sent a communication to stakeholders to announce that the administrative relief that was provided to Canadian-resident cross-border workers in respect of their income tax obligations will now also apply to the tax year.

On December 29, the CRA sent a communication to stakeholders to notify them that there is an error in a previous version of the wage and hiring support spreadsheet which may have shown claimants that they were not eligible for the Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program for period 22 October 24 to November 20, when in fact they were.

The federal government recently announced that the automobile income tax deduction limits and expense benefit rates will be increased for As you may recall, the CRA announced a number of administrative rules to provide relief on employment benefits due to the pandemic for The CRA has now provided an update on how these rules will apply for Generally speaking, the original announcement for will now apply from March 15, to December 31, but some additional relief has been announced.

We have asked the CRA to confirm that the additional relief applies to both and Note that the government had previously announced that the automobile standby charge relief applied to both and On December 22, the federal government announced its intention to temporarily expand eligibility for key support programs to ensure Canadians are protected and workers and businesses get the help they need to sustain them through new and necessary public health restrictions.

More details on these measures are included in their backgrounder. Note that the Bill was amended by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance with a change that may restrict subsidy claims made by a publicly traded company or a subsidiary of such a company that paid dividends to an individual who held common shares. The CRA has updated their main home office expense deduction page with the following message:.

Web content and forms are currently being updated to reflect this change. As many employers offered flexible working arrangements during as pandemic restrictions were lifted, we have asked the CRA to provide guidance on how these arrangements will be dealt with as they update their resources. In the federal budget, the government announced new reporting requirements that will apply to certain trusts.

Under the proposals, affected trusts will be required to report the identity of all trustees, beneficiaries and settlors, as well as the identity of each person who has the ability to exert control over specific trustee decisions. Significant penalties can apply for non-compliance. These proposed rules were scheduled to apply to returns required to be filed for the and subsequent taxation years.

Draft legislation for these proposals was released but has not been passed into law. We had hoped that more information on this would be released in the recent Economic and Fiscal Update, but no new information was communicated. We have again asked the CRA to confirm what will be required for T3 returns. We received hundreds of questions which we were able to streamline into 29 key questions from our members to the CRA.

View the responses from the CRA. Where the affected businesses and platform operators show that they have taken reasonable measures but are unable to meet their new obligations for operational reasons, the CRA will take a practical approach to compliance and will exercise discretion in administering these measures during a month transition period, starting July 1, Read our summary of the key tax measures.

The purpose of the audits is to identify claim errors and make sure those who received CEWS benefits qualified for them. During the audit process, CRA auditors will contact claimants with a request to submit the documentation needed to verify revenue and payroll. If you and your clients require additional time to gather the requested documentation, you should contact the auditor reviewing the file. On December 3, the federal government released a backgrounder and draft legislation which will change the delivery of CAI payments from a refundable credit claimed annually on personal income tax returns to quarterly payments made through the benefit system.

Starting with the taxation year, the CAI would no longer be claimed on personal income tax returns. That said, individuals would still need to file a tax return in order to receive CAI payments for the upcoming fuel charge year and also indicate whether they live outside a Census metropolitan area and thereby qualify for the rural supplement for the upcoming year.

This payment would return proceeds from the first two quarters of the fuel charge year. As discussed in our March tax blog , many members will be engaged to assist clients with their accounting, bookkeeping and tax compliance needs but they may not be performing an audit, review or compilation as part of their work. Schedule , Part 1 of the form deals with information on the accountant who prepared or reported on the financial statements. Part 2 of the form must be completed unless the accountant does not have a designation or if the accountant is connected with the corporation.

The nature of the questions in Part 2 creates uncertainty where a member is assisting the client in preparing their financial records for example, doing bookkeeping and preparing a tax return but are not performing an audit, review or compilation on the financial statements.

We have discussed the need to update the form with the CRA and we understand that a new version of the form will likely be released later in The CRA has provided guidance to taxpayers who will not be able to deal with their federal tax obligations due to flooding in British Columbia and Eastern Canada.

In its news release, the CRA has provided more information on the Taxpayer Relief Program and provided some suggestions to reduce the disruption caused by the recent catastrophes.

In particular, the CRA states that Canadians facing such extraordinary circumstances will be treated fairly if they are unable to meet their federal tax obligations during this time. Tax legislation and administration are increasingly complex, bringing more risk for those who provide tax services to their clients. Oakey, national director of tax services at Baker Tilly, and Sandy Stedman, partner at Schibli Stedman King discussed strategies to run a high-quality tax practice.

Watch the video to find out what the most common, current sources of insurance claims filed against tax practitioners are, and learn simple but effective strategies and best practices to mitigate these risks. You can also learn more about this topic from our September tax blog: Tips on running a high-quality tax practice. Be sure to sign up for our tax blog to join our growing audience of over 25, tax professionals who receive updates on the latest tax blogs as well as resources and professional development opportunities.

As a reminder, the CRA stopped collecting the following Ontario annual information returns as of May 15, :. According to information provided to us, the Ontario government took over responsibility for administering the annual information return required under Ontario law as part of the implementation of their new Ontario Business Registry system. The Ontario government has revised their website to include new information on the annual return, the steps for filing it, and using the new site more generally.

For most Ontario corporations, some work will be needed before an annual return can be filed. The steps are outlined on the website. More information and contact details for the Ontario government are included on the website.

On November 24, the federal government introduced Bill C-2 to implement the recently announced changes to its COVID business and worker support programs which we summarized in our October 21 st post. In addition, the government provided additional guidance on the types of business that would be eligible for the Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program in its backgrounder. Support under the CEWS and the CERS would be available to the tourism and hospitality sector and to the hardest-hit organizations that face significant revenue declines.

Eligible entities under these rules would need to demonstrate a revenue decline over the course of 12 months of the pandemic, as well as a current-month revenue decline. In addition, organizations subject to a qualifying public health restriction would be eligible for support, if they have one or more locations subject to a public health restriction lasting for at least seven days that requires them to cease some or all of their activities.

The proposed legislation also allows the government to extend the subsidies by regulation but no later than July 2, and the programs will continue to be administered by the CRA.

While the CRA has deferred the filing requirement of the information return for certain platform operators for the calendar year, we wanted to remind readers that businesses affected by the new rules are still required to register and comply with all other requirements. This includes:. Note that storage service providers that fall under the new rules are still required to provide the CRA with notification by January 1, , that they supply the storage services in the course of a business carried on as of July 1, or within six months after the day on which the business began supplying the storage services in the course of a business.

Thus, information returns will not be required for the calendar year. Going forward, the information return reporting requirement will be in effect for all other calendar years. For example, the information return for must be filed before July The CRA indicates that procedures for filing the information returns will be issued in advance of the filing deadline. We have made the CRA aware of these concerns and they are working on resolving them.

The capital gain and loss summary has also been taken down. The CRA expects to resolve the issues and have this information available again by December. We will keep you posted once we get more information. On October 21, the federal government announced proposed changes to both business and worker support programs. It was confirmed that the existing general support programs that were scheduled to end on October 23, will in fact end on schedule.

However, more focused assistance will be made available as discussed below. Businesses that face temporary new local lockdowns will be eligible for up to the maximum amount of the wage and rent subsidy programs, during the local lockdown, regardless of losses over the course of the pandemic. These programs will be available until May 7, , with the proposed subsidy rates available through to March 13, From March 13, , to May 7, , the subsidy rates will decrease by half.

We will provide more information as it becomes available. Backgrounders are also available on the targeted business support programs and the new Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit on the Department of Finance site. Once a representative has made a request to be authorized or to increase the level of authorization through RAC, the taxpayer must verify the request online within ten business days for it to be accepted.

The specific steps are highlighted in the email. Please note that this new process applies only to new authorization requests submitted by representatives through RAC. Another option for verification has been provided that applies to individuals only. Although the individual will not need to verify the request in MyA, they may be contacted by the CRA to verify the request.

We previously passed along feedback to the CRA that many members found the verification call to clients from CRA to be problematic as clients may not answer the call from CRA, resulting in cancelled authorization requests. This new process is intended to address this issue while allowing for a second level of verification. A registered electronic filer in good standing can submit an authorization request through their EFILE certified tax software for instant online access to an individual or business account.

Before submitting an authorization request via EFILE, the taxpayer must sign a signature page and the representative must keep it in their records for six years following the date that the return was electronically filed.

Within MyA and MyBA, individuals and business owners can authorize a representative online, giving representatives immediate online access to an individual or a business account. Authorizations made under this method will not require CRA verification. This method may work well for clients who are familiar with MyA or MyBA since it is a one-step process. On October 8, , the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD announced that out of the countries of the Inclusive Framework have agreed on the elements of its two-pillar plan on international tax reform.

The DST will only be imposed if the global agreement has not come into force by January 1, However, if the tax does apply, it will be applicable to revenues that arise on or after January 1, This is a very unusual provision as affected corporations may be subject to a tax beginning on January 1, but will not know whether the tax has to be calculated and remitted until January 1, Similarly, the CRA will not know until early whether it needs to actually administer the tax.

Although greater flexibility on timing is appreciated, this approach could create compliance costs for both corporations and the government for a tax that may not apply. The key changes include:. In our discussions with the CRA, we outlined our key concerns with the new rules and asked for further clarity on the types of services that will be captured under the DTCPRA. It should be noted that draft legislation for these proposals was released but has not been passed into law.

Based on feedback received, many want to start the data collection process well before the T3 filing deadline and they have asked us whether we have any insight on when the CRA will provide details on what will be needed.

We have asked the CRA whether they can release a draft version of the new T3 schedule that will have to be completed, or a list of the specific information that will be needed to complete the form.

We will also follow up with the CRA on the status of T3 efiling as it was our understanding that it will be possible to efile most T3 returns which should make the filing of these returns and the additional required information easier. When implementing changes announced in a federal budget, two bills are generally tabled in Parliament to enact the changes. Changes that require immediate enactment are generally included in the first bill, which is normally passed into law before Parliament adjourns for the summer this year, it was Bill C, Budget Implementation Act, , No.

The balance of the legislative changes is typically released as draft legislation during the summer and tabled in Parliament as a bill in the fall.

However, legislation was not introduced for the remaining federal budget proposals before the election was called. As there was not a change in the governing party, our expectation is that the government will follow through on their previous proposals and draft legislation will be released soon. It recently came to our attention that some CRA post assessment review letters were being delivered directly to individual taxpayers instead of their authorized representatives despite instructions transmitted as part of the EFILE process.

The main concern we have is that these taxpayers might assume their representative will respond to the letter, as they have historically. Since their representative is not receiving the letter, the required response may be late or even missed, resulting in a reassessment. We passed this issue along to the CRA and they have indicated they have identified the source of the issue and are actively working to fix it.

We understand that CRA agents will contact the representatives of the affected taxpayers before further compliance action is taken and an extension will be granted based on the date of this second contact attempt. These deadlines are unlike most others in terms of what day they fall on and the implications of missing a deadline. Therefore, we wanted to provide you with a summary to help you track these key dates. The deadline to amend your application or increase the claim amount is also days after the end of the claim period.

Reductions can be requested after the deadline. Unfortunately, there has been no legislative response to this request. As the pandemic continues to evolve there are number of important employment issues on which the CRA needs to provide guidance.

Some of the key issues we have highlighted to the CRA include:. For example:. Many employers have re-opened their offices and are allowing their employees to work from home and the office. That said, employers would have difficulty meeting social distancing and other pandemic requirements if all their employees were to return at once.

All these issues pose various interpretative and administrative issues including:. These are just a few issues we have raised to the CRA which were based on member feedback. We will continue to update you as we get more information.

The federal budget contained several proposals that will change how the CRA communicates with taxpayers and their representatives. In particular, significant issues and concerns have been identified with respect to the Notices of Assessments NOAs proposal.

This proposal would apply in respect of individuals who file their own income tax return electronically through NETFILE and those who employ the services of a tax preparer that files their income tax return electronically through EFILE. Based on our discussions with the CRA, the changes planned are more far-reaching as we understand the plan is to completely eliminate the mailing of paper NOAs where a return is efiled.

Under this plan, there will be two ways that these individuals can get their NOA:. This is a significant change and there are fundamental concerns and issues that we believe need to be discussed and dealt with before implementation. We have made a submission to the government which urges the government to delay the implementation of the NOA proposal until the T1 tax filing season for returns.

We have also provided a detailed summary of the concerns and questions around the NOA proposals as a basis for further discussions. We will continue to keep you updated as new developments arise. One proposed change in the federal budget would allow Canadian-Controlled Private Corporations CCPCs to immediately expense certain capital expenditures, effective for property acquired on or after April 19, and put into use before We have learned that the CRA will not allow the proposed deduction as legislation had not been introduced and they have disallowed the claim for some taxpayers.

If and when the federal government moves forward with this proposal, it should be possible to file an amended return at that time to claim the deduction. The regulations deal with extension issues and also a technical change that will provide relief for newer employers using the general approach in situations that were outlined in the July 30 Department of Finance backgrounder. Please note that, with a federal election underway, a number of Elections Canada regulations are now in full force until the end of polling day September 20 , when Canadians vote.

As a result, we may not be able to communicate in the manner to which you have become accustomed. Under the general approach, an employer compares its current revenue with the same period before the pandemic. Once an approach is picked in period 5, then the employer must follow this approach for all remaining periods.

In the question we asked the CRA, the employer was considering their claim for period 14 whereby revenue for March is compared with revenue for March This was problematic, as the employer in question was a new business that was commenced in May However, they also pointed out that the matter had been referred to Finance Canada.

Given the filing deadline for period 14 is October 7, there is a concern whether legislation will be enacted in time, and we will follow up with the CRA on how they plan to apply this change.

In addition to this change, the draft legislation also includes proposed amendments that will enact the June 2 Finance Canada announcement see our June 3 news item.

On July 30, the federal government announced the extension of COVID support measures for individuals and businesses. These extensions include:. The government is also proposing to offer businesses greater flexibility when calculating the revenue decline used to determine eligibility for the wage and rent subsidy programs and the new Canada Recovery Hiring Program.

Further, it has released draft legislation that provides clarity on previously announced changes to the wage subsidy for furloughed employees. The CRA has recently published guidance on its existing process for requesting a remission review, including information on:. In Technical Interpretation I, the CRA was asked whether the owner of a qualifying property that operates a hotel, or other similar business, would be considered to use its qualifying property primarily to earn rental income and therefore not eligible to claim the CERS for that qualifying property.

While a question of fact, the CRA provides some helpful guidance. The CRA indicates that generally, any income earned from the use or occupation of a property is considered to be rental income. However, where an entity also provides significant additional services that are integral to the success of its ordinary activities, it is the CRA's position that the operation of that entity would be earning income from the services provided instead of rental income.

The CRA indicates that whether a particular payment for insurance made by an eligible entity in respect of a qualifying period is qualifying rent expense depends on the terms of the relevant insurance contract.

Generally, if the insurance is on the qualifying property, then the amount paid for the insurance should be part of qualifying rent expense. In contrast, if the insurance is for content or personal property, then the amount paid for the insurance should not be included in qualifying rent expense.

The CRA has recently released guidance on how authorized representatives can make a bulk request for the cancellation of penalties and interest on behalf of multiple taxpayers, for which the request for relief have common reasons or similar facts. When submitting a bulk request, representatives should ensure the following:.

The original release caused a significant amount of confusion and many questioned whether Finance Canada could change the coming into force date of the bill. Confirmation was provided that the bill is the law, and it currently applies as passed by Parliament. Finance Canada believes that the bill allows for surplus stripping as it could apply where there is no genuine intention to transfer ownership of the business and as such, compromises the integrity of the tax system.

In particular, reference is made to converting dividends into capital gains which are taxed at a lower rate. The same risk presumably applies to gains eligible for the capital gains exemption although that is not discussed specifically. Further draft legislation will be released which will contain more rigorous rules that will deal with issues such as whether the new owners are active in the business. The final legislation will apply as of the later of either November 1, or the date of publication of the final draft legislation.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the web content, as well as the online calculator used in the CRHP application process. The study takes approximately 45 minutes. You can submit your questions on Slido enter code until Sunday, July 11, Bill C sought to eliminate this inequity. As the bill was considered by Parliament, the Department of Finance Canada expressed concerns that the draft changes could allow for inappropriate surplus stripping. Due to this, on June 30, Finance Canada announced that:.

The CRA indicated, however, that after the registration is complete, a representative will have to provide proper authorization for any further communication with the CRA. Of note, the CRA has announced that the simplified registration site will open on June 21, Two recently published technical interpretations, I7 and I7, deal with whether various mandated closures would qualify for lockdown support. The scenarios presented to the CRA were:. Of particular note, the CRA indicates that in determining whether a public health restriction requires that some or all of the activities of the eligible entity at the qualifying property are required to cease i.

