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Qualifying for a Federal Job Federal jobs usually require that you have experience in a particular type of work for a certain period of time. Only applicants that meet this requirement as of the closing date of the JOA receive further consideration for the job. Foreign Service Information Management Specialist IMS Contribute your technical interest and expertise to a global network of technologists making contributions to maintaining our national security. Opportunities and Announcements.


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If you have not addressed all the questions in the application or given details that are needed to verify your qualifications, you will not be deemed qualified for the position. Including your resume as an attachment is encouraged! Once the hiring agency has determined that you are qualified, they may use other assessments such as interviews or testing to select employees.

Qualifying for a Federal Job Federal jobs usually require that you have experience in a particular type of work for a certain period of time. For each work experience you list, make sure you include: Start and end dates including the month and year. The number of hours you worked per week. Examples of relevant experiences and accomplishments that prove you can perform the tasks at the level required for the job as stated in the job announcement.

Your experience needs to address every required qualification. PDFs are much easier for reviewers to read. Many good candidates can get inadvertently disqualified at this stage, if HR isn't sure they've completed the minimum time requirement for a certain kind of experience e.

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Discover opportunities that allow you to contribute your experiences, knowledge, and expertise to work on foreign policies, technology. Refer to USAJOBS for specific application requirements for each open position.) Important facts about the federal hiring process. The only place to apply for. 1. Create your USAJOBS account (applicants MUST apply through ) · 2. Search for the right federal jobs. · 3. Review the Job/Vacancy Announcement · 4.

Why is maple syrup important in canada map -

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Дело в том, что с ними все в порядке? Николь всегда пробуждалась очень медленно и ужасно не любила всякую бурную деятельность в утренние часы; перекатившись на бок, - обещала Николь. - Теперь я обязана тебе собственной жизнью по крайней мере трижды".


- Maple Syrup Industry | The Canadian Encyclopedia

Canadian maple syrup products range from traditional maple syrup to maple sugar, maple butter, maple candy as well as a full range of products containing maple. Maple syrup is graded based on its colour and taste. Sucrose is the most prevalent sugar in maple syrup. In Canada, syrups must be made exclusively from maple. Maple comes in a surprising range of products, with a variety of textures & applications.


Why is maple syrup important in canada map


Research continues on pest control and improved woodlot management. Open pan evaporation methods have been streamlined since colonial days, but remain basically unchanged. Sap must first be collected and boiled down to obtain syrup. Maple syrup is made by boiling between 20 and 50 volumes of sap depending on its concentration over an open fire until 1 volume of syrup is obtained, usually at a temperature 4.

As the boiling point of water varies with changes in air pressure the correct value for pure water is determined at the place where the syrup is being produced, each time evaporation is begun and periodically throughout the day. Boiling the syrup is a tightly controlled process, which ensures appropriate sugar content. Syrup boiled too long will eventually crystallize, whereas under-boiled syrup will be watery, and will quickly spoil.

In addition to open pan evaporation methods, many large producers use the more fuel efficient reverse osmosis procedure to separate the water from the sap. The higher the sugar content of the sap, the smaller the volume of sap is needed to obtain the same amount of syrup. To yield 1 unit of syrup, sap at 1. The containers are turned over after being sealed to sterilize the cap with the hot syrup. Packages can be made of metal, glass, or coated plastic, depending on volume and target market. Off-flavours can sometimes develop during the production of maple syrup, resulting from contaminants in the boiling apparatus such as disinfectants , microorganisms , fermentation products, metallic can flavours, and "buddy sap", an off-flavour occurring late in the syrup season when tree budding has begun.

Maple syrup production is centred in northeastern North America; however, given the correct weather conditions, it can be made wherever suitable species of maple trees grow, such as New Zealand, where there are efforts to establish commercial production. A maple syrup production farm is called a " sugarbush ". Maples are usually tapped beginning at 30 to 40 years of age. Each tree can support between one and three taps, depending on its trunk diameter.

The average maple tree will produce 35 to 50 litres 9. Tap seasons typically happen during late winter and spring and usually last for four to eight weeks, though the exact dates depends on the weather, location, and climate. During the day, starch stored in the roots for the winter rises through the trunk as sugary sap, allowing it to be tapped. Maples can continue to be tapped for sap until they are over years old.

Until the s, the United States produced most of the world's maple syrup. In , Quebec accounts for As of , Quebec had some 7, producers working with 13, farmers, collectively making over 30 million litres 8 million US gallons of syrup. The Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan produce maple syrup using the sap of the box elder or Manitoba maple Acer negundo.

British Columbia is home to a growing maple sugar industry using sap from the bigleaf maple , which is native to the West Coast of the United States and Canada. Vermont has long been the largest US producer, with a record 9. Wisconsin , Ohio , New Hampshire , Michigan , Pennsylvania , Massachusetts and Connecticut all produced marketable quantities of maple syrup.

Maple syrup has been produced on a small scale in some other countries, notably Japan and South Korea. Under Canadian Maple Product Regulations, containers of maple syrup must include the words "maple syrup", its grade name and net quantity in litres or millilitres , on the main display panel with a minimum font size of 1.

Following an effort from the International Maple Syrup Institute IMSI and many maple syrup producer associations, both Canada and the United States have altered their laws regarding the classification of maple syrup to be uniform. Whereas in the past each state or province had their own laws on the classification of maple syrup, now those laws define a unified grading system. This had been a work in progress for several years, and most of the finalization of the new grading system was made in As long as maple syrup does not have an off-flavour, is of a uniform colour, and is free from turbidity and sediment, it can be labelled as one of the A grades.

If it exhibits any problems, it does not meet Grade A requirements, and then must be labelled as Processing Grade maple syrup and may not be sold in containers smaller than 5 US gallons 20 L. This grading system was accepted and made law by most maple-producing states and provinces, and became compulsory in Canada as of 13 December Maine passed a bill to take effect as soon as both Canada and the United States adopted the new grades.

In New York, the new grade changes became law on 1 January New Hampshire did not require legislative approval and so the new grade laws became effective as of 16 December , and producer compliance was required as of 1 January Golden and Amber grades typically have a milder flavour than Dark and Very dark, which are both dark and have an intense maple flavour.

Golden must have 75 percent or more transmittance, Amber must have Producers in Ontario or Quebec may have followed either federal or provincial grading guidelines.

A typical year's yield for a maple syrup producer will be about 25 to 30 percent of each of the 1 colours, 10 percent 2 Amber, and 2 percent 3 Dark. Maple syrup was divided into two major grades:. The Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets used a similar grading system of colour, and is roughly equivalent, especially for lighter syrups, but using letters: "AA", "A", etc.

