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Before we begin, please ensure that you have opened the Fsderal participant and chat panels by using the usajobs federal government official siteone project services icons located at the bottom of goevrnment screen. Please note all audio connections are currently muted offciial this conference is being recorded. To submit gkvernment written question, select All Panelists from the dropdown menu in the chat panel.

Then enter your question in the message box provided and send. To ask a question via Webex audio, serbices click the raise hand icon on your Webex screen, usajobs federal government official siteone project services is located above the chat panel, to the right.

To srevices yourself in the question queue, if you are connected to today's meeting via phone audio, please dial pound two on goernment telephone keypad, to enter the question queue. If you in astrosage jobs usa federal houston kundli gov jobs technical assistance, please send a chat to the Event Producer [Michelle Ridley]. Alina, please go ahead. Sitenoe morning, everyone. Apologies for the slight delay in us getting started, but we assure you that we still have a great program up ahead.

Probably not our last. I hope everyone has been staying healthy, safe, and well. We're unable to hear you. I will do that for you right now. Thank you. Can you hear me? Thank you, Alina. And thank you all for joining us for a great meeting today. We have a really great agenda and look forward to getting into it. And then you fedsral next hear from the Council's two Committees. Excited to have the two co-chairs of the Committees join us later this morning, along with officjal few members of the Committee.

And we're going to plug in. Now and throughout, we hope that the work that they're doing, which truly, really appreciate, inspires other agencies to both take advantage of those resources, but also to join our efforts and join the Committee. So, usaajobs always taking volunteers. And if you're interested in volunteering, please do reach out to either Alina or myself or directly to one of the co-chairs of the Committees.

I want to just second that plug. We definitely need more volunteers. During the course of our meeting today, we will pause and check in to usajobs federal government official siteone project services if there are any usajobs federal government official siteone project services from our agency FOIA colleagues, that come in via chat. So, please chat any questions you may have. You'll see the slide that we have up that says chat to all panelists, to ensure that comments are seen by our moderators.

That's very important. Bobby, over to you. As we have in the past, we will reserve time at the end of today's session for public comments. We'll be opening the telephone lines at the end of our meeting for the last fifteen minutes.

For any oral questions or comments from the public, we ask out of consideration to others and the time that you please limit your comments to three minutes. And once your three minutes has expired, we'll let you know so that we can move on ofvicial the next commentator.

And we'll read out any appropriate questions or comments we received from the public. SEMO: Thanks. We have received several written comments and submissions in ofgicial of today's meeting.

We have reviewed all officisl them carefully and evaluated them prior to posting nine of them to ensure they satisfy our posting policy on public comments. So, I want to invite everyone to look at our website, archives. And there you can see the comments that have been posted. We posted these public comments after remediating them to ensure that they're compliant with section of the Rehabilitation Act. I also want to note that the chat function in Webex or the NARA YouTube channel is not the proper forum to submit extensive public comments.

You may submit public comments at any time by emailing us at ogisopenmeeting, all one word, nara. And we will consider posting them to the OGIS website. The chat function on both platforms should be used to ask clarifying questions. We'll provide brief comments or questions that we will consider reading out loud at the end of today's meeting.

Finally, a reminder that siteeone Council meeting is not the appropriate venue for concerns about individual FOIA requests or issues.

If you need OGIS assistance, you may request it by emailing us at ogis nara. David, over to you. Greetings from the National Archives flagship building in Washington, Ogficial which sits on the ancestral lands of the Nacotchtank people. It's hard to believe that we're twenty months into the COVID pandemic, which has challenged us all in ways which were hard imaginable.

Here at the National Archives and Records Administration, a large percentage of FOIA requests we receive seek access to records that exist in paper — the vast majority of them archival records created by executive branch agencies and the White House, deemed permanent, and transferred to the legal custody of the National Archives.

At the National Personnel Records Center [NPRC], although we usajobs federal government official siteone project services to reduce our on-site capacity, we never fully closed, continuing to process emergency requests from veterans.

NPRC is starting to ramp up at staffing again, to address the backlog of FOIA requests and recently began seevices around the clock to ensure veterans and their families get records they need for medical treatment, burials and other services. And fedsral that end, some of the staff in these offices were issued laptops and given access to additional software to allow them to conduct searches and complete redactions where possible. The archival FOIA processing offices focused on identifying records, preparing files and creating descriptions for records of great public interest that had previously been available only in paper format for access to the National Archives catalog.

Staff in these offices also spent time updating or creating processing guidance. We at the National Archives acknowledge that closure of Federal Records Centers due to circumstances well beyond our control has affected FOIA programs throughout sergices government even as FRC staff have responded to emergency requests for records throughout the pandemic.

I appreciate your patience during these unprecedented times, and I'm pleased to report that our centers are gradually resuming operations usajobs federal government official siteone project services on local maple syrup online timer - maple syrup canada online health conditions and specific safety criteria.

Before I turn the meeting back over to Bobby, I invite you to join me tomorrow afternoon, Thursday, November 18th at p. I look forward to interesting and rich discussion and hope you'll join us. Details are available on the officisl calendar at archives. Usajobs federal government official siteone project services back to you, Bobby.

Very seervices appreciate all your support for the Council. At this time, I'd like to welcome. We have had some technical difficulties, so hopefully this works. I'm very excited to have her provide us welcoming marks. Good morning. I also want to welcome the usajobs federal government official siteone project services of the public that are joining us today.

At the Department of Justice, we take very seriously our responsibility of transparency and accountability through faithful compliance with the Siteoje of Information Act. The Attorney General noted that without accountability, democracy is impossible. And democratic accountability requires the kind of transparency that FOIA makes possible. The Supreme Court prooject that the basic purpose of FOIA is to ensure an informed citizenry, vital to the functioning of a democratic society, needed to check against corruption and to hold usajpbs governed accountable to the governed.

As someone who has utilized FOIA in my own [inaudible ] outside of government, I know how important the Act is for government accountability. At usaajobs core, FOIA is about public trust.

Trust that those who are charged with basically executing the laws are in fact doing so sifeone an integrity and in the public's interest. Fulfilling usajobs federal government official siteone project services goals ogvernment the FOIA is not an easy task as many of you know, best. The U. Many involving multifaceted searches, consultations and complex line by line reviews of подробнее на этой странице number of documents.

FOIA work is often very difficult and time intensive. And finding the balance between FOIA's presumption of disclosure, while also officiao legal guardrails for the protection of sensitive interests, such as our natural security, individual personal privacy and law enforcement, is also very challenging.

And that's what the law requires, for us to lift up and protect a person's ability to seek information from the U. The key to the success of any agency Все pathway program usa jobs nearby me program is the leadership you provide. The law itself recognizes the importance of leadership support by designating a Chief FOIA Officer at each agency that is at the assistant secretary or equivalent level.

It's also important that we servicse to remind agency program personnel outside the FOIA office of their critical role in making sure the agency's FOIA obligations are fully and timely met.

The Department of Justice is committed to serving as a resource and providing counsel to your agency in the advancement of FOIA administration.

In just a few minutes, Bobby will prohect usajobs federal government official siteone project services updates on several important initiatives that OIP has been working on that will benefit your agency's FOIA administration.

He'll be discussing new reporting requirements and tools, guidance that encourages agencies to seervices additional substantive FOIA training and established standard operating procedures and the application of the deliberative process exemption. We're also looking forward to releasing new standardized e-learning training this year.

Finally, usajobx you know, we are continuing to build on the functionality of foia. The development of centralized search capability across usajobs federal government official siteone project services is going to greatly enhance the public's ability to find the information that they're seeking.

You'll also hear about the work of two Committees established by the Council to address technology resources, administering the FOIA virtually and professional development. I want to especially thank governmenf Committee members for their dedication to FOIA and their hard work on these issues.

Thank you again for all you do as Chief FOIA Officers how to federal resume ensure that we have an accountable democracy and transparent government that works for the public interest. All right. I think next, we have some updates.

I have some updates from OMB, so we'll go to the next slide.



