Evaluation of Foreign Engineering Degrees

Evaluation of Foreign Engineering Degrees

If you received your bachelor in Engineering outside the U.S. or from a non-ABET accredited program within the U.S., then it is most likely you will need to evaluate your degree. ABET Accreditation must be for the specific major in the institute. Contact your state licensing board to confirm an evaluation is required.

A nationally recognized organization for evaluating the degree is the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES). Some states may accept other organizations as well.


Evaluations will be conducted on the following:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in engineering from a non-U.S.-based program
  2. Non-EAC/ABET-accredited degree programs in engineering, engineering technology, related science, or mathematics only when coupled with a master’s degree or doctorate in engineering.

The following coursework is required:

  • 32 college semester credit hours of higher mathematics and basic sciences
  • 16 college semester credit hours in general education that complements the technical content of the curriculum
  • 48 college semester credit hours of engineering science and/or engineering design courses

Note that some states have their own educational standards for engineering degrees. Once the evaluation is completed by NCEES and sent to the board, they compare it to their standards and might determine a deficit in credit hours that was not indicated by NCEES.


  • Complete the online NCEES Credentials Evaluation application and submit payment.
  • When asked where the evaluation should be sent, select NCEES Records Program.
    Supply required documents.

Completed applications are assigned to an NCEES evaluator. The evaluator will contact you via the online system to provide a list of documents required to complete your application.

All documents submitted will be examined for authenticity. Most applicants will be asked to provide, at a minimum, the following documents:

  • Transcripts of all college-level coursework
  • Proof of degree(s) earned
  • Detailed course descriptions


  • Official transcripts must be received directly from the institution. They will not be accepted from any other source. This includes those in a sealed envelope that you may have in your possession.
  • If official documents cannot be provided in English, a translation from a commercial translation company is required.
  • If you have taken additional courses at other colleges, you can also submit the transcripts officially to NCEES
  • A proof will be required that the language of studying was English. This statement is sometimes included on the degree itself. If not, you may be able to acquire a signed/sealed paper from your college that the courses were taught in English. Some states have additional requirements if the studying language was not English, such as a TOEFL exam with a speaking score of 26 or higher (out of 30).
  • Monitor the status of your application

You can check the status of your evaluation or communicate with your evaluator at any time through your Credentials Evaluation account. In most cases, your evaluation will be completed within 15 business days after all required documents have been received and verified.


It is important to note that NCEES does not make decisions regarding licensure. The appropriate licensing board will make any decision regarding your eligibility to sit for a licensing exam.

You can send your evaluation results to a licensing board of a specific state (or more) in order to proceed with the application for sitting for an exam, such as FE or PE. Not every state requires a degree evaluation prior to taking the exam, (i.e. you can sit for the exam before the degree evaluation), but it will be eventually required to issue the license, along with other requirements for each license (EIT, PE).

Each state has its own rules and regulations. A complete list of all state boards’ contact information and their rules is provided in this link.


  • Some states allow applicants to sit for an exam before evaluating the degree or satisfying experience requirements, such as Wisconsin and Michigan. Other states require fulfilling all educational requirements before sitting for an exam, such as Illinois (if NCEES and/or the state board determined educational deficit in the evaluation).
  • If a deficit is indicated in the evaluation, contact the state board before registering in any course to confirm that it satisfies the educational requirement (through course description and the institute offering the course)
  • The rules and regulations of each state are very detailed. Make sure to thoroughly read them to avoid doing unnecessary work. They are also continuously being updated so do not solely rely on information from other people with a similar case last year. For example, in Illinois, if the bachelor’s language was not in English then a TOEFL speaking score of 26/30 is required. However, this requirement was recently waived if you have a graduate degree from the U.S.

The following 3rd Party website is a 50-state engineering compliance guide, which details the professional licensure requirements for individual engineers and their firms in each state, and addresses questions on corporate structure, ownership requirements, and educational requirements


If you have additional information to share or a correction to make, please feel free to contact me.

Good Luck,

Fadi Alsharif


2019 National AAAEA Conference






Clearwater Florida

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Capital Area
Tri-State Area

NAAAEA at GeoMEast 2017

NAAAEA at GeoMEast 2017

NAAAEA at GeoMEast 2017


The National Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects, NAAAEA, attended the GeoMEast 2017 International Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt between July 15 and 19 as a co-sponsor of the event.

NAAAEA was represented by several members including Dr. Rabih Najib, Amal Najib, and Amir Najib from the Capital Area, Dr. Imad Al-Qadi from Chicago, and Dr. Amr Sallam from Florida. NAAAEA had a booth at the event and was visited by many of the 285 attendees of the conference including Dr. Norma Jean Mattei, President of the American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE.

The conference was a great opportunity for NAAAEA to promote the organization in the Middle East and to let our colleagues there know that they have someone who can assist them when they come to the US.

NAAAEA would like to thank Dr. Hani Farouk for allowing us to be part of this great event, thank him for the hospitality, and congratulate him on this great event.