New Hampshire maintained a similar standard, but not a separate state grading scale. The Vermont-graded product had 0.

One grade of syrup not for table use, called commercial or Grade C, was also produced under the Vermont system. In Canada, the packing of maple syrup must follow the "Packing" conditions stated in the Maple Products Regulations, or utilize the equivalent Canadian or imported grading system.

Every container of maple syrup must be new if it has a capacity of 5 litres or less or is marked with a grade name. Every container of maple sugar must also be new if it has a capacity of less than 5 kg or is either exported out of Canada or conveyed from one province to another.

Each maple syrup product must be verified clean if it follows a grade name or if it is exported out of the province in which it was originally manufactured. The basic ingredient in maple syrup is the sap from the xylem of sugar maple or various other species of maple trees.

It consists primarily of sucrose and water, with small amounts of the monosaccharides glucose and fructose from the invert sugar created in the boiling process. In a g amount, maple syrup provides calories and is composed of 32 percent water by weight, 67 percent carbohydrates 90 percent of which are sugars , and no appreciable protein or fat table.

Maple syrup is generally low in overall micronutrient content, although manganese and riboflavin are at high levels along with moderate amounts of zinc and calcium right table. It also contains trace amounts of amino acids which increase in content as sap flow occurs.

Maple syrup contains a wide variety of polyphenols and volatile organic compounds , including vanillin , hydroxybutanone , lignans , propionaldehyde , and numerous organic acids. One author described maple syrup as "a unique ingredient, smooth- and silky-textured, with a sweet, distinctive flavour — hints of caramel with overtones of toffee will not do — and a rare colour, amber set alight. Maple flavour is, well, maple flavour, uniquely different from any other. These flavours are divided into 13 families: vanilla , burnt, milky, fruity, floral, spicy, foreign deterioration or fermentation , foreign environment , maple, confectionery, plant herbaceous , plant forest, humus or cereals , and plant ligneous.

Maple syrup and its various artificial imitations are widely used as toppings for pancakes , waffles , and French toast in North America. They can also be used to flavour a variety of foods, including fritters , ice cream , hot cereal , fresh fruit , bacon , and sausages. It is also used as sweetener for granola , applesauce , baked beans , candied sweet potatoes , winter squash , cakes, pies, breads, tea, coffee, and hot toddies.

In these syrups, the primary ingredient is most often high-fructose corn syrup flavoured with sotolon ; they have little genuine maple content, and are usually thickened above the viscosity of maple syrup.

Imitation syrups are generally cheaper than maple syrup, with less natural flavour. In , maple syrup producers from nine US states petitioned the Food and Drug Administration FDA to regulate labeling of products containing maple syrup or using the word "maple" in manufactured products, indicating that imitation maple products contained insignificant amounts of natural maple syrup.

Maple products are considered emblematic of Canada, and are frequently sold in tourist shops and airports as souvenirs from Canada. The sugar maple's leaf has come to symbolize Canada, and is depicted on the country's flag. Maple syrup and maple sugar were used during the American Civil War and by abolitionists in the years before the war because most cane sugar and molasses were produced by Southern slaves.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Syrup made from the sap of maple trees. Bottled maple syrup. Cookbook: Maple syrup Media: Maple syrup. See also: Food grading. Archived from the original on 18 May Retrieved 21 May BBC News. Archived from the original on 6 June Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Archived from the original on 1 December Retrieved 9 December Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation.

Cengage Learning. ISBN Archived from the original on 2 March Maple Syrup Colors The flavor and color of maple syrup develop during the boiling of the initially colorless sap. Government standards Elsevier's Dictionary of Trees. Elsevier Science. Plants Database. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 15 September Retrieved 10 December Iowa State University. Archived PDF from the original on 29 August Retrieved 21 October Retrieved 16 September Retrieved 18 September Archived PDF from the original on 14 June US Department of Agriculture.

Retrieved 15 May The Globe and Mail. Archived from the original on 11 January Retrieved 12 December Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Cornell University. Michigan Maple Syrup Association. Archived from the original on 25 May Retrieved 20 November Maple sugaring among the Abenaki and Wabanki peoples Report.

Sweet maple. Chapters Publishing Ltd. Ohio State University. Maple Digest. Archived from the original PDF on 29 December Retrieved 21 September Modern Farmer. Archived from the original on 26 January Retrieved 20 January Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Bibcode : AgFM.. Maple Syrup Digest : 8. Journal of Chemical Education. Bibcode : JChEd.. Archived from the original on 23 November Retrieved 18 October Journal of Food Engineering.

Forestry Economics: A Managerial Approach. March Bulletin Archived PDF from the original on 17 April Cooperative Extension Publications, University of Maine. Archived from the original on 29 August Retrieved 20 May Journal of Food Science. PMID Chemeca : Retrieved 19 September Retrieved 4 October Forest Ecology and Management.

Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica-Dominion Institute. Bibcode : SciAm. Also, maple syrup is doctor-approved for infants under 12 months old, which honey is not, making it attractive for a key consumer demographic in China—newborn mothers— according to Leblanc.

The year-old coop, comprising 2, family-owned farms, processes and bottles all of its maple syrup in Quebec. That allows for full quality control from tree to table, and Citadelle has numerous certifications attesting to that quality, including one from the British Retail Council and another from Fair for Life. And total traceability. In fact, the coop has been selling into China through distributors for 17 years already, although only in brick-and-mortar stores.

That had meant a limited reach for the brand, stunting its potential growth. The company is venturing that with a population of nearly 1. Two years ago, Citadelle held cooking contests around the inclusion of maple syrup in traditional Chinese recipes as a way to engage potential customers.

Now, following the sales bump from the Canadian Pavilion, Chen is leveraging tools offered by Tmall to draw more significant interest. Chen also bundles the maple syrup with other products such as oats, and even ice wine, to leverage the brand power that all products in Canada have given its reputation as a source of safe, quality goods.


HI Canada | Why is Maple Syrup Such a Big Deal in Canada? We've Got….Canadian sugar shack and maple syrup | Authentik Canada

Archived from the original on 8 February This carbon dioxide, when released into the intercellular spaces in the cambium, pressurizes the "chamber". The industry standard for filtration has become the filterpress; diatomaceous earth is added to the hot syrup prior to filtration, and then the syrup is pressed through a series of cast plates with filter paper. These sugars mature during winter and are harvested while the frost is still in the ground. He believes that these trees will have the genes to better withstand warmer weather. Less healthy trees may take longer to recover; this is dangerous primarily because the hole functions as an entry point for the most serious threat to trees in any forest — fungus. Maple water contains a small amount of naturally occurring sugar — 4 grams per 8.

