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Speaking on last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Keith Wilson, a lawyer working on the Charter challenge brought forward by Brian Peckford, the former Newfoundland premier and last living signee of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, explained what he had learned during cross examination.

Instead, public health suggestions identified the use of masks, distancing of passengers while arriving, departing and on board the plane and a quarantine area if a traveller was sick. During last year’s federal election, vaccine mandates featured as a prominent wedge issue Prime Minister Justin Trudeau used against then-leader of the Conservative Party, Erin O’Toole.

Vaccine requirements for domestic travellers, outbound international flights, federal staffers and transportation workers were suspended by the Trudeau government yesterday. While most measures are now removed, federal authorities cautioned restrictions could return should the COVID situation worsen.

The anonymous guest in this interview is a former temporary employment agency manager from Calgary, Alberta. That inequality based on medical status, or country of origin, or time in the country, needs to be addressed.

We discuss the fact that the staffing agency is not allowed to ask for private or confidential medical records of those seeking employment services. We cannot ask any of those [things] because it’s considered to be a human rights violation. Any of our federal employees who lost their job based on not being vaccinated or not disclosing, I feel that they have a court case.

Canada might be first country to slap a warning label on ground beef. Health Canada has decided to go after ground beef and is proposing mandatory front-of-package warning labels for the product, leaving many ranchers and beef organizations puzzled and enraged.

You know, sort of like a warning label…. However, many foods, specifically whole foods like raw cuts of meat, will be exempt. Curiously, ground beef will not be exempt, apparently due to its high saturated fat content.

It makes it make less and less sense, and we think the government and minister of health should reconsider. Quadruple vaxxed Anthony Fauci catches Wuhan Flu. Anthony Fauci has said that he too has the Wuhan Flu. The year-old who is fully vaccinated and twice-boosted against the virus is being treated with Paxlovid for mild symptoms. Fauci will isolate and continue to work from his home. He has not recently been in close contact with President Biden or other senior government officials.

On Monday, Trudeau conveniently announced he had contracted COVID a third time despite being fully vaccinated himself prior to his government announcing an end to travel vaccine mandates. Fauci, who has been a crusader for extreme lockdowns, recently admitted that the government response to the pandemic was a coercive tactic.

As recently as March 30th, Fauci has been calling for a return to a rigid restrictions regime in the US, citing hypothetical variants. Trans rights group wants to lower age for irreversible surgeries. A trans rights group will lower their recommended age for when youth should have access to irreversible medical treatments for their gender dysphoria — including surgeries for year-olds.

These updates allegedly include lowering the age for puberty blockers from 16 to 14 years old and allowing surgeries sex-change operations, breast removal, etc. The guidelines come with advice for strong psychological evaluation, but critics claim that, in reality, patients can be approved for surgery within minutes.

But others believe that lowering the age will reduce suicides — even though the evidence on this remains unclear. In fact, studies exist that suggest the opposite is true: that suicide is more likely post-operation for trans people. In the documentary, Walsh interviews a Canadian father who details his run-in with the Canadian legal system for referring to his biological teenage daughter with female pronouns. Moreover, as the consequences of trans-related surgeries and procedures become more prevalent, horror stories from de-transitioned individuals continue to mount.

For example, in a viral thread on Twitter last week, a reportedly de-transitioned individual documented the devastating process he went through. And when I got that letter, I shredded it — and I never should have shredded it. Does this make you feel more or less confident? When interviewed, Dubois said that the sign had been up since September and that the treatment of the unvaccinated reminded him of the discrimination against Black people in the s — which he saw firsthand.

The U. The recommendation was the first of two votes called by the FDA vaccine advisors. Later this afternoon, the same committee will also evaluate the experimental Pfizer Covid vaccine for children ages 6 months to 4 years. The Nordic countries Germany, France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland all paused the use of Moderna for people under 30 due to concerns around rare cardiovascular side effects. But in the US, the FDA advisors believed the benefits of experimental shot outweigh its risks for use in infants and children 6 months through 5 years.

The FDA discussed one of the confirmed cases linked to the side effects of mRNA products from clinical trials for babies. A one-year-old baby suffered multiple seizures but continued in the trial to receive the 2nd dose. The Great Replacement is going mainstream in Canada, according to a new poll. This is an articulation of what is commonly referred to as replacement theory.

Blacks account for 3. Abacus Data surveyed 1, Canadian adults from May 20 to 24 to gauge their belief in various so-called “conspiracy theories.

Almost as many agree “much of our lives are being controlled by plots hatched in secret places”. The Trudeau dictatorship is working to try and shut these “conspiracy theories” down by passing new “anti-hate” legislation to further jail people for their speech and punish them for thought crimes.

Urengoyskoye deposit, Russia’s largest gas field, mysteriously went up in flames. Smoke billowed into the sky as firefighters raced to put out the infernoCredit: East2West. A blaze in a nearby location last year saw gas prices in Europe shoot up by six percent.