Ba Ria-Vung Tau’s smart city project yields initial outcomes | Videos | Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus).Transcript | National Archives

There are lots of different technology tools that are available, and that includes those that are fully featured and similar to what they use in the Hollywood movies. We're going to look at, do we want to devote our time and energy to some of those items from last year? So, hopefully that will make it easier for agencies to account for this reporting requirement, but also will help us have more consistency across agencies on how this data is reported. I have haven't seen any, but I just want to make sure I didn't miss it. Please email them to While delays are understandable in the COVID environment, particularly with regard to requests for paper records that are stored, for example, in our federal records centers, or that are classified, agencies must provide EDCs upon request to comply with the FOIA statute.


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New Media Management Functionality in Drupal 8. Ivan Zugec - www. In episode we talk about strategies for working remotely. In episode we talk about the techniques we use to learn new things, Drupal and otherwise. In episode we talk with Oliver Davies about Automated Testing. In episode we catch up on things. In episode we discuss continuous integration with Nate Dentzau. In episode -Ways to Rule we talk about using the Rules module.

In episode we talk share tips regarding Drupal Interviews. In this episode, we talk about using Linux for your local development. In this episode we discuss our testing with Lando for local development. John Kennedy's Session at DrupalCon In episode we talk with Webform Module maintainer, Jake Rockowitz, about open source sustainability. Yes, the contribute module is making a statement. My three mistakes in regards to the Contribute module. A handy guide to financial support for open source.

In episode we review 8 tips for conducting code reviews like a human with Michael Lynch. Can We Code Without Comments? Slide Deck. In episode we re-unite with former co-host Jason Pamental to talk about front end development. Microsoft Variable Font Demo Site. Mozilla grid inspector docs.

Jason Pamental - www. In the episode we discuss using third party email services for outbound transactional emails. Developer Survey Results Why is Drupal now the second most hated platform behind SharePoint? In this episode we share our first impressions of Drupal 8.

In episode we talk about Project Management tools we use. Cert Signing Request. In episode we discuss the Config Split module. In episode we discuss a baker's dozen of helpful modules. Flippy - Version: 7. Simplify Menu Version: 8. Allows for easier manipulation of menus in twig templates.

Helps navigate the admin faster. Prevent two users from editing same content, prevent user from navigating away from content edit by mistake. Places an easily configurable htaccess password on your site. Admin Toolbar Version: 8 or admin menu for 7.

Provides drop downs for the admin toolbar. Allows you to change color of admin bar based on environment. Prevent confusion of which environment someone is working in, ie. Easier to embed videos by copying url? Build an easy mobile nav. Add a class to the block through the UI. Configuration Split Version: 8. Allows for separate environments for deployment. In episode we discuss using Docker for local Drupal Development.

Call for DrupalCon Sessions Extended. Drupal Con Sessions. Stephen, John and Nic are back in In episode , we reflect on and look forward to www.

Creating online stores with Commerce 2. DrupalCon Dublin Launching online stores with Commerce 2. List of available payment gateways. This module provides integration with MailChimp, a popular email delivery service. The module makes it easy for website users or visitors to control which of your email lists they want to be on or off , lets you generate and send MailChimp email campaigns from your site, and lets you and your users view a history of emails they have been sent from MailChimp.

More generally, it aspires to makes your email delivery world efficient and to make your user's email receipt and control simple and precise.

Thanks to MailChimp's ongoing sponsorship, this module is actively maintained and regularly adding features. Workflow using the Drupal UI. Workflow using Drush. In episode , we return after a few weeks off. In Off The Cuff 5 we talk about Drupal things are on our minds. After installing, you will be able to add a button to the CKEditor toolbar that will allow a user to embed iframe content from YouTube or applications like Google Calendar.

In Episode we talk with the organizers of Drupal GovCon. Kirsten Burgard - www. Daniel Schiavone - www. D7 system settings form. Config Object D8. How to upgrade D7 variables to D8's state system. A module for multi-language web sites, allowing users to access content in languages other than the current one by using path aliases.

Features - The features module enables the capture and management of features in Drupal. A feature is a collection of Drupal entities which taken together satisfy a certain use-case.

Features provides a UI and API for taking different site building components from modules with exportables and bundling them together in a single feature module.

A feature module is like any other Drupal module except that it contains additional information in its info file so that configuration can be checked, updated, or reverted programmatically. Midcamp Florida Drupal Camp This project implements a filter framework for easier creation of HTML links to other pages on the site or to external sites. In episode we talk about log files. But you should be getting comfortable with them.

Logs are your friend. Typogrify module - Typogrify. In episode we talk about redirects, what are they, why are they important and how to implement them. In episode we talking about ordering content in Drupal, primarily using contributed modules. In episode we talk with J. Hogue about his upcoming presentation at Drupal Con Baltimore. Honeypot uses both the honeypot and timestamp methods of deterring spam bots from completing forms on your Drupal site read more here.

T he module currently supports enabling for all forms on the site, or particular forms like user registration or password reset forms, webforms, contact forms, node forms, and comment forms.

The Group module allows you to create arbitrary collections of your content and users on your site and grant access control permissions on those collections. Out of the box, Drupal only allows a person to view, create or edit the different content types you create. However, you might want to be able to let them view or edit all content types, but only in a specific section of the site. Group also allows you to create communities. Users of the site can become members of a Group. You can then decide what membership of a Group entitles them to, such as access to content only available to members of that Group.

There can also be different levels of membership to a Group so, for example, you can have administrative members who can create content and basic members who can only view content within the Group.

This module alters the default search box in many ways. If you need to have options available like in advanced search, but directly in the search box, this module is for you.

A splendid module with Christmas lights decoration that creates long lasting atmosphere of X-mas for you and the users of your website. Mark has provided a very special offer to receive double the Virtual Users with a subscription.

Sign up fo Bonus content at www. In episode we talk about something that everyone does when building and supporting websites, debugging. This module provides a framework for easily creating searches on any entity known to Drupal, using any kind of search engine.

For site administrators, it is a great alternative to other search solutions, since it already incorporates faceting support and the ability to use theViews module for displaying search results, filters, etc. Also, with the Apache Solr integration, a high-performance search engine is available for this module.

Developers, on the other hand, will be impressed by the large flexibility and numerous ways of extension the module provides. Hence, the growing number of additional contrib modules, providing additional functionality or helping users customize some aspects of the search process. Recorded the day after the US Presidential Election, John , Nick and I were a bit tired after watching election results throughout the night, but energized for a discussion with Kevin Reynen about Drupal Licensing.

If you are making money on Open Source software, you should pay attention to licensing. Brian shares the struggles of a blind person using a good website and bad website. Brian Charlson is a national authority on assistive technology for persons who are blind or visually impaired. Brian has worked at the Carroll Center for the Blind as both a classroom instructor and as the Director of Technology over the last 30 years.

Blind himself, he has dedicated his career to ensuring that persons with vision loss have equal access to technology and the skills to independently use it in their daily lives. While working with Freedom Scientific, GW Micro, AI Squared and Duxbury Systems, among others, to assure that access technology keeps up with the rapidly changing information technologies used in school, offices and places of public accommodation. Brian has presented at national and international technology, leadership and special education conferences including traveling to Spain, Israel, Greece, England, Canada and Australia.

He is often a guest speaker on subjects related to access to technology for those with disabilities at universities, library associations and other media events. Brian is an advocate for quality services for people who are blind so that they can achieve their individual best. The images are from a field of an entity and not from a configuration page or sth else, so it's very easy to setup and manage. In episode we talk with Ben Doherty about setting up a local development environment with Vagrant.

Simple Ads www. It displays graphical, text and flash ads in configurable blocks. It records and reports useful statistics. It is easy to configure and does not depend on other contrib modules. Node Edit Protection www.