Dr. Norma Jean Mattei vist to NAAAEA Booth

With Dr. Hani Farouk, CEO & Founder of SSIGE

From the opening ceremony of the conference

Amal Najib at the NAAAEA Booth

From the conference sessions

Dr. Rabih Najib and Dr. Norma Jean Mattei with engineering students from the German University in Cairo

With Dr. Imad Al-Qadi and a visitor to NAAAEA booth.

$10,000 support for the second year by Raed Milhem




I am gratified to report that our colleague, Raed Milhem, and for the second year has chosen to honor his father, Mr. Mohammad Ayyash Milhem, through a $10,000 to the National Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects to support its programs.

This continued commitment reflects well upon the credibility of our organization and upon the quality and dedication of our members.

I want to offer my sincere appreciation to Raed Milhem for his generosity and his faith in the NAAAEA.

The late Mohammad Ayyash Milhem was born in Halloul, Palestine, in 1927. He was an attorney and a writer. Throughout his adult life, Mr. Milhem was civic minded leader and a champion of human rights. He will be missed and long remembered.

Bilal Almasri
Founding President

NAAAEA at the 2018 TRB

NAAAEA at the 2018 TRB

NAAAEA at the 2018 TRB


The National Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects hosted a “Meet and Greet” event as part of the annual TRB Conference in Washington, DC on January 8, 2018.

The event was well attended by over 60 Arab Engineers attending and participating in the different functions of the TRB conference. Everyone enjoyed the event and learned about the association and the different programs that we have.

Thank you to all who joined us at this event and we are looking forward to seeing you at our regular events hosted and organized by our chapters as well as the annual TRB conference.

Thank you to those who assisted in organizing this event including Imad Al-Qadi, Munir Nazzal, Khaled Hasiba, the National Executive Board, the National Board of Directors, and the Capital Area Chapter.

Finally, thank you to our sponsors, Jacobs and Sabra, Wang & Associates.

AAAEA Recognition - Q4 2017

AAAEA Recognition - Q4 2017

AAAEA Recognition - Q4 2017


Keeping up with our culture of appreciating the efforts, involvement and hard work at NAAAEA,the association recognized the following leaders in the last quarter of 2017 for their service.

Hani Almoghrabi

Hani have been residing in the U.S. for approx. 40 years where he completed his Bachelors and Master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering. For the past 30 years, his career has been focused in the Power Transmission (Gearing) field, represented his employers on several AGMA (American Gear Manufacturers Association) committees and was the US delegate to the International ISO worm gearing committee.

Currently he works at NORD Gear and have responsibilities for the America’s as the Large Industrial Gearing product manager. His job takes him practically all over Europe and the America’s but when he is home, he enjoys spending time with his family, barbeque in the backyard and watch Green Bay Packers football .

He is currently the National Arab American Architects and Engineers Association president and have served on the national and local Wisconsin chapter in varying responsibilities over the years.

Maha Alsadi

Education Background:

  • – BSc in Electrical Engineering Jordan University of Science and technology (JUST).
  • – MSCE Master of Computer Engineering from FAU
  • – Masters in Project Management from George Washington University.
  • – Six Sigma and SAFE Agilist Certified.
  • – AWS Solution Architect

Volunteer & Community Service:

  • – AAAEA : joined the first meeting held in November 2006 for AAAEA in south Florida, and attended every national conference since 2007 to 2015. During these years I served as IT officer, Publication chair.National Secretary, National Vice Chair, and the Treasurer for the local chapter.
  • – SWE (Society Of Women Engineers): 2012–Current
  • – FAU Women in Engineering Mentoring: 2015–Current ( Voted best impactful mentor).
  • – Habitat for humanity, Feeding South Florida: 2007–current.
  • – Islamic Center of South Florida: Arabic and Intro to Islam Teacher 1990-2002.

Mustafa Mahamid

  • – Contacted AAAEA in 1999  while a student in Peoria.
  • – Served as a chairman of national outreach in 2006.
  • – Served as the first National chair in 2007 and 2008.
  • – Served as the first national treasurer.
  • – Served as VP in AAAEA-Chicago.
  • – A member of the BOT of AAAEA-Chicago

Dr. Mahamid is currently a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and a structural Engineering consultant for multiple structural engineering firms. He worked as a structural engineer at GRAEF and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) in Chicago. His design experience covers the various building materials, including concrete, steel, wood, and masonry.

His current research projects include analysis and behavior of steel connections, seismic and non-seismic, reinforced concrete slabs and joints, behavior of structural members subjected to fire, behaviorand analysis of composite member, and analysis and behavior of cross-laminated timber.

Dr. Mahamid serves on several technical national committees; he authored and co-authored numerous journal & conference papers, design guides and book chapters. He is a licensed Structural Engineer (SE) in the State of Illinois and registeredProfessional Engineer (PE) in California, Washington, Wisconsin, and Michigan, a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada. He is a Fellow of ASCE (F.ASCE) and ASCE’s Structural Engineering Institute (F.SEI).

