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There will also be a Canada Rocks art project, inviting locals to pick a smooth rock, paint it and put it out along the pathway of the Millennium Trail between June 19 and The rocks will be used to spell Canada on the grassy area by the V point of the trail for two days. New Westminster’s Canada Day celebration has gone virtual! Celebrate community and national pride using the inspiration, activities, and tools we provide to make this experience like no other.

Choose your own adventure and take part in activities available now leading up to and including Canada Day. The virtual celebration features a collection of easily accessible activities including: arts and crafts, games, celebration packs, an O Canada sing-along and a bubble picnic. Plus the evening will end with an exciting virtual fireworks show!

Check the event page regularly for more information and updates: www. NewWest NewWestminster cdnheritage downtownnewwest myuptownnewwest. Delta is encouraging residents to host their own physically distanced block parties this year on front lawns and balconies.

Neighbourhoods interested in hosting a block party can check with the city to see about getting a WeLoveDelta Block Box or Mini Box, with all the stuff you need to set up a block party. Learn more at Delta. Residents are asked not to congregate on the streets. This website uses cookies to personalize your content including ads , and allows us to analyze our traffic.

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Sunrise presented by Vancouver Sun Start your day with a roundup of B. There will also be a photo contest, a local convoy, and new citizenship awards. Canada Day in Richmond. Coquitlam Celebrates Canada Day at Home. What: The City of Coquitlam is inviting residents to celebrate with their family at home. Their Canada Day celebration will include live music, dance, interactive activities, and more.

North Shore Virtual Canada Day Surrey Canada Day. Participants can expect musical and cultural entertainment, virtual tours, a rodeo tribute, and a virtual fireworks finale. Virtual Canada Day at Langley. Local favourite Ludic will open the evening, as well as comedian John Cullen. Canada Day in Coquitlam includes the singing of O Canada, and performances from a variety of artists and entertainers.

Programming starts online at noon , with the final item on the agenda scheduled to start at p. The community will sing O Canada, along with cities across the country, as part of the 7 p. And the city suggests neighbours get together to host virtual block parties. A page on its website provides more info on how to set one up. Residents of Maple Ridge can mark Canada’s rd birthday with livestreamed entertainment , contests and activities, and games and “printable fun.

There won’t be any hay rides, cake or petting zoos at Fort Langley this year, organizers say, but Canada Day can still be celebrated virtually. The Township of Langley is hosting an online event that includes on-demand videos of local performers, workshops and activities and an opening ceremony.

The fort is technically open, but there’s a person limit within its walls, and visitors are advised to check the Fort Langley National Historic Site website before visiting so they can be prepared.

Canada Day in Abbotsford features a virtual pet parade, performances from local artists and interactive play zones. The party in Mission starts at a. The broadcast includes the national anthem, a flag raising ceremony, speeches and short video segments highlighting members of the community. Categories in the contest include best dressed, best sidewalk chalk art, and best decorated windows, businesses and residential outdoor spaces.

The district directs those looking for a virtual ceremony to the one hosted online by Heritage Canada. Similar events are planned elsewhere in B. John and the North Okanagan. Find out more about those events on this page from Canada. Reddit Share.

Vancouver One of the largest parties in the country traditionally kicks off at Canada Place, but it was cancelled this year. The event includes “virtual fireworks. Surrey One of the best-attended events is Surrey Canada Day. White Rock Canada Day by the Bay will be by the computer instead this summer.

Coquitlam Canada Day in Coquitlam includes the singing of O Canada, and performances from a variety of artists and entertainers. Port Coquitlam In nearby PoCo, things are a little different. There will be a drive-thru barbecue from noon to 4 p. The city will also have a live broadcast from to 4 p. Maple Ridge Residents of Maple Ridge can mark Canada’s rd birthday with livestreamed entertainment , contests and activities, and games and “printable fun.

The annual Willoughby Community Park event is cancelled this year. Abbotsford Canada Day in Abbotsford features a virtual pet parade, performances from local artists and interactive play zones.



Canada day events 2020 vancouver washington dccw greensburg.Please wait while your request is being verified…


The events section. The real estate section. The sports section. The lifestyle section. The travel section. Fri, October 21, pm. Haunted Adventure. Sat, October 29, pm. Craft BC Whisky Weekend. Click to add your event to the Listed Events Guide. The fort is technically open, but there’s a person limit within its walls, and visitors are advised to check the Fort Langley National Historic Site website before visiting so they can be prepared.

Canada Day in Abbotsford features a virtual pet parade, performances from local artists and interactive play zones. The party in Mission starts at a. The broadcast includes the national anthem, a flag raising ceremony, speeches and short video segments highlighting members of the community. Categories in the contest include best dressed, best sidewalk chalk art, and best decorated windows, businesses and residential outdoor spaces. The district directs those looking for a virtual ceremony to the one hosted online by Heritage Canada.

Similar events are planned elsewhere in B. John and the North Okanagan. Find out more about those events on this page from Canada. Reddit Share. Vancouver One of the largest parties in the country traditionally kicks off at Canada Place, but it was cancelled this year. The event includes “virtual fireworks. Surrey One of the best-attended events is Surrey Canada Day. White Rock Canada Day by the Bay will be by the computer instead this summer.

Coquitlam Canada Day in Coquitlam includes the singing of O Canada, and performances from a variety of artists and entertainers. Port Coquitlam In nearby PoCo, things are a little different. There will be a drive-thru barbecue from noon to 4 p. The city will also have a live broadcast from to 4 p. Maple Ridge Residents of Maple Ridge can mark Canada’s rd birthday with livestreamed entertainment , contests and activities, and games and “printable fun. The annual Willoughby Community Park event is cancelled this year.