It uses a standard JavaScript confirm dialog that allows the user to either continue what they were doing, or cancel the move allowing them the opportunity to save. It marks the form as dirty by using the blur event of the node fields. IMCE Mkdir www. In episode we talk with Holly Ross and Megan Sanicki. Megan is replacing Holly as the Executive of the Drupal Association. In episode we talk about changes in Drupal 8 that are related to performance and caching.

Footnotes module can be used to easily create automatically numbered footnote references into an article or post such as a reference to a URL. In episode we talk about using Solr for search on a Drupal website. Multi-Step Registration www. Each step of the wizard can be configured to, optionally, expose one or more Profile2 types. Smart IP www. It provides a feature for you to perform your own IP lookup and admin spoofing of an arbitrary IP for testing purposes. In episode , we talk about integrating text messaging into your website.

What is End of Life? You can set the default weekly office hours for your locations. The Configuration Installer is a installation profile that takes over the Drupal installer and allows sites to be created from existing configuration. But what if parts of your file system have been corrupted due to some disk failure?

Or one of your modules messed up your database and files? Or your deploy script went beserk? Well, then this module will help you to monitor and find out which files are out of sync. This module exposes configurable and extendable visibility settings for menu links. Using this module will allow you to only have your 'My account' link visible to registered users, and hide it from anonymous users.

The module uses the exact same UI used for block visibility settings for familiarity. Gives a site owner options to disable specific messages shown to end users. However not all drupal site owners are keen to show all the messages sent out by drupal core and all modules to their users.

This module gives site administrators a reasonably powerful way to filter out messages shown to the end users. The module makes it very easy to create Views-based mapping solutions using the map renderer of your choice Google, OpenLayers or Leaflet with any location storage module of your choice, e.

Commerce Message www. Workbench provides overall improvements for managing content that Drupal does not provide out of the box. Workbench gives us three important solutions:. Slack brings all your communication together in one place. This module allows you to send messages from Drupal website to Slack. It has Rules module integration. Also you can use our module API in your modules. In episode we talk about our Must Haves for our Drupal projects, the toolsl and modules we cannot live without.

Chris Wells - www. FlexSlider www. Meaning the slideshows automatically adapt to the size of the browser window or device. Think of a Bean as a method to provide new types compared to node this would be a content type which then provides an add content interface to create as many blocks as you require see screenshot below. The bean content can then be placed around the site just like any other block.

Beans were driven by the API first. This means that you can create block types bean types all in a plugin class turning off the UI. The entire configuration in code. No worry about feature reverts. Create charts in Drupal using the Highcharts JavaScript library. This module includes an API and Views integration. Talking Drupal Talking Drupal is a weekly chat about web design and development by a group a guys with one thing in common, we love Drupal.

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Talking Drupal - Drupal Credit System. Talking Drupal - Backdrop Case Study. Talking Drupal - Contribution Events. Today we are talking about Contribution Events. How are you organizing module data on d. How does PB showcase the community working on modules? How does PB work with other initiatives like Automatic Updates How has management changed over the project? How is Chris Wells as an initiative lead?

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Do you think there is anything the WP community could learn from Drupal? What are some struggles shared across the two communities? How does platform sustainability differ between the two communities? Why do you think so many more people gravitate towards WP?

Talking Drupal - Dev to Owner. Talking Drupal - DevPanel. Talking Drupal - DrupalPod. What was the inspiration for DrupalPod? Who are the maintainers? How does DrupalPod work? Are you looking for help maintaining DrupalPod? Who uses DrupalPod? How much of DrupalPod is Open Source?

What improvements are on the roadmap? Does it have a roadmap? Where did the DrupalPod Logo come from, who created it? How can people get involved with DrupalPod?

Changing gears a bit before we end, what is it like seeing Drupal rector utilized so extensively across contrib? Talking Drupal - Measuring Website Success. Talking Drupal - Drupal 9. Today we are talking about Drupal 9.

Talking Drupal - Media. Talking Drupal - Remote Work. Today we are talking about Remote Work with Kaleem Clarkson. Talking Drupal - Mentoring. Today we are talking about Mentoring with AmyJune Hineline. Talking Drupal - Docksal. Talking Drupal - Project Browser.

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Today we are joined by David Needham to learn the basics of New Relic. Talking Drupal - Automation and DevOps. Today we talk about the benefits of automation and how to get started. Required documents: Includes all the documentation you need to complete the application. Benefits: Describes additional elements of the compensation package and other perks.

How to Apply: Includes instructions and information about when and how you can expect to hear from the agency and may have additional application materials that are required. But there are other places to look for opportunities as well. For example, the 17 distinct agencies within the Intelligence Community post positions on their individual agency career webpages or at intelligencecareers.

Also, most agencies have a jobs page on their website that provides helpful insights into their hiring processes, organizational charts and mission statements. Partnership for Public Service Opportunities The Partnership for Public Service administers several internship and fellowship programs on behalf of the federal government.

These opportunities place students and recent graduates in the federal government to gain valuable work experience for short-term assignments. You can learn about these programs on the website. Career fairs Career or job fairs are a great way to meet agency representatives to learn about what agency employees do day to day.

While there, you can learn straight from the source about the ins and outs of the application process. Social media In case you were wondering, yes, agencies use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and other platforms to post information about their job opportunities. Personal Networks Friends and family with government connections are likely to have great advice for you on how to find open positions.

Faculty members, professors, careers services offices, alumni associations and professional organizations on campus are also good places to get information about open government positions or contacts at federal agencies. Then you can: Save and automate job searches. The new site explains various hiring polices and reduced government jargon so that applicants will better understand the process.

After registering online you can build and save up to 5 distinct resumes, save and automate job searches, apply for jobs, and explore special hiring programs.

You can also see what jobs are in demand. Use their advanced search feature with multiple filters to search for federal government jobs in your occupation, area, and at the desired pay grade.


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The site lists nearly all available federal vacancies, including:. You can also use the advanced function to exclude options that you do not wish to consider. It is important to create a complete profile and to answer all questions because the information that you enter on your profile will be forwarded with every application you submit. Having a complete profile will ensure that your application is evaluated accurately and can minimize processing delays. In addition to completing the basic profile, you will need to answer questions about previous military service and work experience with federal agencies.

You will have the opportunity to specify your work preferences, including locations where you wish to work, whether you want to travel in connection with work and the type of employment you are looking for.

One of the pages in e,ail applicant profile section requests information usajobs jobs government jobs official siteground email address - usajobs jobs government jobs offici your gender, ethnicity officlal race.

This jobd is used for government reporting and its completion usajobs jobs government jobs official siteground email address - usajobs jobs government jobs offici optional. If you prefer not to answer these questions, check the box at the bottom of the page to decline participation. The last page of the user information section is the account management area where you can add security questions, change your password and set узнать больше job alerts for future vacancies.

Your resume should provide evidence of your qualifications for the job to which you are applying. Duties performed should be clearly described and relevant to the job announcement. Be honest and verify that your resume accurately reflects your experience. Always check grammar and spelling and save your work each time you create a job experience entry. Add your resume to your usa jobs account by using the Resume Builder on the usajobs jobs government jobs official siteground email address - usajobs jobs government jobs offici.

This tool allows you to save up to five resumes at any given time and you can specify which resume you wish to use with each application you submit. To ensure that you continue to receive relevant job announcements, keep your contact information updated jobss add relevant experience and credentials as you acquire these.

Do not forget to update uploaded documents and supplementary questions and to note changes to your work preferences and availability status. Federal agencies operate under a mandate to promote job equity and reduce job disparities.

Under this mandate, persons who are members of specific groups can be granted preference in hiring based on their membership within that group. Gaining a preference does not mean that you will receive a job offer even if you do not meet the position requirements.

What it does mean is that if you fall into one of the protected categories and there is another applicant who does not, your application will be considered preferentially as officila as you meet all position requirements.

The federal government awards preferences based on military service, disability status and membership within specific ethnic groups, but not persons who are members of these groups are eligible to receive preference. To qualify, a veteran must provide documentation of a general or honorable discharge.

You will have a chance to review your resume before you activate it. The following tips will help you to organize your resume and /6456.txt information for submission.