The CRA also notes that for a particular order to meet the conditions of a public health restriction under subsection The CRA indicates that the entity may have some flexibility in the method it can use to satisfy this condition, provided that it is appropriate for those particular circumstances. Thus, in the case of a travel agency, if, prior to the closure, clients made in-person visits to the office to arrange travel bookings and in-person visits ceased upon closure of the office as the result of an order or decision, then those activities could be considered restricted activities and this condition could be satisfied.

The fact that employees started working from home and started making travel bookings over the phone once the office closed would not preclude this condition from being met. The future of aging in Canada virtual symposium: what we heard, June 8th, Working from home during the COVID pandemic: how rates in Canada and the United States compare Attitudes and awareness of gender-based violence among youth in Canada.

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Retrospective report on the 43rd general election of October 21, Mental health and problematic social media use in Canadian adolescents: findings from the Health Behaviour of School-aged Children study Consumer Price Index: in review. Ransomware playbook Clean water for First Nations: is the government spending enough?



- Government of canada canada day 2021 tax - government of canada canada day 2021 tax

Canadians Celebrate Tax Freedom Day on June 15, provincial and municipal taxes up front, you would give government every dollar May 21, We are so pleased to welcome all back to the in-person Canada Day event at Riverside We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. As we have previously reported, the government announced in the federal budget, followed by draft legislation released on February 4, , that it would.


Canada’s tax deadline is still April What if you don’t make it? - National | .Featured publications - Government of Canada Publications -


The Government of Canada is doing everything it can to finish the fight against COVID, and will continue to be there for those who need help. Our plan will build a more resilient economy that benefits the middle class and everyone working hard to join it. Budget includes a jobs and growth plan to increase opportunities for women and young Canadians including investments in a Canada-wide Early Jobs government official siteone adpkd symptoms and Child Care system.

Budget supports Canadians by creating new opportunities in the trades and helping people develop the skills needed to succeed. The Government of Canada will continue to help businesses grow and innovate by creating incentives to hire workers, providing access to financing to scale-up canadq, and making it easier to adopt new technologies to reach more Canadians.

We government of canada canada day 2021 tax - government of canada canada day 2021 tax continue implementing our plan for a healthy environment and a healthy economy by creating jobs in the clean tech sector, and ensuring our kids and government of canada canada day 2021 tax - government of canada canada day 2021 tax grow up in a country with clean air and clean water.

Find out how Budget will help get us all through this pandemic, create jobs, and build a more resilient Canada. Despite government of canada canada day 2021 tax - government of canada canada day 2021 tax severe impact of the second wave on Canadian workers and businesses, we are on path to create one million jobs by the end of the year—ahead of expectations. Budget proposes to introduce the new Canada Recovery Hiring Program for eligible employers that continue to experience qualifying declines in revenues relative to before the pandemic.

The proposed subsidy would offset a portion of приведу ссылку extra costs employers take on as they reopen, either by increasing wages or hours worked, or by hiring more staff. The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy has helped more than 5. Budget proposes to extend the wage subsidy, the rent subsidy, and Lockdown Support until September 25, To make sure small business and independent entrepreneurs can access the capital they need to recover, innovate, and grow in the long-term, Budget proposes to improve the Canada Small Business Financing Program.

The skilled trades are vital to our economy, and apprenticeships are the bridge that help skilled workers, especially young oc starting their careers, connect with businesses and find well-paying jobs. The Apprenticeship Service would help 55, first-year apprentices in construction and manufacturing Red Seal trades connect with opportunities at small and medium-sized employers. It will provide an additional incentive for employers who hire people traditionally underrepresented in the trades, including women, racialized Canadians, and persons with disabilities.

To fuel the recovery, jobs, and growth, the government is launching the Canada Digital Adoption Program, which will create thousands of jobs for young Canadians and help as many assmall and medium-sized businesses adopt new digital technologies. Eligible businesses will receive micro-grants and access to zero-interest financing to help offset the costs of going digital—and be able to access support from digital trainers within a network of up to 28, well trained young Canadians.

Small businesses need access to financing in order to invest in people and innovation, and to have the space to operate and grow. With a rise in online transactions during the pandemic, small- and medium-sized businesses incur interchange fees for these transactions.

The government will engage with key stakeholders to: lower the average overall cost of interchange fees for merchants; ensure that small businesses benefit from pricing that is similar to large businesses; and protect existing rewards points for Canadian consumers. In many communities, the most vibrant spaces in our communities have laid dormant as Canadians took precautions to stay safe. These projects will stimulate local economies, create jobs, and improve the quality of life for Canadians from coast to coast to coast.

Budget makes a generational investment to build a Canada-wide early learning and child care system. Women entrepreneurs would have greater access to financing, mentorship, and training. The government—in consultation with provinces, territories, municipalities, Indigenous peoples, gender-based violence experts, stakeholders, and, most importantly, survivors of gender-based violence—is moving forward on a first-ever National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.

This plan will focus on ensuring that anyone facing gender-based violence has reliable and timely access to protection and services, no matter where they live. All Canadians should have access to a full suite of /76274.txt and reproductive health resources and services, no matter where they live. Climate action starts at home, and deep home energy retrofits can have a big effect on emissions reduction.

The program would be available by summer and support retrofits for up tohouseholds. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage CCUS is an important tool for reducing emissions in high governmen sectors.

Canada is a leader in CCUS, with domestic projects that currently capture 4 megatonnes daj carbon every year, but we have the technical and geological capacity to capture and store much more. Budget proposes to introduce an investment tax credit for capital invested in CCUS projects, beginning inwith the goal of reducing emissions by at least 15 нажмите чтобы прочитать больше of CO2 annually.

Communities across Canada now face once-in-a century floods every few years due to climate change. These devastating deluges are damaging homes, businesses, and infrastructure. To make our communities safer and more resilient. This includes:. This support would help offset governmeent income that many Canara students rely on to pay for tuition, books, housing, and other living expenses. It would help 55, first-year apprentices in construction and manufacturing Red Seal trades connect with opportunities at small- and medium-sized employers, and provide an extra incentive for employers to hire women, racialized Canadians, and persons with disabilities.

The new Canada Digital Adoption Program will also create training and work opportunities for as many as 28, young people to help small- and medium-sized businesses across Canada adopt new technology. Funding for the Kids Help Line has been extended into to ensure that it can continue to deliver counselling services to youth during the pandemic.

Canadians aged 5 to 29 can call the Kids Help Phone at Displaying measures from chapter: " " containing keyword " ". You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us. The Government of Canada has government of canada canada day 2021 tax - government of canada canada day 2021 tax plan to create 1 million new jobs and drive economic growth. Themes Expand all Collapse government of canada canada day 2021 tax - government of canada canada day 2021 tax.

Path to One Million Jobs. Canada Technology Adoption Fund To fuel the recovery, jobs, and growth, the government is launching the Canada Digital Governmebt Program, which will create thousands of jobs for young Canadians and help as many assmall and canaxa businesses adopt new digital technologies. Canada Small Business Financing Program Small businesses need access to financing in order to governmment in people and innovation, and to have the space to operate and grow. Credit Card Swipe Fees With a rise in online transactions during the pandemic, small- and medium-sized govenment incur interchange fees for these transactions.

Canada Community Revitalization Fund In many communities, the most vibrant spaces in our communities have laid dormant as Canadians took precautions to stay safe. Establishing a Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System Budget makes a generational investment to build a Canada-wide early learning and child care system.

Advancing a National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence The government—in consultation with provinces, territories, municipalities, Indigenous peoples, gender-based violence experts, stakeholders, and, most importantly, survivors of gender-based violence—is moving forward canad a first-ever National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.

Supporting Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Information and Services All Canadians should have access to a full suite of sexual and reproductive health resources and services, no matter where they live. Lower Home Energy Bills Through Interest-free Loans for Retrofits Climate action starts at home, and deep home energy retrofits can have a big effect on emissions reduction.

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Carbon capture, utilization, and storage CCUS is an important tool for reducing emissions in high emitting sectors. Keeping Canadians Safer from Floods Communities across Goovernment now face once-in-a century floods every few years due to climate change.

This includes: Doubling of the Canada Student Grants for two additional years. Waiving interest on federal student loans until March 31, Extending disability supports for recipients of student financial assistance whose disabilities are persistent or prolonged, but not necessarily permanent. Chapter Filter. Keyword Search. Displaying all dau Displaying measures from chapter: " " Displaying measures containing keyword: " на! usajobs gov opm federal jobs hiring jobs4tn home ботом Displaying measures from chapter: " " containing keyword " ".

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Information is outdated or wrong. I can't find dayy I'm looking for. Other issue not in this list. Thank you for your help!

- Red Mill Maple Syrup: All Natural Ontario Pure Maple Syrup

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Maple syrup for sale ontario
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Results for "maple syrup" in Sgrup Categories in Ontario Showing 1 - 40 of results. Notify mqple when new ads are posted. Sort by Posted: newest first Posted: oldest first Price: lowest first Price: highest first Best match. The photo is approx. Usajobs gov federal jobs opening won the Stanley Cup twice with the Maple Leafs; in and Born: April 29,Toronto, Ontario. The original glue has dried out and the photo is not attached to the back.

Born: December 15,Toronto, Ontario. Born on March 5, in Newmarket, Ontario The photo is approx. He was sake in Kitchener, Ontario on March 12, The photo is approx. Toronto GTA. If this ad is still Posted, I have the item. No email or text messages, Please and thank you This item is located in Beaverton Ontario Canada, Google it This tank is approximately 4 feet tall srup 36 inches wide, it can hold app.

Maple High boy dresser MaxSold Auctions. The maple syrup for sale ontario and burner are used in good condition. The pan is very heavy stainless xyrup a valve to drain. For sale is a Maple Syrup Making Shack. Lower shack is 10 x 10 ofr 11 feet high and upper is about 3 ft x 8 ft comes with stainless maple syrup for sale ontario chimney with cap and some black pipe.

You can have steel frame with door that sits on top of cement blocks that holds boiling pan. You can dismantle shack maple syrup for sale ontario move. Gift Baskets. Baskets include chocolate local honey local Maple syrup local coffee local blanketMaple syrup for sale ontario hanging tray and a welcome window usa jobs federal jobs government opensea marketplace - usa federal government piece.

Wrapped and ready for fall. Onhario additional tillable acres, a fifty foot high 40X90' barn, tool shop, chicken coop and garden shed. A year old family home, well maintained through the years, fo a quaint country kitchen, and adjacent living room with wood burning stove, master bedroom with cedar closet, Maple Syrup Spiles. Aluminum, tin and plastic spices, over pieces.

Sold farm asking Boiling Pan for Making Maple Syrup. Shipping by seller. With no electricity required these tanks can utilize wood or coal to sustain maple syrup for sale ontario water temperatures for extended periods mapl times. These hot water tanks are fan favorites. Maple syrup pan. I have 3 handmade unique key racks available.

They are made with vintage and as maple syrup for sale ontario syup incorporating maple syrup spiles for hooks. They are all different types. If attached securely to the wall they could also hang coats. Any questions call Mikelocated in Southampton. Please Contact. Maple Syrup. We have a few maple butter and maple sugar left.

Maple sugar and ссылка на продолжение available before Christmas as well. Canadian Maple Syrup. Reconditioned IBC onyario come cleaned, tested and ready to use!

Available for pick up or delivery 7 days a week! All solid wood nice original finish stands 24 inch on three legs the bucket is 12 x 12 inch. Maple Syrup Pans and Equipment. Older 30" Kitchen Stove. Used Hotpoint stove clean and works great. Everything works, issue usa weekly current today sports, timer, all burners and oven. Good for a cottage or hunt camp, or to boil maple syrup. It is showing its age. Will trade for wine press. Custom fabricating maple syrup pans, evaporators and equipment.

Pans are made from 22 ga stainless steel to allow for faster boil rate vs thicker stainless being 20 ga and 18 ga. All pans are tig welded with stainless steel wire. Can also fix maple syrup for sale ontario soldered pans and or soldered a new pan if requested. Maple syrup equipment full setup.

New bottles also other items please contact for more info Item number This pail is made out of high quality stainless steel! Sanitary bottom for easier cleaning. Also, has three locking clamps to hold lid on tightly and a gasket for an airtight seal!

Syryp for: beer, maple syrup, wine, and milk storage; also works great for easy transportation! Please clean. For Sale are 5 gallon and 6 gallon food grade plastic pails complete with lids handle and plastic tubing and spile. These pails were used in maple syrup operation and maple syrup for sale ontario great as just sit pail on the ground with spile installed above and when full just switch. You only move with full 5 gallons.

No dirt or bugs can get in. The handles make it simple mapel carry. Just pull hose out of pail and install in new one and away you go. Another great thing with syru; pails is unlike the aluminum Clay maple syrup for sale ontario maple syrup mapel. Blue and sand. Usable as bud vase.

Good condition. Sap Containers. Sault Ste. Welded CDL reversible 5ft x4 ft flat pan and 5x8 ft raised flu читать статью. Never abused with excessive hot fire or burning. Maple syrup glass bottle. Empty Lockable lid Maybe syeup have a use for it for your maple syrup, honey, or other liquids. Vintage Canadian collecting maple maple syrup for sale ontario in Quebec oil painting. Male original oil painting on canvas. Rare typical Quebec winter collecting maple syrup scene with horses.

High quality painting. Big size 30 by 42 inches. No longer doing maple syrup. Eugene Pentz maple syrup trees 22 sle Classic Canadian wintery maple syrup tree scene 22 x 18 by Eugene Pentz maple syrup trees print professionally framed.

Pure Maple Syrup. This painting is huge 32" X 44" frame2 feet X 3 feet painting canvas and has to be seen in person to appreciate the scale of it. Artist, M. I have hundreds of items and reduce pricing for multiple ad purchases. Plastic barrels. All barrels are food grade. They are all rinsed out with degree hot water. They are maple syrup for sale ontario for drinking water, sap otario docks. Sorry we do not do Emails. I only have a limited stock and will not be getting more.



Maple syrup for sale ontario


The partnership comes in time for Canada Day with the launching of […]. Read More…. This recipe is simply undeniable for a dreamy breakfast! Ingredients : 2 medium sized eggs 3 tablespoons of all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 2 tablespoons of sugar 20ml of milk 3 tablespoons of bourbon barrel aged maple syrup How to make : In two separate bowls, separate the yolks from the whites.

Add […]. Skip to content. Browse our Maple Syrup. All Natural Grade A Maple Syrup Our process starts by harvesting sap from maple trees and collecting it in our sugar shack. This 4 litre jug of maple syrup will get you through the whole year, depending on your use! Keep it in the freezer an Our mL glass bottle of pure Thompsontown maple syrup is always a family favourite. Enjoy it on pancakes, in bakin For when a litre just won't do!

This 2 litre jug of pure Thompsontown maple syrup is a great size for syrup lovers. This Sweet Ontario jug of Thompsontown's pure maple syrup in Very Dark grade is popular with both foodies and maple c This stunning 50 mL leaf-shaped glass bottle of pure maple syrup makes a truly Canadian gift and a lovely way of shar This mL jug of pure maple syrup is a family favourite. Delicious on pancakes, in baking, or straight up on its ow This mL glass bottle of pure Thompsontown maple syrup is sure to be a family favourite.

Delicious on pancakes, in This mL jug of Thompsontown's pure maple syrup is the perfect size for sampling or giving!

Delicious on pancakes, Please Contact. Reece's Maple Syrup. The one 2 litre one that is 8" tall and now SOLD. There are two of the 1 litre one that are 7" tall and there are two ml ones that are 6" tall.

Primrue 22In. Maple High boy dresser MaxSold Auctions. The container has significant rust staining. The english side of the tin is fairly clear with very little damage. The lid is removable. A 52 ounce container, approx. Discover our three exquisite gourmet grade A Canadian maple syrup flavours! This bundle is comprised of our 1 selling velvety Extra Rare, intensely dark and robust Late Harvest, our rich and refined amber Great Harvest Canadian maple syrups.


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The former has a number of advantages over the latter. It will make searching and evaluating your resume easier for federal human resources specialists.

Second, the resume builder allows you to duplicate your resume, which is very helpful when you need to upgrade the document or tailor it to a specific position. Offering you to use its federal resume builder, USAJOBS provide you with a professional resume writing instrument, which is worth trying out.

For your resume to be searchable and efficient, take your time to learn the subtleties of the federal resume builder USAJOBS has created. We have come up with the top 4 tips that will help you avoid the common mistakes that often prevent the candidates from being recognized as qualified for the job. Read the announcement carefully! Before appl ying for a position, go to the Qualifications section in the vacancy announcement and preview the vacancy announcement questions. And more detailed Qualifications list for a Strategic Marketing Analyst position :.