Gazprom officials said today that the major fire had been extinguished, however, it was unclear from officials what damage had been sustained. They also shied away from explaining what knock-on effect the blaze would have on gas supplies to Europe, which are already high prices and causing economic hardship. It is the latest in a series of blazes at key Russian installations during the war with Ukraine. This is his way to get out of getting roasted by Rand.

According to a Presscore. The Shermans were being investigated regarding a fundraiser for Trudeau. They died. Thus their deaths became moot and the investigation into the fundraiser also died. Justin Trudeau attended and benefited from the event.

The Canadian government’s Office of Commissioner of Lobbying OCL began an investigation into wrongdoing; the content of their recored interview with Barry Sherman prompted a police investigation. The OCL would normally have complied as a matter of course. The OCL did so by dragging its feet and then by censoring the transcript. After review, a court order was issued requiring the OCL to release an unredacted transcript to Apotex. The OCL did not comply with the court order. In the meantime, Trudeau was elected and became Prime Minister.

The interview provided material evidence to that effect. Another court hearing was to be held in FEB In DEC the slaim bodies of the Shermans were found at their home, Five days later, Trudeau was convicted of conflict of interest laws. The criminal investigation into the Sherman’s fundraiser was made moot by their deaths.

The OCL investigation died with them. The Toronto Police investigation into their murders continues with no leads reported yet, in JUN Apotex is among the top companies in the USA, based on sales revenue, and was prominent in bringing generic drugs to market.

It proposed to do so again in response to C19, it was reported in MAR Sherman in Scientist who predicted Boxing Day tsunami says another disaster is coming 60 Minutes Australia. In this case there were two murders preceded by apparent torture and material evidence of violations of the Lobbying Act that connected the Liberal Party and its leader to a dodgey fundraising that had been held by the murder victims.

Further, these victims owned a large drug company that was capable of responding to the calls for C19 Early Treatments using generic drugs like HCQ. That capability would have jeopordized the emergency use authorization of the C19 shots that the Trudeau government promoted through cocercive tactics and political interference in the practice of medicine. Western media and politicians prefer to ignore the truth about civilians killed in Donetsk shelling.

Following intense Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk on June 13, some Western media sources, in tandem with outlets in Kiev, unsurprisingly claimed that the attack — which killed at least five civilians and struck a busy maternity hospital — was perpetrated by Russian forces.

Why Moscow would launch rockets at its own allies wasn’t explained, nor would it make much sense. In two hours, almost MLRS rockets and artillery shells were fired. The Ukrainian shelling began late morning, resumed in the afternoon, and continued for another two hours in the evening, a deafening series of blasts throughout the city, terrorizing residents and targeting apartment buildings, civilian infrastructure, the aforementioned hospital, and industrial buildings.

Locals say this was some of the heaviest bombing of Donetsk since , when the region declared its independence from post-Maidan Kiev. In the Budyonnovsky district in the south of the city, Ukrainian shelling of a market killed five civilians including one child. Just two months ago, Kiev’s forces hit another Donetsk market, leaving four civilians dead. In the hard-hit Kievskiy district, to the north, the shelling caused fires at a water bottling plant and a warehouse for stationery, destroying it.

The building was still in flames when journalist Roman Kosarev and I arrived about an hour after the attack. Apartment buildings in the area also came under fire, leaving doors and windows blown out and cars destroyed. The destroyed gas station was on a street where I stayed in April, which is completely residential. Prohibited methods of warfare are being used, residential and central districts of Donetsk are being shelled, other cities and settlements of the DPR are also under fire now.

Chinese local banks are freezing deposits. Authorities provided no explanation…. A red health code – indicating a potential COVID patient – means the carrier is barred access to all public places from public toilets to shops to train stations, and faced mandatory quarantine in centralized isolation centers.

They are among tens of thousands of bank depositors who have fought to recover their savings for more than two months. The crisis started in April when at least four lenders in Henan froze cash withdrawals, citing internal system upgrades.

But customers said neither these banks nor officials have since offered any information on why or how long, prompting angry protests outside the office of the banking regulator in Zhengzhou in May. Depositors have been cut off for at least Aggrieved depositors across the country planned another protest in Zhengzhou on June 13 to demand an answer, though previous gatherings were met with silence from local authorities and violence from plain-clothes police.

Feds refusing to compensate lost salaries of unvaccinated federal workers. The Trudeau government is refusing to repay the lost salaries of civil servants who were suspended for declining to get the Covid vaccine now that the federal mandate has been lifted. Without hesitation, Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc immediately shut down reporters who asked whether unvaccinated workers would be compensated.

The announcement came just as the Liberal government announced a change to its pandemic protocol. As of June 20, unvaccinated Canadians will be able to board a train or a plane to travel domestically and internationally. Additionally, unvaccinated federal workers will be able to return to their jobs. The move came after mounting pressure from the public and industry groups surrounding airport delays and cancellations.

Nearly 2, federal employees were suspended from their job without leave for not being fully vaccinated, according to the Treasury Board of Canada. Lawyer challenging mandates says government must be held accountable.