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This is where you sit down at the end of the week to go through all your projects to make sure everything is up-to-date and current. Well, for me, by the time I switched to using the Time Sector System my weekly review was taking almost two hours to complete each week.

Two hours. No, I don't know about you, but giving up two hours of my weekend to review all my projects and get current is not really the best use of my time on a weekend. However, let's not be too hard on GTD. It's a great system and it does help you get very organised. All your projects are kept in project folders—originally, paper-based project folders you kept in or near your desk, now digital folders you keep on your computer.

It is easy to find what you need when you need it—if you are willing to maintain your system and keep it up to date. And that's really the problem with GTD today. Maintaining the system takes a lot of time. Time that could better be served to do the work you are creating lists for. If you look at the very basics a productivity system needs; it's a way to collect all your inputs such as calendar events, tasks and notes.

You then need to organise those inputs in a way you can find them when you need them and you need to be maximising time to do the work. GTD crosses the first two boxes. It teaches you to build a collection system. When the GTD book was first launched that meant purchasing a physical inbox that you had on or around your desk. And it organises your documents and relevant materials into projects or reference materials that are easy to find.

However, because of the time, it takes to manage those first two parts, you are taking away a lot of time for doing. And if you want to be more productive, you need to maximise your doing time and minimise your organising time. I wanted to free up my organising time so I could focus on doing.

That led me to analyse what was really important about getting my work done. That was when I realised that the only thing that really mattered about a task was when I was going to do it. After all, it does not matter how important or urgent something is, if there are no hours left in the day it is not going to get done that day.

And, I'm sure you are aware now, contexts have become a lot less important. You can design presentations, do work on a spreadsheet, email and make phone calls from a handheld device you carry with you everywhere you go. You no longer need specific tools to do a lot of the work you need to do. I have been told that contexts are a personal choice.

You can create contexts around energy levels. For example, if you feel energetic, you can do some of the more difficult work. If you feel tired you can do some of the less strenuous tasks. That true. But I cannot predict when I will feel energetic or when I feel lethargic. I cannot control how I will sleep tonight. For energy level contexts, there are far too many variables outside my control for those to be effective. In the end, I realised that all I wanted to know was what tasks were important this week.

Which ones did I want to do and which tasks could I do that would move a project or goal forward. So, I created a folder structure in my task manager that focused on when I would do something. That means I have: this week, next week, this month and next month folders for tasks I am reasonably certain I want to get done in the next eight weeks or so. And I have a long-term and on hold folder for tasks that I'd like to do sometime, but I am not sure yet when I will do them. What this means is when I do my weekly planning, all I need to focus on is when I will do something and more importantly what will I do that week.

Using this method means instead of spending two hours or so doing a weekly review, my weekly planning sessions last around twenty to thirty minutes. They are a little longer at the end of the month because I am looking at more folders.

It also makes processing what I collected in my inbox much simpler. I have far fewer decisions to make. Really all I am doing is deciding what something is and when will I do it.

I don't have to worry about what context to add and which project to put it in. Now, all my projects notes and resources are kept in my notes app. Tasks that relate to these projects are hyperlinked to the relevant task so all it takes is one click and I am in my project notes. This makes it so much quicker to get down to work.

I can quickly see what's been done and what needs to be done. I also have access to relevant emails, meeting notes and files all in one place—which is not something you can do if you are managing your projects from a task list manager. The most important thing for me though, is how I spend very little time managing my projects and reference materials and I am spending far more time doing the work that matters. And this has given me much more free time to do things outside of work. The more time I have available for doing the work the more free time I get at the end of the day.

I'd probably do a proper weekly review once a month. Now, as I know a planning session won't take longer than thirty minutes, I love doing them. It's got me a lot more focused on what's important and I no longer lose anything.

But the most important thing for you to remember is, the best productivity system is the one you design for yourself. I strongly believe that you need to take parts of the many different systems out there and build them into your system. The Ivy Lee Method is how I prioritise my day when I do my daily planning and the Eisenhower Matrix ensures I am working on the things that reduce the urgent work. It's taken me a long time to develop a system that works seamlessly.

Always remember, you are a unique individual and what works for one person will not necessarily work for you. Take elements from one and merge them with something else.

You will find a system that works best for you and that one will be the one for you. Thank you, Eric, for the question and thank you to you too for listening. It just remains for me now to wish you all a very very productive week. Que sont les relations presse? Show Notes Chen-Ping shared his upbringing growing up in Taiwan and going to boarding school in the US at the age of Hopefully, these conversations can serve as valuable tools for early-stage data professionals as they navigate their own careers in the exciting data universe.

Datacast is produced and edited by James Le. Get in touch with feedback or guest suggestions by emailing khanhle. Subscribe by searching for Datacast wherever you get podcasts or click one of the links below:Listen on SpotifyListen on Apple PodcastsListen on Google PodcastsIf you're new, see the podcast homepage for the most recent episodes to listen to, or browse the full guest list.

Your Marketing Mates. This week we're sharing a simple and super effective productivity hack to help you be your best self this year! If you lead a marketing team, or just want to improve your efficiency and workflow, listen up. The Ivy Lee method is a year-old strategy for helping people become more productive at work. In this episode Liz is breaking down the 4 step productivity hack, so grab a pen and get ready to make some good habits.

If you have any questions about this episode or want to get in touch, head over to our socials. We love chatting with our fellow marketing mates. The VOHeroes Podcast. Hey there, hero!

As part of a year end review, I'd like to suggest a minor addition: reviewing what you've bought from Amazon this past year or whoever you patronize for your stuff. This process might shed some light on your intentions for areas of your work, and what you've been able to execute. It also might give you some visibility into what you thought was important, but never quite got to the top three items on your Ivy Lee cards.

Got a stack of packages that have been delivered to you, but not yet opened or implemented? Let me know in the comments below. Smarter leben - Der Ideen-Podcast. Hat ein Tag wirklich 24 Stunden? Viel zu oft rast die Zeit. Weil wir einfach irgendwas tun, sagt Autor Tim Reichel. In this episode we'll meet the godfathers of American PR, Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays, and explore the origins and evolution of industry-funded experts who shaped everything from the breakfast table to our understanding of the economy and science.

Email adresim: haddinias ozkent. Frank Buck Consulting. The Ivy Lee Method focuses on prioritizing your day. Start by identifying a small number of tasks to important tasks before anything else.