Abbotsford Canada Day in Abbotsford features a virtual pet parade, performances from local artists and interactive play zones. Mission The party in Mission starts at a.

If you can’t watch it at that time, it will be made available on YouTube and Facebook. Related Stories Instead of cancelling, this B. Vancouver is opening its outdoor pools next month, but there are some rules swimmers need to know.

Meet the world’s tallest living domestic cat from Michigan. Alberta man grows giant 2,lb pumpkin. Alec Baldwin settles with family of killed cinematographer. Vancouver Top Stories Breaking Breaking. The event also raises money for the Canadian Mental Health Association. Trying to figure out your plans for Canada Day? To learn more now visit: www. Our partners have gotten especially creative this year and will present some amazing virtual CanadaDay celebrations. The club is now moving its events online , with virtual performances for all ages, concerts and more.

Events take place from 1 to p. Mark Donnelly, also known as Mr. O Canada, will lead an O Canada singalong. Following the singalong, there will be a livestreamed concert by Ludic from Blue Front Studios, and a comedy set by John Cullen.

The event will be livestreamed on YouTube or Facebook, beginning at 7 p. While some online Canada Day celebrations have been condensed into hour-long programs, Coquitlam is going all day, with its entertainment slated to begin at noon and wrapping up with its final act hitting the stage at p.

Get your your BBQ going and be sure to tune in. Feeling crafty? The event will also include a four-ingredient challenge. New Westminster residents are encouraged to host their own Bubble Picnic with their own quarantine bubble family and friends while streaming a virtual fireworks show hosted by the city.

The fireworks are set to begin at 10 a. There will also be a Canada Rocks art project, inviting locals to pick a smooth rock, paint it and put it out along the pathway of the Millennium Trail between June 19 and The rocks will be used to spell Canada on the grassy area by the V point of the trail for two days.

New Westminster’s Canada Day celebration has gone virtual! Celebrate community and national pride using the inspiration, activities, and tools we provide to make this experience like no other. Choose your own adventure and take part in activities available now leading up to and including Canada Day. The virtual celebration features a collection of easily accessible activities including: arts and crafts, games, celebration packs, an O Canada sing-along and a bubble picnic.

Plus the evening will end with an exciting virtual fireworks show!


The Indiana Gazette, Feb. 28, by Indiana Gazette INC – Issuu


She participates in various math and science-related activities. In school, she is president of the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Club and a member of the math team. She has participated in the Indiana University of Pennsylvania mathematics competition, American Mathematics Competition. Ruvini won first place in the Westinghouse Science Honors Institute exam. In the Pennsylvania Statistics Poster Competition, she earned an honorable mention for a team project. She participates in the Student Government Association as corresponding secretary, and quiz bowl.

She is senior class representative. Ruvini plans on attending a four-year university to earn a degree in electrical and computer engineering. Jordan M. He is also the president of the culinary arts program. He is currently serving as the secretary of the A Capella Choir. He is also on the cross country and baseball teams and is a member of the Handball Club.

Jordan has been employed at Italian Village Pizza since His responsibilities include cooking and operating the dining room register.

His plans include attending Indiana University of Pennsylvania Academy for Culinary Arts in Punxsutawney, majoring in the culinary arts program, followed by the advanced baking and pastry program. Matthew A. He is the president of the machining technology class. Matthew was a member of SkillsUSA in and He has been a member of Varsity Club and the varsity baseball team since He has also been a member of the varsity football team since and the varsity basketball team since After graduation, he plans to enroll in a four-year machining program or engineering program at a college in addition to playing baseball.

Natalie G. Natalie resides with her mother, Erin Collins, in Homer City. She has been a member of SkillsUSA since She is currently secretary of the cosmetology class. She has been a member of the Varsity Club and the varsity softball team since For the past two years Natalie has been a lifeguard at the Homer City pool.

Bobby L. Bobby resides with his parents, Kathie and Bob Johns Sr. He is currently a member of SkillsUSA. Bobby is a volunteer fireman in Clymer.

His plans are to become a structural welder and join the union. If you leave a message, be sure to spell out the first and last name of the person celebrating their special day and remember to tell us the day and the town where they live. Messages left with incomplete information will not be run on the list. For more information, call , ext. Information is run in the order received.

The Gazette will not accept handwritten submissions. They include an attorney, chef, coach and publisher. The upholsterer brings their group scrapbook, which grows with each trip. Now in their 30s and 40s, they met at the camp as kids. They wake up to 8 a.

When I was that age, all I had to worry about was grades and girls. I did. Which is why the reunion attendees make the effort, knowing that sometimes life will get in the way. These are the people who knew you when you were a nobody. Then trust her to handle the details, Martone said. Distancing yourselves from jobs and families can help you leave your troubles and obligations behind. Thanks to sites like meetup.

Catholic Daughters Ct. Bernard Indiana held its monthly meeting Thursday, Feb. Gloria Kanick led the rosary for shut-ins and those in rest homes. Vice Regent Letty Calvetti gave the opening prayer for deceased members and their families. Valenti announced the state convention was to be held Tuesday through today at Trevose.

Elected delegates were Valenti and Mary K. It was voted to put a halfpage ad in the convention booklet. Grandmother Corps member Kanick reported on the soup pickup, which will be held this weekend. Donations are also being accepted. There were children and adults attending the breakfast and program. Father Federline was the narrator. Sabina Fiala thanked everyone for collecting the coupons and for trimming and collecting the right ones.