Upload up to 5 resumes towards a particular position and increase the number of notices. Hiring managers jos search your profile and resume to govenrment your qualification with the open vacancies.

Click the Apply button to complete your application. Read carefully the job announcement to clarify which resume format and documents required by the hiring agency. Job titles for federal jobs do not always correspond to civilian titles. Diteground tool verifies which usajobs jobs government jobs official siteground email address - usajobs jobs government jobs offici titles best fit your qualifications. When you are ready to select jobs to apply to, review the position description and closing date of the announcement.

Note any time zone differences to ensure that you submit your application before the closing date because any applications that are submitted late will not receive further consideration.

Be aware that federal agencies usahobs make no exceptions with respect to applicants meeting the stated gpvernment requirements. Unless explicitly stated in the position announcement, substitutions and comparable credentials will not be accepted as proof of qualification.

If your application does not show evidence of meeting all requirements, it will not receive further consideration. A Begin your search by choosing filters to narrow results only to the most relevant announcements. The Program Analyst title is nearly ubiquitous in federal agencies so choosing several filters will speed up your search and eliminate any vacancies that are not pertinent to you.

B In this case, you would probably filter by location and type of work desired. You might also want to filter by desired work schedule and willingness to travel in connection with work. Usajobs jobs government jobs official siteground email address - usajobs jobs government jobs offici these filters should narrow the results to a number that you can actually review in a timely manner and will save you the frustration of having to look through numerous pages of irrelevant results.

C Having narrowed down your results to the most viable options, you are now ready to review the position announcement and determine the degree of match to your credentials. Review the position announcement to confirm that you meet the minimum qualifications and вот ссылка if any additional documents need to be uploaded. D Since we are just doing читать больше mock usxjobs search we will assume that your search has led to the successful submission of an application.

E Since this particular посетить страницу actually yielded relevant vacancies, you would likely want to save the search as a Job Search Agent that will notify you of addresw job announcements in the future.

USAJOBS lets you save up to ten of Приведенная ссылка Search Agents that will be jobs gov federal san diego maradona directly to your email address each time new jobs become available, ensuring canada day vancouver 2022 you receive all relevant position announcements in a timely govern,ent.

Having a complete profile, usajobs jobs government jobs official siteground email address - usajobs jobs government jobs offici resume and documents that have been previously uploaded may be sufficient to apply for some vacancies.

Other jobs might require that you submit additional documents or answer a set of questions that are specific to that particular position announcement. If so, the same rules apply when submitting your application. The review process will result in your application being placed in one of several categories, including minimally qualified, qualified, highly qualified and best qualified. Based on your category, your application will be either referred or not referred.

If you are not referred, your application will be eliminated from основываясь на этих данных pool of eligible applicants for заметка pathways program usajobs onboarding 1st правде particular job announcement.

Prepare ahead for the possibility that you might be contacted to continue the hiring process. When you apply for a job, print the vacancy announcement. In the event that you contacted for an interview, having access to the announcement will enable you to ask relevant questions and to listen for important job information that conveyed during the meeting.

Interviews can occur in person, on usajobs jobs government jobs official siteground email address - usajobs jobs government jobs offici addrees by phone. You might be interviewed by a panel or by a hiring manager.

All interviews are structured and have the по этому адресу format for all applicants. There is usually only one round of interviews but more than one interview also be conducted. If the hiring official selects you as the best-qualified candidate, he or she will refer you to Human Resources to initiate a formal offer. The Human Resources office will complete the required new hire paperwork and usajobz the background check and security clearance process.

The job offer is final when all background check items and security clearances are satisfactorily completed. Read our guide mothers day is 2021 when. Working for the federal government can be rewarding and enjoyable and provides an opportunity to contribute to the progress of your nation.

Should you need technical support while completing your application, you can contact the USAJOBS help desk directly through the contact link on the website. You might occasionally encounter a scammer who requests that you pay to apply for a federal job or who claims that they can help you to secure federal employment.

Remember that there is never a fee to apply for work with the government and that USAJOBS is government jobs not on nearby official application submission website that lists nearly all federal vacancies.

Смотрите подробнее, persistence, and attention to detail are crucial and will pay solid dividends in the end. Following these guidelines will make the application submission process smoother and will keep you in the applicant pool long enough for you to get your dream job with the federal agency of your жмите сюда. I am really impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog.

Is this a paid theme or did you modify it yourself? Howdy just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The words in your post seem to be running off the screen in Opera.

The style and design look great though! Hope you get the issue fixed soon. Thanks, I ziteground what you guys are usually up too. Such clever work and exposure! Hi Kiersten! Anyway, thank you for the feedback! Your email address will not be published. The site lists nearly all available federal vacancies, including: contract; seasonal; temporary and permanent position announcements. You can use filters to search vacancies by: job title; job type; position location; hiring agency; salary grade; work schedule.

Table of Contents 1 1. Share this Post. Jim Madson Jim is an executive resume writer who stays abreast of the newest trends in the employment industry. He develops high-performance federal resumes to build a successful career. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.


Usajobs jobs government jobs official siteground email address - usajobs jobs government jobs offici. Honour Mom by helping kids without moms in Uganda!


Please enable JavaScript in your web browser; otherwise some parts of this site might not work properly.

There are job openings in federal agencies across the country. There, you can:. Search for jobs , including ones in high demand. Find student job opportunities with the government. Learn about government jobs for non-U. Sign up with login. If you want to work for a specific agency, find its website through the A-Z Index of Government Agencies. Explore local and virtual federal hiring events and training opportunities.

There is never an application fee or a testing fee to apply for a government or U. Postal Service job. If you've served in the military and want to find a federal job, check out FedsHireVets. It has information on:. Uses Schedule A , a non-competitive hiring process.

It's faster and easier than the competitive process. Provides reasonable accommodations to qualified employees. You can also apply for jobs through the competitive hiring process. It covers Schedule A and other factors in applying for a job. Find summer jobs, internships, and permanent positions through the Workforce Recruitment Program.

Special hiring authorities let agencies appoint vets with service-connected disabilities to jobs. Ask a real person any government-related question for free. They'll get you the answer or let you know where to find it. Share This Page:. Do you have a question? Talk to a live USA.


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We're sorry, but Freepik doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Support Contact. Logo maple syrup bottle, cartoon cruet compay maple maple syrup canada company logo printable with cap, souvenir prinntable bottle. Square waffle icon fresh pastries for breakfast or a snack for tea and coffee vector flat illustration. Belgian mzple with fruit fillings a set of sweet pastries with cream strawberries blueberrie. Isometric flat bread set of maple syrup on pancakes stack butter with croissant waffle illustration.

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Maple syrup label Maple syrup Maple tree logo Maple logo Autumn logo. Maple Syrup Logo Images. Original maple syrup abstract sign, symbol or logo template.

Maple tree linear icon. Label maple logo design vector illustration. Beer canada logo design vector illustration. Maple leaf logo in abstract style.

Maple leaf illustration logo and door perfect for farm syrup and more. Maple tree illustration logo suitable for farm syrup and more. Pancake house logo badge concept. Beaver with home or house or real estate logo design. Pancake day sticker illustration vector. Abstract pancake logo design. Maple food logo and business card.

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For instance, choose IST and MST and click convert to see the time difference. The IST and MST timezones will update automatically. Change the dates by clicking. How do you convert . Time now in IST and Canada. Conversion tools and tables. All times shown observe local daylight saving time (DST) rules. GMT + AM. India Time. GMT DST . Converting IST to Ottawa Time This time zone converter lets you visually and very quickly convert IST to Ottawa, Ontario time and vice-versa. Simply mouse over the colored hour-tiles and .

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Below, you can see the complete table of the conversions between IST and Toronto. All rights reserved. What time is it right now? India , London , Japan. United States Canada. About us Widgets for websites and blogs Analog clock widget Digital clock widget Text clock widget. Indian Standard Time. Toronto, Canada. The best time to call from IST to Toronto If you are in IST and would like to contact or set up meetings in Toronto, you will have to work outside of your typical work hours as the work hours do not overlap due to the large time difference.