As we can see, Qualifications requirements may vary depending on GS position, education, expert level skills or other specific knowledge relevant to a job announcement. So make sure to select a corresponding answer to each question prior to appl ying for a job posting. This is indeed a tedious task but it is totally worth the effort. Although having similar titles, the different job announcement will be using different keywords to describe their requirements for the candidate.

Keep your resume brief, describe your work experience and education relevant to the position you apply for. The advantage of the resume builder is that you get a consistent federal cv, which can be found by a recruiter using a keyword search. Building a resume that is perfectly in tune with the specific announcement will help your application score more points in the competition.

It will make searching and evaluating your resume easier for federal human resources specialists. Second, the resume builder allows you to duplicate your resume, which is very helpful when you need to upgrade the document or tailor it to a specific position. Offering you to use its federal resume builder, USAJOBS provide you with a professional resume writing instrument, which is worth trying out.

For your resume to be searchable and efficient, take your time to learn the subtleties of the federal resume builder USAJOBS has created. We have come up with the top 4 tips that will help you avoid the common mistakes that often prevent the candidates from being recognized as qualified for the job. Read the announcement carefully! Before appl ying for a position, go to the Qualifications section in the vacancy announcement and preview the vacancy announcement questions.

And more detailed Qualifications list for a Strategic Marketing Analyst position :. As we can see, Qualifications requirements may vary depending on GS position, education, expert level skills or other specific knowledge relevant to a job announcement.

So make sure to select a corresponding answer to each question prior to appl ying for a job posting. This is indeed a tedious task but it is totally worth the effort. Although having similar titles, the different job announcement will be using different keywords to describe their requirements for the candidate.

Keep your resume brief, describe your work experience and education relevant to the position you apply for. The advantage of the resume builder is that you get a consistent federal cv, which can be found by a recruiter using a keyword search.

Building a resume that is perfectly in tune with the specific announcement will help your application score more points in the competition. It is true that a resume should normally be kept brief but with the federal government resumes, it is all about the perfect balance between being concise and being informative.



Usajobs resume builder example shortbread hershey. Voting has ended! Check out the 12 finalists in our Holiday Cookie Contest.

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Ссылка на страницу you start creating a brand new resume to apply for a federal government position, you need to choose the way to build it.

The former has a number of advantages over the latter. It usajobs resume builder example shortbread hershey make searching resums evaluating your resume easier for federal human resources specialists. Second, the resume builder allows you to duplicate your resume, which is very helpful when you need to canada day 2021 victoria - day 2021 victoria the document or tailor it to продолжение здесь specific position.

Offering you to use its federal usajobs resume builder example shortbread hershey builder, USAJOBS provide you with a professional resume writing instrument, which is worth trying out.

For your resume to be searchable and efficient, take your time to learn the subtleties of the federal resume builder USAJOBS has created. We have come up with the top 4 tips that will help you avoid the common mistakes that often prevent the candidates from being recognized as qualified for the job.

Read the announcement carefully! Before appl ying for a position, go to the Qualifications section in the vacancy announcement and preview the vacancy announcement questions.

And more detailed Qualifications list for a Strategic Marketing Analyst position :. As we can see, Qualifications requirements may vary depending on GS position, education, expert level skills or other specific knowledge relevant to a job announcement. So make sure to select a corresponding answer to each question prior to appl ying for a job posting. This is indeed a tedious task but it is totally worth the effort.

Builddr having similar titles, the different job announcement will be using different keywords to describe their requirements for the candidate. Keep your resume brief, describe your work experience and education relevant to the position you apply for. The advantage of the resume builder is that you get a consistent federal cv, which /72037.txt be found by usajobs resume builder example shortbread hershey recruiter using usajobs resume builder example shortbread hershey keyword search.

Building a resume usajobs resume builder example shortbread hershey is perfectly in tune with the specific announcement will help your application score more points in the competition.

It is true that a resume should normally be kept brief but with the federal government resumes, it is all about the perfect balance between being concise and being informative. This shows how literally complete your resume is. Proofread Believe it or not but such an obvious step in the resume writing process is often neglected by the applicants.

Typographical errors, not shoftbread speak of grammatical and spelling mistakes, will seriously impair the impressions of the federal HR specialist even about a seemingly perfect resume. Hersgey will train you to be more critical and attentive when you start building your own federal resume. We provide all the necessary basic technicalities of the resume building process. If you have a ссылка на страницу idea about what to write in each section, we highly recommend examining at least one USAJOBS resume builder example to see how a well-built final document should look like.

Still unsure about how to make federal resume? Your email address will not be published. Searching for Jobs 1. Do Not Leave Blank Fields. Share this Post. Daniella Henderson Daniella knows all ins and outs of the federal hiring process. She is excellent at job hunting strategies, starting from federal resume writing to the shortbrread stage of interview conduction.

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All investors and funds in the world Demo - Google Таблиці

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All investors and funds in elfment world Demo. The firm was founded in and is based in San Francisco, California. Y Combinator is an accelerator firm that also specializes in venture capital investments. The firm prefers to invest in the artificial vancouve, biotechnology, b2b, biomedical, hardware, healthtech, media, robotics, science, education, transportation, mobile, xcleerate, drones, SaaS and virtual reality sectors. It was founded in and is based in Mountain View, California.

It is mandated through the Small Business Innovation Research program. New Enterprise Associates is a venture capital firm that specializes in seed, early stage, growth stage, and pre-IPO investments. Elejent firm seeks to invest in the technology, software services, systems, consumer, internet, energy and healthcare sectors. The firm was founded in and is headquartered in Chevy Chase, Maryland.

Plug and Play is a venture capital firm and global accelerator that invests in technology startups of any stage. The firm is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California vqncouver has offices in Germany, France, China, Japan, and other locations. Plug and Play's principals, Saeed Amidhozour and Rahim Amidhozour, have been investing in startups since Intel Capital is the corporate venture capital arm of Intel which seeks to make equity investments in the innovative canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element start-ups and companies worldwide.

The firm seeks to invest in the hardware, software and service targeting the canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element, mobility, consumer internet, digital media, semiconductor and manufacturing sectors.

The firm was founded in and is headquartered xclerate Santa Clara, California. Techstars is an accelerator and mentorship-driven seed stage investment program. The firm runs a three-month-long acceleration program in multiple cities in the United States and the United Kingdom annually. The dzy which are selected for its jobs the philippines for citizens, each receive seed funding, along with opportunities for mentoring and a chance to pitch a startup idea to angel investors and venture capital elenent.

It provides access меня canada day vancouver islanders vspatial - canada day vancouver islanders vspatial фраза community leaders, founders, mentors, investors, and corporate partners, allowing entrepreneurs to accelerate and provide education, experience and funding.

It was founded in and is based in Boulder, Colorado. The Carlyle Group is a private equity firm and business development company that originates, structures and acts as lead equity and debt investor in leveraged buyouts, management-led canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element, strategic minority equity investments, equity private placements, consolidations, buildups and growth capital financing.

The company focuses on a wide range of sectors which includes aerospace and defense, automotive and transportation, consumer and retail, vanouver and power, healthcare, industrial, technology and business services, and telecommunications and media. Kleiner Адрес страницы is a venture canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element firm that is based in Menlo Park, California and was founded in The firm seeks to invest in program usajobs officially opens green elemenf, information technology, pandemic and bio-defense, retail, media, digital enterprises, consumer, life sciences and healthcare sectors.

It canafa in seed, vanckuver stage and growth capital investments. The firm invests in the business services, consumer, healthcare and industrial sectors related to private equity. It is based in London, United Kingdom and was founded in Accel is a venture capital firm that is based in Palo Alto, California. The firm focuses on investing in companies operating in the internet infrastructure, internet software, consumer services, mobile, software, information technology, cybersecurity and cloud-enabled service sectors.

Sequoia Capital is a venture capital investment firm that is based in Menlo Park, California. The firm prefers to invest in the information technology, healthcare, manufacturing, mobile, жмите сюда, financial service, internet, energy, media and retail sectors. Vancouveer was founded in The core of the firm's franchise is sponsoring and vancover funds that make private equity investments in North America, Europe and Asia.

Throughout its history, Canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element has brought подробнее на этой странице long-term investment approach to portfolio companies, focusing on working in partnership with management xceleraate and investing for future competitiveness is,and growth. The firm manages investments across multiple asset classes including private equity, energy, infrastructure, real estate, capital markets, credit strategies and hedge funds.

The firm's investment vehicles include private equity, real estate, public debt and equity, non-investment grade credit, real assets and secondary funds. The Blackstone Group was cznada canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element Department of Health and Human Services an investment firm which specializes in the government investments.

The vnacouver prefers to invest in the medicine, public health, and social services. It is based in Washington, District of Columbia. The firm focuses on investing in companies operating in the clean technology, energy, healthcare, financial services, mobile, data security, читать далее computing, software, communications and manufacturing sectors.

Warburg Pincus is a private equity firm that invests in early, growth and later stage companies based in Americas, Europe, Middle East and Asia. Xcelerwte firm seeks to invest in the sectors like energy, financial services, canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element and consumer, industrial and ellement services, real estate, technology, media and telecommunication.

The firm xxcelerate founded in and is based in New York, New York. Enterprise Slement is a government organization responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets.

It works in partnership with Irish enterprises to help them start, grow, innovate and win export sales on elmeent markets. MassChallenge is a startup accelerator that is based in Boston, Massachusetts and was founded in The firm provides office space, mentor-ship and education to its portfolio companies.

It prefers to invest in the healthcare, medical, information technology, consumer product, media, mobile applications, energy, renewable energy, retail, agriculture and e-commerce sectors. The Goldman Sachs Group provides a range of investment banking, securities and investment management services to corporations, financial institutions, vwncouver and high-net-worth individuals worldwide.

The Investment Banking segment provides financial advisory services, including advisory eldment with respect to mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, corporate defense activities, restructurings, and spin-offs; and underwriting services, including public offerings and private placements of common and preferred stock, convertible and exchangeable securities, investment-grade debt, high-yield debt, sovereign and emerging market debt, municipal debt, bank loans, asset-backed securities, and real estate-related securities, such as mortgage-related securities and the securities of real canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element investment trusts.

Elemrnt Trading and Principal Investments segment engages in market making in, trading of, and investing in fixed income and equity products, currencies, commodities, and derivatives on these products.

It also involves in specialist and market-making activities on equities and ispand exchanges; clearing client transactions on stock, options, xceleraet futures exchanges; and making principal investments directly and through funds that the company raises and manages.

The Asset Management and Canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element Services segment provides investment advisory and financial planning services, as well as offers investment products. This segment also provides prime brokerage services, financing services, and securities lending services. The company was founded in and is headquartered in New York, New York. Xceelerate is an accelerator that specializes in the hardware, manufacturing, startups, product development, positioning, marketing and prototyping sectors.

IndieBio focuses on entrepreneurs building technologies in or around the fields нажмите чтобы узнать больше biotechnology, biodesign and synthetic biology, offering seed funding and canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element space as well as mentorship to start-ups, located in San Francisco and Cork, Ireland. Battery Ventures is a global, technology-focused investment firm that invests in the software, information по ссылке, service, web infrastructure, mobile, consumer internet, mobile and industrial technology sectors.

The firm was /16666.txt in and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. It also makes venture capital and private equity investments.

Bpifrance is a sovereign wealth fund that participates in private equity and venture capital investments. The firm prefers to invest in the biotechnology, environment technology, energy, industrial, service, communication, digital and information technology sectors.

The firm is based in Maisons-Alfort, France. The firm specializes in investments in mezzanine, leveraged buyouts, recapitalizations, senior loans, infrastructure, growth and real estate credit. The firm doesn't focus on any specific industry but is known for especially large buyouts. Draper Fisher Jurvetson xcslerate a venture capital firm specializing in seed, early and growth stage investments.

The firm primarily seeks to invest in technology companies serving the needs of consumers как сообщается здесь enterprises, as well as companies creating disruptive technologies such as commercial space exploration, robotics and sustainable transportation. It was founded in and is based in Menlo Park, California. Horizon is a part of the European Union Research and Innovation program that provides funding over 7 years from to Horizon is the financial instrument implementing an initiative aimed at securing Europe's canadx competitiveness.

The canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element is overseen by the European Commission and is based in Brussels, Belgium. Greylock Partners is a canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element capital firm that seeks to invest in companies operating in the advertising, commerce, consumer product, media, mobile, service, social platform, technology, enterprise and consumer software sectors.

The firm is based in Menlo Park, California. It uses data science capabilities to help find startups to review and to conduct due diligence. Apax Partners is private equity and venture capital firm which specializes in late ventures, growth capital, acquisitions, recapitalizations, management buyouts and buy-in investments. It prefers to invest in companies based in the United Kingdom, the United States, Brazil, Japan, Israel, China, India, and Western Europe operating in the technology, business services, consumer services and healthcare sectors.

Microsoft Scaleup is an accelerator that provides mentorship and co-working office space islad start up companies. It was founded in and is based in Seattle, Washington with accelerator locations in startup hubs around the world.

It offers a four to six month program for startups looking to go beyond the development islad their product by scaling their businesses. SV Angel is a venture capital fund that specializes in early-stage investments. The firm prefers to invest in information technology and internet sectors. It was founded in and is based in Best amazon prime day deals 2022 canada mapa Francisco, California. Paris Incubateurs is an investment firm which specializes in the accelerator and incubator investments.

It is canada day vancouver island 2048 xcelerate element in Paris, France. The firm prefers to invest in the digital technology, new media, finance, clean technology, e-health, video games and engineering sectors. National Institutes of Health is the medical research agency that offer services for conducting and supporting basic, clinical and translational medical research, and investigates the causes, treatments and cures for common and rare diseases.

It was founded in and is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland. Western Technology Investment is a venture capital firm that canava in and provides debt to early-and mid-stage technology firms.

The firm is based in Portola Valley and was founded in Venrock is a venture capital arm of the Rockefeller family and is based in Palo Alto, California. The firm seeks основываясь на этих данных invest in companies operating in the technology, healthcare, media, life science, internet and energy sectors.

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Wayra is an accelerator which seeks to invests in Latin American and European companies operating in the digital media, internet, communications and information technology sectors. The firm was founded in and is based in Madrid, Spain.

Vancoouver Group is a private equity firm that is based in Boston, Massachusetts. The firm focuses on investing in companies operating in the vanocuver, aerospace.



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It serves startups in all stages, from first-time entrepreneurs to late-stage tech firms. Index Ventures is a venture capital firm which specializes in seed, early stage, later stage and growth capital investments. The firm focuses on investing in companies based in Europe, operating in the biotechnology, retail, clean technology, media and life sciences sectors.

It was founded in and is based in Geneva, Switzerland. Startupbootcamp is a global network of industry-focused accelerators. The firm takes startups global by giving them direct access to an international network of the most relevant partners, investors and mentors in their sector. It was founded in and is based in London, United Kingdom. Bain Capital is a private equity firm that prefers to invest in the retail, business services, consumer and financial services, healthcare, energy, technology, media, telecommunication and industrial sectors.

The firm is also involved in real estate investments. It was founded in and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. Start-Up Chile is an accelerator program based in Santiago, Chile. The program seeks to invests in start-ups within the e-commerce, software, social media, education, clean technology, advertising, applications and information technology sectors. First Round Capital is a venture capital firm which specializes in seed and early-stage investments. The firm prefers to invest in companies based in the United States, operating in the technology-based, distribution, marketing focused and advertising sectors.

Khosla Ventures is a venture capital firm that focuses on making investments in early and later stage companies as well as seed funding for early-stage companies. It was established in and is headquartered in Menlo Park, California. Summit Partners is a private equity and venture capital firm which focuses on investing in companies operating in the business services, technology, healthcare, life science, consumer products and services, education, energy, financial technology and services, semiconductors and electronics, industrial and software sectors.

It was founded in and is based in Boston, Massachusetts. US Venture Partners is a venture capital firm focused on early-stage investing in the enterprise software, information technology, security, consumer internet, mobile, e-commerce, healthcare and information technology enabled healthcare services sectors. The firm was established in and is headquartered in Menlo Park, California. The firm was founded in and seeks to invest in early-stage companies operating in the information technology, big data, cloud solution, storage, networking, consumer, mobile, e-commerce, media and software sectors.

TPG Capital is a global private equity firm that invests seeks to invest in the consumer, retail, media, industrials, financial services, natural resource and energy, technology, real estate, and healthcare sectors.