Bilal Almasri

Quoted from Najib Rabih (Chairman of AAAEA):

I have known Bilal since 2009 and I have never seen anyone with so much energy, who works hard to make sure that we have covered every little detail in everything that we have done.

I have been with AAAEA since 2008 and I am already exhausted. Bilal, on the other hand, has been with the association since its inception in 1996 and has more energy today than even when I first met him 8 years ago. I have no idea how he keeps things going. He is an engine and honestly without him this association would have been long gone.

People asked me in the past when I served as the National President, how come Bilal is in every committee. Well, my simple answer was, and still is, he is the only person who makes things happen. Others talk while he walks. Everything I asked from him, was completed on time if not ahead of time. While I was begging others to help with the different programs that we have, I was trying to slow Bilal down.

Bilal has served, and continues to serve, this organization at different capacities. Whenever someone called upon him, he was there extending hands and ready to work. He has led this organization on both the local and national levels and reached out to many agencies to place AAAEA on the map in the USA and abroad. He was part of establishing every chapter that we have today. Working tirelessly and without giving up any hope to establish chapters when the opportunity was there. This comes from his belief that we are all individually successful, but collectively can be better, and it should be better.

So, for his service for more than 20 years, I am, on behalf of the National Executive Board, presenting Bilal Al Masri, the Engine, with the AAAEA Lifetime Service Award.



NAAAEA Presents an Award to Raed Milhem at MOVE2017



The National Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects, NAAAEA, participated in the MOVE2017 Conference that was held between November 16 and 18 in Dearborn, Michigan.

NAAAEA presented a special award to Mr. Ray Milhem for his continuous support of the organization where he supported the scholarship program with $20,000 over the last two years.

2017 Solar Eclipse

2017 Solar Eclipse

2017 Solar Eclipse


Thank you Dr. Nader Abuhassan for providing us with the article below and our thanks also to Rasha Abuhassan for the beautiful pictures that she took and shared with NAAAEA.

Observing the August 21 eclipse from the line of totality from the ground and from space gave us a unique opportunity to perform an experiment that is related to the problem of how clouds affect the amount of the sun’s energy that reaches the ground and heats the planet. The proposed goal of this experiment is to test our ability to make 3 dimensional calculations of how sunlight behaves in the atmosphere when obscured by a finite object such as a cloud or the moon.

For a first step, the moon is much simpler to model compared to complex cloud shapes. We had already demonstrated that we could observe an eclipse transiting across the surface of the earth using the EPIC (Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera) instrument onboard the DSCOVR (Deep Space Climate Observatory) located 1.5 million km from earth. Spacecraft (launched in February 2015).

Knowing that we could successfully observe the eclipse from space, we proposed to setup ground observations in Casper Wyoming and Columbia Missouri, both on the line of totality. The ground observations consisted of two Pandora Spectrometer Instruments, one pointed at the sun and the other pointed straight up at the sky. This gave us a measure of the amount of direct sunlight and the amount of sunlight scattering in the atmosphere. When the ground measurements are combined with the satellite data we have knowledge of how much solar energy reached the ground and how much is reflected back to space during the eclipse. The 3 dimensional radiative transfer calculation will try to match the observations. If successful, the results will be used to improve our capability of modelling clouds and their effect on the earth’s energy balance, so important for understanding the problem of climate change. The results are of importance because the ability to better predict climate change also provides the ability to predict changes in agricultural productivity and factors affecting human health.

Thank you to Our Sponsors

Thank you to Our Sponsors


2017 is up to a great start for raising funds for our programs including the National Scholarship program which is one of eight programs created by the different chapters of AAAEA across the country.

Collectively we awarded over $360,000 in scholarships to over 180 deserving students since 2000. Some of these past students are teaching at Universities in the US and in several Arab countries, while others are very successful in their career in different countries and here in the US.

All of this success would have not been realized without the generosity of our sponsors. Their commitment to the community and to NAAAEA is truly and greatly appreciated.

This year’s sponsors so far are:

$10,000 Level


$1,000 Level

Dr. Nuha Nakib/Oak Lawn Dentistry

Ibrahim Shehadeh/Creative design

Husam Zayyad/Met Life

$500 Level

Miriam Zayed

To all our sponsors, thank you so much; and for our members, friends, our community, and corporate members, we invite you to join these great and generous friends and colleagues in supporting National Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects.

NAAAEA at the 2017 TRB Conference

NAAAEA at the 2017 TRB Conference


The National Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects hosted a “Meet and Greet” event as part of the annual TRB Conference in Washington, DC on January 9, 2017.

The event was the first of its kind for the association and was well attended by over 50 Arab Engineers attending and participating in the different functions of the TRB conference. Everyone enjoyed the event and learned about the association and the different programs that we have.

Thank you to all who joined us at this event and we are looking forward to seeing you at our regular events hosted and organized by our chapters as well as the annual TRB conference.

Thank you to those who assisted in organizing this event including Imad Al-Qadi, Munir Nazzal, Khaled Hasiba, the National Executive Board, the National Board of Directors, and the Capital Area Chapter.