On Tuesday, the Liberal government announced they would be suspending their vaccine requirement for air and rail travel passengers. The group Fairness Alberta is launching a campaign promoting Canada as the answer to global energy security especially in the wake of the war in Ukraine.

The social media campaign targeting Ontario and British Columbia in particular is called Unjust Transition. Albertans understand this, he said. Upon arrival, I had the chance to talk to Conservative MPs Michael Barrett and Jamie Schmale; they were the only two legislators gracious enough to answer my questions.

Therefore, since my questions were mainly about Bill C, who better to ask than the biggest supporters of the bill? After waiting 10 minutes in front of the building, Pablo Rodriguez, the minister of Canadian Heritage, came out. I asked him about the issue. The situation was similar with almost every other Liberal MP that I encountered. I also had the chance of questioning David Lametti, the minister of justice, who simply ignored me, looked forward and continued walking without addressing the relevant questions.

In this report, you can see the way Liberal MPs answer questions from the independent press. Roughly people that attended, all showing support for Pride season by wearing rainbow clothing and accessories.

The two drag performers were wearing tight clothing, lots of makeup, and high heels. It is interesting that this story-time was hosted outdoors on loudspeakers at the Toronto Zoo – a place where hundreds of children would be exposed to hearing these messages, whether they chose to attend the event or not. Except, drag queens are not appropriate for children. What happened to letting kids be kids?

What happened to teaching them real life lessons and traditional values that will help them excel in the future, instead of planting ideas that will damage them psychologically in the long run?

Teaching children at a young age that they are possibly born in the wrong body and that their gender is something that should be questioned, only leads to confusion. Nobody was harmed, and nobody has been arrested. CBC appears to take the side of drag queen, Panda Dulce, who explicitly lip syncs in this video, defending herself against the comments made with the statement. There are trans children. There are children who have seen violence and do not wish to inflict violence on others just because they’re different, ” said Panda Dulca to CBC.

The Canadian government is proposing regulations that will require packaged ground beef to be sold with a health warning label to ‘encourage consumers to make healthier choices. The Canadian government is hell-bent on legalizing hard drugs but is proposing regulations that will require packaged ground beef to be sold with a health warning label. While the Trudeau Liberals would likely prefer Canadians live off of a diet of crickets and soy, ground beef remains the most affordable and most commonly consumed cut of beef in Canada.

Labelling a cut of meat that 85 per cent of Canadians still eat every single month not only normalizes an attack on nutrition, but Western farmers too. With obesity on the rise in Canada, demonizing a healthy and affordable dietary choice like beef is the very last thing Canadians need.

If you agree that the Canadian government must stop vilifying the beef industry, please sign the petition at FreeTheBeef. A small cluster of companies were given lucrative contracts to censor Canadians’ access to government records and emails, documents obtained by Conservative MP Kelly McCauley through an inquiry of ministry show. According to the federal government, part of the backlog is related to the COVID pandemic, and the contractors were hired to reduce a growing glut of access requests which remain outstanding.

The Treasury Board has acknowledged the backlog, noting that, though requests for documents have fallen, the production of documents by federal agencies within the statutory timeframe has stalled:. The number of ATI requests received during the to fiscal year decreased 6. However, in the to fiscal year, the number of ATI requests that were outstanding from the previous fiscal year increased by Videos are emerging of brutal lineups forming at Service Canada offices across the country as Canadians wait to renew their passports following the suspension of the unvaccinated travel ban.

Videos show that waiting lines are so bad that people are bringing lawn chairs — and often giving up before reaching the door. Canada deserves better. A video posted by Senator Housakos shows hundreds of people wrapped around the plaza — across grocery stores, Dollarama, and a movie theatre.

In fact, some folks are waking up in the middle of the night to try and get a good spot in the line. Granted, this problem has been growing for months. As previously reported by The Counter Signal, on June 14, the Trudeau government announced they would suspend the travel ban on the over 5. Lich has suffered for the cause of freedom by spending 18 days unjustly jailed, and exemplifies courage, determination and perseverance.

The Crown also argued that the judge who freed Lich made errors of law. The Crown, thus, asked that his decision be overturned and Lich be sent back to jail. Lich is still appealing her bail conditions, arguing they violate her Charter freedoms.

Politics are a series of boondoggles. Louie Gohmert R-Texas , after advisors to the U. Food and Drug Administration’s FDA vaccine advisory panel today unanimously voted to recommend Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID vaccines for infants and young children, stating the totality of the evidence available shows the benefits of the vaccines outweigh the risks of use. Pfizer’s three-dose vaccine would cover children 6 months to 5 years old, while Moderna’s two-dose vaccine covers children 6 months to 6 years old.

Six European countries suspended the Moderna vaccine. States have already ordered millions of doses made available prior to FDA authorization by the Biden administration. Depending on whether the FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC accept the recommendations of their advisory panels, White House officials have said the administration of vaccines for these age groups could start as early as June While a few are asking why DeSantis won’t get with the program to jab every man, woman, and child in America, the real question is why the 49 other governors have, especially Republicans.