Andreessen Horowitz is a venture capital firm that is headquartered in Menlo Park, California and was founded in The firm specializes in seed, early stage, mid stage, later stage and growth stage investments. The firm seeks to invest in media, software, mobile, internet, infrastructure and technology sectors. Norwest Venture Partners is a multi-stage venture capital and growth equity investment firm based in Palo Alto, California. The firm prefers to invest in the cloud and IT infrastructure, SaaS and enterprise software, internet and consumer, healthcare, technology, information services, financial services and consumer products sectors..

Right Side Capital Management is a venture capital firm that focuses on making investments in the pre-seed stage. It seeks to invest in the United States and Canada based companies specializing in the technology sector. Oak Investment Partners is a multistage venture capital firm and a lead investor for the next generation of disruptive growth companies. The firm focuses on investing in the information technology, internet and consumer, media, financial services technology, healthcare information and services, consumer retail and clean energy sectors.

It was founded in and is headquartered in Greenwich, Connecticut. Polaris Venture Partners is a venture capital firm that seeks to invest in seed, early, later and expansion stage companies operating in the technology and healthcare sectors. The firm was founded in and is based in Boston, Massachusetts.

Benchmark Capital is a venture capital firm. It prefers to invest in the software, communication, security, semiconductor, mobile, social, cloud computing, consumer service, financial service, internet retail, online service, infrastructure service, system software and optical device sectors.

The firm was established in and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. General Catalyst Partners is a Cambridge, Massachusetts based venture capital and private equity firm.

The firm focuses on investing in companies within the information technology, healthcare, energy, media, retail, mobile and manufacturing sectors.

The firm uses data science capabilities to help find startups to review and to conduct due diligence. GV is the corporate venture capital arm of Alphabet.

The firm seeks to invest the mobile, software, consumer internet, life sciences, gaming, big data, financial technology and media sectors.

It was established in and is headquartered in Mountain View, California. The firm prefers to invest in seed, start-up companies operating in the information technology, healthcare, life sciences, hardware, automation, media, retail, consumer durables, manufacturing and mobile sectors. It was founded in and is based in Bonn, Germany. Scottish Enterprise is an investment firm and economic development agency that aims at providing tailored support and access to industry networks. It provides services such as financial planning, growth advisory and international networking.

The firm prefers to invest in the chemicals, media, energy, food and beverage, life sciences and aerospace sectors. Siparex Group is a private equity firm based in Lyon, France. The firm seeks to invest in companies operating in the information technology, healthcare, consumer product, business product and service sectors..

The firm invests in companies and regions where there is an industrial approach. Atlas Venture is a venture capital firm that was founded in The firm seeks to invest in the healthcare and lifesciences sectors. The firm is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mayfield Fund is a venture capital firm which specializes in seed, early stage, later stage and growth investments. It prefers to invest in companies based in the United States, Europe, India and China operating in the agribusiness, financial services, energy, data, communication, infrastructure, software, internet of things, clean energy, retail, business e-commerce and healthcare sectors.

The firm was founded in and is based in Menlo Park, California. Canaan Partners is a venture capital firm that focuses on investing in the digital media, communications, mobility, enterprise, biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, digital health, medtech, diagnostics and infrastructure sectors. It was founded in and is headquartered in Menlo Park, California. Menlo Ventures is a venture capital firm that provides capital for multi-stage consumer, enterprise and life sciences technology.

The firm other areas of investment include marketplaces, smart cloud infrastructure, fintech, SaaS, cybersecurity and consumer services. It is based in Menlo Park, California and was founded in Keiretsu Forum is an investment community of accredited private equity angel investors, venture capitalists and corporate and institutional investors.

It's members invest in diverse investment opportunities specializing in early stages of the company operating in the healthcare, biotech, life science and real estate sectors. The firm was founded in and is based in the San Francisco, California.

International Finance Corporation is a member of the World Bank Group and is a global development institution that focuses on the private sector in developing countries. The firm provides investment services, advisory services and asset management services to businesses and governments. Although part of the Bank Group, IFC is a separate legal entity with separate Articles of Agreement, share capital, financial structure, management, and staff.

IFC is owned by member countries, a group that collectively determines the organization's policies. IFC raises capital through bond issuance, it invests liquid assets globally and manage them.

The firm was founded in the year The firm is focused on investing in growth companies in the financial services and technology, healthcare, technology, media and telecommunications and growth business services sectors. The firm seeks to invest in companies operating in the media, communications, healthcare, cybersecurity, information services, insurance business, logistics, media, software as a service and information service sectors.

TA Associates Management is a private equity firm based in Boston, Massachusetts and was founded in The firm carries out buyouts, growth, expansion and recapitalizations transactions in companies operating in the business services, consumer, financial services, healthcare and technology industry sectors. Additionally, the firm specializes in mezzanine debt, management buyouts, PIPES, leveraged recapitalization, subordinated debt and acquisition financing. Kima Ventures is a venture capital firm specializing in seed stage, start-ups and early stage companies.

The firm was founded in and seeks to invest in the internet, video games, mobile, software and telecommunications sectors. United States Department of Defense is an investment firm that provides a lethal Joint Force to defend the security of our country and sustain American influence abroad.

The firm is based in New York, New York and was founded in It prefers to invest in the healthcare, commercial products and information technology sectors. Redpoint Ventures is a venture capital firm that was founded in and is based in Menlo Park, California. The firm specializes in the cloud infrastructure, consumer, marketplace, other, SaaS and software sectors.

AlpInvest Partners is the private equity firm and fund-of-funds adviser in The Carlyle Group's Solutions business segment. The firm invests across the private equity spectrum, including large and middle market buyout, growth capital, venture capital, as well as mezzanine and distressed debt. It is headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands and was founded in IDG Capital, previously known as IDG Capital Partners, represents private equity, venture capital fund managers, investment advisors and other business entities.

The firm is headquartered in Beijing, China and it prefers to invest in the information technology, healthcare, retail, internet, industrial technology, resource, media,tourism, real estate, manufacturing and mobile sectors. Matrix Partners is a venture capital firm based in San Francisco, California and was founded in The firm seeks to invest in the software, enterprise software, mobile, financial tech, SaaS and e-commerce sectors located in the United States.

The firm prefers to invest in the internet, digital software, technology, media and telecommunications, e-commerce, mobile, productivity software, materials, healthcare, medical instruments, biopharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medical services, cleantech, energy components, environment friendly components, water treatment, waste treatment and agriculture sectors.

Charles River Ventures is a venture capital firm, founded in and is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The firm prefers to make investments in early-stage firms operating in the communications and technology, enterprise software and services, media and entertainment sectors.

Oaktree Capital Management is an asset management firm that specializes in public equity, private equity, infrastructure, real estate, fixed income markets and alternative asset markets.

The firm seeks to invest in the crude petroleum, natural gas, coal, consumable fuels, environmental facilities services, cargo or container ships, consumer durables, apparel, movies, entertainment, retailing, beverages, food products, specialized finance, real estate and electric utilities sectors. It was founded in and is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.

Intermediate Capital Group is an asset management and private equity firm that specializes in investing in private debt, credit and equity transactions. The firm seeks to invest in the commercial real estate assets and commercial property. It was founded in and is headquartered in London, United Kingdom. Insight Venture Partners is a leading global venture capital and private equity firm investing in high-growth technology and software companies that are driving transformative change in their industries.

Their mission is to find, fund, and work successfully with visionary executives, providing them with practical, hands-on growth expertise to foster long-term success. Across their both people and portfolio, they encourage a culture around a core belief: growth equals opportunity. Austin Ventures is a venture capital firm, founded in and is based in Austin, Texas.

The firm prefers to invest in the business and industrial services, energy and oilfield service, technology and media, software products and services, and communication sectors. The firm acquires controlling or significant minority interests in companies located in Europe, Middle East, Asia and North America. It prefers to invest in the technology, financial services, manufacturing, services, distribution, media, retail, industrial and service sectors.

The firm is based in Stockholm, Sweden and specializes in seed and early stage investments with a focus on Swedish companies. It prefers to invest in the information technology, environmental technology and life sciences sectors. Providence Equity Partners is a private equity and asset management firm that is based in Providence, Rhode Island and was founded in The firm seeks to invest in the global media, entertainment, communication, education and information industry sectors.

It specializes in growth capital, recapitalization, leveraged buyouts and add-on transactions. The firm focuses on investing in early stage companies operating in the information technology, cryptocurrency, energy, fintech, marketplaces, martech, SAAS, financial services, software and consumer sectors.

Highland Capital Partners is a venture capital firm which specializes in seed, early stage and later stage investments. The firm prefers to invest in the financial services, clean technology, health technology, digital media, consumer services, business services and infrastructure sectors.

It focuses on investing in companies based in Asia, Europe, Israel and Africa. It was founded in and is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Riverside Company is a private equity firm focused on investing in small and medium-sized enterprises. StartX is an educational non-profit incubator that accelerates the development of Stanford's top entrepreneurs through experiential education and collective intelligence.

The port at which your cruise departs and terminates is shown on the relevant itinerary. For example, Hawaii cruises commencing in San Diego finish in Ensenada. Please note that other cruise itineraries may also be impacted by these or similar requirements. Please note that for the short technical calls at a foreign port, guests are not permitted to leave the ship but will need to ensure that you have met any applicable passport or visa requirements for this destination.

No arrangements are made for cruise-only guests. Please also note that coach transfer times from Ensenada to San Diego Airport is approximately two hours. If you wish to book two consecutive sailings that commence and conclude in two different U. Q: Can I join the ship once the cruise is underway at a port of call further along the cruise itinerary? Our staff will need to arrange for security access to be granted for guests to join the ship at a later stage.

We must be advised as soon as possible, so we have time to arrange for requests to be authorised. Please note that on some sailings, due to immigration constraints or Cabotage reasons; we are unable to arrange downlining for any guests.

Q: What transfer arrangements will be made at each of port of call to take me to the nearest city? A: The transfer arrangements vary at each port of call. In some ports of call, there is a complimentary shuttle available. In others, a shuttle can be provided for a charge. For a list of all transfer arrangements, this information will be provided onboard the ships. A: To get the most enjoyment out of your visit to a port of call, we recommend you select one of our shore excursions, which have been planned by our travel experts and are recommended by the authorities for the particular ports.

To ensure you do not miss out on your chosen shore excursion, we strongly recommend that you visit celebritycruises. These must be booked at least 3 days prior to your sailing date.

Please note that by purchasing your shore excursions in advance you will avoid the need to visit the busy explorations desk on board the ship. The staff at the Shore Excursions Desk on board will be happy to provide you with information and book your excursions. The cost will be charged to your SeaPass account. Proof of Certification is required for all scuba tours. Please also see sections 4.

Please note: On our Celebrity Xpedition Class cruises to the Galapagos Islands, you will not be allowed to explore on your own in the visitor locations with the exception of the two towns that are visited on Isla San Christianoble and Santa Cruz at Puerto Ayorta. Apart from these two exceptions, your guides will accompany you at all times. Many of the guides are multilingual but all tours will be given in English. Please note that the itineraries on our Galapagos sailings are subject to change at the request of the Galapagos National Park for conservational reasons and these changes are out of our control.

A: Our cruises encompass a variety of continents and destinations and therefore the weather in each region will vary. Some of the destinations visited are tropical and may experience heavy rainfall or strong winds sometimes hurricane force at certain times of the year. Celebrity Cruises cannot accept liability for adverse weather conditions during your cruise holiday.

See section 5. A: In order to expedite the boarding process, we recommend that you complete the Online Check-in and print your Xpress pass at celebritycruises. This will help speed up the check-in process at the cruise terminal. You will then be permitted to board the ship. The SeaPass is your identification card for re-boarding the ship in the various ports of call, the key to your stateroom and your Charge Card for all your onboard purchases. Upon arrival in your stateroom, you will find your dining and seating confirmation.

Your Stateroom Attendant will deliver your luggage as soon as possible after boarding. We recommend that items such as medicines are packed in your hand luggage. On European sailings we do offer the option for guests to stay onboard longer on the day of disembarkation, this is at a charge and is bookable online our pre cruise planner tool. A: Boarding time varies by itinerary, deck and stateroom number. Please check your cruise ticket booklet for the boarding time relevant to your cruise.

It is your responsibility to arrive on time unless you are transferring to the ship via our transport. Please note: that, for security reasons, you will not be permitted to bring any visitors on board the ship in any port.

We shall not be required to refund any portion of the cruise or Cruisetour fare paid by any guest who fails for any reason to be onboard the vessel or transport by the embarkation cut-off time applicable to the specific cruise or Cruisetour or at any port of call or destination or point of departure as the case may be, and shall not be responsible for lodging, meals, transportation or other expenses incurred by the guest as a result thereof.

Embarkation cut-off times for cruises are available at celebritycruises. Boarding cut-off times for any port of call, destination or point of departure are as announced on the applicable cruise or Cruisetour.

A: Pack your bags and place them outside your stateroom door by midnight. Your stateroom attendant will give you luggage tags for each piece of luggage. Please clearly write your name, home address and, where applicable, flight details on each tag. Carry fragile, important and valuable items with you. We recommend that you bring an overnight bag with you for your last night on board.

A: The Cruise Director will give detailed instructions about disembarkation and clearing customs and immigration during the departure talk on the last day of the cruise. You can also view this talk on your stateroom TV. Celebrity Cruises has no control over the length of time it may take for immigration and customs clearance. The colour of your luggage tag will determine your departure time from the ship and your luggage collection point. Our standard cruise only package is simply the cruise holiday without any additional components such as pre hotel arrangements, flights, transfers or other components.

The above contrasts with a non-standard package that offers you the ability to select for yourself the components you wish to add to your cruise holiday.

For U. Be advised that depending on the options you select, this could have an impact on the non - refundable deposit you will need to pay. See section 1. Unlike a standard package, these package holidays offer a much more bespoke holiday offering additional components that we think may be of interest to certain guests.

Q: What hotel arrangements are made for me prior to my boarding and after I disembark from the ship? A: If your booking with us is a cruise-only package, i. Likewise, if your booking with us is a build your own package, only if you have added.

If you do book hotel accommodation, we recommend you also consider booking transfers as well. You will be transferred to the ship the following day.

On disembarkation, if your booking with us is on a cruise-only basis, you will proceed through Customs and Immigration, collect your luggage and continue with your independently made onward arrangements. Please check your travel documents for details of any post-cruise arrangements applicable to your booking subject to change. A: If we are not arranging flights for you, please consult your travel agent on the most appropriate flight times, ensuring you allow sufficient time both prior to embarkation and following disembarkation.

Please note that the time a ship sails and the time it arrives back, may be subject to change. A: The governments of many countries now require airlines to collect Advance Passenger Information consisting primarily of personal details contained in your passport passport number, country of issue, expiry date, given names as they appear on the passport, last name, gender, date of birth and nationality which we must share with airlines in order to organise air travel for you.

Where required we will ask you to provide this to us during the booking process. Failure to provide this information may result in you being denied boarding on to your flight. If you have any questions, please speak to your dedicated UK Personal Cruise Specialist on or contact your travel agent.

Calls cost 7p per minute plus your network access charge. A: Planning what to wear on your cruise holiday is easy. You should keep in mind three types of clothing: casual shipboard attire or day wear; conservative resort wear for sightseeing or shopping; and evening wear.

When visiting museums, mosques, temples and churches it is appropriate and in many cases mandatory to dress conservatively. Women should wear trousers or skirts that cover the knees, sleeveless tops and shorts are not permitted. If your cruise takes you to Alaska or Northern Europe we suggest you also pack a jacket and a couple of sweaters. Evenings onboard Celebrity Cruises feature two types of attire: Evening Chic is your night to shine in your holiday best, and will be featured once on cruises of up to 6 nights and twice on cruises of 7 nights or longer.

Women should feel comfortable wearing a cocktail dress skirt, trousers or smart jeans with an elegant top and men should feel comfortable wearing trousers or smart jeans with a dress shirt, button-down shirt or sweater with an optional jacket or blazer.

Women should feel comfortable wearing skirt, trousers or jeans with a casual top. Men should feel comfortable wearing trousers or jeans with a top that has sleeves. Please note: T-shirts, swimsuits, tank tops, baseball caps and poolwear are not allowed in the Main Dining Room or speciality restaurant at any time.

Shorts and flip flops are not allowed in the evening hours. Smart casual and above dress code standards will be enforced in the main dining and speciality restaurants, and in the Main Theatre during all other evening hours. A: We use electronic tickets e-docs for all our guests. Your travel agent or Personal Cruise Specialist can confirm the timescale for you to receive your e-docs at time of booking.

We no longer send out bag tag labels, instead printable luggage tags are included within your e-docs. A: There is a fully equipped Casino on board all Celebrity Cruises ships. You can play popular games such as blackjack or roulette, as well as slot machines.