Den Arbeitstag schnell planen, Aufgaben priorisieren, Ablenkungen ausschalten und ins Tun kommen — all das leistet die Ivy-Lee-Methode. Doch weil die Methode aus dem Jahr stammt, passe ich sie ein kleines bisschen an, damit sie dem modernen Arbeitsleben gerecht wird. Finde Deinen Weg - Journal Podcast. Das geht: mit der Ivy Lee Methode, auch als die Diese Journal-Session basiert auf dem genialen Blogartikel der Karrierebibel.

BEN Around Philly. Ivy Lee, board certified dermatologist and member of the American Academy of Dermatology goes over the results of the quiz, and speaks about sun safety and the importance of sun protection. Will shade protect you from the sun's harmful UV rays? Does spray suncreen protect as well as lotion?

Is tanning safe, as long as you don't burn? Lee goes over the answers to these questions and more. See how well you do on the sun protection quiz! Eye On The Community.

Ivy Lee discusses ways to protect our skin from the sun this summer. Kalamazoo Mornings With Ken Lanphear. Ken talks with Dr. The AcuProsper Podcast. Ivy Lee is the inspiring acupuncturist behind Luminae Wellness in Oakland. She shares about the deep ways she loves to work with patients, the kind of marketing that works for her, and very compassionately answers some of my hard questions about cultural appropriation, the whitewashing of wellness, and how we can be better stewards of our medicine.

She dropped so many inspiring gems of wisdom. I urge you to give it a listen This week, I talk about the best productivity system ever developed and explain how you can use it too. Many of you listening to this podcast, I am sure, are on a journey to discover the best time management and productivity system.

Well, the truth is it's already been developed. It's used by the most incredibly productive people every day and it is possibly the simplest system you will ever use. You don't need any special software or devices. You do not need a PhD and you could start using it today. And that is what I am going to tell you about today. How you can create it, use it and become unbelievably more productive than you are today. But first… Right now I have a special offer on my time management and productivity courses.

If you buy this bundle of courses this week, you will also get the Time And Life Mastery course as a free gift. Once this week ends, you will no longer qualify for the free gift. So, if you want what I consider to be, the Ultimate Productivity bundle of courses including the Time And Life Mastery course, then you need to act now. This offer will be ending at the end of this week that's 13 June I know you won't be disappointed and I know these courses are all you need to develop your own system—a system that works for you.

Okay, it's time for me now to hand you over the Mystery Podcast voice for this week's question. This week's question comes from Mike.

Mike asks, Hi Carl, I know there are a lot of productivity and time management techniques and systems, but is there one that is better than all the others that most people don't know about? Hi Mike, thank you for your intriguing question. You are right there are a lot of time management and productivity systems around. I've tried most of them as well over the years.

Systems that take forever to manage and update every day and apps that demand constant and never-ending upkeep. You see the worst productivity systems are those that take you away from doing your work.

I suppose if you think about it that's logical. The more time you spend updating, organising and playing around with a system, the less time you have for work. Now, when I was thinking about my answer to you, Mike, I considered naming the worst culprits for this but I decided that wouldn't help and it would likely put a lot of people on the defensive. If I say something and you disagree with me, you will feel you must defend your choices and once you are defensive, I cannot help you.

So, before we go any further, I want to ask you to open your mind. You see, when I tell you what the best productivity system for all of us is, I want you to have an open mind.

If you go all defensive, you will not learn anything. You will defend your choices and that misses the point. We all make bad choices and we all think we are different and we need a uniquely different system to everyone else. The thing is we are not all different—we all get twenty-four hours—and the only thing we can do is decide what we need to do in those twenty-four hours. It's those decisions where people go wrong.

They choose the wrong activities. The most productive people you and I know make better decisions. That's it. So, what is the best productivity system? It's the Ivy Lee Method. Now, many of you may already have heard of the Ivy Lee method, but to give you a quick summary of how it was made famous. A gentleman in , by the name of Ivy Lee, was asked by The Chairman of Bethlehem Steel, Charles Schwab, to come up with a method to increase the productivity performance of his executive team.

Ivy Lee came up with a six-step process. That process is: Decide what you want. Your goals and life purpose. At the end of each day, take ten minutes to write out the six most important tasks you must complete the next day. Prioritise your six tasks by importance When you start the next day, begin at the top of your list and work you way down.

Don't move on to the next task until you have completed the previous one. If you do not manage to finish your six tasks, move any unfinished tasks to the next day. Repeat the process. Now, the part people familiar with this method miss is the first step.

You see, you need to know what your goals and purpose are. Without that, your choice of six tasks each day will not necessarily move your goals and objectives forward and you will gravitate to doing work for other people and not necessarily for yourself. Now, I don't mean for you to be selfish here. What this means is answering the question: what is it that you want? Now it could be you want to be promoted to an executive position.

You may want to start your own business or you may want to be financially independent by the time you reach fifty. You need to be very clear about these goals. Once you are clear on your goals, you can begin using this process. Now, I've developed a number of resources to help you here.

Probably the best one is my FREE Areas of Focus Workbook that takes you through the process of developing your very own areas of focus. These are the things that are important to you. Once you know these and have developed a goal around each one, you are then ready to begin using the Ivy Lee method. So, why only six tasks? One of our biggest problems is we are trying to do far too much each day. The reality is, you will always have far more to do than time available each day.

That's just a given. So, what you need to do is prioritise. That's why the Ivy Lee Method is so effective. To use the method, you must relegate a lot of tasks that would normally be demanding your attention and you have to get ruthless about where you spend your limited time each day. Most people are not ruthless enough. The trouble is, we cannot and never will be able to take every opportunity that comes our way. In many ways, you have to trust your instincts. In my experience, it's your instincts that will tell you whether an opportunity is right for you or not.

They all know or knew where their priorities are or were and they did not allow themselves to be distracted by anything else. In a sense, they took this method to the extreme, but then, all these people got extreme results. Now you could continue down the same road you've been following, but before you do, ask yourself if you are getting the results you want.

You see, you may indeed have the best-looking app, you may have well-organised notes or as is fashionably called today PKM system that's personal knowledge management system but that does not mean you are getting the results you want.

The results you want link straight back to the first step in the Ivy Lee Method. What do you want? If what you want is a cool set of productivity apps that gives you hours of entertainment organising and playing with the settings, then fantastic! But I suspect that's not really what you want—well, I hope not. Most people want to get their projects completed on time without any fuss. They want to be on top of their work including their email and they want to enjoy a balanced personal and work life.

This life is possible to achieve. But you will need to make the right kind of choices and those choices begin with… What needs to be done today? It's really what Ivy Lee set out with his method but with a slightly larger number of tasks. If you don't complete them all, no problem, you just reschedule the remaining ones and repeat the process for the next day. Understanding the difference between tasks that do get things done and tasks that pretend to get things done but don't do much more than shuffle digital paper, and focusing all your time and attention to bigger, important work.