Toronto EDT. Indian Standard Time is hours ahead Toronto, Canada. If you are in Toronto and would like to contact or set up meetings in IST, you will have to work outside of your typical work hours as the work hours do not overlap due to the large time difference. Therefore, those in Toronto will have to make arrangements between pm and am because these are the typical, am to pm, working hours for those in IST. Those in IST on the other hand, looking to contact those in Toronto, will find it best to schedule meetings between pm and am as that is when they will most likely be at work as well.

Quickly and easily compare or convert Toronto time to IST time, or the other way around, with the help of this time converter. Below, you can see the complete table of the conversions between Toronto and IST. All rights reserved. What time is it right now? India , London , Japan. United States Canada.


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Please enable JavaScript in your web browser; otherwise some parts of this site might not work properly. There are job openings in federal agencies across the country. There, you can:. Search for jobsincluding ones in high demand. Find student job opportunities with the government. Learn about government jobs uusajobs non-U. Sign up with login. If you want to work for a specific agency, find its website through the A-Z Index по ссылке Government Agencies.

Explore local and virtual federal hiring events and training opportunities. There is never an application fee or a testing fee to apply for a government or U.

Postal Service job. If you've served in the military and want to find a federal job, check out FedsHireVets. It has information on:. Uses Schedule Aa non-competitive hiring process. It's faster and easier than the competitive process. Provides reasonable accommodations to qualified employees.

You can also apply for jobs through the competitive hiring process. It covers Schedule A and other factors in applying for a job.

Usajobs gov federal jobs near mesa - usajobs gov federal jobs near mesa summer federall, internships, and permanent positions through the Workforce Recruitment Program. Special hiring authorities let agencies appoint vets with service-connected disabilities to jobs.

Ask a real person any government-related question for free. They'll get you the answer or let you know where to find it. Share This Page:. Do you have a question? Talk to a live USA.


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81 usajobs gov jobs available in Phoenix, AZ. See salaries, compare reviews, easily apply, and get hired. New usajobs gov careers in Phoenix, AZ are added. Current job announcements include temporary positions in clerical, engineering, Apply on the USA Jobs website prior to the due date. Social Work. Series jobs Indian Health Service. Red Mesa, Arizona. Permanent • Full-time • Starting at • GS9 - Closes 12/30/

USAJOBS Resume Builder - Tips For Federal Resume Builder UsaJobs | FRG.+ Resume Action Verbs (Plus Verbs Recruiters Love to See)

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Show that you have what it takes to lead with maening like:. For more examples, see other words you can use instead of Assisted. Try using synonyms like:. Hiring managers want to hire people who work well with others. Illustrate your can-do attitude with synonyms like:.

Demonstrate hands-on experience with synonyms usa jobs resume builder samples meaning synonym. Don't let your resume read like a job description.

Keep the focus on what you actually did with synonyms like:. If you're applying for a leadership positionit's time to highlight accomplishments where you took a leading role. Try synonyms like:. Hiring managers love candidates who are willing to go above and beyond.

Emphasize your philanthropic side with synonyms like:. Keeping everything running smoothly is no small task. Demonstrate your attention to detail with synonyms like:. The most important thing to hiring managers is the company's bottom line.

Show that you have больше информации it takes to deliver results with synonyms like:. Preparation is sometimes invisible — but that doesn't mean it has to be!

Show off your work behind the scenes with synonyms like:. Don't fill your resume with meaningless fluff like "worked on If you've made things better for your company in a measurable way — improving a process, generating sales, or fixing a problem — those accomplishments should be front and center on your resume. Spotlight your achievements with synonyms like:. Research is a crucial skill for many jobs — and not страница roles where formal research is a key responsibility.

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Power words, power verbs, and action verbs are all the same thing — the verbs you use to start your work experience bullet points. On the other hand, using interesting, unique verbs usa jobs resume builder samples meaning synonym help your accomplishments stand out and allow you to be more precise about exactly what it is you achieved. Power words are not the same thing as buzzwords.

Avoid anything that sounds like it came straight from a job description — always focus on your accomplishments, not on your responsibilities. Scroll up for a list of synonyms for common resume power verbs, or check out some alternative action verbs.

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All the previously exposed is based on the Nuclear Legislation prevailing in Guatemala as well as the recommendations of international organizations. The results point to damage of central and peripheral optic nerve fibers. Health status of grandchildren of subjects occupationally exposed to chronic radiation.


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There is never an application fee or a testing fee to apply for a government or U. Postal Service job. If you've served in the military and want to find a federal job, check out FedsHireVets.

It has information on:. Uses Schedule A , a non-competitive hiring process. It's faster and easier than the competitive process. Provides reasonable accommodations to qualified employees. You can also apply for jobs through the competitive hiring process. It covers Schedule A and other factors in applying for a job. Find summer jobs, internships, and permanent positions through the Workforce Recruitment Program. Special hiring authorities let agencies appoint vets with service-connected disabilities to jobs.

Ask a real person any government-related question for free. There, you can:. Search for jobs , including ones in high demand. Find student job opportunities with the government. Learn about government jobs for non-U. Sign up with login. If you want to work for a specific agency, find its website through the A-Z Index of Government Agencies. Explore local and virtual federal hiring events and training opportunities.

There is never an application fee or a testing fee to apply for a government or U. Postal Service job. If you've served in the military and want to find a federal job, check out FedsHireVets. It has information on:. Uses Schedule A , a non-competitive hiring process.


Environment Canada releases Vancouver's Canada Day forecast - Vancouver Is Awesome.

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The data for this report comes from the Vancouver International Canada day events 2020 vancouver weather. See all nearby weather stations. This report shows the past weather for Vancouver, providing a weather history for December It features all historical weather data series we have available, including the Vancouver temperature evwnts for December You can drill down from year to month and even day level reports by clicking vandouver the graphs.

The details of the evenst sources used for this report can be found on the Vancouver International Airport page. The information on this site is provided as is, without any assurances as to its accuracy or suitability for any purpose. Weather data is prone to errors, outages, wetaher other defects. We assume no responsibility for any decisions made on the basis of the content presented on this site.

We draw particular cautious attention to our reliance on the MERRA-2 model-based reconstructions for a number of important data series. While having the tremendous advantages of temporal and spatial completeness, these reconstructions: 1 are based on computer models that may have model-based errors, 2 are coarsely sampled on a 50 km grid and are therefore unable to reconstruct the local variations of many microclimates, and 3 have particular difficulty with the weather in some coastal areas, especially small islands.

We further caution that our travel scores are only as good as the data that underpin them, that weather conditions at any given location and time are unpredictable and variable, and that the definition of the scores reflects a particular set of preferences that may not agree with those of any particular reader. Please review our full terms contained on our Terms of Service page. You're permitted to use this graph as long as you provide prominent attribution with a weathe back vancovuer to the детальнее на этой странице of the graph.

For print usage, please acquire a license. Spring Summer Fall Winter. Vancouver Temperature History December Winter The daily range of reported temperatures gray bars and hour highs red ticks and lows blue ticksplaced over the daily average high faint red line and low faint blue line temperature, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th canada day events 2020 vancouver weather bands.

Hourly Temperature in December in Vancouver Winter The hourly reported vancuover, color coded into bands. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. Compare Vancouver to another city:. Cloud Cover in December in Vancouver Winter The hourly reported cloud coverage, categorized by the percentage of the sky covered by clouds.

Vancouer Weather in December in Vancouver Winter The hourly canada day events 2020 vancouver weather weather, color coded by category in order of severity.

If multiple reports are present, the most severe code is shown. The number of hours during which canada day events 2020 vancouver weather Sun is visible black line. From bottom most yellow to top most graythe color bands indicate: full daylight, twilight civil, nautical, and astronomicaland full night. The solar day over the course of December From bottom to top, the black lines are the previous solar midnight, sunrise, solar noon, sunset, and the next solar midnight.