The fresh prince of politics with the celebrity hair and rock star aura is heading into a summer of inflation-driven Canadian discontent as a faded force of personality in need of an exit strategy.

Click here to watch the video. Covid 84 is an Orwellian surveillance control grid that utilizes QR code technology to track, trace and database the movements of every person who succumbs to governmental tyranny who have accepting using these control measure tactics.

Liberals block release of data to justify travel restrictions. The Liberals blocked a motion calling on Ottawa to provide all documents used to justify restricting travel for Canadians during the Covid pandemic. Liberal MP Churence Rogers cited cabinet confidentiality before shutting down the motion. Health Canada announced that it has pulled the plug on the country’s COVID Alert app, as notifications are suspended and users were encouraged to delete the application.

Having launched on July 31, , just under 7-million Canadians downloaded the federal government’s app. Around 57, Canadians who tested positive for COVID then used the app to notify other users of possible exposure.

On August 7, only a week after the launch of the app, Canada recorded more than new cases of COVID; at the height of daily case numbers, thousands of positive tests were being recorded daily. World’s largest cricket farm finishes construction in London, Ontario. The massive facility will employ just 60 workers and will rely mostly on artificial intelligence, technology that won the developers awards from the United Nations for commitment to Sustainable Development Goals.

Canada is now home to the world’s largest cricket farm, as construction firm EllisDon announced on Twitter that development at Aspire Food Group’s new plant in London, Ontario was finished. The outlet also reported that Aspire claims to already have orders for the next two years, and Producer.

With food costs rising worldwide, the company hopes more consumers will purchase crickets as a cheap source of protein. Just 60 employees will work at the massive facility, which is mostly operated through artificial intelligence. The awards, which will be handed out later this year, are doled out to companies that are using AI to advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Aspire’s cricket farm harnesses the power of DarwinAI, developed by another Ontario company, to manage its automated storage and retrieval system.

Formula One racing is sponsored by Saudi-controlled oil company Aramco. Oilsands companies, instead, frequently sponsor small-town hockey teams — and oilsands extraction along with mining remains the largest employer of Canada’s indigenous peoples. Sebastian Vettel, a German Formula One driver for Scuderia Ferrari is a four-time Formula One World Champion and regarded by many as one of the greatest drivers in the history of the sport.

He is, however, not one of the brightest thinkers in the realm of motorsports. While Vettel is showing his concern for Canada’s so-called climate criminality, he seems unbothered by what some might consider his own. After all, he does spend all year flying first class around the world from one exotic locale to another to race high-emitting cars.

Vettel wears the Aramco logo on his racing suit. Saudi Arabia has been identified as one of the world’s worst human rights offenders, frequently handing down lengthy prison sentences and torture on political dissidents and their families. Women in the KSA face systemic discrimination in relation to marriage, family, divorce, and decisions relating to children, including child custody.

Women are also subject to strict religious dress laws. As of , Aramco is one of the largest companies in the world by revenue. Some, including this author, accuse Vettel’s homeland of Germany of playing a major role in funding the Russian war effort through purchase contracts with Kremlin-controlled gas company, Gazprom.

This fact has apparently not made its way into Vittel’s dashboard. In contrast, the oil sands play a role in affirming human rights and minority prosperity. A recent brief prepared by the Oilsands Community Alliance detailed the economic benefit to Canada’s indigenous peoples through oil and gas partnerships. Indigenous people made up 7. Vettel didn’t have to come to Canada to fight for justice. He could start by looking at himself in his rearview mirror.

Global Energy Show shows off what rapidly-evolving tech is bringing to the table. We seem to be headed to the direction of a robot-driven economy — what space will be left for us? You’ve heard of things like AI and drones, but now we’re truly seeing the amalgamation of these new technologies within most industries. Artificial intelligence and data collection have allowed new heights to be reached with regards to the processing of information, revealing much more about the world around us than we humans ever could in an equivalent timeframe.

The evolution of robotic devices may now allow many — if not most — labour and survey employment opportunities to be hybrid or wholly done with robots.

Virtual reality seemingly is also becoming a heavy player when it comes to operations, and training in quite literally any domain you can imagine.

Will VR be our bread and butter as we humans facilitate this digital takeover of industry? How many industries will envelope themselves in these new technological advances and should we be concerned?

In the energy industry some claim they are in a transitionary phase towards ‘green energy’ and part of that is the digitalization of most work efforts. Perhaps in the interim to this new mode of industry we will amalgamate ourselves through VR, but with the rate of change being what it is, we may just be too slow to catch up, and where would that leave us? Liberal MPs seem to be fine with it, and according to Pablo Rodriguez, it’s ok, because he apologized. Adam van Koeverden was then challenged by a Conservative MP in the House of Commons, only then deciding to apologize for his remark.

According to Liberal MPs, everything is fine now, since the person who said this outrageous reply apologized. However, the people Rebel News spoke to on the streets of Ottawa disagree with this conclusion. On the other hand, Conservative MPs had an easy time when it came to answering my question. This incident proves just how out of touch Liberal MPs really are with the public.