That's how all the super-successful people operate. They've been doing it for centuries. You can even trace this back to the thirteenth century and William of Ockham who popularised Ockham's Razor—where the simple answer is usually always the best one.

Ivy Lee's Method is simple, anyone can use it and you do not need elaborate organisational systems or apps to use it. A simple piece of paper left on your desk would suffice—that's how Bethlehem Steel's executives used it back in Today, we have a lot of incredibly powerful applications that can do much of the hard work for us, but we need to be careful what we choose to use. We also must understand that no matter how much we would like to have a few extra hours each day you are never going to get them.

Time is the part of this equation you are not going to change. Time is fixed. Time is also your most valuable asset and you cannot afford to be wasting it on low priority tasks that move you nowhere. The only variable you do have is your activity and that's the variable where your ability to choose how you spend your time needs clear intentions.

So, the answer to your question, Mike, is yes there is a best system. The only reason most people are not using it, is the same reason most people never learn about, or use, the Law of Attraction: It's simple and we humans love complexity.

We just cannot bring ourselves to accept that something so simple could have such a profound, positive effect on our lives. It's your choice. Become ruthless about what you say yes to and have a clear set of goals and plans to achieve what you want out of life, or continue down the same path you are on right now with no clear plan or purpose and a personal productivity system that would challenge the abilities of even the smartest NASA scientists.

Thank you for your question, Mike and thank you to you for listening. Beyond Retirement. Mitche Graf is a best-selling author, a public speaker and an amateur gardener.

He has been a passionate serial entrepreneur for over 3 decades; from selling used bicycle parts out of his garage in the seventh grade to running three companies today, he prides himself on knowing how to squeeze every drop of potential out of his endeavors.

He also knows that life is short - too short not to make every minute count. The rest of the time is HIS, to do whatever he chooses. It may be to work on a new hobby, or maybe to bump up some of his existing projects a bit, or it could be to spend time with his family, because they are the reason for all that he does.

According to Mitche, the way to do this is through "systems efficiency". You do this by designing your lifestyle first and your work activities around that lifestyle. His advice for success: Follow the Ivy Lee method for productivity. At the end of each day, write out 6 activities or tasks that you want to complete the next day and prioritize them in order of importance.

At the start of the next day, work at the first task until it's completed, then move on to the next. Any tasks left unfinished at the end of the day are moved to the list for the next day. Projekte leicht gemacht. Kennst du das auch?

Das muss doch besser gehen! A common type of question I get asked is one around building and maintaining a productivity and time management system.

It's not so much about how to do it—after all, there are thousands of books and videos on this subject—it's more about taking what you have learned by reading those books and watching those videos and turning that knowledge into a functioning system that works for you.

Now, before we get to the question, I would like to point out that June—which starts tomorrow or Tuesday depending on when you listening to this podcast is a day month. Another golden opportunity for you to establish a habit.

So, I thought I would suggest something. In the book, Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill tells us to take an idea or a goal that we want to accomplish, and begin and end every day imagining you have completed it successfully for thirty days.

Now the trick to doing this is to write down your idea or goal onto a piece of paper, or in your digital notes app, and read it out loud at the start and end of your day. As you read out your goal, imagine you have successfully accomplished it and really feel the emotions you experience by completing it.

The purpose of doing this is to engage your subconscious mind. That is the part of your mind that uses your knowledge and experience to come up with solutions to problems and gives you steps to take to accomplish goals and solve problems. Remove all negative thoughts, only focus on the positives—the feelings you have when you accomplish your goal or successfully develop your idea. If a negative thought comes up, such as; I can't do that, or that's impossible, remove it. Replace it with a positive thought.

At the end of June, you will have programmed your brain to seek ways of making whatever your dream, goal or idea happen. Try it. What have you to lose? Now, back to the show and that means it's time for me now to hand you over to the mystery podcast voice for this week's question.

This week's question comes from Alan. Alan asks: Hi Carl, for years I have been reading books and articles about productivity and how to become better at managing my time.

Yet, despite all these courses, books and articles, I just cannot make a system work for me. I can do it for a few weeks, but I soon find myself falling back on bad habits. Do you know how to make one of these systems stick? Hi Alan. Thank you for the question. Firstly, I should tell you that you are not alone with this problem. I come across this a lot in my coaching programme and I get many comments on my YouTube videos about it.

With anything like creating and using a system, you need to start small. Radically changing the way you do something will inevitably result in falling back into old ways. It's just the way the human mind works. We love routine and we evolved habit building to help us achieve that. You see, there are so many distractions going on in our world—they've always been there.

It started out on the savannah thousands of years ago when we needed to stay alert to the dangers that were all around us. If we did not have a way of automatically putting one foot in front of another or breathing in and out without thinking, for instance, our brain would soon be overloaded with stuff.

That's why we developed habits. Habits are formed in our subconscious mind and that's the part of the mind that does not know the difference between doing something that is good for us and doing something bad. It's amoral and completely objective. What you feed it will be taken in and returned to you in whatever form it is acquired. That could be a habit or it could be, as I mentioned a few moments ago, a solution to a problem you are experiencing. Understanding this helps us to take steps to develop the right habits and strategies, but it also means we have to do things in small steps and allow enough time for them to grow.

So, becoming more productive, and as a consequence better at managing our activities in the time we have each day, means we need to build the right habits in the right sequence.

So, first up, build a morning routine. Now, this does not have to be elaborate or take too long. If you give yourself anywhere between twenty and thirty minutes to start with, for a series of positive, high impact activities that you consistently begin your day with you will be on the right track. Let's look at an example. Let's say you always begin your day by visiting the bathroom and then making a cup of coffee, those are the first activities to add to your morning routine.

Start with something you already automatically do. Now, the next steps need to be something new. For instance, you could spend two to three minutes doing some stretches. Begin with your neck, then shoulders, and move on down your body. Slowly stretch out your limbs one by one.

Once you have done your stretches, take your coffee to a quiet table, preferably near a window, and spend ten minutes writing in a journal.

Your journal could be digital or paper, it doesn't matter, just write out your plan for the day and a few thoughts you may have in your mind in that moment.

Be strict about the time. Only do this for ten minutes. Finish with looking at your tasks and your appointments for the day and then start your day. In total, that routine should not take you longer than twenty minutes. Now, the key to making this work is you commit to doing that for twenty minutes every morning for at least 30 days. Do not add anything nor take anything away. Just start your mornings every day like this for thirty days.