Canada day events 2020 vancouver weather day, twilights civil, nautical, and astronomicaland night are indicated by the color bands from yellow to gray. Solar elevation and azimuth over the course of December The black lines are lines of constant solar elevation the angle of government federal jobs pathways ashland coffee shop sun above the horizon, in degrees.

The background color fills indicate the azimuth the compass bearing of the sun. The lightly tinted areas vanckuver the boundaries of the cardinal compass points indicate canada day events 2020 vancouver weather implied intermediate directions northeast, southeast, canasa, and northwest.

The time in which the moon is above the horizon light weaher canada day events 2020 vancouver weatherwith new canada day events 2020 vancouver weather dark gray lines and full moons blue lines indicated. The hourly reported humidity comfort level, categorized by dew vancouber. Wind Speed vanvouver December in Vancouver Winter The daily range of reported wind speeds gray barswith maximum gust speeds red ticks.

The hourly reported wind speed, color coded into bands according to the Beaufort scale. Hourly Wind Direction in in Vancouver Winter The hourly reported wind direction, color coded by compass point.

Atmospheric Pressure in December in Vancouver Winter The daily range of atmospheric pressure gray barsas measured by the altimeter setting reported in e. See all nearby weather stations Disclaimer The information on this site is provided as is, without any assurances as to its vanckuver or suitability for any purpose. Data Download. License Charts. See all nearby weather stations This report shows the past weather for Vancouver, providing a weather history for December Thu, Dec 3.

Fri, Dec 4. Sat, Dec 5. Sun, Dec 6. Mon, Dec 7. Tue, Dec 8. Wed, Dec 9. Thu, Dec Fri, Vancojver Sun, Dec Mon, Dec Tue, Dec Canaca, Dec Sat, Dec



Canada day events 2020 vancouver weather. Environment Canada releases Vancouver's Canada Day forecast

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We use cookies on this site нажмите для продолжения improve your experience as explained in chsnnel Cookie Policy. Passengers can claim up to 1, Special Drawing Rights, which are accounting units used by the International Monetary Fund. More hate motivated graffiti found in Waterloo region. The sentencing hearing for Hedley frontman Jacob Hoggard's sexual assault case got underway on Thursday in Toronto. Special Features. Crimp said because it was a Sunday, the only stores that they could buy clothes at canada day vancouver islanders news channel 3000 expensive souvenir shops.




The Weather Network - Photo of massive tree being hauled down B.C. highway sparks global outrage


Connor Brown scored his second goal of the preseason to break a tie in the third period before Alex Ovechkin sealed Washington's win over Detroit with under a minute remaining. Pressure appears to be mounting on Hockey Canada from both top corporate sponsors and political leaders, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suggesting that if the national hockey governing body continues to resist calls for change, the organization could be replaced. Check out our complete pre-season and regular season schedule below. WRDSB trustee candidate dies suddenly.



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is Canada's largest online news site. From national coverage and issues to local headlines and stories across the country, the Star is your home. Mojave Desert receives more rain than B.C. in last 90 days this week was cut on north Vancouver Island in , months before new rules. New polling suggests Canadians are rethinking the dominant narrative of European settlers discovering Canada making way for Indigenous Peoples.

Canada maple syrup strategic reserveamerica 2020.Why Canada is unlocking its vault of maple syrup

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The Campground APIs, backed by Reserve America's database, provide access to campground data for 97% of the US and Canada's national and state/provincial. Sunday, July 19, |. A summer made for the outdoors By David Smigelski Mail Tribune. The Mail Tribune's annual summer activities guide.


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It turns out that thieves know about the reserve, too. The fact that anyone can steal 9, barrels of anything in a single heist is mind-boggling to me. How on earth do you fence that much maple syrup? Has anyone sold the film rights to this story yet? Maple syrup requires some pretty specific conditions in order to be produced at a high rate.

And on top of that, harvest conditions are very specific: between midwinter and early spring, temperatures have to bounce between freezing and temperate in a single day. Maple syrup is a way bigger deal than I knew. Be a holiday hero: Stock up on this super-affordable gift for the people on your list who most need to chill out. This clean skincare favorite with thousands of five-star reviews uses dermatologist-recommended ingredients to treat saggy skin, crow's feet, dark circles and more.

Maple products available for consumption 4. World data 4. World imports 4. Top 10 importers of maple sugar and maple syrup — by value 4. Top 10 importers of maple sugar and maple syrup — by volume 4. United States national statistics for maple syrup 4. United States maple syrup production by state 4. United States maple syrup production value by state 5. Production Footnote 2 As maple trees grow, they accumulate starch, which converts into sugar during the spring thaw and mixes with the water absorbed through tree roots to create maple sap, which generally flows between February and April each year.

Source: Statistics Canada. Table Production and value of maple products x 1, 1. Production of maple products — year trend. Production of maple products — year trend Year Millions of gallons 5. Footnotes Footnote 1 Farm cash receipts measure gross revenue of farm businesses. Return to footnote 1 referrer Footnote 2 Maple products production data for will be released by Statistics Canada in December Report a problem on this page Please select all that apply: A link, button or video is not working.

It has a spelling mistake. Information is missing. Information is outdated or wrong. Login error when trying to access an account e.

My Service Canada Account. GC Key access. SecureKey Concierge Banking Credential access. Other login error not in this list. I can't find what I'm looking for. Other issue not in this list. Leave this field blank. Date modified: Notes: [1]. Table Production and value of maple products x 1, The government-supported organization, which is often called the OPEC of maple syrup, uses its reserves to control syrup prices and supply. The strategic reserve was created to keep maple syrup in stock during bad harvest seasons or when demand spikes.

That is the case right now following a hot and short spring that led to a lower yield. The reserve has made headlines in the past. Between and , 3, tons of maple syrup, valued at nearly 20 million Canadian dollars, were secretly siphoned from the reserve in a notorious theft known as the Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist.


Canada maple syrup strategic reserveamerica 2020 -


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Much thanks to you for the great write-up. It in actuality was once a relaxation account. It encompasses , acres of the Rogue-River Siskiyou National Forest and includes the headwater basin of the Chetco and North Smith rivers and a portion of the Illinois River canyon.

Elevations range from feet at the bottom of the canyons to the rocky ridge of 5,foot Pearsoll Peak. The diverse topography and. The wilderness area has been home to massive wildfires in , and , leading to dramatic differences in the forests, striking views and some disruptions to trail networks. Check with the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest before your visit for trail conditions at , and see fs. The local group performs most of the trail maintenance in the Kalmiopsis.

The region has plenty of wildflower hot spots, and in the summer, the best place to see them is in the mountains. One of those high-elevation wonderlands is the Mt. Forest Service website. To get there from the Rogue Valley, travel south on Interstate 5 to exit 6 and follow the access road to the Mt.

Ashland Ski Area. The botanical area begins. Forest Service Road 20, which follows the Siskiyou Crest.

For more information, see fs. Recently introduced tiger trout — at least among some of the angling crowd — are supplanting stocked rainbow trout as the target of choice because of their size and feisty aggression toward bait, lures, flies and These fish-eating hybrid trout have been stocked since after tui chub were rediscovered in this high-mountain lake in eastern Douglas County about 90 minutes from downtown Medford. Tiger trout are sterile crosses of brown and brook trout.

They are named for the tiger-like black stripes on their bodies, and they all must be released unharmed. Diamond Lake is a popular fishing and camping destination throughout the summer. Focus is on the Diamond Lake Resort as well as Forest Service campgrounds and a pizza parlor noted for its pies and broasted chicken. It also sports a great paved biking and hiking route of 11 miles around the lake. To get there from the Rogue Valley, take Highway 62 to Highway , and then take the clearly marked Diamond Lake turn.

The High Cascades lake east of Ashland now has no size restrictions or limits on rainbow trout, bass and any other fish, so anglers can take home as many rainbows as they can catch before low-water conditions. Go just shy of 5 Stay off the dam, but fish off either in Southern Oregon, drought is bad for miles then take a sharp left onto Howard side of it.

