Valparaiso University

Student Chapter at Valparaiso University

Valparaiso University


The National Outreach Committee, led by Mr. Bilal Almasri, of the National Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects, NAAAEA, was invited to meet Arab students and faculty members at Valparaiso University in Indiana to share with them the mission, programs, services, and history of the Association.

The meeting was held on Thursday, 12/1/2016 at the Engineering building and was attended by more than 20 people. Among the attendees was the Dean of Engineering, Dr. Eric Johnson, who expressed his appreciation to come to the school and for our efforts. Also, we had the pleasure to be joined by three of our academia members at the school, Dr. Zuhdi Aljobeh, Dr. Sami Khorbotly, and Dr. Georges El-Howayek in addition to about 20 Arab students.

After sharing the association’s history, mission, programs, and services; Questions were answered and the discussion to form a student chapter was agreed upon and a team was selected to lead the efforts.

Our thanks to all attendees and special thanks to Dr. Georges for accepting to be the adviser to the student chapter and Abdelrahman Abdallah for his leadership and hard work planning the meeting.

NAAAEA Tax Exempt

Tax Exempt Status

NAAAEA Tax Exempt


It is with a great pleasure to announce that the National Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects, NAAAEA, obtained its 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service on August 22, 2014.

This approval qualifies NAAAEA to receive tax deductible bequests, devices, transfers, or gifts under Section 2055 or 2522.

Having this great accomplishment in a very short time is a reflection on the commitment our leader =ship made to move the association forward and provide every opportunity to strengthen its credibility and financial status.

National Executive Board