She appreciates it very much. A total of 19 pints of blood was collected at the bloodmobile held Jan. There will be a representation for March for Marriage in Washington, D. She also spoke on religious freedom in support of the U. This is a two-fold benefit, one, the environment will be cleaner, and, two, proceeds go to buying wheelchairs for handicapped children.

The support was great. A special thank-you was given to welfare chairwoman Mary Violi for sending out the Mass cards. Trish Dalecki, chairwoman of the Communion breakfast, announced it will be held after the a. Reservations will be taken in the St.

Kanick, chairman of the St. March 19 in the St. Bake your favorite breads and pastries and come and share. Julie Receski reported the group sang Christmas carols, and each member was given a bag full of goodies and a candle.

Ray Micco made the pizzelles, and Moreau made the beautiful Christmas bags. Father Ted Ramett was co-celebrant of the Mass. The group traveled to different rest homes and delivered socks for the senior patients. Plan to attend. The good of the order winner was Mary Ann Donatelli. Kanick gave the closing prayer.

Make a reservation and join the Catholic Daughters. He was Email trying descomments to perately to michele win the huey yahoo. You win! Just stay on the chariot! What a reminder for believers! Jostled about, thrown from one side to the other, bouncing every which way, we try to stay on our feet and maintain control.

We take our eyes off the finish line to see what the enemy is up to. Have no doubt: This enemy is real, and he means business. Ephesians LB. Indeed, our adversary prowls around like an insatiable lion, looking for his next meal 2 Peter Your sin. Your guilt. Your shame. Your sin, guilt and shame have been washed away forever by the blood of Jesus. The race may be fierce, but the outcome is certain: You win; the devil loses Revelation The ending is sure!

All you have to do is stay on the chariot. When doubt steps up in my life chariot and I try to take over the reins, remind me, Lord, that You are in control. My victory is certain, for You won it for me on Calvary. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on the finish line.

A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Peter Bower on Sunday. Bower will lead the worship service at Atwood at a. Plumville will celebrate the sacrament of Communion during their worship service.

In , the Rev. Zene Fleming was inspired to build a lighthouse as the steeple for the church for the Cherry Tree area. Fleming was the father of current Pastor Wilda Brown. When the ministry began, membership was 25; now membership has grown to The following types are available: peanut butter, maple nut, all nut, coconut, and fruit and nut. To order, call Jodi Cunkelman at or Elaine Harris at by today.

If you would like your church featured in the spotlight, call Rebecca Singer at , ext. You will see it predominantly in African-American churches. For some, the dance form was new. Jenkins said before the performance. We hope people take time to hear the words and see God in the kids. Praise dancers wore white shirts, colorful ties and bow ties, black slacks, gloves and white face makeup.

Their steps included ballet, hip-hop and moves strictly for praise dance. Jenkins first learned the form of worship in church about 15 years ago.

We hope to host a concert that will be strictly praise dance this year. Sierra Patterson, 21, has been a praise dancer since childhood. Patterson said.

If one person realizes who God is or how good he is because of my dance, then my job is done. Outside, a frigid wind whipped blowing snow. Inside, dancers used their bodies to warmly express the word and spirit of God. Jenkins explained. They call it praise dance. Jenkins leads the two-year-old ministry, which is a combination of dance and mime.

She practices regularly with students, ages 5 to 25, at the Beloit church. Jenkins said. There are many ways to know Christ Join us on a spiritual journey through Lent. Lenten soup luncheons will be held from noon to p. Takeouts will be available. Wednesdays, through March Each luncheon will be followed by a short worship service. The schedule is: Continued on Page 9. The 21st annual Lenten fish fry will be held from 4 to 7 p. Fridays, through March 27, in the social hall at St.

Bernard of Clairvaux Church, White Township. There will be fish fillets, baked cod, fish sandwiches, shrimp, pierogies and more. Eat in or take out. All major credit cards are accepted.

Proceeds benefit St. Bernard Regional Catholic School. For more information or to place takeout orders, call , ext. Takeout is available. All are welcome. For more information, call Wednesday at the church, DaytonSmicksburg Road, Dayton. Free coffee will be available at a. The Bible teacher of the morning will begin at 7 a. A Dutch-treat breakfast will follow at a.

The menu consists of spaghetti, penne, meatballs in sauce, sausage sauce, Alfredo sauce, stuffed shells, California blend vegetables,. To order, call , email judyholliday gmail. Provide a phone number when. March 8 in the church fellowship hall, Mary St. Takeouts are available. The preschool is open to children ages 3 to 5 and is held from 9 to a.

Mondays, Wednesdays and. Elm St. Use the red door behind the Dollar General Store for entry. Call to verify time and date. Food and beverages will be available. Admission and parking are free. H Br ices Haa m S llices. FFroro zzenen Fridays at the Dayton United Methodist Church, lower level. Sunshine Preschool is a Christian-based school that provides a safe, secure and nurturing atmosphere where each child may grow emotionally, socially, intellectually and spiritually to develop a lifelong love of learning.

For more information, contact Tanya Bruno at or the church office at Rustic Lodge, where David White will speak. Men in the Indiana area are invited to attend. The convener will be J. Nimoy announced last year he had the disease, attributing it to years of smoking, a habit he had given up three decades earlier.

He had been hospitalized earlier in the week. His artistic pursuits — poetry, photography and music in addition to acting — ranged far beyond the United Federation of Planets, but it was as Mr.

His stardom would endure. When director J. My wife Valerie and I own a small pizza shop in Young Township and would like to see other small businesses have opportunities to open within our Indiana County communities. I will support not only small business but all union jobs and union workers. His other priorities include lowering property taxes, strengthening local agriculture, development of local gas supply, public education and maintaining and improving the system.