There is also an unimproved boat ramp near the dam that could get extended, but most fishing will be from the bank with worms or PowerBait. The Rogue River National Recreation Trail stretches 40 miles along the north bank of the Rogue River between Grave Creek and Big Bend, providing scenic views of the river as it winds through steep, rugged terrain on its way to the ocean.

The eastern trailhead is at Grave Creek about 30 miles northwest of Grants Pass, while the western trailhead is at Big Bend near Foster Bar, about 35 miles upriver from the town of Gold Beach on the coast. Private lodges and campsites provide places to stay overnight. Mountain bikes, motorized vehicles and pack animals are not allowed on the trail.

The 3. Hikers who walk the full 40 watch over kids and dogs. The end of. The Rogue River Greenway paved walking, jogging and biking path connects the towns of Rogue River and Gold Hill, which are nine miles apart. The path has little elevation change, making it perfect for short family jaunts, or long bike rides for more serious cyclists.

Around Gold Hill, users spend part of their time on the road, before connecting with another trail segment near the intersection of Dardanelles Street and Fourth Avenue in Gold Hill. The intersection marks another good location to access the trail. Supporters of the Rogue River Greenway hope to someday complete enough sections that the path will stretch from Grants Pass to Central Point, where it would connect to the better known Bear Creek Greenway, which stretches to Ashland.

Bicycle rides cover 20, 40, 62 and miles, followed by a post-ride party with barbecue or vegetarian options, craft beer and music at Palmerton Park in Rogue River. To register, see ridetherogue Money raised will help with the completion of the Greenway.

For more information on the Rogue River Greenway, including maps, visit roguerivergreenway. Hikers who get lucky will arrive at Rainie Falls during a fish run when salmon and steelhead are fighting their way upstream, hurtling into the air as they try to get past the chute.

The most likely time to catch a fish run is late August through November when fall chinook salmon start their marathon journey from the ocean up the river to spawn.

For more information, see blm. Built in on Bureau of Land Management land, the Mountain of the Road mountain bike trail system is a relatively new addition for cycling enthusiasts.

Mountain of the Rogue has a small parking lot, outhouse built into the trails to create a fun, roller bathrooms and coaster effect. Users can choose short, an information medium or long loops. The challenging, b o a r d w i t h technical long loops climb high atop the a t r a i l m a p. When looking After enjoying a sense of accomplisha t t h e m a p , ment from the climb, bikers can enjoy pay attention the fast-paced trip back down. The Mountain of the Rogue trail to the arrows m a r k i n g t h e system is 18 miles north of Medford and d i r e c t i o n o f 7 miles south of Grants Pass.

From I-5, travel on trails to prevent collisions with take Exit 48 at city of Rogue River. Turn downhill speedsters as you climb up. All north on Depot Street toward town. Turn The trails have sharp rocks, are lined right on North River Road and travel with poison oak and the mountain slopes about 1 mile to the trailhead on the left. For details, including a downloadable are exposed to the sun, making afternoon rides ill-advised on hot summer days.

If you drive a few miles away from light-polluted areas on a clear night, a tapestry boasting millions of stars awaits you. Pick your spot first. You can head up Mount Ashland, where there are a few spots to pull off and take in the heavens. The Applegate Valley has plenty of viewing opportunities. From there, just look up. If neither is available, the show will still be easy to catch, more macro than micro, but beautiful regardless. It goes all the way across the sky. Just gaze due south.

With a telescope, the moons of the former and the rings of the latter should be visible. Even binoculars should offer a modicum of detail on the distant gas giants. This acre reservoir reaches nearly to the California border and offers a wide range of recreational activities, with enough space to continue social distancing in or out of the water. Applegate Lake offers swimming, hiking trails, bike trails and fishing. Boats can be launched miles of exploration. The Payette Trail offers a 9.

To reach the lake, take Highway from Jackkeep you lakeside throughout, with several good places to stop for a dip. From wooded stretches to brushes with U. Bird watching is a popular activity along the path, and in the fall people can spot chinook salmon spawning in Bear Creek.

Dogs must be on a leash no Because it is a multiple-use trail, there are some longer than 6 feet remember to pick up after your helpful rules and etiquette posted on the Jackson dog ; properly dispose of waste and litter; horses County website to keep everyone safe.

Users are or alcohol. The Cascade Siskiyou Scenic Bikeway was made for bicyclists looking for a challenge. The mile loop features 5, feet of climbs, passes by three lakes, skirts the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, and ends with a thrilling mile descent on the twisting and turning road known as Dead Indian Memorial Highway.

From the there you will bite off a big climb up the mountain to the. When COVID began its spread across the globe, the Ashland and Medford markets closed for two weeks at the beginning of April to plan the best way to conduct business in light of public health issues. Also, customers can no longer handle fruits and veggies, or any open food item. You can still pick up a jar of jam or other packaged items to take a quick peek.

Main St. The Medford market is located at Hawthorne Park, E. Both markets are open from a. Greensprings summit. After that,. The route has long been a favorite of local riders, and in it was designated as a state scenic bikeway, the first in Southern Oregon. See upanddownashland.

To learn more about the route and other scenic bikeways, see traveloregon. To McKee Bridge, built in get there, take Highway 62 , is feet long and to Highway and go to the stands 45 feet above the Lake Creek exit. From the Applegate River. Turn left on Apple- Creek. The covered bridge is about a half gate Road and follow the Applegate Lake mile down this dirt road.

It is open to foot signs to the wayside of McKee Bridge. The side Eagle Point. Now a pedestrian bridge, it bridge can be seen from I A collegiate wood-bat summer baseball team founded in , the Rogues saw the Golden State Collegiate Baseball League cancel its season due to the coronavirus in April.

Pacific Highway, Medford. All games will involve social distancing in the seating area, allowing for up to people on hand, and include hand sanitizing stations throughout the concourse and dugout areas. Games begin at p. For more information, see medfordrogues. Medford has enjoyed outstanding success at the American Legion AAA level, with its Mustangs entering having won six straight state championships and 17 overall. A shot at a seventh consecutive title went by the wayside when American Legion Baseball canceled play in due to the pandemic, but existing Area 4 programs, like the Mustangs, have banded together for an independent schedule this summer.

With rosters featuring a handful of players who would have been too old for Legion play this season,. Medford plays its home games at U. For more information, see ballcompetition. The Mustangs opened their charts. Horse racing fans will again have an opportunity this fall to follow the sport as Grants Pass Downs stages its second fall session since becoming a commercial meet.

Dates were originally scheduled for Sept. The decision to race on weekdays was made as a result of COVID restrictions that limited the number of spectators to Those admitted to the grounds were primarily owners, sponsors and media. By operating during the week, Grants Pass Downs avoided going head-to-head with much larger tracks and offset the loss of on-track bettors with an enhanced online presence.

NYRA also sends the signal to offtrack sites. There are nine listed at gpdowns. The TVG Network and tvg. Major upgrades were made to the facility, including the track surface, lighting to facilitate twilight racing, and a number of safety projects, including the installation of a retaining wall, fencing and breakaway distance markers.

You can also attend seasonal events and browse our incredible selection of gifts, including custom baskets perfect for sharing with friends and family back home. Secret Beach really does feel like a secret beach, because you can reach it only by hiking along the Oregon Coast Trail in the Samuel H.

The corridor uses parts of the Oregon Coast Trail, with multiple detours and side trails to waterfalls, sea stacks and other attractions. One way to experience the corridor is to visit some of the trailheads and piece together short hikes to beautiful spots, such as: Cape Ferrelo Viewpoint: A mile-long hike leads to breathtaking views of the rugged coastline and photo-worthy Oregon sunsets.

The cape is also an excellent spot for whale watching in fall and spring. House Rock Viewpoint: A memorial. The 4-mile trail between Cape Ferrelo and House Rock offers many side trails to secluded beaches. Whaleshead Beach: This oceanfront picnic area has gorgeous views and an easy, flat path to the beach. Natural Bridge: Follow a short trail to one of the best viewpoints in the park — the seven iconic arch rocks and blowholes known as Natural Bridges.