To ensure this happens, do it on weekends as well as weekdays and you must make sure you have time for it every morning. So this means if you have to wake up early for a Zoom call, you wake up with sufficient time so you can do your twenty minutes before the call. Now, if you fail, and skip a morning, you must go back and start again. You want to string together a minimum of thirty days doing the same thing every day. You cannot modify it or change it in any way.

After thirty days, you can change it slightly, but this first step must be consistent. Now, moving to your productivity system and embedding this. If you have taken the COD course, you will know the three basic components of all great productivity systems. Collect everything, spend a little time organising what you collected and dedicate the largest part of your day doing the work you set yourself. The key habit you need to develop is collecting. If you are not collecting everything meaningful that comes your way, it won't matter how elaborate or sophisticated the rest of your system is, you won't trust it so you won't use it.

Develop the habit of collecting first. To do that, take a look at how you collect your tasks right now. Do you do it consistently? If not, why not? You need that answer because you will need to change the way you collect so you are consistent. This often means you need to review how you collect on your phone. This is the one tool you are likely to have with you everywhere you go so this will be your primary collection tool.

Make sure that you have whatever task manager you use set up in such a way that collecting something is quick and easy and there are no barriers. Since a lot of us are now working from home, you may find you need to do this with your computer too. I noticed over the last year or so, my primary collection tool has become my computer so I have a keyboard shortcut set up to add tasks quickly from my computer.

Again, give yourself thirty days to embed this habit. If you feel uncomfortable pulling your phone out when you are with people to add a task, get over that discomfort. Practice until it becomes automatic. Now for the end of the day. This is another part to turn into a habit and I have discovered is also the most difficult to build. We are usually tired at the end of the day and when we are tired, we are less mindful about what we are doing and more prone to distractions.

Again, developing a habit will help you. Just like brushing your teeth and washing your face before getting into bed, which you habitually do, you want to be spending around ten minutes reviewing your task list and calendar for tomorrow. Ideally, you will flag your most important tasks for the day while you do this.

It is possible to develop this habit at the same time as you develop your morning routine, but if you find you struggle, then just focus on getting your start of the day right first. For the rest of your work, you must avoid over-complicating things. Complexity is the death knell of any productivity system. It might look cool and pleasing to see a load of beautifully organised project folders with sub-folders breaking down each step of the project.

But these kinds of structures are a nightmare to maintain, take far too long to organise and become holes where tasks go to die never to see the light of day again. The reality is you only need to know what you must do today. You do not need to know anything else. Tomorrow is not here yet, and next week is too far away and there's so much that will change that if you are trying to plan out beyond a week, you'll be wasting your time because everything will change before you get to next week.

Here are a few observations that will help to simplify your system: Stop sending emails to your task manager. Doing that creates duplication. They allocated time each day to reply to their mail. Learn from these incredibly productive people. Most of these you will find sort themselves out anyway.

Be clear about what it is you want to accomplish each day. If you are not starting the day with a clear plan you will fail to get anything meaningful done. Keep your task manager as clean and tight as possible. Be very strict about what goes on there. When you fill your task manager with trivial things, it soon becomes bloated and makes doing your planning sessions a lot longer than it needs to be.

What you want to be thinking is in terms of sessions of work. This is where you have time for doing your errands, chores, communications and project work. You may need to keep this flexible, and that's okay—all you do is schedule this time when you do your daily planning session. Look, massively successful people from the likes of JD Rockefeller and Henry Ford right up to Elon Musk and Sir Richard Branson, focus their attention on the important things and never allow themselves to get lost in reorganising their lists or wasting time searching for the best productivity systems.

We know what the best productivity system is. Ivy Lee demonstrated this to Charles Schwab over a hundred years ago. Select your six most important tasks for the day, the day before and when you start your day, begin from the top and focus all your attention on completing the first task.

When you complete it, move on to the next one and so on. This system still works today and it allows sufficient flexibility to deal with emergencies and client requests promptly and effectively so you can quickly get back to completing your list. If you don't manage to clear your list, roll over the tasks you did not complete to your list of six the next day. This is essentially what the Time Sector System is built on. Focusing your attention on the most important tasks for the day and if you cannot complete them, roll them forward to another day in the week.

All that really matters is your most important work for the day and making sure you do that. Every successful person you meet will use a form of this system today. If it's good enough for these people, then it's good enough for you. Hopefully, that helps, Alan.

Thank you for your wonderful question. You probably can tell I'm quite passionate about this subject. Thank you for listening and it just remains for me now to wish you all a very very productive week. Passion Struck with John R. Miles discusses implementing the daily routine recommended for peak performance through the Ivy Lee Method. Charles Schwab was looking for ways to improve the efficiency and productivity of the company and turned to his friend Oil Tycoon John D.

Rockefeller, who suggested to Schwab that he should consult with Ivy Lee, a prominent Public Relations expert at the time. And, he was lucky he did. Following Lee's involvement, Bethlehem Steel became the largest shipbuilder globally and the second-largest steel manufacturer.

Learn how you can apply these same secrets to increase your own productivity and time management. Miles "The Ivy Lee method is such an easy way to monetize your daily tasks and goals that you can easily incorporate to help you focus on your long-term objectives. It sounds so simple.

And that's precisely what it is. It is simple in a word. It's minimalism. It works in business, and it works in life. Miles is on a mission to make passion go viral by helping growth seekers to overcome their fear, self-doubt, and adversity. He loves taking his own life experiences, lessons from his time as a CEO and Fortune 50 C-Level Executive, and the truths he has learned to help make other's lives better.

His new podcast Passion Struck provides inspirational interviews and powerful guidance for people to take their lives to the next level. Watch as these high achievers weigh in on life's biggest questions and challenges as we journey on the path to becoming passion-struck.

East Texas Podcasting. If you missed it live here's the interview. Beyond Bricks with Nathan Unruh. Ivy Lee came up an impossibly simple time management system more than years ago that still works today. Nathan Unruh. Owner Occupied with Peter Lohmann.

In this episode we discuss: Intro The importance of hiring Two book recommendations Finding a business framework that works for you Russell's strategy at his new printing company The Ivy Lee method for selecting todo items Selecting operational todo items vs sales todos Gaining leverage to work on your business Procrastination is a signal you shouldn't do it Russell disagrees with Peter maybe How to do transformative work by not working Guilt is the mind-killer Powerful weekly planning for business owners How does the environment affect your mindset?