Journalists were only allowed to attend the briefing on the condition that the names of officials involved not be disclosed. Canada Heritage previously announced that they would not allow Canadians to participate in the annual Canada Day celebration at Parliament Hill due to construction after two years of cancelling it due to COVID.

They added that the Canada Day party, which usually sees thousands flock to Ottawa, is being moved to the LeBreton Flats approximately 1. Additionally, this is the same day CAF veteran James Topp will complete his cross-country march to the capital city. Journalist Andy Lee has also stated she plans to camp on Parliament Hill despite the ban and has given police a heads up.

It is indeed. The message is we will jail you if you don’t go along with our pretend world. You must pretend the election wasn’t stolen. You must pretend that the whole scamdemic isn’t designed to bring in a dystopian Communist society run by the satanist central banking cartel.

The best way to fight these bastards is to ignore them, refuse to pretend and rally behind courageous people like Dr. Simone Gold who uphold the truth. Simone Gold, a Beverly Hills woman known for spreading debunked claims about Covid was sentenced on Thursday to 60 days in prison for illegally entering and remaining in the US Capitol during the January 6 insurrection. A statement released Thursday on America’s Frontline Doctors website claimed Gold’s initial arrest and the government’s investigation of the incident violated her rights.

Gold remains committed to her activism for physicians’ free speech,” the statement said. The First Amendment has been annihilated. We have watched the Orwellian scene unfold before our eyes.

In the sentencing, though, Cooper slammed Gold and Frontline Doctors for their characterization of what happened Jan. I met Dr.

Gold at the Beverly Hills Rallies. She is a victim of political persecution. And all that is controlled at the top by …. Probably more accurate – – – – -. It instantly goes on the global black market and the corrupt Jews running the Ukrainian government stash the cash in their Swiss bank accounts.

These documents prove the highly injured those in wheelchairs etc are being left high and dry bu the Canadian government Theresa Tam does not care. Seems Bonnie does not either. Emails show others telling her that serious problems are happening from these jabszzz. Impacts of Covid Vaccine. Celine Dion and Justin Bieber, same tragic destiny after Covid vaccines.

Sustained by media disinformation and fake science, the mRNA vaccine was put forth as a solution to curbing the pandemic.

Amply documented, the Covid Vaccine has triggered from the outset in December an upward trend in mortality and morbidity. The evidence is overwhelming. National governments Worldwide Are Lying to You the People, to the populations they purportedly serve. Below is the incisive and outspoken article by Dr. This is also a message in solidarity with all humanity, particularly children and young adolescents. On behalf of the victims of the vaccine, it is our sincere hope that renowned artists and World stars will henceforth join the Worldwide campaign and take a firm stance against the Covid vaccine.

Informing people of the dangers of the Covid vaccine, saves lives. Mormon Chronicle link with Bishop Pace letter appears to have been shoahed. The following memo was written by Bishop Glenn L.

Hopefully, it will be of some value to you as you continue to monitor the problem. Therefore, I will limit this writing to information not contained in those papers. Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:. I ramble on about the World Economic Forum’s horrible narrative and vision for the future. They act like it’s inevitable – but it is NOT! Yuval Harari is out there repeating the scary story of total biosurveillance but who says he’s right?

They are simply building a narrative to convince people that resistance is futile. Don’t let them win! We have to create the better, REAL, wholesome and true narrative of the future we want, for the sake of the children and all future generations.

McMaster University holds segregated graduation ceremony for black students. Black students were not obligated to attend. McMaster University is not the first Canadian postsecondary institution to hold a segregated graduation ceremony for black students. A special graduation ceremony dedicated to black students also took place at The University of Toronto in How the Prime Minister stole Freedom is currently the number one top seller on Amazon.

The author Derek Smith wanted to find a way to laugh at everything that has happened over the last two years.

Smith decided to write a book made for children as well as adults to illustrate in a parody what happened with the Freedom Convoy. Derek Smith wrote the book in partnership with Kaede Knipe, a young year-old woman who always loved to draw and wanted to express herself. Derek Smith mentioned that he never thought he would one day see his government or his country becoming what it has.

How the Prime Minister stole Freedom is a book that illustrates in a funny way what we were able to witness during the Freedom Convoy. China launches its third aircraft carrier — what does that mean for the West? Gordon G. Chang joins the Ezra Levant Show to discuss the recent launch of China’s third aircraft carrier in a significant milestone for the nation’s advancing military. Chang follow GordonGChang on Twitter to discuss the recent launch of China’s third aircraft carrier, a significant milestone for the nation’s advancing military.

Explaining some of the relevant implications of this information, Gordon told Ezra:. They’re building capital ships, submarines and others at a very fast clip. Their navy is bigger than ours… the United States still has more tonnage, but nonetheless this is getting to a point where the Chinese have a formidable force and when it comes to, for instance, a war over Taiwan, China will have more assets in the region then we can actually muster. So this shows that China has that determination to take Taiwan by force and also to move against other neighbours, especially Japan and the Philippines.