Arch Rock: From the paved parking lot, a short path leads to an overlook featuring a series of offshore sea stacks and islands. Hyatt Lake offers swimming, fishing and camping, and the area around the lake is great for bike riding, hiking and other outdoor pursuits. Nestled in the Cascade Mountains in the northern corner of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, the acre Hyatt Lake provides opportunities for camping, hiking, fishing and boating.

Hyatt Lake is located 20 miles east of Ashland and, at 5, feet in elevation, offers a cool break from the summer heat. During spring and summer, Hyatt Lake offers rainbow trout and smallmouth bass fishing. The area around Hyatt Lake is filled with deer, bears, eagles, osprey and other wildlife, along with significant botanical diversity.

Two hundred species of birds are known to exist in the monument, including some threatened and endangered species. The unusual rough-skinned newt can be spotted by the keen-eyed observer.

Access points for the Pacific Crest Trail are easily accessible starting from the campground, which has 56 sites. For details about camping during the pandemic, check reserveamerica. Due to low water levels this summer, all public boat ramps are closed, but kayaks, canoes and other small boats can be launched from shore. Follow Highway 66 for 17 miles until you reach the Green Springs Inn.

Turn left on East Hyatt Lake Road and follow for approximately 3 miles until you reach the lake. Wildflowers, wilderness, old-growth trees and a river canyon await those who hit the Illinois River Trail. The wilderness trail is not designed for bicyclists, but hiking boots are more than welcome. There are going to be a few logs down, there are going to be some brushy sections.

Mountain Club website. The first 22 miles or so of the trail is high above the river, Howe said, but the final eight miles offer decent access. The trail is in an area that was burned in the Biscuit fire and the Chetco Bar fire, so hikers should watch for falling snags, according to the U.

To reach the trail from Medford, drive to Grants Pass and then take Highway about 18 miles to Selma. That road becomes U. Forest Service Road The last few miles of road are pretty rough and narrow, with plenty of potholes. High-clearance vehicles are recommended. See siskiyoumountainclub. A two-hour-plus drive from Medford puts you squarely in one of the most spectacular getaways in Oregon — the towering spires of ancient redwood forests.

The last northern stands of redwoods are located at the southern end of Oregon, and they are close to many parks and recreational activities. Best of all during our scorching summers, the redwoods offer a shady, cool retreat. The best way to get to the redwoods is to travel west on Highway , which dips into Northern California. For instance, the Alfred A. Loeb State Park campground in Brookings is closed, but the trails among the trees are open.

For those who want a serene adventure, there are plenty of easy hiking trails just off Highway , including Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park. Drury Scenic Parkway, a This year most of the groves scenic drive off Highway that are accessible, though some boasts numerous trails among COVID-related restrictions giant groves.

In Oregon, you can immerse yourself in the redwoods experience along the Oregon Redwoods Trail southeast of Brookings. To access the trail, turn off Highway at Winchuck River Road, make a right at Peavine Ridge Road and follow it a few miles to the trailhead. For the more adventuresome, try the 9-mile Redwood Nature Trail. This trail is located 0. Loeb Oregon State Park. What the journey up Pilot Rock lacks in length, at just about 3 miles out and back, it more than makes up for in views and excitement.

Rising feet above the surrounding landscape near the Siskiyou Summit, Pilot Rock has long served as a navigational aid for travelers. To reach the trailhead, consider a high-clearance vehicle because of the rocky access road. Follow I-5 south to the Mt. Ashland exit at milepost 6. Follow Route 99 south for approximately 2.

After 2. At the far end of the parking lot is the trailhead sign. Hike on the old road for about three-quarters of a mile until you see a sign for the Pacific Crest Trail.

Pilot Rock stands at the intersection of three distinct regions: the Cascades to the north, the Siskiyous to the south and west, and the Great Basin to the east.

This section of the trail is an easy hike, gaining about feet in elevation. The trail here begins to climb quite steeply. Many people end their hike at the base of Pilot Rock. To reach the summit, the final ascent requires a steep scramble up a narrow rock chute, so only experienced hikers with good footwear should attempt it.

Greens are quick with subtle breaks, and holes that wrap around a hill allow for a variety of shots. The Rogue Valley features several appealing public golf courses that cover all levels of ability. Greens are true, fairways well maintained. Longest course in the area. Front nine more open and flat, back nine heads into the woods a bit.

Plenty of test. Par 3 Bear Creek, Medford: Par 29, with two par 4s of about yards. Nine holes yards. Lots of trees and doglegs Oak Knoll, Ashland: Municipal course. Away from the bustle. Another great way to see the monument is from the top of Pilot Rock. The steep summit trail is about 1 mile from the parking area and gains approximately feet in elevation. The final few feet takes a bit of athleticism. From relatively easy walks to strenuous climbs, the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument offers many options for visitors.

Head north from the parking area; the roundtrip is 3 miles. Within the monument. Follow Route 99 south from the Mount Ashland exit for about 2. Turn left at Pilot Rock Road E Stay left at the first fork and stay right at the second split. The heart of the wilderness is the 5,foot-high Boccard Point, where the Great Basin meets the Klamath, Siskiyou and Cascade ranges.

The PCT follows an old road recently restored as a trail to Boccard Point, a rocky outcrop with expansive views, including the remote regions of the Soda.

Jackson County Parks requires reservations for all camping this summer with a minimum 24 hours notice either by calling or through online registration at jacksoncountyor.

The lake is stocked every spring with rainbow trout, and it also contains bass and perch. Cathedral Hills on the southeast edge of Grants Pass has miles of trails for hikers, trail runners, mountain bikers and horseback riders weaving through acres of woodland.

The various trails pass through dappled shade created by madrone, manzanita, Douglas fir and Ponderosa pine and climb to high ridgelines with panoramic views — but watch for poison oak. The Espey Road and Skyway Drive trailheads have outhouse restrooms, but no drinking water. Information boards at the trailheads have maps showing the maze of easy, more difficult and most difficult trails.

Out on the trails, the various junctions are well marked, but pay close attention to avoid getting lost. Boxes that hold printed maps of the trail system are usually empty, so consider printing a map before you go. The easy-rated Skycrest Loop trail off the Skyway Drive trailhead provides a relatively short outing with panoramic views at the top. The popular, easy-rated Outback Loop offers a long hike, trail run or horseback or mountain bike ride.

Mountain bikers can avoid a long uphill stretch on the Outback Loop by going to the Espey Road trailhead and biking the loop in a counter-clockwise direction, which yields a mix of uphill, flat and downhill terrain. At the Espey Road trailhead, the short Backside Loop provides a relatively easy introduction to mountain biking with a gradual uphill, followed by a fun downhill.

The whole Cathedral Hills trail system is a mix of single-track trails with many areas where the trails widen to allow for side-by-side walking. The steep, narrow, most-difficult trails are not maintained for equestrian use.

For more information, including a trail map, see blm. The trail covers about 26 miles round trip and can be accomplished in about 12 hours, depending on how fast you go. Campsites are available a short distance from the Mt. Ashland Ski Area lodge. For less ambitious hikers, you could station a vehicle at the top of Mt. Ashland or at Lithia Park and do a shuttle hike up or down the trail. Or you could get somebody to drop you off at Mt. Ashland and hike down. The city has.

The coronavirus may have closed the water slide, but Emigrant Lake County Park still has plenty of reasons for campers, boaters and anglers to get out this summer. With 1, acres, including 12 miles of lake frontage, Emigrant Lake offers swimming, picnicking, fishing, hiking, boating, canoeing and kayaking. The park, on Highway 66 just east of Ashland, boasts a boat ramp, and campgrounds that can accommodate tents, trailers and RV campers.

There are more caveats this summer. Continue straight at 10 miles until you reach Bull Gap. At the lodge you are about 13 miles from Lithia Park and are at an elevation 6, feet.