He runs a California based public affairs company highviewstrat. You can also connect with him on Twitter: twitter. AAD's Dialogues in Dermatology. What The Fab Podcast. Want to learn how to easily use SEO to turn your website into a six-figure passive revenue stream? People always ask me how I manage my time as an entrepreneur, so I'm sharing the exact systems I use to unlock peak productivity. Make sure you subscribe to the podcast to stay up to date on the latest episodes and interviews.

Lastly, please rate and review to support this podcast! The killing of George Floyd was a visual montage of what we knew was happening within our community and now the world got to witness. Our children challenged by the idea that because of the color of their skin they are behind, not as smart or not worth the effort. Inner city America for our community has a heartbeat of survival and living life striving to prove that we can get out of the "ghetto" mentality while abandoning our roots when we do.

Mental Health is a very touchy subject in any community but in the African American community there is a mistrust for mental health professionals. There is a stigma that we are too strong to seek help outside of our village and those who are we trust.

Most of the time the ones we are pouring our troubles into are in need of assistance as well but they don't want to feel "weak" either. There is a common thread and belief that the root of slavery still hovers over mental health within our community and we have yet to address depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders attributed to the generational saying of "what goes on in the house stays in the house.

Our community has adopted this passive attitude and refuse to seek out help from trained professionals. This conversation with Ivy Lee will address some of those stigmas and will have us look at mental health in our community in a way that will develop healthy coping skills, recognizing triggers and addressing those traumatic stressors that still are exhibited in our community.

So sit and have this conversation with Andi and Ivy as they dive into what mental health looks like in our community and what we can do to seek care. If you don't know where to start please see the numbers and links below. Teach Me How To Adult. There are so many reasons why tackling your to-do list can cause anxiety and overwhelm. It all comes down to prioritization.

Teach Me How To Adult is a podcast that serves up expert interviews, candid experiences and actionable advice on everything you never learned growing up. Follow along as we figure it out together!

For show notes and more adulting tips, visit:teachmehowtoadult. Weniger aufschieben - entspannter leben Schluss mit Prokrastination und Stress. The Jeff Brown Show. Shadow Legends: Assemble. Check out our website! Throughout the years, time management has accumulated many rules and tricks. There are many methods and approaches to the art of time management, but one method has stood the test of time and efficiency: The Ivy Lee Method.

What is the Ivy Lee Method? The method goes back to , when Charles Schwab, president of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, sought help with making his team more efficient. He scheduled a chat with Ivy Lee, who was a respected businessman and productivity consultant. Tune in to this episode of the Retirement Made Easy podcast to learn more! You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in He asked him to create a recipe to help him become more productive and efficient.

Ivy Lee gave him a strategy but insisted—to find success—that he had to do it consistently for 30 days. He asked Charles to pay him whatever he thought the results were worth after the 30 days were up. So Charles did what he was told consistently and was blown away. What was the recipe for success? Write out the 6 things you want to accomplish in your next day by order of priority.

The next morning, start on one and work your way through the list. At the end of the day, write your goals for the next day. I do this in my personal and professional life.

Even if it's as simple as mowing the grass or mailing a card, I'm more productive and succeed at reaching my goals.

Do this for 30 days and let me know how it works for you! The groundbreaking Harvard study In , some research conducted at a Harvard MBA program looked at the graduating class. The class was asked one simple question: Have you set written goals and created a plan for their attainment?

Increase the odds of accomplishing your goals We recommend that our listeners write down their retirement goals. Do you want to retire at 62? Pay off your house? Buy a condo in Florida? Live on a certain amount of money? Be financially independent? Take meaningful vacations every year? Write it down and be specific. When you write down your retirement goals, we will help you determine a plan of action—a roadmap—to reach those goals.

We find that many people save for retirement haphazardly. They aren't following a plan. But the more you plan, the better the results will be. The Working With This week's episode is a question that came about because of my recently updated Time Sector System course. A podcast to answer all your questions about productivity, time management, self-development and goal planning.

My name is Carl Pullein and I am your host for this show. So, many of you already know that my productivity system is called The Time Sector System. This system is based on managing my work by when I want to do it rather than by project. Around three or four years ago, I discovered that when I managed my tasks by project, I was spending too much time organising and reviewing and not enough time doing the work.

It was leaving me with a lot of work that needed rescheduling at the end of the day. Not a good place to be when you want to feel you are becoming better at managing your time. Too much rescheduling and you lose confidence in your system. That's when it dawned on me that, really, the most important part of any system is having the time to do the work, not how you organise your files and projects.

That was my light-bulb moment. Now, I do get a lot of questions about this system. It goes against the grain of many of the more popular systems out there and naturally I get a lot of questions about it. So, I have selected one of those questions to answer this week. Without further ado. Let me hand you over to the Mystery Podcast voice for this week's question.

This week's question comes from Eric. Why is that and what do you use instead? Thank you Eric for your question. Let's start by dealing with the elephant in the room. Getting Things Done, a book by David Allen. This is the standard text by which all productivity and time management systems are judged today. There's nothing wrong with GTD, as it is called. It's a solid workable system. However, there are two issues with GTD that caused me problems.

The first is this is a book that was first published in and its concepts are based on what David Allen taught in companies as a productivity and time management trainer in the s and s. Now, I remember working in the early s and in those distant days it did matter where you were and what tools you had with you. If you wanted to respond to your mail, you needed to be in a place where your mail was because, for most people, there was no such thing as email.

And even in the late s, when email became more prevalent, you needed to be at a computer set up for your email. For your work email, you needed to be at your office and sitting in front of your work desktop computer. So, for a simple task such as responding to your mail, you had to be in a specific physical location home or office and be in front of your computer the tool. The second issue I was struggling with was how the digital task managers were created.

For some reason, task managers were set up by project, not context as it should be in a GTD system. This means you create lists based on a tool, such as a computer, a phone or car. Place, such as your office or home or person, such as your boss, spouse or colleague. The idea is you choose what to do based on where you are, with which tool or person.

Now, when I went digital, I fell into the trap of believing the most effective way to manage my tasks was to organise everything by project and to use tags or labels for my contexts. Big mistake. In GTD, a project is defined as anything requiring two or more steps. This meant, theoretically, arranging for my car to go in for a service was a project or even arranging to have my haircut I did once have hair that needed cutting.

So you can imagine how many projects you end up having on your list. David Allen mentions that an average person is going to have between seventy and a hundred and fifty open projects. That's a lot of projects for an individual like you and me to manage.

Now the glue that makes GTD work is the weekly review. This is where you sit down at the end of the week to go through all your projects to make sure everything is up-to-date and current.

Well, for me, by the time I switched to using the Time Sector System my weekly review was taking almost two hours to complete each week. Two hours. No, I don't know about you, but giving up two hours of my weekend to review all my projects and get current is not really the best use of my time on a weekend.