This morning Joe Biden was riding his bike. Biden appeared and then he fell over. We reported on this earlier. Gia Pastion, a Native American influencer from Canada known for her food videos through funny skits, died unexpectedly on June 11 at Her grieving family confirmed her passing through a social media post but did not provide further details.

Her funeral service is to be held on Tuesday, June 21, at 11 AM, the post announced. Everyone is welcome. She often shared her love for food with her online followers through funny skits and food videos. Pastion had nearly 50k followers on TikTok and garnered a total of 1. Pastion stated she needed help with the menu for her upcoming food truck project and asked fans to share their favorite pizza toppings.

Fellow TikTokers and fans of Pastion reacted to the news of her sudden death, flooding her comments section with condolences. Last week, Cooper Noriega, 19, was found unconscious in a mall parking lot outside Los Angeles. The cause of his death has not been released. False accusations are one of the means used by those who want to eliminate an adversary whom they fear and cannot fight fairly.

This is a call to action. Protect our Internet freedom. Stop Bill C Bill C gives the CRTC the power to pick which content gets moved to the top of the search menu and which content gets pushed down where it will never be discovered. This is the power to manipulate the information we find when we search on line. That makes it a powerful tool to brainwash, deceive and manipulate us. Here is Bill C as presented by the federal government at its first reading in parliament Feb 2, Professor Michael Geist is a great resource to learn more about C In which case, he must have molested her.

That combines incest with paedophilia. A nurse describes the awful moment she realised that the vaccine was mass murder. Now the Globalists Leaders have put out an order to the Black Hat group 2 for them to eliminate group 1 , and to start with those that are suffering serious side effects from the C-shot.

Didn’t the Toronto Sun get its cheque this mos? Boycott Goodlife Fitness. What the fuck. Somebody should start a lawsuit against this weak ass beta faggot company for false advertising. President Joe Biden took a spill today falling off his bike almost as fast as his approval rate is falling according to a new poll.

In other news the WTO will now lift vaccine patents and allow Covid 84 vaccines to be produced in developing countries. Meanwhile in Canada the transport minister warns that the recently lifted mandates may have to be reinstated depending on the new variants that we may soon see in the fall. And the city of Uvalde and its police department are working with a private law firm to prevent the release of nearly any record related to the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School.

New Canadian bill would let doctors euthanize patients who signed up to die years in advance. It is a licence to kill for doctors and nurses whose jobs should be to heal and care. Bezirgan compares authoritarianism in Turkey to that of the West, and explains the very real comparison of perceived freedom in different parts of the world.

Globalist and political opportunist Canadian PM Justin Trudeau recently announced across-the-board handgun sale bans for the entire nation. Acccording to Trudeau, it is now illegal to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns in Canada. The economic sanction should come as no surprise, since Trudeau has openly professed his deep admiration for the Chinese government specifically because of — not in spite of — its totalitarian nature.

The authoritarian human rights trampling is the feature, not the bug. Justin Trudeau: “There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime.

The Canadian police and military that protect the politicians, though, will keep their guns. Global elites who have been running the world in recent decades, working in concert to usher in a New World Order, have been defeated according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who used his speech at the St. Disastrous liberal policies undertaken by EU and US leaders are exacerbating inequalities and divisions in their societies, not just in terms of welfare but in terms of values and orientations of various groups, Putin said.

The global elite have been exposed and are set to face the wrath of the people in the kind of reckoning not seen since the days of the guillotine in the streets of 17th century Paris.

Putin says that elite blue blood is set to run in the streets all over again. According to Putin, another revolution is just around the corner. Humanity has woken up to the elites and revenge, when it comes, will be swift and appropriate. New centers of power have since emerged, and have the right to protect their own systems, economic models and sovereignty.

Gonzalo Lira says Ukraine totally got it’s butt kicked, that man for man they were probably better than the American army, that America can’t match Russia on the battlefield, that America will provoke Russia to attack Lithuania by shutting down a critical rail route and as a result of that and losing on the actual battlefield, America will nuke Russia.

This needs to be publicly disclosed! Everyone who received 2 jabs to travel will soon be no longer able to travel because Trudeau is changing the fully vaccinated definition to 3 doses. After everyone has 3 doses he will change it to 4.

Here are some main points from the video. Clare Craig, a diagnostic pathologist with the HART group, is describing the Pfizer Covid vaccine trial that used 4, children 6 months to 4 years old.

On the basis of this trial, Pfizer is requesting EUA emergency use authorization from the FDA for its vaccine in this age group where there is supposed to be a serious risk of injury or death from Covid. That alone should have been enough to get the trial cancelled. Which probably means that the vaccine is causing Covid. One vaccinated child was hospitalized during the trial with a fever and seizure. In the 3-week waiting period after the first dose of the vaccine, 34 children got Covid and only 13 in the placebo group.