I would like the opportunity to not just serve the people of Young Township but all of Indiana County as your next Indiana County commissioner.

Indians capture title Continued from Page 1 Stapleton scored the gamewinner when he took a feed from his younger brother, Dylan, and found himself all alone under the hoop with the clock rapidly counting down. The basket capped a comeback from a nine-point deficit for Indiana, which trailed with six minutes to play. Riley Stapleton gave a lot of credit to the crowd, which at times had a part in distracting the Tigers. Fire destroys Beyer home By The Indiana Gazette BEYER — Firefighters from three departments had to contend with extremely cold temperatures early Friday morning while battling a stubborn fire that destroyed a two-story vacant home at the intersection of Routes 85 and in Beyer.

William Hutchison, chief of the Plumville Volunteer Fire Company, said the building was fully engulfed in flames when the first units arrived on the scene after the alarm sounded at a. Hutchison said the home was owned by Kevin Windows. Hutchison said the metal roof on the house collapsed onto the burning wood underneath. Firefighters could not extinguish all the smoldering ruins and the department was called back to the scene for multiple rekindles later in the day Friday and at a.

No one was injured even though firefighters had to work on icy surfaces that quickly formed in the sub-zero temperatures. His father worked as a barber. From the age of 8, Leonard acted in local productions, winning parts at a community college, where he performed through his high school years. Nimoy served in the Army for two. He then returned to California, where he worked as a soda jerk, movie usher and cabdriver while studying acting at the Pasadena Playhouse.

Antioch University later awarded Nimoy an honorary doctorate. In , the same year that he. Besides his wife, he is survived by his children, Adam and Julie Nimoy; a stepson, Aaron Bay Schuck; six grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and an older brother, Melvin.

His blackand-white photographs of nude and seminude women struck some Orthodox Jewish leaders as heretical, but Nimoy asserted that his work was consistent with the teaching of the kabbalah.

His religious upbringing also influenced the characterization of Spock. Bill will avoid security lapse Continued from Page 1 add-ons. Aides to Speaker John Boehner promptly said there had been no such promise made. Further demonstrating GOP woes, House GOP leaders abruptly called off a vote on a major education bill that had attracted significant opposition from conservatives as well as Democrats and the White House. Aides attributed that decision to the need to work separately on rounding up enough votes.

For their part, tea party conservatives in the House unflinchingly defended their actions. Mo Brooks, R-Ala. He referred to a pair of immigration directives issued by Obama. The first, in , lifted the threat of deportation from many immigrants brought to the country illegally as youngsters.

Another order last fall applied to millions more who are in the United States unlawfully. The unexpected House defeat of a three-week spending bill was accomplished by 52 conservatives upset by the deletion of the immigration provisions, alongside solid opposition from Democrats who wanted the agency funded through Sept.

That set an unpre-. Homeland Security officials circulated a lengthy contingency plan indicating that about 30, employees could expect to be furloughed without passage of funding legislation. Moments later, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky strode onto the Senate floor and swiftly gained approval for the seven-day measure.

The Senate had waited all day to play its part in the funding of the agency. Charlie Dent, RPa. Deputy Phil aims to highlight safety Continued from Page 1 as vehicle and Internet safety, bullying, and drugs and alcohol. Loretta Lentz. Turbo, an avid skateboarder, will reinforce the significance of wearing a helmet and address the. Fyock said they want to keep the program going as long as possible. It has benefited our children and has been.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that during a working lunch the leaders will discuss security, economic development and reconciliation efforts between the Taliban and the Afghan government. The first bombs exploded near the market in the town of Balad Ruz, 45 miles northeast of Baghdad, killing 11 people and wounding 50, police and hospital officials said.

A suicide car bomber later attacked a checkpoint manned by Shiite militiamen near the city of Samarra, killing eight Shiite fighters and wounding 15, authorities said. A second suicide bomber attacked another Shiite militia checkpoint just south of Samarra, killing eight fighters and wounding 16, police and hospital officials said. His official House expense account had previously paid the group for its services. Schock, a rising star in the Republican Party, has been under scrutiny for using taxpayer money to pay for the redecorating, as well as using his official and campaign funds for flights on donor-owned planes and concert tickets.

Nearly three-quarters of the pandas live in the southwestern province of Sichuan. The remaining pandas have been found in the neighboring Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. Ginette Hemley, senior vice president of wildlife conservation for World Wildlife Fund, credited efforts by the Chinese government for the increase.

The survey shows 1, wild giant pandas live within nature reserves. There are 67 panda reserves in China, an increase of 27 since the last survey. Nemtsov, 55, was gunned down Friday near midnight as he walked on a bridge near the Kremlin with a female companion. After his death, organizers canceled the rally and instead called for a demonstration to mourn him on Sunday in central Moscow. The city gave quick approval for that gathering, in contrast to its usual slow and grudging permission for opposition rallies.

The statement also said it was investigating whether the killing was connected to the Ukraine conflict, where Russia-backed separatists have been fighting Ukrainian forces since last April, or whether there was a connection to Islamic extremism.

Moscow denies backing the rebels with troops and sophisticated weapons. Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev echoed the suggestion that the killing was a provocation. Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov agreed. In an interview with the Sobesednik newspaper, Nemtsov said earlier this month that his year old mother was afraid that Putin could have him killed.

Kasyanov said he was shocked. He is currently on a day jail sentence for handing out leaflets without authorization. The U. American officials say they should make their recommendation ahead of the six-month schedule set out by Obama in December. It is not a negotiation. It is an evaluation that is made under a very strict set of requirements, congressionally mandated, and that has to be pursued separately. If the State Department recommends removal and Obama sends such a decision to Congress, the communist country would only come off after a day waiting period.