You should consult your Daily Programme for opening times. Please note that the Casino is closed whenever the ship is in port. Guests under the age of 18 are not permitted in the Casino at any time. Guests are advised that the use of any video recording or camera equipment is strictly prohibited in the Casino. Guests who request a cash transaction from casino cashiers will be charged a small transaction fee.

We recently adjusted our cash transaction practices to align with much of the cruise industry and now charge a small transaction fee similar to what credit card companies charge when people withdraw cash advances against their credit account for land-based transactions.

Camp at Sea is the program filled with fun, engaging and enriching activities for our youth. Camp at Sea is open daily from 9am — pm in the Fun Factory for youth ages , and in the X-Club for teens ages Please ask your travel agent for more details. Please note: Our public washrooms do not have baby changing facilities.

We have a medical centre on board however please note that our doctors are not paediatricians. Guests must therefore bring onboard an adequate supply of specific medications they need for all members of their family. We respectfully ask parents not to allow their children to play unsupervised on deck, in the lounges or on the dance floors, especially during the evening.

Children are not allowed in the Casino. Please note: The number of children present on ships increases during school holiday periods. Cots are available for infants and these should be requested at the time of booking. Baby-sitting and child minding for a nominal fee can usually be arranged provided cruise staff are available to provide this service.

The minimum age for in stateroom baby-sitting is twelve months. Due to U. Please note that facilities and activities are limited for babies under the age of three. The minimum age for infants to sail is six 6 months, as of the date of sailing and twelve 12 months, as of the date of sailing for Transatlantic, Transpacific, Hawaii, selected South American, Australian cruises and other selected cruises.

The health and safety of our guests is our number one priority. As such, in consideration of the limitations of the shipboard medical facility, equipment and staff, the company cannot accept waivers, releases or requests for exceptions to this policy. A: Friends and family can reach guests on any Celebrity Cruises ship 24 hours a day via telephone simply by calling There is no charge for waiting or dialling time; charges begin when the caller connects to the ship.

Please note, on Celebrity Xpedition Class ships to the Galapagos Islands, a telephone service is available in each stateroom for a reasonable fee. Alternatively, friends and family can e-mail you providing you have an Internet e-mail account. Our Xcelerate high speed Internet is available on all Celebrity Cruises ships. Guests are able to purchase a per-minute rate or an Xcelerate internet package for different cruise durations up to five days prior to their cruise.

Please note that mobile phones with international capability may not work whilst a ship is at sea. A: Generally there are two seatings for meals in the Main Dining Room. If you have a preference, you should make this known at the time of booking.

Please note that dining times and seating requests cannot be guaranteed and are on a request basis. Dining requests are subject to availability, however we will do all that we can to accommodate requests for guests with specific medical issues.

The normal times for evening meals in the Main Dining Room are as follows: Early Seating Late Seating Please note that dining times may vary slightly by itinerary usually later on European sailings. This allows you the opportunity to make dinner reservations for your desired dining time on a daily basis.

You can also choose not to make reservations, and come to dinner at any point between and pm, however, we strongly encourage reservations to ensure the best service and to avoid any potential wait times. Celebrity Select Dining is subject to availability.

If you wish to be more flexible, breakfast and lunch may also be served in pre-arranged alternative locations. Please check your Daily Programme for times and locations. Guests with suite accommodation may request a full dining menu for each meal to be served in their suite.

Reservations are required for the Speciality Restaurants and are on a first come first served basis and may be made daily on board or you can pre-plan your dining up to 5 days before you sail. Please visit our website for further details. Children staying in AquaClass staterooms and suites are welcome to dine in Blu with an adult also staying in an AquaClass stateroom. Suite Class guests may dine in, our Luminae restaurant without paying any supplement for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Suite guests can invite non-suite guests to dine with them in Luminae on a space availability basis by prior reservation and for a fee. These fees will be waived for invited non-suite guests 12 years and under. A: Yes. It is available 24 hours a day except on Celebrity Xpedition Class ships whether you want an extra blanket or a midnight snack. On all sailings, a late night room fee will be added. On all ships, except on Celebrity Xpedition Class ships, you may also order room service on the Interactive TV in your stateroom.

Room service outside the hours of 11pm and 6am is complimentary, although you may wish to offer a gratuity to room service staff. Continental breakfast is served on request in your stateroom between am and am. A more extensive room service menu is available 24 hours a day on all sailings. Guests in suites can request a full menu for each meal to be served in their suite. Sailings from North America have a minimum drinking age of twenty-one All guests must comply with Celebrity Cruises policies, including among other things, agreeing to not provide alcoholic beverages to any other person, regardless of age.

At private shoreside resorts such as Labadee and CocoCay and when in U. If a guest reaches a birthday that will change their adherence to our alcohol policy, they may visit the Guest Relations Desk and on showing their passport as proof of age, their records will be updated to allow them to purchase and consume alcohol.

We reserve the right to vary minimum age limits without notice where local laws require or where deemed desirable or necessary.

Please note that within the territorial waters of some countries on your itinerary or based on your embarkation port, the onboard shops may be closed or alternatively restrictions may be imposed on some items available for purchase. Alcohol purchased in a port of call or on board from the Duty Free Gift Shop will be stored and delivered to your stateroom on the last night of the cruise. Guests who violate any alcohol policies, over consume, provide alcohol to people under stated age above, demonstrate irresponsible behaviour, or attempt to conceal alcoholic items at security and or luggage check points or any other time , may be disembarked or not allowed to board, at their own expense, in accordance with our Guest Conduct Policy.

Celebrity Cruises reserves the right to revoke or otherwise restrict drinking privileges of any guest, regardless of age.

Additional policies for groups apply and will be enforced without exception. Applicable regulatory age restrictions apply while the ship is in port and until the vessel enters international waters. A: It shall be a condition of boarding and remaining on-board any of our ships that all guests throughout their stay comply with our Guest Conduct Policy. This policy is designed to ensure that all guests are able to participate in a safe and enjoyable cruise vacation and, as such, the Guest Conduct Policy sets forth standards of conduct for guests to follow throughout their Celebrity cruise vacation, including transfers to and from ships, inside terminals, while on-board, at ports of call, during shore excursions and at our private destinations.

Please review the Guest Conduct Policy at: celebritycruises. A: You can purchase from a selection of beverage packages online up to 5 days prior to your sail date by going to celebritycruises. All beverage packages can also be purchased once onboard the ship. Please note, on certain European itineraries, due to VAT regulations we may be unable to sell beverage packages in advance of the cruise.

A: The Guest Relations Desk is available 24 hours a day. The Desk operates as your source of general information as well as customs and immigration. A: Except for Celebrity Xpedition Class ships, there is a medical centre on board our ships, which is staffed by a fully qualified doctor and a minimum of one nurse.

On Celebrity Xpedition Class ships there is usually one licensed under Ecuadorian law physician in attendance on board. The medical services available and medications kept on board are extremely limited, and guests must bring an adequate supply of any specific medications they need.

Our medical facilities are not intended or designed to serve as a clinic for guests. There is a charge for all medical services and adequate travel medical insurance is strongly recommended.

Charges must be paid on board ship and claims for reimbursement should be directed to your travel insurers. Charges are based upon U. Government Medicare Physician Fee schedules. The medical centre provides complimentary motion sickness tablets if required. We are not responsible for the diagnosis, treatment or services furnished by shipboard medical personnel.

Please note that the United Arab Emirates UAE requires approval for certain personal medicines such as narcotics, psychotropic and other controlled medications to enter the country. You may declare such items upon arrival to the UAE ports. Travellers are not required to obtain approvals for other drugs. A: All items on board ship are priced in U. Simply validate your Celebrity SeaPass account with an acceptable credit card at the cruise check-in desk or during online check in.

Then you can sign all onboard purchases to your account. At the end of your cruise you will receive an itemised statement. Guests who pay their SeaPass account with a credit card. Dollars, will be charged in the same local currency that the credit card is issued in.

Please note this transaction may be subject to a fee from your credit card company. The transaction value of your spending on board plus the exchange rate to be applied will appear on your itemised statement. We will carry out the currency conversion at the commercial daily rate of exchange provided by a reputable foreign exchange dealer and a currency conversion charge will also apply.

It should not be necessary for your credit card company to charge a currency conversion fee when your transaction value has already been converted to your local currency by us. Should you wish to have your credit card charged in U. Dollars with your credit card company applying the rate of exchange and currency conversion charge , please inform our cruise check-in agents at the pier.

SeaPass accounts may also be settled in cash. We cannot accept personal cheques and any currency other than U. A cash machine is available on all Celebrity Cruises ships which dispenses U. Please consult your onboard Daily Programme for the opening times of the onboard Bank. We recommend that you have a small denomination of local currency for incidental expenditure ashore. Since American Express Traveller Cheque Cards are prepaid cards, they cannot be used for on board cruise charges, nor can any other pre-paid card.

Whilst you are onboard your daily spend will be authorised at the close of business each day. For this reason, you may wish to set up a cash only account or register a credit card rather than a debit card at the start of your sailing. You may also wish to contact your bank at the end of your cruise to assist with any outstanding authorisations. Final settlement of your account will take place at the end of your cruise. If you are travelling on consecutive cruises your bill will be settled at the end of each cruise.

Please note: that some of our cruise itineraries call exclusively upon EU ports of call and for such cruises we are required to charge VAT value added tax on certain onboard goods and services depending on the VAT regulations of the home port country or the country of a port of call.

Such VAT is charged on goods and services at the point of sale and is subsequently paid over to the country charging the VAT. Restrictions apply and this policy is subject to change without notice. A: Smoking is not permitted in any dining venue, casino, theatre, lounge, hallway, elevator, corridor, stateroom or on any stateroom balcony. This policy includes smoking-like products such as electronic cigarettes.

Exterior designated areas will remain in place and details can be found within the daily Celebrity Today provided onboard. Our smoking policy is subject to change. What about staterooms that can accommodate three or four guests? A: The dimensions of most stateroom types are listed on pages and can also be, obtained from your travel agent, your Personal Cruise Specialist if you are booking direct, or via our website. Each ship has a limited number of three and four berth bed staterooms. Staterooms which accommodate more than 2 people will be made up of a combination of lower berths, upper berths, sofa beds, rollaway beds or trundle beds.

Please note that trundle beds are where a mattress topper is put on to the sofa or where a bed is pulled out in a drawer format. Please also note that on certain ships, we can accommodate four plus guests. Please speak with your travel agent or your Personal Cruise Specialist to book a stateroom that accommodates more than 4 guests. Please note: Fully occupied staterooms may not be able to accommodate a baby cot.

Please note that children under the age of 6 years are not permitted to occupy upper berths within any stateroom. We also recommend that you check that an upper berth is suitable for any member of your party planning to occupy it, as Pullman style berths require a guest to climb a short ladder to reach the berth.

If this will not be suitable, we strongly recommend that an alternative stateroom is booked. Hair dryers are provided in all staterooms throughout the Celebrity Cruises fleet. Please note, if you are bringing any medical equipment with you that requires mains power, please ensure you check the power requirements with our Special Services team in advance of your cruise.

Be advised also that for safety reasons Celebrity Cruises may not permit you to use certain items in your stateroom see below e. Please contact your airline directly to ascertain the up to date position for the carriage of electrical and other dangerous items. This may vary by airline. Q: Is the ship wireless? A: Laundry not self service and dry cleaning services are available on board. Prices vary by garment type. Celebrity Xpedition Class: All onboard gratuities are included in the price of the cruise.

This covers all Service Personnel including the waiters and head waiters who look after you in the dining rooms, housekeeping staff, your Butler and Stateroom Attendants. All bookings are subject to these booking conditions. The parties to that contract are yourself and either Celebrity Cruises Inc. Please ensure you obtain a copy of these from your travel organiser before or at the time of booking.

For the avoidance of doubt, where your travel agent makes all the arrangements for you and such arrangements involve services supplied by suppliers other than ourselves, we will not have any contractual liability to you in these circumstances. In any such situation we will be fully entitled to rely on all defences, exclusions and limitations contained in the booking conditions. Therefore, all bookings will benefit from all EU rights applying to packages pursuant to the applicable law in force at the time of booking.

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd will be fully responsible for the proper performance of the package as a whole. Additionally, as required by law, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd has protection in place to refund your payments and, where transport is included in the package, to ensure your repatriation in the event that it becomes insolvent.

Booking your holiday 1. To book your chosen holiday, contact one of our Personal Cruise Consultants on calls cost 7p per minute plus your local network access charge , book online at celebritycruises. Guests who purchase their holiday arrangements via our website need to ensure that all details are correct at the time of booking as amendment or cancellation charges may apply to any components that are requested to be changed at a later date due to any error or omission made by you.

Our Galapagos sailings have different deposit and payment terms, full details will be given at the time of booking. Any increased non-refundable deposit payment required will be advised to you at the time of booking.

Please note, you are also able to book a future cruise whilst onboard one of our ships, using our Celebrity Future Cruise options. Please see the onboard sales consultant for full details. There may be an exception to our standard transfer fees see 1. Please note that any bookings made onboard will be subject to these booking conditions. Your full name, including any middle names, as it appears on your passport, as well as your date of birth, must be given at the time of reservation.

Please note that any payment you make to us using a debit or credit card will be settled via a bank in the U. Please refer to the terms and conditions of your debit or credit card for details. For guests making bookings onboard any of our ships, different deposit policies may apply. Full details will be provided at the time of booking. Providing your chosen holiday is available and we have received all appropriate payments, we will send our Confirmation Invoice to you if booking direct or your travel agent.

Please note: It may not be possible to confirm your flight details at this point. If so, these will be confirmed to you at a later date. A binding contract between us only comes into existence when we send out our Confirmation Invoice. A contract will exist at this point, even if we are unable to confirm your flight details at that time.

Please check all details are correct as soon as you receive your Confirmation Invoice, electronic cruise documents, flight tickets, ATOL Certificate where applicable and any other documents from your travel agent or us. If any details appear to be incorrect, you must inform your travel agent or your Personal Cruise Specialist if booking direct within 7 days of us sending the document to your travel agent or you for all documents other than flight tickets and e-tickets and within 5 days for flight tickets and e-tickets.

Once your airline tickets have been issued, you must travel as per the itinerary in sequence as originally booked. Any flight sector not utilised will invalidate the ticket and the rest of the itinerary will automatically be cancelled. From time to time we may be required to collect personal information relating to you and your party to pass on to the U.

Immigration Authorities, equivalent government bodies in other countries and air carriers. You must therefore provide us with any personal information legitimately requested by us at the time of booking your cruise or where requested later, by the date we require you to provide that information. This information includes certain data set out in your passport, emergency contact information and insurance including the medical cover provided by the insurance provider.

We will inform you at the time of booking, or as soon as we become aware, of the exact details required and the date we require that information. By providing us with the details requested under these Booking Conditions, you consent to the sharing of your personal data with third parties including where necessary the transfer of your personal data outside the European Economic Area for the purpose of fulfilling this holiday contract with you.

If you fail to supply full and accurate details within the time limits we specify, we shall be entitled to refuse your booking or treat such failure to provide such information within the time limits specified as a cancellation of your holiday. Further, where we do not exercise our right to cancel your booking in these circumstances, you agree to reimburse us for any fines, surcharges or other financial penalties we incur as a consequence of any failure by you to provide full and accurate details within the time limits we specified to you.

Online check-in is available from 90 days prior to your cruise and closes 4 days prior to your cruise Providing this information online and prior to your cruise will significantly speed up your check-in process and will be able to board the ship sooner and avoid delays and queues at the cruise terminal. If you have not completed online check-in, you will be required to complete this process at the pier no later than two hours prior to the published sailing time.

If you are unable to complete the online check-in process and print your Xpress pass, this may be due to an outstanding balance on your booking. If you have booked via a travel agent, please speak to your travel agent so that the funds can be transferred to us, so you can then complete your online check-in. Please note: All guests must be checked-in and onboard the ship no later than 90 minutes prior to the published sailing time or they will not be permitted to sail.

Boarding times can vary by itinerary and by stateroom number, please check your e-docs. You will need to have your booking ID and date of sailing to hand or, if we have already received this information from you at the time of booking, verify that the details we are holding are complete and accurate.

If you do not have access to the Internet, please see your travel agent or contact your Personal Cruise Specialist if you have booked direct.

They will advise you on how this information can be provided or verified. Our procedures may change and we will inform you of any changes at the time of booking or as soon as possible thereafter. Authorities as well as applicable national authorities in other countries where you are travelling in advance of the date of any flight booking. We strongly recommend that you supply the personal details for all guests including full names, dates of birth and passport details through our Online Check-In process as soon as possible after the booking is made, as this will help us ensure we can issue all flight and cruise tickets in good time.

Any delay in providing us with these details will prevent us from being able to issue tickets. Further, if such failure to provide this information results in fines, surcharges or other financial penalty being imposed upon us, you will also be responsible for reimbursing us accordingly.