But Pfizer ignored that data. There were also cases of Covid happening in the weeks following the 3rd dose. Pfizer ended up looking at very tiny numbers to justify their claims. They ended up comparing 3 three vaccinated children with 7 seven non-vaccinated placebo recipients, and claimed on that basis that the vaccine was effective.

In the follow-up period, 12 children had Covid twice; 11 of those were vaccinated, mostly with 3 doses. So what are they thinking, claiming that the vaccine reduces Covid on the basis of THREE children when in fact 11 of them got Covid twice? Which means there is no comparison safety data beyond a mere 6 weeks. Parents should be demanding that the decision makers explain themselves.

Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to a nonprofit government watchdog. The first five years, from to , constitute 40 percent of the total, he said. Anthony Fauci received 23 payments and his deputy, Clifford Lane, received eight payments.

Essentially, taxpayer money funding NIH research benefits researchers employed by NIH because they are listed as patent inventors and therefore receive royalty payments from licensees. In the run-up to England’s Brexit vote, Klaus Schwab makes a startling – and ice cold – analysis.

Must hear! University of Ottawa professor faces international backlash for shaming maskless flight attendant. University of Ottawa law and epidemiology professor Amir Attaran is facing international backlash for shaming a maskless United Airlines flight attendant on social media. Transport Canada says masks are mandatory on all flights to and from Canada, a policy that has created confusion given that masking is not required on planes in America.

United had thanked Attaran for bringing the issue to their attention. He also challenged him to a public debate in Ottawa.

This is not the first time that the University of Ottawa professor has caused controversy for his conduct on social media. Attaran previously called those who do not believe in Covid vaccinations racist, low life trash, losers, stupid, villiage idiots, homophobic and anti-Semetic.

The FDA just approved vaccines that increase deadly heart inflammation in kids by 5x which they admitted on video! Waterloo schools to permit exposed cleavage and underwear in new dress code. The Waterloo Region District School Board WRDSB wants to update the dress code for schools in its jurisdiction so it allows students to expose their cleavage, abdomen and undergarments.

The Code of Conduct for Students as of prohibited revealing clothing and exposed undergarments like bra straps.

The WRDSB is not the first school to cite equity and discrimination to justify laxing their dress code policies. Pastor Artur Pawlowski prevented from attending annual ‘March for Jesus’. Pastor Artur Pawlowski says police warned him about attending the annual March for Jesus.

The renegade pastor told a crowd in Calgary on Saturday that he was informed by a detective from the Calgary Police service that his participation in the Christian march could potentially constitute a breach of his current release conditions. Artur is currently released on conditions for contempt of a court order that allowed Alberta Health inspectors and police to enter his Street Church to check for COVID compliance.

He is also on bail after serving over 50 days in jail after he became the first person charged under the Critical Infrastructure Defence Act, a law meant to prosecute pipeline saboteurs and eco-radicals, for giving a sermon to truckers who were blocking the border with Montana at Coutts, AB.

Artur’s family and his congregation went on the March for Jesus along with thousands of other Christians without him for the first time in 13 years.

Though COVID restrictions have been rolled back in Alberta, Artur is still facing charges for ignoring regulations that limited his church and his homeless outreach. He is 3 days into a 6-day trial for throwing an outdoor Christmas festival on the steps of City Hall wherein he fed Calgary’s most vulnerable residents steaks and organized delivery of Christmas gifts for the homeless population in December , in what the Crown calls an “illegal private gathering.

Vaccine mandate ending for Windsor and Brampton Stellantis auto workers. This decision comes after arbitrator Marilyn A. Nairn sided with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Canada, a Stellantis subsidiary, that mandatory vaccination was no longer a reasonable policy.

According to the arbitrator, out of unvaccinated employees, half have sought a medical or religious exemption. While Unifor initially supported the policy at the national level, employees say they were being unfairly discriminated against for their personal health choices.

Vax 2. According to Burton, who spoke exclusively with 9News Australia, phase one clinical trials for the hybrid vaccine are currently underway and progressing on schedule, with the new treatment expected to be rolled out between late and early Moderna plans to have that vaccine ready by next year or by early The third-generation treatment will also target a lung infection called respiratory syncytial virus RSV , which is a common, contagious virus that causes infections of the respiratory tract, according to the CDC.

Just like with Covid, RSV has an extremely low mortality rate for the vast majority of people. But, the sCiEnCe says we need another experimental vaccine — and you must take it. These are all respiratory pathogens that kill people young and old every year. Ernest Ramirez had his healthy year-old son murdered by the government via Pfizer vaxx. He had to fight for the autopsy report which showed extremely enlarged heart. Then the government mafia offered him hush money.

How many took the money? The findings come after relentless reports from the mainstream media that the COVID injections have no detrimental effect upon male fertility. An Israeli study co-authored by seven doctors and which has undergone full peer review took samples from sperm donors to find that 75 to days following the injection male sperm concentration reduced by Published June 17, , the study analyzed samples from 37 sperm donors — aged between 21 and 30 — starting prior to receiving a Pfizer COVID shot and finishing some five months later.