That makes it practically impossible for the embassies to be reconstituted in Havana and Washington in time for the Summit of the Americas in Panama, if Cuba sticks to its position. The shooter, identified by authorities as Joseph Jesse Aldridge, 36, used a. All of the victims were adults.

The motive for the shooting was still under investigation Friday. The few people in town willing to talk about it knew little about Aldridge, described as somewhat reclusive in an otherwise tight-knit area. Bud Goodman, 71, of nearby Houston, grew up in Tyrone. He knew all of the victims but little about Aldridge. Police are still trying to figure that out, too. Around p. Sigman said that as officers responded to that call, they received word of another shooting.

The victims at both addresses were related to each other, and to Aldridge. Jeff Kinder. At some point over the next few hours, Joseph Aldridge killed two more men and another woman at two different locations, Sigman said, and injured another woman. The case took another strange twist when authorities went to the home that Joseph Aldridge shared with his year-old mother, Alice. She was found dead at the home, but apparently of natural causes, authorities said.

An autopsy was planned to determine if her death was related to the shooting spree. Louis Post-Dispatch. Police, worried that other relatives might be targeted, reached out to all of them, along with family members in other towns, while they searched for Joseph Aldridge in the early hours of Friday. Sigman said he was confident there were no more victims. Around a. Friday, in neighboring Shannon County, some 25 miles from Tyrone, Joseph Aldridge was found dead of an apparent self-inflicted wound inside a GMC pickup.

Sigman said the truck was running and in the middle of a twolane highway. Instead, they said he than 30 years ago for CBS had argued with one man. Jones article hit.

Sliding Fee billing is based on income and is available to those who qualify, regardless of insurance status. He ex-. The Federal Communications Commission voted Thursday to impose strict regulations on Internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon. They hired the plane. Tom Wolf said Friday he wants more seniors to obtain health care in their home instead of a nursing facility. In an event at the AARP office in downtown Philadelphia, Wolf told about 30 people that his upcoming state budget plan would expand home- and community-based, long-term care for an additional 5, peo-.

Irwin started at the News in as a sports writer. After 10 years in sports, he served as a copy editor, assistant managing editor and lifestyle editor. Irwin succeeds Tim Kolodziej. The Democrat said the proposal would make longterm care for seniors more convenient and personal.

The new money would allow the departments to add employees,. Wolf also said he wants to make it easier for patients eligible for home health care to have their homes modified to make them more accessible. AARP said a national study it co-authored last year ranked Pennsylvania 42nd among the states in meeting the long-term care needs of older residents.

Our on-site butchers will cut to your specificcation 7 days a week. Caall us with your special order. Wolf is scheduled to unveil his budget blueprint Tuesday. Authorities say the bank should have flagged transactions involving then-Luzerne County Judge Michael Conahan beginning in Both judges are now incarcerated. Sun, Mar Mar.. Make checks payable to The h Indiana Gazette. There are days left in the year. Upshur, Navy Secretary Thomas W.

Gilmer and several others. In , the Territory of Colorado was organized. In , actor-comedian Zero Mostel was born in Brooklyn, N. In , scientists James D. Watson and Francis H. Crick announced they had discovered the double-helix structure of DNA.

In , President Richard M. In , 42 people were. The killing remains unsolved. In , a gunbattle erupted at a religious compound near Waco, Texas, when Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents tried to arrest Branch Davidian leader David Koresh on weapons charges; four agents and six Davidians were killed as a 51day standoff began.

In , Benedict XVI became the first pope in years to resign, ending an eight-year pontificate. Benedict was succeeded the following month by Pope Francis.

Ten years ago: In Santa Maria, Calif. District Judge, Joan Humphrey Lefkow, discovered the bodies of her husband and mother inside her Chicago home. An unemployed electrician confessed to the murders in a suicide note. A suicide car bombing targeting security recruits killed people in Hillah, Iraq.

Five years ago: Sidney Crosby scored the winning goal in overtime to give Canada a victory over the United States in the final event of the Vancouver Olympics. Canada earned its. The American silver was the 37th medal won by the United States at the games, also the most by any country at any Winter Olympics.

Actor Gavin MacLeod is Actor Don Francks is Singer Sam the Sham is Actor-director-dancer Tommy Tune is Hall of Fame auto racer Mario Andretti is Actor Frank Bonner is Actress Kelly Bishop is Actress Stephanie Beacham is Writer-director Mike Figgis is Actress Mercedes Ruehl is Actress Bernadette Peters is Former Energy Secretary Steven Chu is Actress Ilene Graff is Nobel Prizewinning economist Paul Krugman is Comedian Gilbert Gottfried is Basketball Hall of Famer Adrian Dantley is Actor John Turturro is Rock singer Cindy Wilson is Actress Rae Dawn Chong is Actress Maxine Bahns is Actor Robert Sean Leonard is Rock singer Pat Monahan is Actress Tasha Smith is Actor Rory Cochrane is Actress Ali Larter is Country singer Jason Aldean is Actor Geoffrey Arend is Actress Michelle Horn is Actress Quinn Shephard is Thompson is When he was asked to narrate a planetarium introduction or appear as a guest at an event, Nimoy did so graciously and never charged.

Spock, he made science and technology important to the story, while never failing to show, by example, that it is the people around us who matter most. Samantha Cristoforetti, an Italian astronaut aboard the International Space Station, similarly tweeted her condolences from space. He was clearly a person who had desirable components beyond just being smart. I am the only one so far who knows about her pregnancy. She has nowhere to Dear Abby is go. My parwritten by ents have Abigail Van told me to Buren, also cut her off.