Please also see the Privacy Statement in this brochure. Please note that we must receive the balance of the holiday cost at least 57 days prior to departure. If you book within 56 days of departure, you must pay the total holiday cost at the time of booking.

If we have not received all monies due to us in full and on time including any surcharge where applicable , we shall cancel your holiday due to non-payment. In this case, you will have to pay cancellation charges as set out below see section 1. Except for flight inclusive bookings, all monies you pay to one of our authorised travel agents for your holiday with us will be held by the agent on your behalf until we issue our confirmation invoice. After that point, your agent will hold the monies on our behalf.

For flight inclusive bookings, all monies paid to such authorised agents for your holiday with us will be held on our behalf until they are paid to us or refunded to you. If you are unable to complete the online check-in process and print your Xpress boarding pass, this may be due to an outstanding balance on your booking. If you have booked via a travel agent, please speak to your travel agent so that they can ensure that all funds have been transferred to us to allow you to complete your online check-in.

Some elements of your holiday, including what is and is not included in the price will vary by itinerary. For example, what is and is not included in the price of a Galapagos Islands cruise may differ slightly from the information set out below and you should check the specified itinerary applicable to your booking.

For full details please refer to our website. If you have booked a cruise only package we shall only provide the services relating to the ship as set out above. Please always check your confirmation invoice on receipt to ensure it includes all relevant details.

Unless otherwise agreed, the price does not include non-UK departure taxes or airport improvement tax on some itineraries this will have to be paid locally ; shore excursions and personal expenses for example, onboard drinks, laundry charges, health and beauty treatments, hairdressing, telephone calls, etc. We reserve the right to include a fuel supplement when making a booking. The value of the supplement will be confirmed to you at the time of making a booking with us.

Please note, if you are taking consecutive cruises there may be some duplication with regard to onboard programmes, meals and entertainment. We reserve the right to make a fuel surcharge when making a booking, to reflect the cost of fuel or other power sources.

We may also increase prices to reflect changes in relevant taxes, fees or foreign exchange rates. Upgrades are permitted subject to payment at the prevailing rate and subject to availability. Cancellations will incur cancellation charges. For full details of cancellation charges see section 1. Please contact your Personal Cruise Specialist or your travel agent for further details.

Prices may change at any time, please either contact your travel agent or your Personal Cruise Specialist directly. Please note that we operate a live pricing model which means that the prices of our cruises, flights, hotels and transfers change on a regular basis, according to supply and demand.

This means you may book a stateroom of a guaranteed minimum category type, specified by us prior to booking on your chosen ship. However, the exact location of the stateroom on the ship will be allocated by us at our discretion and at any time up until checking in at the Port. Once your GTY stateroom has been allocated to you, we are unable to accept any changes requested by you.

The benefits to you of a GTY stateroom are that after your booking has been confirmed, we may at our discretion upgrade your stateroom to one of a superior category to that originally booked at no extra charge to you. If you have a specific requirement, stateroom location, or are travelling with family or friends especially children you want to be near, then we suggest you do not book a GTY. At times, we may offer promotional GTY offers. Such promotional GTY categories are defined as follows: W - Suite XC - Concierge Class balcony stateroom X - Deluxe balcony stateroom Y - Ocean View stateroom Z - Interior stateroom Please note: If you book two or more cruises to be taken back to back and either one or all cruises are booked under a GTY guarantee basis, there is the possibility that you will be allocated different staterooms on each cruise, therefore necessitating the need to move between staterooms on the changeover day between your consecutive cruises.

We reserve the right to increase or decrease the prices of unsold holidays at any time. The price of your chosen holiday will be confirmed in accordance with section 1.

Once the price of your chosen holiday has been confirmed at the time of booking, then subject to the correction of errors, we will only increase or decrease the price in the following circumstances.

If transportation costs or dues, taxes or fees payable for services such as landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports or airports increase or decrease or our costs increase or decrease as a result of any adverse or favourable changes in the exchange rates which have been used to calculate the cost of your holiday.

You have 14 days from the issue date printed on the surcharge invoice to tell us if you want to choose option b or c as set out in section 5. If you do not tell us that you wish to choose either of these options within this period of time, we are entitled to assume that you do not wish to do so and will pay the surcharge.

Any surcharge must be paid with the balance of the. We promise not to levy a surcharge within 30 days of the start of your holiday. Please note that travel arrangements are not always purchased in local currency and some apparent changes have no impact on the price of your holiday due to contractual and other protection in place.

Where a refund is due, we will pay you the full amount of the decrease in our costs. We reserve the right to correct errors in both advertised and confirmed prices.

We will do so as soon as we become aware of the error. Please note, changes and errors occasionally occur. You must check the price of your chosen holiday at the time of booking. Please note any changes you make to your booking may result in a change in price explained in section 1. The holiday will only be cancelled on the date we receive the written notice of cancellation. Please note that any amendment or transfer fees will also be charged when a booking is cancelled.

These fees are detailed in section 1. Be advised that any refund due to you shall be paid to you within 14 days of cancellation of any booking. Please refer to section 1. Therefore a new booking will be created incorporating any new business rules or terms and conditions applicable. Please note: The date of departure means the date the arrangements you have booked with us commence. Depending on the reason for cancellation, you may be able to reclaim these cancellation charges less any applicable excess under the terms of your insurance policy.

Claims must be made directly to your insurance company. For guests making bookings onboard any of our ships, different cancellation policies may apply. Celebrity Xpedition Class bookings may also operate different deposit and cancellation policies, full details will be provided at the time of booking for both onboard bookings and Celebrity Xpedition Class bookings.

Should you wish to make any changes to your confirmed holiday, you must notify us in writing as soon as possible. Whilst we will endeavour to assist you, we cannot guarantee we will be able to meet any such request. For guests wishing to make a significant amendment to their booking outside of 56 days from departure, such as changing the ship, sail date, flights or brand, please note that a booking transfer fee is applicable.

Please note that any amendments for hotels, transfers and flights may result in the loss of the amount that was collected at the time of booking for these additional components. Please note, the transfer fee is a non-refundable amount, which will be included in any cancellation charges as detailed in section 1.

Please note that guests who are Elite and above within our Captains Club loyalty scheme are entitled to one free change per booking. Please note that your booking will be re-priced in-line with the upto-date business and price rules and a new confirmation invoice will be issued.

Please note, the amendment fee is a non-refundable amount, which will be included in any cancellation charges as detailed in section 1. Passengers should note that suppliers may not allow name changes and that the booking may need to be cancelled and rebooked.

Notwithstanding, for any changes, the rebooking will always be subject to flight availability and to payment of any charges imposed by the supplier which may, in some cases, be the. Given that the transfer and amendment fees are both non-refundable, we would recommend that these amounts are collected from the guest at the time the changes are made, as they will be charged to the booking as part of any cancellation.

If you request a change within 56 days of departure, this may be treated as a cancellation of your original booking and cancellation charges as set out in these terms and conditions will be payable see section 1. The changed arrangements will then be treated as a new booking. The airline and flight routing may differ from the original assignment due to this name change. All guests should ensure they have appropriate personal travel and medical insurance before departure.

This must include as a minimum, cover for the cost of cancellation by yourself and the cost of assistance including repatriation in the event of accident or illness, emergency medical treatment and medications. It is your responsibility to make sure that the insurance you purchase is suitable and adequate for your particular needs and to purchase additional or alternative insurance if required.

We would strongly recommend that you contact your travel agent or an independent insurance broker for details of suitable policies. Please see your Confirmation Invoice for further details of our recommended insurance broker. Before you leave home 2. Special care must be taken of such items. For your protection once on board, all valuable and important items should be deposited with the Guest Relations Desk or in your stateroom mini-safe.

You are also strongly advised to take out appropriate and adequate insurance to protect such items. We cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any valuable or important items, which are not deposited with the Guest Relations Desk or with your hotel booked with us for safekeeping.

For items which are so deposited, the maximum we will pay you if any item s is lost or damaged for any reason whilst in our care is the maximum which is payable under The Athens Convention see section 5. So that we may assist as much as possible, you must tell us about the problem as soon as possible.

If you discover the loss, delay or damage when onboard, you must immediately report it to the Guest Relations Desk. The time limits for notifying any loss, delay or damage, are as follows: Any damage or delay, which is apparent, must be notified to ourselves and the supplier of the service concerned if it is not us before or, at latest, at the time of departure from the ship or, for other services, whilst using or at the end of using those services.

Any loss, damage or delay, which is not apparent, must be notified to ourselves and the supplier of the service concerned if it is not us within 15 days of departure from the ship or the end of your using the service in question. In the event that you do not notify us within these time limits, this may affect our ability to investigate the loss, delay or damage and may impact on the way the complaint is dealt with. You must also give us details of any relevant insurance coverage you hold.

For the safety of our guests and crew, there are certain items that are not allowed on board. If these are found, they will be confiscated. Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, flammable liquids, explosives, and dangerous chemicals will not be returned. This includes heating pads, clothing irons, hotplates, candles, incense and any other item that may create a fire hazard. NOTE: The only exception to this policy are curling irons and hair straighteners.

Matches and normal lighters are allowed onboard. Torch lighters emit a powerful concentrated flame, and are therefore prohibited. Guest Drone Policy: 1. Guests are welcome to bring drones on their cruise for use on land only and outside of the port area. Drones are not to be operated onboard the ship at any time.

Different countries may have different rules. Guests assume full responsibility for understanding all local authority rules related to drone usage and for obtaining any required permissions for drone operations. Royal Caribbean assumes no liability for guest drones that may be confiscated by local authorities for violating local laws or for any accident or injury resulting from a guest drone flight.

While onboard, drones must be stored safely in the stateroom. Drones used on the ship will be confiscated till the end of the cruise. A Guest Conduct Policy warning will be issued and guests may be subject to disembarkation at their own expense for onboard drone usage. This section applies in relation to any loss, delay or damage to property which occurs during your cruise or whilst getting on or off the ship or whilst using any services provided or arranged by us except for any claims in relation to any valuable or important items see section 2.

If an item is left onboard, whilst we will assist you in trying to recover the item, if we are unable to do so, then we cannot be held responsible and we will refer you to your travel insurance to make a claim for the item. Please note that items left behind may be destroyed. You must tell us about the problem as soon as possible. If you discover the loss, delay or damage when on board, you must immediately report it to the Guest Relations Desk. The time limits for notifying any loss, delay or damage, and the maximum amount which will be payable by us or the supplier concerned, are as follows: Any damage or delay, which is apparent, must be notified to ourselves and the supplier of the service concerned if it is not us before or, at latest, at the time of departure from the ship or, for other services, whilst using or at the end of using those services.

If you can prove that the damage, delay or loss was our fault or the fault of the supplier of a service that we agreed to arrange as part of your holiday, we will compensate you for the loss or damage you can prove you have suffered as a result, subject to and in accordance with The Athens Convention.

However, the maximum we will have to pay you for any damage, delay or loss in these circumstances is the maximum which is payable in respect of cabin luggage under The Athens Convention. This will also be the case where any property is damaged, delayed or lost whilst not on board or getting on or off the ship but using other services apart from air travel which form part of the holiday we have contractually agreed to provide. Any damage, destruction, delay or loss suffered during any travel by air including the process of getting on and off the aircraft must be notified to our UK office and the airline at the time of discovery or, in any event, in writing within 7 days of the end of the flight concerned for damage, destruction or loss or within 21 days of the luggage being made available for you in the event of delay.

The maximum we or the airline will have to pay you in the event of any damage, destruction, delay or loss of luggage or property is the most which is payable under the relevant international convention or regulation. We will only be liable for any air travel that has been booked as part of a standard fly cruise package or build your own package that incorporates flight services. For most international flights, this will be the Montreal Convention Where the Montreal Convention applies, the maximum we or the airline will have to pay you at present.

We and the airline will not be liable to pay any compensation in the case of delay affecting luggage if we or the airline can prove that the airline took all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the delay or that it was impossible for the airline or its employees to take such measures. In the case of damage, destruction, delay or loss of luggage, if we or the airline prove that the damage, destruction, delay or loss was caused or contributed to by the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of the person claiming compensation, or the person from whom he or she derives his rights, we and the airline will not be liable for the damage, destruction, delay or loss, to the extent that such negligence or wrongful act or omission caused or contributed to the damage, destruction, delay or loss.

Subject to the above, we and the airline will only be liable for destruction or loss of, or of damage to, checked luggage on the condition only that the event which caused the destruction, loss or damage took place on board the aircraft or during any period within which the checked luggage was in the charge of the airline.

However, neither we nor the airline will be liable if and to the extent that the destruction loss or damage resulted from the inherent defect, quality or vice of the luggage. In all cases, you must take account of payments received from any airline or other supplier in connection with your claim. In appropriate cases we are entitled to ask you to reduce your claim by the amount received from any insurance companies.

Please note if you are sailing on a transatlantic cruise and you have booked a fly cruise package, that your luggage allowance will be limited to the lower allowance, specified by the airline.

Some guests may be aware that the baggage allowance is 20kg, but may not be aware that they are allowed one bag only at 20kg. Any additional bag will incur charges. There are always restrictions on the amount, size and weight of the luggage you may take on any flight, in particular where we are using nonscheduled services. We strongly recommend that you check with the airline for confirmation of your baggage allowance as in some instances baggage allowance can be limited to as little as 15kg.

If you have booked a cruise to the Galapagos Islands onboard a Celebrity Xpedition Class ship, please note that air carriers flying between Quito and Baltra typically limit the baggage allowance per guest to one checked piece of luggage not exceeding 20kgs and a small carry-on bag.

All luggage allowances are subject to variation by the airline concerned and you may be charged additional costs by the airline for excess luggage. Recently many airlines have reduced the number of free pieces of checked baggage you can take on transatlantic flights. Please check with your airline for details.

Please note, we reserve the right to strictly enforce the luggage allowance limitation. If you are a British citizen including children and infants , you must have your own full 10 year 5 year for children passport which is valid for at least 6 months after your expected return date to the UK.

Guests holding non British passports should check with relevant embassies. Obtaining a full British passport presently takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks, but you should allow longer at busy times of the year. The Passport Service has to confirm your identity before issuing your first passport and will ask you to attend an interview in order to do this. All guests should check with the relevant embassy prior to travel for the most up to date information on passenger requirements.

Please note that there may be a visa requirement for your cruise, particularly if you are visiting countries in the U. We suggest that you contact VisaCentral for advice and to purchase the most up to date visa requirements for your cruise. Alternatively you may instead visit the relevant embassy in person to arrange the necessary visa.

This online service contains up-to-the-minute information on specific visa requirements for all nationalities to all destinations, and handles over a million possible visa requirements. Travellers do not have the expense of travelling to an embassy or the hassle of standing in a queue. To make sure you know about the visa requirements for your destination, please go online to www.

VisaCentral are pleased to offer discounts to Celebrity Cruises guests when booking online through the above web link.


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On June 20, , the Canada's Governor General proclaimed that Canadians should celebrate the anniversary of the confederation. July 1 became a holiday, known. Estimated number of persons on July 1st, by 5-year age groups and sex, and median age, for Canada, provinces and territories.

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Jul 01,  · July 1, was rd day of the year. There were then days left in 27th Wednesday of on the 27th week of (using ISO standard week number . Published: March 23, - Last updated: June 6, The official age of Canada is counted from , the year of Confederation, when three British North-American regions came together to create the Dominion of Canada. Using this calculation, Canada turned years old in However, the history of Canada goes back before Jul 01,  · On July 1, , Canada became a self-governing dominion of Great Britain and a federation of four provinces: Nova Scotia; New Brunswick; Ontario; and Quebec. The .


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April 19, The Globe and Mail. The Ottawa Citizen. Archived from the original on November 10, Retrieved July 11, November 19, Mnemographia Canadensis. Archived from the original on July 2, Archived from the original on September 7, Sittings of the House". House of Commons Procedure and Practice. Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada. Retrieved November 28, Editorial Research Reports, Cq Pr. Bank of Canada. December 3, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Archived from the original on June 27, Retrieved May 31, June 10, Archived from the original on June 29, Ming Pao in Traditional Chinese. Archived from the original on November 9, Government of Canada. March 31, Retrieved March 22, Globe and Mail. Montreal Mirror. Archived from the original on June 3, July 14, Nielsen Business Media, Inc. ISSN CTV News Ottawa. May 16, Retrieved May 17, CBC Archives.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. July 28, Canadian Royal Heritage Trust. Archived from the original on April 18, January 22, Retrieved February 16, July 1, CBC News. February 26, Retrieved May 18, Global News. Retrieved June 25, June 24, Retrieved June 24, Canada Day London. Archived from the original on August 19, Retrieved June 27, Catholic Children Christian.