The time periods of the samples taken were:. An average reduction of A year-old retired truck driver from Ontario has joined Canadian Armed Forces veteran James Topp on the final two-week leg of his cross country walk to Ottawa in the name of freedom.

In an interview with Live from the Shed, Hofman described how before the Freedom Convoy protest that took place in February he was relatively unaware of the growing pro-freedom movement in Canada. After seeing the massive turnout and the support for the truckers, he decided to head to Ottawa. Carolyn Burjoski is a former elementary school teacher who objected to a school board decision to promote books on sexuality as part of the curriculum for all elementary students.

Burjoski attended the meeting, open to the public, on January 17, , and attempted to make a minute presentation to express her views, emphasizing that the proposed sex-ed materials would sexualize children and downplay the risks of medical sex transition.

The presentation also showed a passage from a book entitled The Other Boy, by M. Hennessy, which deals with a girl who identifies as a boy and takes puberty blockers and testosterone as part of a medical sex transition. The Board voted to uphold Mr. Burjoski was expelled from the meeting. Register in Advance. Parents and concerned citizens, we cannot ignore this message. Our children and youth are being subjected to twisted ideologies using social justice as a means to indoctrinate and groom them.

We provided examples of pornographic books accessible to Kindergarten through Grade twelve minors in schools and public libraries. SOGI is a learning resource that was added to school curriculums in The resource is integrated into every subject, including PE, so parents cannot opt their children out.

SOGI was introduced as an anti-bullying program to gain acceptance but it is anything but. Action4Canada has been working to expose the agenda to sexualize our children since nearly the inception of this resource but many Canadians were not willing to do anything about it out of fear of being called homophobic or racist. It is time to change this. These are criminal offences according to Section Be great to get some video of that.

Is it to be like a town hall meeting or will it be streamed? They did nothing after all the evidence of the shot being absolute trash. Join Tanya and special guests every week for an empowering, positive, free, family-friendly, and faith-filled experience!

The bastards. Some call them government. Poison the air poison the food and water to kill us but they are going to save us with vaccines? And people believe their bullshit.

No one knows how to stop that. What is the answer? Only criminals are gonna have guns. Rogan also shared another concern that arises in his mind when people talk about banning guns, suggesting that a disarmed population necessarily gives all the power to the ruling class in Washington:. We see how they are with an armed populace, they still have a tendency towards totalitarianism. And the more increased power and control you have over people, the easier it is for them to do what they do.

Ottawa is working on a new law that would provide the authority to expropriate sanctioned funds, the finance minister says. Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said on Tuesday that the country is considering passing a law allowing the confiscation of sanctioned Russian assets. She added that the issue has been already discussed with the United States and other allies. Canada has imposed sanctions on more than 1, individuals and entities from and in Russia.

In April, Ottawa said it would change its legislation to give the government new authority to seize and sell the assets of sanctioned Russian individuals and give the proceeds to Ukraine. Okay, poke The Bear, and watch every detail about the Uranium One deal get released.

What pieces of other mining and oil companies in Canada do the Russians own? Canada announces multi-billion-dollar missile plan. The defense minister vowed to help the US upgrade North American missile systems. Vladimir Putin has been quietly building a “New” New World Order that doesn’t include a world government or the Luciferian Banking Cabal and the vast majority of countries are already signing up.

I did a deep-dive into Russian Social Media and found that the Russians are fully aware that they are fighting the Satanic New World Order, that this battle is Biblical, that Putin’s working with Trump and that their side is backed by God Almighty. Plus Castreau’s gun grab has blown up in their faces as Canada has it the magic numbers and is inching close to armed REVOLT against our treasonous and genocidal government.

You’re not gonna want to miss this. Russia has tried and sentenced to death foreign mercenaries who have committed War Crimes, with future trials soon to come.

The DoD are trying to back-peddle and obfuscate their role in developing the Covid bioweapon, but it’s too little too late. Cases are being filed against the Criminal organizations Pfizer and Moderna with RICO Racketeering charges soon to follow and a whole lot more in this episode, you’re not gonna want to miss it. Man who carried Vladimir Putin’s nuclear controls briefcase found shot at his home.

Vadim Zimin, the retired colonel in the Federal Security Service, had been in charge of the briefcase carrying the Russian nuclear controls which always accompanies the Kremlin leader. If you want something more creative and do-able policy that can change the game then I suggest a new official economy alliance between the USA and Canada with a completely new additional international currency.

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SecLists/ at master · danielmiessler/SecLists · GitHub.

Moreover, those dealing with the sudden surge say canada day vancouver island 2048 xfinity warzone pcr читать can be attributed to lockdowns and isolation from everyday activities that would have built up young immune systems. Two British judges resigned from the court this year over concerns with the controversial national security law. Additionally, millions of pieces of personal protective equipment were thrown into the dump. Because Topp has been marching in peaceful protest to основываясь на этих данных for an end to government overreach and the restoration of freedoms in Canada.


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