The family will have to know soon because her pregnancy will become obvious, and she will need prenatal care so her baby will be born healthy. Stress to her how important it is that she graduates from high school, because if she keeps her baby, she will need to be able to support it.

Your state department of social services should also be contacted for guidance. I suspect they are something more. You have already had at least one child with your fiance. But if more of the same is what you are prepared to settle for, then all anyone can do is wish you luck.

One lives in New York and the other in North Carolina. The New Yorker says the. Which is fair? If you do, it may save the friendship. Shooting began earlier this month in Cleveland.

Benaroya Pictures did not return calls and emails seeking comment Friday. Ben Kingsley and Ellen Burstyn. Recognized as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, Martha Graham created a pioneering dance movement based on the expressive capacity of the human body. Eilber said. One way the dance company has expanded on communicating their love of dance with the audience is borrowed from the way museums are managed, by building on the old while enhancing the displays with new and innovative pieces.

With a background of performing in films, on television, and when she first joined the company, as a principal dancer working closely with Martha Graham, Eilber focuses on creating new forms of audi-.

Tadej Brdnik, a principal dancer with the company since , grew up in a small town in Slovenia and is grateful for the education he has received throughout his career, which he repays by teaching others. Brdnik has taught both nationally and internationally in Europe and Asia. In the United States, he has taught at Treehouse Shakers in New York City, a nonprofit dance and theater group for children up to 18 years old, and is a visiting artist in the New York Public School system.

The recovery of the dress was first reported by TMZ. Tom Hammersten, 52, an insurance company underwriter, recently sang lead vocals in a Lollapalooza-style band at Rock Camp. Hammersten said. Rock Camp offers 10 courses a month. After four weeks of rehearsing with their new bandmates, campers hit the stage for a real gig.

And it spurred other online services such as Amazon. Season 3 debuted early Friday, giving fans a chance to see Frank and Claire Underwood continue their machinations, now from a hardwon White House perch.

The show marks just one of more than 20 original series or movies that Netflix is scheduled to show this year. The Los Gatos, Calif. Take Outs Available Walk-ins Welcome! Sponsored By: Federation of Democratic Women. Half of those gains have come in the U. There was little blowback from customers this time. Undaunted, Netflix continued to commit billions of dollars to long-term licensing agreements with movie and TV studios while also spending heavily on an international expansion.

Some analysts questioned whether the company could survive. It was the kind of shot kids dream about and that Hollywood movies are made of. Stapleton took a dish from his younger brother, Dylan, and banked in the game-winning points with 1.

We woke up and just knew it, and we went out and did it. Then, while putting fullcourt pressure on the Tigers, Jack went after a loose ball and the referees called it a held ball, giving possession to Indiana with 20 seconds remaining.

Indiana coach Greg Lezanic called a timeout and set up the simplest of plays. He had Dylan Stapleton take the ball at the top of the arc and the rest of the Indiana players spread the floor and get out of his way. Dylan Stapleton let Continued on Page It feels so great, because they are a great team. It just feels awesome. After earning the No. We said that we were going to, and we knew that we could.

Saltsburg sophomore forward Frankie Plowman scored nine points in just over two minutes to help bury St. Although the Trojans made it look easy in the end, the game was much closer than the score indicated. Donnie Stitt. Saltsburg made 5 of 7 free throw attempts before the half. Our guys fought and battled to get back into the game there in the third quarter and expended a lot of energy.

The Wolves closed the gap to midway through the third quarter, largely because of senior guard Garrett Bastardi, who scored four field goals in under four minutes, but it was another St. Senior forward Michael Jabco, who surpassed points on the season Friday, scored 20 points, but he had only six in the second half.

At the end of the third quarter, Saltsburg was clinging to a slim lead. Then the floodgates opened. Plowman drilled two three 3pointers to start the quarter, sparking a run in which six Saltsburg players contributed baskets. Those kids relish in those type of moments. And thank goodness for us they went in.

With less than four minutes remaining, surrounded by a trio of defenders, Sphon blindly passed the ball behind his back to wide-open sophomore guard Dan Shirley below the rim. Shirley dropped in the easy layup, extending the lead to , cementing the lead that Saltsburg tirelessly fought to defend.

All that was left for the Trojans to do was drain the clock and take advantage of the free throw opportunities St. And that was the story of the game. They made their free throws.

Hats off to those guys. The Trojans pocketed plenty of playoff experience, and their postseason will continue in the state playoffs.

Despite facing a talented and more experienced team in third-seed Bishop Guilfoyle, the Bobcats saw no reason to change their game plan. The Marauders stuck with the Bobcats throughout the first half, trailing just after the first quarter and dropping in another 10 points in the second quarter. A buzzer-beating tip-in by Nicole Boyer at the end of the second quarter put the Bobcats ahead entering halftime. But the Bobcats had to travel an unfamiliar road in the second half. With seniors Chelsey Koren and Kia Clayton in foul trouble, the Bobcats had to toe the line on defense and work the clock on offense.

Luckily for the Bobcats, they. Koren finished with nine points despite her limited play. Freshman Rena Enterline added eight points, and senior Nicole Boyer contributed seven. Benzel was held to just eight points after coming into the game averaging plus points. The only player on Bishop Guilfoyle to reach double figures in scoring was Anna Audley, who scored My teammates helped out on that with the switching and talking.

With a point lead, , and remaining in the game, the Bobcats set out to burn the clock. With no shot clock in high school basketball to worry about, the Bobcats worked the ball around the perimeter of the court and extended each offensive possession over a minute.