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For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact us toll-free ; ; STATCAN. Please contact us and let us know how we can help you. Search website Search. In the news Indicators Releases by subject. Special interest Release schedule Information. Source s : Table Proportion of people aged 65 years and older — Canada.

Median age years — Canada. Average age years — Canada. Proportion of people aged 65 years and older — N. Median age years — N. Average age years — N.

Proportion of people aged 65 years and older — P. Median age years — P. Average age years — P. Proportion of people aged 65 years and older — Que. Median age years — Que. Average age years — Que. Proportion of people aged 65 years and older — Ont. Median age years — Ont. Average age years — Ont. Proportion of people aged 65 years and older — Man. Median age years — Man. Average age years — Man. Proportion of people aged 65 years and older — Sask. Median age years — Sask.

Average age years — Sask. Proportion of people aged 65 years and older — Alta. Median age years — Alta. Average age years — Alta. Proportion of people aged 65 years and older — B.

Median age years — B. Average age years — B. Proportion of people aged 65 years and older — Y. Median age years — Y. Average age years — Y. Proportion of people aged 65 years and older — Nvt. Median age years — Nvt. Average age years — Nvt. Population estimates by age and sex: Interactive dashboard Statistics Canada is pleased to launch the new product "Demographic estimates by age and sex, provinces and territories: Interactive dashboard" Catalogue number X.


- The Daily — Canada's population estimates: Age and sex, July 1,


However, the history of Canada goes back before The first people to arrive in the place we call Canada today came from Siberia through the Bering Land Bridge approximately 14, years ago.

They were known as the indigenous population. The European settlements started to enter the area near the 16 th century. At that time, the estimates of the indigenous population vary extensively according to different sources. It ranged from , to 2 million according to Michael R.

Haines and Richard H. After the first European colonies settled there during the 16 th century, the indigenous population decreased drastically by forty to eighty percent due to the spread of new infectious diseases.

The indigenous population did not have the immunity to fight off foreign diseases, including influenza, measles, and smallpox. This decrease in the indigenous population continued over three centuries. Europeans started exploring and settling in Canada, following the industrial and agricultural revolutions in Western Europe.

The French were amongst the first European explorers to enter Canada. Then, colonies under the name of New France were established to leverage political, military, and economic benefits. Starting with just 28 companions, the population of French settlers in Canada grew to 3, people in Its population kept on growing due to the high fertility rate, low death rate, and increasing immigration.

He discovered St. It was the first North American English seasonal camp. Later in , the English created new settlements in Newfoundland, including thirteen colonies to the South.

In , Canada became fully independent. Since , Canada has grown to include a total of ten provinces and three territories—the most recent of which was the territory of Nunavut, which joined the country in Canada Day occurs on the same date each year July 1. In , Canada Day will be celebrated on Friday, July 1. Workers typically have this day off, but if the holiday occurs on a weekend, the following Monday may be given as a day off instead. On this day, the Canadian flag flies high across the country, while citizens typically celebrate with firework displays, concerts, barbecues, parades, and other patriotic activities.

See a list of Canada Day festivities in Ottawa. July 1, : John A. MacDonald became the first Prime Minister of Canada. The current Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has served since See below for lyrics. Originally written in French, the song was first performed years earlier, on June 24, , in Quebec City. Want to sing along on Canada Day? Canada is celebrated widely, with pancake breakfasts, patriotic parades, and celebratory festivals.

Check out our collections of Summer Picnic Recipes and Grilling Recipes for more fun ideas for a potluck or outdoor celebration! I noticed NewfoundlandLabrador is not mentioned in your history. Is there a reason for this?

Newfoundland joined confederation in that made us Canadians. Another question? I am in my late 70's why is it that Canada seems to always end at Halifax? Street closures due to concerts, parades and festivals may cause some local disruption to traffic. This event is known as the confederation of Canada. The four original provinces were created from the former British colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Province of Canada, which was divided into the provinces of Quebec and Ontario.

Canada's boundaries have been extended since The country now consists of 10 provinces and three territories. On June 20, , the Canada's Governor General proclaimed that Canadians should celebrate the anniversary of the confederation. July 1 became a holiday, known as Dominion Day, in However, no official celebrations were held until the 50th anniversary in and the 60th anniversary in After World War II, Dominion Day was celebrated more frequently and more events were organized by the national government.

After the centenary of the confederation in , Dominion Day events became more widespread. July 1 became popularly known as Canada Day. The date was also officially known as Canada Day from onwards. It is expected that these celebrations will be held annually. Depending on the availability of Trafalgar Square, these events may be held just before, on or just after July 1. Canada's national flag is seen on Canada Day. This consists of two vertical red rectangles separated by a white square.

The white square contains a red image of a maple leaf.

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When you write a federal resume, you need to include more information than on a traditional resume. Federal resumes required more detailed career and educational information like your position title, job location, start and end date, average hours worked per week, and your responsibilities and accomplishments.

Individuals like Veterans, former Peace Corps volunteers and those with a disability must provide documentation as proof when submitting a federal resume. Read the full Careercloud TopResume Review. TopResume offers professionally written resumes for all types of job types, including federal government careers. Known for top-notch services all around, TopResume has positioned itself as one of the top resume writing services today. Outside of federal resumes, its three main resume packages have pricing based on the services offered, not career level like you find with many of its competitors.

Customers also have the option of adding other services or purchasing them a la carte. TopResume offers a free resume review. Get started by running your federal resume through their free review. TopResume understands the complexities involved in crafting the perfect federal resume. Not only do they provide a professional resume that will capture the attention of employers, but they also follow template guidelines required by many federal agencies. Customers get to work one-on-one with an expert resume writer throughout the process, with a typical turnaround time of one to two weeks.

The result is a federal resume optimized to highlight your best strengths and achievements while still compliant with government standards. TopResume also offers a free resume review for customers who want an expert set of eyes to look over their current resume before signing up. Yes, there is a day interview guarantee for some packages. Customers can use Affirm to make payments on a TopResume federal resume.

Depending on the length of your terms, however, you could end up paying costly interest charges. TopStack Resume writers create custom federal resumes that will wow hiring managers and recruiters. TopStack stands out with their unique pay-after model. When your resume is complete, they will send you a link to review. At that time, you pay for your order if you are satisfied. No other resume writing service offers this unique pay-after option. The pay-after option allows you to get started with TopStack risk-free.

You can also attach your current resume if you have one. Then, your order will get assigned to a resume writer. Your writer will then make any final adjustments needed and send you the completed document. Both the Professional and the Premium packages come with a day interview guarantee.

TopStack Resume also gives back to the community. Plus, unless you pay extra to expedite your order, it can take up to two weeks to get your finished document. That timeline may not work for you if you need to find a new job ASAP. You can choose any package for a federal resume. When you fill out your order form, you can provide more information so that TopStack can assign the best writer for your situation and needs.

Another top resume writing service for federal resumes is ZipJob. The resume company is known for the quality of its resume writing staff. ZipJob also offers a free resume review before signing up for a resume package. ZipJob offers tiered resume packages with three options based on the services you want.

You can get a federal resume with all three package options. Zipjob also specializes in keyword optimization, so your federal resume passes ATS scanning software. Not only do customers work one-on-one with an experienced resume writer, but customers also receive unlimited resume revisions until they are satisfied with the final product. Most of its competitors offer similar guarantees regardless of what package you choose.

JobStars offers a variety of resume writing services, including custom resumes for federal government careers. In addition to crafting your resume from scratch, JobStars also offers LinkedIn profile optimization, career coaching, mock interview prep, cover letter writing, resume refreshes, personal website creation, and more.

The company provides an end-to-end federal job search assistance solution. JobStars understands that federal resumes require very specific documentation. When creating your federal resume, JobStars takes you through their process to piece together your employment history, academic credentials, publications, and more.

Through your resume, the company will tell the story of your career in your voice, enticing hiring managers to learn more. JobStars promises to have the first draft of your USAJobs-compliant resume ready within five business days and provides a day window for unlimited revisions.

Your federal resume also comes with a matching thank you letter and references list. Unlike some of the other companies we reviewed, JobStars does not offer a free resume review. Additionally, many of the resume writing services on this list offer day interview guarantees.

JobStars only provides a day window for edits. While you will receive your first draft within five days of your initial consultation, you should allow at least two weeks between requesting service and needing a completed resume. Pricing for your federal resume depends on your career level. As you progress in your career, your resume becomes more complicated. More complex resumes come at a higher price because it takes JobStars longer to create them.

The price also increases if you add on a service like LinkedIn Optimization. Read the full Careercloud Resumes Planet Review. Resumes Planet is a full-service resume writing service. They have several resume packages available, including customized resume packages for specialized career paths. Options include entry-level, professional, executive, military, career change, and federal resumes.

In addition to resume packages, Resumes Planet offers a host of extra services for almost every need, including cover letters and e-cover letters, LinkedIn profile updates, Key Selection Criteria KSC , and thank you and follow-up letters. Resumes Planet writers are experts at crafting federal resumes that are optimized to land interviews. All of its federal resumes are ATS-friendly, helping your resume get past tracking software and into the hands of hiring managers.

Customers also have direct contact with a dedicated federal resume writer throughout the writing process. If you already have a federal resume, getting a free resume review can notify you of needed updates before you pay for writing services. Many of the resume writing services on this list offer day interview guarantees. Resumes Planet packages only come with a day interview guarantee.

Resumes Planet offers tons of extra options along with its basic resume writing service. They also charge different prices based on the turnaround time. Navigating so many options can be overwhelming to many customers. Gov is not a traditional resume writing service. The site is home to over 17, federal job postings each day, with over new jobs posted daily. Of course, everything changes over time, and that includes the USAJobs system—sometimes without warning. This can render earlier resumes unsuitable for further use.

Professional career coaches help focus applicants toward the opportunities that make the most of their training, experience, skills, and competencies. An overwhelming majority of federal agencies use USAJobs.

While some positions periodically get filled without being listed on the site, USAJobs is by far the best opportunity for most applicants to find and apply for federal government jobs. If you are seeking a certain position, or a position in a certain agency, our career coaches will work with you to devise a strategy that maximizes your visibility and competitiveness for your desired job. As a skilled individual with leadership experience, you know how important personality, attitude, and work ethic are to a successful career.

While federal agencies also understand this, there are over 2 million full-time federal employees. The U. That means the sheer number of entries in the USAJobs application system makes it nearly impossible for all federal resumes to undergo a manual review.

This is why the federal employment process has been partially automated, streamlining the process to select only the USAJobs resumes that most closely match the qualifications requirements for a given position. USAJobs is a federal government job board available to any U. It provides tremendous opportunities for those already in the federal system to move up the ladder. CareerProPlus can help you with your military-to-federal resumes or civilian federal resumes. Here are just a few ways using USAJobs can help you with the next step in your career:.

The only requirement to establish a USAJobs account is a valid email. Once registered, you can complete your profile, build a resume, or upload an existing resume in a variety of compatible formats, including Word documents and PDF.

The important thing to remember is that USAJobs requires a specific format for submission and has restrictive character counts in different parts of the resume.

You can begin your job search immediately upon registration using a variety of criteria, including agency name, job type, location, and even desired salary. Remember that thousands of new jobs are added to the USAJobs website every day!

The process of applying for a federal position on USAJobs can sometimes be a bit daunting, from understanding the terms used at various agencies to knowing exactly how the application process works; it can be very different from agency to agency and sometimes only slight changes can affect how you submit your resume and application.

Keywords and accomplishments are also critical to building an effective resume for USAJobs. There is a specific format for a USAJobs resume that has proven to be most effective. Get Started With Your Resume. Adams holds five prestigious industry certifications. We can help you land your military to civilian job. She is recognized as one of the pioneers in the career services industry and a titan of the resume writing industry.

Barbara has built CPG into one of the largest and fastest-growing premier career services organizations industry-wide. Barbara has Co-Authored numerous books, including:. Effective USAJOBS Resumes for Military Veterans For military personnel, it is important to translate complex military terminology into terms more commonly used in civilian government agencies and the private sector.

Why is Federal Hiring Automated? Here are just a few ways using USAJobs can help you with the next step in your career: It can act as a resume and document repository, with the ability to keep up to five uploaded resumes in your account and ready for action. You can perform an advanced search using keywords, location, or job category. You can even search by agency. You can set up customized job alerts and other notifications by setting USAJobs to run job searches automatically and send you results via email daily, weekly, or monthly.

USAJobs lets you monitor your application status and see updates provided by the hiring agency. USAJobs includes a comprehensive help section and provides resources such as FAQs, tutorials, and best practices for using the site.

About the author.



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The analyses and opinions presented on Career Cloud are our own. We may receive commissions from purchases made after visiting links within our content. Learn More. Applying for a job with the federal government requires a specific resume called a federal resume.

A federal resume is quite different from a traditional resume. Because of its unique nature, not all resume writing services offer federal resumes. Keep reading to learn more about federal resumes, when it's a good idea to have one, and what продолжить чтение provide the best federal writing services.

TopResume - По этому адресу Overall. A federal resume is нажмите для деталей specialized resume specifically for individuals who are applying for federal government jobs. This detailed resume is typically four to six pages long and often requires specific formatting depending on the particular government department or agency.

When you write a federal resume, you need to include more information than on посетить страницу источник traditional resume. Federal resumes required more detailed career and educational information like your position title, job location, start and end date, average hours worked per week, and your responsibilities and accomplishments.

Individuals like Veterans, former Peace Corps volunteers and those with a disability must provide documentation as proof when submitting a federal resume. Read the full Careercloud TopResume Review.

TopResume offers professionally written resumes for all types of job types, including federal government careers. Known for top-notch services all around, TopResume has positioned itself as one of the top resume writing services today.

Источник статьи of federal resumes, its three main resume packages have pricing based on the services mh, not career level like you find with many of its competitors. Customers also have the option of adding other services or purchasing them a la carte. TopResume offers a free resume review. Get started by running your federal excnange through their free review.

TopResume understands the complexities involved in crafting the perfect federal resume. Not only do they provide a professional resume that will capture the exchnge of employers, but they also follow template guidelines required by many federal agencies. Customers get to work one-on-one with an expert resume writer throughout the process, with exchqnge typical turnaround time of one to two weeks. The result is a federal resume optimized to highlight your best strengths usajobs.com resume builders exchange rate my achievements while still compliant with government standards.

Usajobs.com resume builders exchange rate my also offers a free resume review for customers who want an expert set of eyes to look over their current resume before signing up. Yes, there is a day interview guarantee for some packages. Customers can use Affirm to make payments on a TopResume federal resume.

Depending on the length of your terms, however, you usajobs.com resume builders exchange rate my end up paying costly interest charges.

TopStack Resume writers create custom federal resumes that will wow hiring managers and recruiters. TopStack stands out with their unique pay-after model. When your resume is complete, they will send you a link to review.

At that time, you pay for your order if you are satisfied. No other resume writing service offers this unique pay-after option. The pay-after option allows you to usajobs.com resume builders exchange rate my started with TopStack risk-free. You can also attach your current resume if you have one. Then, your order will get assigned to a resume writer.

Your writer will then make any final adjustments needed and send you the completed document. Both the Professional and the Premium packages come with a day interview guarantee. TopStack Resume also gives back to the community. Plus, unless you usajobs.com resume builders exchange rate my extra to expedite your order, it can take up to two weeks to get your finished document. That timeline may not work for you if you need to find a new job ASAP.

You can choose any package for a federal resume. When you увидеть больше out your order form, you can provide more information so that TopStack can assign the best writer for your situation and needs. Another top resume writing service for federal resumes is ZipJob. The resume company is known for the quality of its resume writing staff.

ZipJob also offers a free resume review before signing up for a resume package. ZipJob offers tiered resume packages with three options based on the services you want. You can get a federal resume with all three package options. Zipjob also specializes in keyword optimization, so your federal resume passes ATS usajobs.com resume builders exchange rate my software.

Not only do customers work one-on-one with an usajobs.com resume builders exchange rate my resume writer, but customers also receive unlimited resume revisions until they are satisfied with the final product. Most of its competitors offer similar guarantees regardless of what package you choose. JobStars offers /10012.txt variety of resume writing services, including custom resumes for federal government careers. In addition to crafting your resume from scratch, JobStars also offers LinkedIn profile optimization, career coaching, mock interview prep, cover letter writing, resume refreshes, personal website creation, детальнее на этой странице more.

The company provides an end-to-end federal job usajobs.com resume builders exchange rate my assistance solution. JobStars understands that federal resumes require very specific documentation.

When creating your federal resume, JobStars takes you through their process to piece together your employment history, academic credentials, publications, and more.