We had to spread that floor out there and use it, and it was run to perfection. The girls were unbelievable doing it. These girls want it bad. Cameron County finished fourth in District 9.

They need to beat a team for the third time this season to advance in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference playoffs so they can face a team that has beaten them twice. Often the team that loses twice is very anxious and might have an edge in that third game. But can IUP, a program that has compiled seven straight seasons of more than 20 wins and won three of the previous five conference championships, be considered an underdog?

They may be more motivated to prove something rather than feel like we have to play over our heads to do this or do something unbelievable to win this tournament.

Leahey, a 6-foot-7 sophomore who ranks third nationally in 3-point shooting at In the second, Ian Vescovi, a senior center, scored Leahey, I thought we contained him pretty well from having big nights shooting 3s. One of their shortcomings, though, is on defense. Pitt Johnstown has allowed IUP shot The Crimson Hawks average IUP, by contrast, yields only When you play a team that close together you get a chance to make adjustments.

Continued from Page 17 the clock run down to about 10 seconds before making a move, and he stumbled to the right and nearly lost the ball. He recovered and tried going to his left, but he lost his balance again and started to fall. Riley Stapleton, who was left unguarded by the Tigers, dashed to the paint, and Dylan flicked a one-handed pass to him as the crowd gasped in anticipation.

Riley Stapleton went up and banked in a short bucket to send the Indiana crowd into a frenzy and stun the Beaver Falls supporters. But these guys are drilled that when you go to the hoop, we need somebody on the back side for the little dish.

As it turns out, Dylan never got to the hoop, and he kind of made a shovel pass that I think Ben Roethlisberger would have been proud of. They put 1. After making 13 of 27 shots 48 percent in the first half, they went cold in the third quarter, making just 3 of Beaver Falls, meanwhile, made 8 of its 15 shots to take a commanding lead. Creach, a lanky sophomore who finished with a game-high 26 points, added two quick buckets to start the fourth quarter, and Beaver Falls led by nine, It turned out to be a night that will be talked about for years.

But now, with a championship in their pockets, the Indians are the toast of the town. Up next is the state tournament. But those are thoughts for another day. For now, the Indians just want to celebrate their latest win, an unlikely one that came down to the biggest shot in the biggest game in decades, if not ever. Francis University Blairsville 4 vs. West Branch 2 , 7 p. Francis University Hollidaysburg 2 vs. Somerset 1 , p.

Francis University Bishop McCort vs. Bellwood-Antis, p. Francis University Forest Hills vs. Juniata, 1 p. Chartiers Valley, 9 p.

Seton-LaSalle, 1 p. Norwin, 7 p. South Fayette, 3 p. Vincentian, 11 a. Prep 41, Erie Strong Vincent Stapleton 5 14, Shields 4 12, R. Stapleton 2, Shields 2, Jack 2, Duffy, R.

Chestnut Ridge 48; 2. Berlin Brothersvalley Huntingdon and Jefferson-Morgan 37; 5. Burrell 30; 6. Ligonier Valley Blairsville 25; 8. South Fayette and Southmoreland 24; West Branch Flaherty, E, ; Couteret, WB, dec. Rouser, R, ; Novak, MP, dec. Biddle, C, ; Law, FH, maj. Stover, E, ; Komara, FA, maj.

Dorian, WH, ; —Hoenstine, C, dec. Scott, H, ; Costas, NS, maj. Hemminger, S, Biddle, C, ; Fabian, S, dec. Vukovich, K, ; Walters, WH, dec.

Garner, L, ; Fochtman, BB, maj. Green, WB, ; Petit, V, dec. Cahill, BB, tech. George, R, ; Ja. Hoenstine, C, ; Clark, LV, tech. Mears, MP, ; Baney, H, dec. Wagner, H, ; Walters, WH, dec. Brett, B, ; Bulsak, SP, dec. Slippey, WB, ; Ta. Cahill, BB, dec. Hitchens, SA, ; Sever, Y, dec. November 22, — Relic of St. November 23, — Relic of St. November 28, — Relic of St. November 30, — Relic of St. November 30, — Relic of the Apostle St. December 7, — Relic of St. December 13, — Relic of St. December 14, — Relic of St.

December 21, — Relic of St. December 27, — Relic of St. December 28, — Relic of St. November 9, — St. Martin de Tours First Class Relic , st.

Martin de Tours Catholic Church , Forney, Texas, pm; The relic will be available for veneration beginning with solemn vespers at 6pm. November 10, — First Class Relic of St. Padre Pio , St. Padre Pio and a presentation on relics then veneration of the relics begin at pm.

Jude oil at 11am; Note: this relic is normally available for veneration at the Dominican National Shrine of St. Jude in Chicago, IL.

Cotton St. There is the opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence for attending under the usual conditions. Find more information about what a virtual pilgrimage is here. November 21, — Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage, St. Theophane Bernard see St. November 29, — St. November 30, — St. December 1, — St. December 2, — St. Anthony of Padua Relic Tour, St. December 3, — St. Anthony of Padua Relic Tour, S t.

December 4, — Relic of St. December 4, — St. December 5, — St. December 6, — St. December 7, — Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage , St. Ana Laynez: for more information; Participants will be able to touch rocks from the Grotto at Lourdes, touch Lourdes water, hear the story and message of Lourdes and receive a Eucharistic Blessing. Jane Frances de Chantal, St. Josephine Bakita, St. Damian of Molokai, and St.