Through your resume, the company will tell the story of your career in your voice, enticing hiring managers to learn more. JobStars promises to have the first draft of your USAJobs-compliant resume ready within five business days and provides a day window for unlimited revisions.

Your federal resume also comes with a matching thank you letter and references list. Usajobs.xom some of the other companies we reviewed, JobStars does not offer a free resume review. Additionally, many of the resume writing services on this list offer day interview ecchange. JobStars only provides a day window for edits. While you will receive your first draft within five days of your initial consultation, you should allow at least two weeks between requesting service and needing a completed resume.

Pricing for usajobs.coom federal resume depends on biulders career level. As you progress in your career, your resume becomes more complicated. More complex resumes come at a higher price because it takes JobStars longer to create them.

The price also increases if you add on a service like LinkedIn Optimization. Read the full Careercloud Resumes Planet Review. Resumes Planet is a full-service resume writing service. They have several resume packages available, including customized resume packages for specialized usqjobs.com paths.

Options include entry-level, professional, executive, military, career change, and federal resumes. In addition to resume packages, Resumes Planet offers a host of взято отсюда services for almost every need, including cover letters and e-cover letters, LinkedIn profile updates, Key Selection Criteria KSCand thank you and follow-up letters. Resumes Planet usajosb.com are experts at crafting federal resumes that are optimized to land interviews.

All of its federal resumes are ATS-friendly, helping your resume get past tracking software and into the hands of resumee managers. Customers also have direct contact with a dedicated federal resume writer throughout the writing process. If you already have a federal resume, getting a free resume review can notify you of needed updates before usajobs.com resume builders exchange rate my pay for writing /62568.txt. Many resuje the resume writing services on this list offer day interview guarantees.

Resumes Planet packages only come with a day interview guarantee. Resumes Planet offers tons of extra options along with its basic resume writing service. They also charge different prices based on the turnaround time. Navigating so many options can be overwhelming to many customers. Gov is not a traditional resume writing service.

The site is home to /17375.txt 17, federal job postings each day, with over new jobs posted buildwrs. But what you will find is a plethora of resources and a USAJobs Builder that walk through writing a federal resume, including formatting, what to include, and what will help you stand out. They also offer free webinars to help you with your federal resume as well as the interview process.

As a resume writing service, USA Jobs fails miserably, but only because it's not a resume writing service. Yes, the site offers tons of helpful tips and webinars on how to write a professional federal resume, but you are still usajobs.com resume builders exchange rate my to do the work yourself. It was one of the longest-standing federal resume writing services around. Troutman alone has 30 years of experience in the field. Her team usajobs.com resume builders exchange rate my 20 mg federal resume ratf handles over federal resumes per month.

Few companies understand federal resume writing like Resume Place. In addition to federal resume writing services, you can get one-on-one help through resume, career, and interview consultations. The site is also home to several career and resume books written by Troutman.

Federal resumes are complex and much нажмите для деталей than a professional resume. Using a federal resume writing service can save time and probably deliver a far superior нажмите сюда than what you could create on your own.

Here are some times when you should consider using a federal resume writing service. Even the government has started using ATS to streamline its hiring process. Federal resume writing services can list your education and training and carefully select keywords that lead to success through the ATS process. Your resume is less likely to get tossed in the trash when you use a federal resume writing service.


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Drag the bubble to adjust the time and to see the corresponding time in the other time zone. Usually it is preferable to schedule meetings in the как сообщается здесь morning, or late evening for the person in CST and in the evening, or early morning for the person in IST.

It is six hours behind UTC and is observed during the winter months. It is important to remember that not all locations central time us canada to ist a given state or province necessarily use the time zone — make sure to check the situation for your exact location! Similarly, only Canadian provinces in the middle of the country observe CST. It is always advisable to check the exact location e. This timezone does not observe daylight saving time so the time difference always stay the same.

You however need to pay attention to if the other time zone is observing DST as this will make a difference. IST can also refer to Irish Standard Time or Israeli Standard time, but most of the times it is India that is being referred to — just central time us canada to ist sure to double check this before you central time us canada to ist that calendar invite!

Convert any time zones here. You have not entered any meeting locations yet. It is 3. Other: IST can also refer to Irish Standard Time or Israeli Standard time, but most of the times it is India that is being referred to — just make sure to double check this before you send that по ссылке invite!



CST to IST Time Converter -- TimeBie.


The Navajo Nation, most of which lies within Arizona, does observe daylight saving time, although the Hopi Nation, as well as some Arizona state offices lying within the Navajo Nation, do not. The Beginning and end dates of the daylight saving time in the United States and in Canada.

Daylight saving time starting and ending dates are mostly different in Mexico comparing to Canada and the USA dates which are presented here. A few Mexican border cities follow the USA daylight saving times. Daylight saving time start and and dates in Canada and in the USA. Tripura Sundari - Shiva.

Los Angeles. Daylight Saving Time Change. Daylight Saving Time Starts. Sunday, March 13 , at am local time. DST starts annually the on second Sunday of March. Clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, March 13, , am local daylight time instead. Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time. Daylight Saving Time Ends.

Sunday, November 6 , at am local time. DST ends annually the on first Sunday of November. Clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, November 6, , am local standard time instead. Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time. SGT timezone map. London Information. Giza Information. Brussels Information. Sunday, March 27 , at am local time. DST starts annually the on last Sunday of March. Clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, March 27, , am local daylight time instead.

Sunday, October 30 , at am local time. DST ends annually the on last Sunday of October. Clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, October 30, , am local standard time instead.

Ottawa Information.


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Most of Arizona does not observe daylight saving time, and during the spring, summer, and autumn months, it is on the same time as Pacific Daylight Time, though it is still called Mountain Standard Time in Arizona.

The Navajo Nation, most of which lies within Arizona, does observe daylight saving time, although the Hopi Nation, as well as some Arizona state offices lying within the Navajo Nation, do not.

The Beginning and end dates of the daylight saving time in the United States and in Canada. Daylight saving time starting and ending dates are mostly different in Mexico comparing to Canada and the USA dates which are presented here.

A few Mexican border cities follow the USA daylight saving times. Daylight saving time start and and dates in Canada and in the USA. Tripura Sundari - Shiva. Singapore Time. United Kingdom. Turkey Time. Pakistan Standard Time. Sao Paulo. Taipei Information. Alternative Names. Geographic Coordinates. International Dialing Code. IST timezone map.

San Diego Information. Daylight Saving Time Change. Daylight Saving Time Starts. Sunday, March 13 , at am local time. DST starts annually the on second Sunday of March. Clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, March 13, , am local daylight time instead. Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time.

Daylight Saving Time Ends. Sunday, November 6 , at am local time. DST ends annually the on first Sunday of November. Clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, November 6, , am local standard time instead. Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time.

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For right now, say that you don't want it to start at boot. You can change that later with dpkg-reconfigure openafs-client. If you have already installed openafs-client and configured it for some other cell, you do need to configure it to point to your new cell for these instructions to work. Stop the AFS client on the system with service openafs-client stop and then run: dpkg-reconfigure openafs-client pointing it to the new cell you're about to create instead.

Remember, your cell name should be in lowercase. Create an AFS principal in Kerberos. Run kadmin. On the db server, download this key into a keytab. If this is the same system as the KDC, you can use kadmin. In the message that results, note the kvno number reported, since you'll need it later it will normally be 3. Don't forget the -e des-cbc-crc:v4 to force the afs key to be DES. You can verify this with: getprinc afs and checking to be sure that the only key listed is a DES key.

If your AFS cell and Kerberos realm have the same name, this is unnecessary. Create some space to use for AFS volumes. You can set up a separate AFS file server on a different system from the Kerberos KDC and AFS db server, and for a larger cell you will want to do so, but when getting started you can make the db server a file server as well.

Run afs-newcell. This will prompt you to be sure that the above steps have been complete and will ask you for the Kerberos principal to use for AFS administrative access. At the completion of this step, you should see bosserver and several other AFS server processes running, and you should be able to see the status of those processes with: bos status localhost -local bosserver is a master server that starts and monitors all the individual AFS servers, and bos is the program used to send it commands.

This tests authenticated bos access as your admin principal rather than using the local KeyFile to authenticate. Run afs-rootvol. This creates the basic AFS volume structure for your new cell, including the top-level volume, the mount point for your cell in the AFS root volume, and the mount points for all known public cells. It will prompt you to be sure that the above steps are complete and then will ask you what file server and partition to create the volume on.

Currently, there isn't anything in your cell except two volumes, user and service, created by afs-rootvol. Note the trailing periods to prevent the DNS server from appending the origin.

You can, of course, choose what you prefer for the lifetime. The 1 is not a priority; it's a special indicator saying that this record is for an AFS database server. If you have multiple db servers see below for adding new ones , you should create multiple records of this type, one per db server.

You now have an AFS cell. If any of the above steps failed, please check the steps carefully and make sure that you've done them all in order. If that doesn't reveal the cause of the problem, please feel free to submit a bug report with reportbug.

Include as many details as possible on exactly what you typed and exactly what you saw as a result, particularly any error messages.

Adding Additional Servers If you decide one server is not enough, or if you're adding a server to an existing cell, here is roughly what you should do: 1. Install the openafs-fileserver package on the new server. The above uses the default fileserver options, however, which are not particularly well-tuned for modern systems. This creates a demand-attach fileserver, which is recommended for new installations. You can also create a regular fileserver if you prefer. If you are using buserver, you will need to do the same thing for it as with ptserver and vlserver.

Note that you do not need to run a file server on a db server if you don't want to and larger sites probably will not want to , but you always need to have the openafs-fileserver package installed on db servers. It contains the bosserver binary and some of the shared infrastructure.

If you added a new db server, configure your clients to use it. The standard rule of thumb is that all of your database servers and file servers should ideally be running the same version of OpenAFS. However, in practice OpenAFS is fairly good at backward compatibility and you can generally mix and match different versions. Be careful, though, to ensure that all of your database servers are built the same when it comes to options like --enable-supergroups enabled in the Debian packages.

Upgrades Currently, during an upgrade of the openafs-fileserver package, all services will be stopped and restarted. If openafs-dbserver is upgraded without upgrading openafs-fileserver, those server binaries will not be stopped and restarted; that restart will have to be done by hand. Upgrades would then not replace the old binaries, but instead a script will be provided to roll the links forward to the new versions.

The intent is that people could install the new package on all their servers and then quickly move the links before restarting the bosserver.

This has not yet been implemented. Salsa is used only for repository access control and not for any of its other features.

Since we often pull up many upstream fixes from the upstream stable branch due to slow upstream release frequencies, we use Git to handle merging and patch pullups and do not attempt to export the Git repository state as a patch set.

This package uses 3. Ideally, any changes that are not strictly Debian packaging changes should be submitted upstream first. Upstream uses Gerrit for patch review, which makes it very easy for anyone who wishes to submit patches for review using Git.

Starting from OpenAFS 1. Importing a New Upstream Release We want to be able to use Git to cherry-pick fixes from upstream, but we want to base the Debian packages on the upstream tarball releases. This means we follow a slightly complicated method for importing a new upstream release. Follow the following procedure to import a new upstream release: 1. Determine the release tag corresponding to this tarball. This convention may change, so double-check with git tag.

Flesh out the changelog entry for the new version with a summary of what changed in that release, and continue as normal with Debian packaging. Pulling Upstream Changes Upstream releases, particularly stable releases, are relatively infrequent, so it's often desirable to pull upstream changes from the stable branch into the Debian package.

This should always be done using git cherry-pick -x so that we can use git cherry to see which changes on the stable branch have not been picked up. The procedure is therefore: 0. Identify the hash of the commit that you want to pull up using git log or other information.

Note that the upstream commits on the stable branch will generally already have a line like this from upstream's cherry-pick. This will be a second line. Add a changelog entry and commit it along with the added patch files.

Dept, University of Stuttgart. KG, Germany. This subroutine takes a command to run in case of failure. OpenAFS for Debian. For an OpenAFS client system, install openafs-client and a kernel. The openafs-client package will. There are also other. If you are using FAM,. Instead of FAM, install. You will want the openafs-fileserver package for a file server and,.

For the complete OpenAFS manual, install openafs-doc. This is the same. The procedure outlined in these two files is much simpler and more. Build Options. The OpenAFS file server has been built with --enable-demand-attach-fs,. Volumes will. This file server mode is. The OpenAFS servers have been built with --enable-supergroups, which.

Be aware that the PT database created by. In other words, if. The OpenAFS client and kernel module have been built with. This support is still experimental and known. Long-time AFS users may be confused by the directory layout. The files. The cache should. The server files have been moved.

The OpenAFS kernel module is named openafs, not libafs, to better match. The Debian source package. The AFS up utility is installed as afs-up, since the standard name is. The libopenafs-dev package only includes static libraries and there are. The shared libraries built by AFS are not. They do not have a stable ABI or an. New AFS cells should use Kerberos v5 rather.

Debugging and Bug Reporting. The current OpenAFS installation process installs fileserver and. For the Debian packages, the fileserver and volserver binaries in the. If it is installed, gdb will find that debugging. Eventually the openafs-dbg package will contain debugging information. When reporting a bug in the OpenAFS client, please include your exact. When reporting a bug in the OpenAFS file server, please include.

If the file server is. The file server is threaded, so use the. You can. If you do want to report a bug directly.

PAM Authentication. There are, of course, many variations depending on what different. I've had mixed results. Obviously, converting to Kerberos v5 authentication is.

If you are using the kaserver as your KDC, you may also want to install. Building Kernel Modules. The easiest way to get AFS modules is to install prebuilt modules. Pre-built modules are not provided with Debian building and maintaining. When following any of these methods, be aware that the Debian package. DKMS has some caveats, but it's the easiest method of building modules.

It provides infrastructure that will automatically rebuild kernel. The OpenAFS kernel modules. Please note that DKMS will only build modules for kernels that have the. Linux headers installed.

When you upgrade your kernel, you need to. If you're using the. This method is the best method for manually building kernel modules for. Generally, all you should have to do is:. This combines all of the following steps, taking the defaults. If you. If you want to build modules for a different kernel than your currently. Once you've finished with. You may prefer to pass module-assistant the -t flag to get more.

If everything works correctly, the openafs-modules. If you have ever previously built a module with module-assistant, always.

OpenAFS can cause serious problems with the resulting module. This method may work better than module-assistant if you're also. Then, install. Next, unpack openafs-modules-source:. Now, change into your kernel source tree. Debian kernel packages store a copy of their kernel configuration in. The kernel configuration needs to be identical to the configuration that.

Ideally, you would build the. A better approach, if you're using pre-built kernels, may be to use. Finally, build the modules:. Be aware that. Use dpkg -i to. If you are not already familiar with the basic concepts of. OpenAFS, you should review the documentation at:. This documentation is. AFS administrators may be used to.

In the first column below are the. When setting up a new cell, you should therefore. Creating a New Cell. For documentation on adding a server to an existing cell, see below.

These instructions assume that you are using MIT Kerberos and the. If you are using Heimdal instead, some of the. If you do not have a. Kerberos realm set up already, you can do so in Debian with:. This will install a KDC and kadmind server the server that handles. The name of your Kerberos realm should, for various reasons, be in.

It is traditional and recommended in AFS and for Kerberos to. This is similar to the distinction. If you have not already created such an admin principal for yourself.

Also create a. You'll be prompted for passwords for both. That line gives you full admin access. You can be more restrictive if you want;. Install the OpenAFS db server package on an appropriate system with:.

As part of this installation, you will need to configure. This name. Enter the name of the local system when prompted. Don't start the client;. For right now, say that you don't want it. You can change that later with dpkg-reconfigure. If you have already installed openafs-client and configured it for. Stop the AFS client on the.

If you have had to. In order to complete the AFS installation, you will also need a. Please see:. This is the AFS service. And that's it. Now you can commit your large files, and GitHub will automatically track which ones get sent over to LFS.

With more than 10 years of experience in gaming, mobile and spatial computing, Matt focuses on bringing the latest virtual, augmented and mixed reality solutions to enterprise clients.

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Being a Unity3D developer, I'm used to some of the hindrances to Unity, including compression qualities, native embedding issues and the topic of this article: large file storage. Our Git clients were also not impressed with these files. For our purposes, we usually use a GitLab setup in-house, but for the purpose of this system, we tested it with GitHub and Sourcetree.

The issue As my scenes and assets grew, so did the file sizes: 3D assets, movies files, large degree photos. How to The process of getting these files to the large file storage is fairly simple to set up. Then this popup shows up.



For the casual or new user the simplest is to get a packaged version for your distribution. • Optionally configure wine using the winecfg command. Wine should. job stream fails. You can create a Java plug-in to perform this service, implement it in Tivoli Workload Scheduler and combine it in an event rule with the.



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