Bernadette of Lourdes. December 8, — Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage , St. Januarius San Genaro , St. Sebastian, St. Polycarp, St. Martin de Porres. December 9, — Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage , St. Longinus, St. Edith Stein, St. Dominic Savio, St. Gemma Galgani. Dismas, St. Joseph Cupertino, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Louis Martin father of St. Louis de Montefort. Nicholas of Myra, St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St.

Mary Magdelene. Francis Xavier, St. Jerome, St. Rose of Lima, St. Polycarp, and St. Thomas More. Patrick, St. Monica, St. Iranaeus, St. Cosmas, St. Agnes, and St. Andrew the Apostle, St. Anne, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Josephat, St. Malacy, and St.

Matthias the Apostle, rock from apparition of St. Michael the Archangel, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Dymphna,and a fragment from the Holy Crown of Thorns. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address:. Sign me up! Catholic Pilgrimage Sites. Skip to content. Peregrine Every Monday, Relic of St. Rita of Cascia January 5, — Relic of St. Peregrine January 6, — Relic of St.

Peregrine January 13, — Relic of St. Mary Magdalene in France will give a talk on the saint followed by adoration and veneration of the relic January 13, — Relic of St. Peregrine January 20, — Relic of St. Peregrine January 27, — Relic of St.

Paul the Apostle February 4, — Relic of St. Peregrine February 10, — Relic of St. Peregrine February 11, — Relic of St.

Peregrine February 17, — Relic of St. Peregrine February 24, — Relic of St. Peregrine March 2, — Relic of St. Peregrine March 9, — Relic of St. Peregrine March 16, — Relic of St. Peregrine March 23, — Relic of St. Peregrine March 30, — Relic of St. Peregrine April 6, — Relic of St. Peregrine April 13, — Relic of St. Peregrine April 20, — Relic of St.

Peregrine April 27, — Relic of St. Peregrine May 11, — Relic of St. Peregrine May 15, — Relic of St. Peregrine May 18, — Relic of St. Peregrine May 25, — Relic of St. Peregrine June 1, — Relic of St. Peregrine June 8, — Relic of St. Peregrine June 15, — Relic of St. Peregrine June 22, — Relic of St. Peregrine July 6, — Relic of St.

Peregrine July 13, — Relic of St. Peregrine July 20, — Relic of St. Peregrine July 27, — Relic of St. Peregrine August 3, — Relic of St. Peregrine August 10, — Relic of St. Peregrine August 17, — Relic of St. Peregrine August 24, — Relic of St. Peregrine August 31, — Relic of St. Peregrine September 7, — Relic of St. Peregrine September 14, — Relic of St. Peregrine September 21, Relic of St. Peregrine September 28, — Relic of St. Peregrine October 5, — Relic of St. Peregrine October 12, — Relic of St.

Peregrine October 19, — Relic of St. Peregrine October 26, — Relic of St. Peregrine November 2, — Relic of St. Peregrine November 9, — Relic of St. Peregrine November 16, — Relic of St. Peregrine November 23, — Relic of St. Peregrine November 30, — Relic of St. Peregrine December 7, — Relic of St.

Peregrine December 14, — Relic of St. Peregrine December 21, — Relic of St. Peregrine December 28, — Relic of St. Padre Pio and a presentation on relics then veneration of the relics begin at pm November 13, — Relic of St. Bernadette December 2, — St. Catherine Laboure December 5, — St. Peregrine December 6, — St. Mary Magdelene December 13, — Relic of St. Rita of Cascia December 27, — Relic of St. Padre Pio at 5pm.

John the Evangelist , Cleveland, OH. Padre Pio. Zelie Marin Mother of St. Bernadette, St. Peter, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Philomena, Pope St. Leo the Great, St. Zelie Martn, St. Agnes, St. John Neumann, St. Stanislaus, St. Padre Pio, St. Louis de Montefort, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Faustina, St. Anthony of Padua , St. Anthony of Padua , The Cathedral of St. Leopold Mandic, St. Leopold Mandic, National Shrine of St. Tour for Peace , St. Francis Catholic Church St. Therese St.

Rita of Casia , National Shrine of St. Frances de Sales , St. John Vianney Parish , St. Participants will be able to touch rocks from the Grotto at Lourdes and there is the opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence. February 12, — Treasures of the Church , Exposition of relics including St. Augustine, Pope St. John Paul II, St. Louis de Montfort, St. Gertrude the Great, St. John the Apostle, St. Maria Goretti, and fragments of the True Cross, St.

Maximilian Kolbe, Church of St. Olaf Catholic Church , Sun Prairie, WI, pm, Participants will be able to touch rocks from the Grotto at Lourdes and there is the opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence. Bronislava Catholic Church , Plover, WI, 7pm, Participants will be able to touch rocks from the Grotto at Lourdes and there is the opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence.

John the Baptist Catholic Church , Waunakee, WI, pm, Participants will be able to touch rocks from the Grotto at Lourdes and there is the opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence. Patrick , St. Patrick , Cathedral of St. Patrick Catholic Church , Ripon, CA, 11am, Participants will be able to touch rocks from the Grotto at Lourdes and there is the opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence.

Kateri, St. Catherine Laboure, St. Confessions from 6 to p. Introduction and veneration of relics after the Stations Saturday, April 1 Mass, talk, and veneration begins at a. Talk by Robert White, president of the St. Gianna Society. Mass, presentation, and veneration begins at 5 p. Masses at St. Martin de Porres, St. Therese of Lisieux , St. Helen, St. Christopher Parish , Mississaugua, Ontario, Canada, 2pm. Ignatius, St. Blaise, St. John Bermchman, St.

Therese of Lisieux, St.