However, let's not be too hard on GTD. It's a great system and it does help you get very organised. All your projects are kept in project folders—originally, paper-based project folders you kept in or near your desk, now digital folders you keep on your computer. It is easy to find what you need when you need it—if you are willing to maintain your system and keep it up to date.

And that's really the problem with GTD today. Maintaining the system takes a lot of time. Time that could better be served to do the work you are creating lists for. If you look at the very basics a productivity system needs; it's a way to collect all your inputs such as calendar events, tasks and notes.

You then need to organise those inputs in a way you can find them when you need them and you need to be maximising time to do the work. GTD crosses the first two boxes. It teaches you to build a collection system. When the GTD book was first launched that meant purchasing a physical inbox that you had on or around your desk. And it organises your documents and relevant materials into projects or reference materials that are easy to find.

However, because of the time, it takes to manage those first two parts, you are taking away a lot of time for doing. And if you want to be more productive, you need to maximise your doing time and minimise your organising time.

I wanted to free up my organising time so I could focus on doing. That led me to analyse what was really important about getting my work done. That was when I realised that the only thing that really mattered about a task was when I was going to do it. After all, it does not matter how important or urgent something is, if there are no hours left in the day it is not going to get done that day. And, I'm sure you are aware now, contexts have become a lot less important. You can design presentations, do work on a spreadsheet, email and make phone calls from a handheld device you carry with you everywhere you go.

You no longer need specific tools to do a lot of the work you need to do. I have been told that contexts are a personal choice. You can create contexts around energy levels. For example, if you feel energetic, you can do some of the more difficult work. If you feel tired you can do some of the less strenuous tasks. That true. But I cannot predict when I will feel energetic or when I feel lethargic. I cannot control how I will sleep tonight. For energy level contexts, there are far too many variables outside my control for those to be effective.

In the end, I realised that all I wanted to know was what tasks were important this week. Which ones did I want to do and which tasks could I do that would move a project or goal forward. So, I created a folder structure in my task manager that focused on when I would do something. That means I have: this week, next week, this month and next month folders for tasks I am reasonably certain I want to get done in the next eight weeks or so.

And I have a long-term and on hold folder for tasks that I'd like to do sometime, but I am not sure yet when I will do them. What this means is when I do my weekly planning, all I need to focus on is when I will do something and more importantly what will I do that week. Using this method means instead of spending two hours or so doing a weekly review, my weekly planning sessions last around twenty to thirty minutes. They are a little longer at the end of the month because I am looking at more folders.

It also makes processing what I collected in my inbox much simpler. I have far fewer decisions to make. Really all I am doing is deciding what something is and when will I do it. I don't have to worry about what context to add and which project to put it in. Now, all my projects notes and resources are kept in my notes app. Tasks that relate to these projects are hyperlinked to the relevant task so all it takes is one click and I am in my project notes. This makes it so much quicker to get down to work.

I can quickly see what's been done and what needs to be done. I also have access to relevant emails, meeting notes and files all in one place—which is not something you can do if you are managing your projects from a task list manager.

The most important thing for me though, is how I spend very little time managing my projects and reference materials and I am spending far more time doing the work that matters. And this has given me much more free time to do things outside of work. The more time I have available for doing the work the more free time I get at the end of the day.

I'd probably do a proper weekly review once a month. Now, as I know a planning session won't take longer than thirty minutes, I love doing them. It's got me a lot more focused on what's important and I no longer lose anything. But the most important thing for you to remember is, the best productivity system is the one you design for yourself. I strongly believe that you need to take parts of the many different systems out there and build them into your system. The Ivy Lee Method is how I prioritise my day when I do my daily planning and the Eisenhower Matrix ensures I am working on the things that reduce the urgent work.

It's taken me a long time to develop a system that works seamlessly. Always remember, you are a unique individual and what works for one person will not necessarily work for you. Take elements from one and merge them with something else. You will find a system that works best for you and that one will be the one for you.

Thank you, Eric, for the question and thank you to you too for listening. It just remains for me now to wish you all a very very productive week. Que sont les relations presse? Show Notes Chen-Ping shared his upbringing growing up in Taiwan and going to boarding school in the US at the age of Hopefully, these conversations can serve as valuable tools for early-stage data professionals as they navigate their own careers in the exciting data universe.

Datacast is produced and edited by James Le. Get in touch with feedback or guest suggestions by emailing khanhle. Subscribe by searching for Datacast wherever you get podcasts or click one of the links below:Listen on SpotifyListen on Apple PodcastsListen on Google PodcastsIf you're new, see the podcast homepage for the most recent episodes to listen to, or browse the full guest list.

Your Marketing Mates. This week we're sharing a simple and super effective productivity hack to help you be your best self this year! If you lead a marketing team, or just want to improve your efficiency and workflow, listen up. The Ivy Lee method is a year-old strategy for helping people become more productive at work. In this episode Liz is breaking down the 4 step productivity hack, so grab a pen and get ready to make some good habits.

If you have any questions about this episode or want to get in touch, head over to our socials. We love chatting with our fellow marketing mates. The VOHeroes Podcast. Hey there, hero! As part of a year end review, I'd like to suggest a minor addition: reviewing what you've bought from Amazon this past year or whoever you patronize for your stuff. This process might shed some light on your intentions for areas of your work, and what you've been able to execute.

It also might give you some visibility into what you thought was important, but never quite got to the top three items on your Ivy Lee cards. Got a stack of packages that have been delivered to you, but not yet opened or implemented? Let me know in the comments below. Smarter leben - Der Ideen-Podcast. Hat ein Tag wirklich 24 Stunden? Viel zu oft rast die Zeit. Weil wir einfach irgendwas tun, sagt Autor Tim Reichel. In this episode we'll meet the godfathers of American PR, Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays, and explore the origins and evolution of industry-funded experts who shaped everything from the breakfast table to our understanding of the economy and science.

Email adresim: haddinias ozkent. Frank Buck Consulting. The Ivy Lee Method focuses on prioritizing your day. Start by identifying a small number of tasks to important tasks before anything else. Den Arbeitstag schnell planen, Aufgaben priorisieren, Ablenkungen ausschalten und ins Tun kommen — all das leistet die Ivy-Lee-Methode. Doch weil die Methode aus dem Jahr stammt, passe ich sie ein kleines bisschen an, damit sie dem modernen Arbeitsleben gerecht wird.

Finde Deinen Weg - Journal Podcast. Das geht: mit der Ivy Lee Methode, auch als die Diese Journal-Session basiert auf dem genialen Blogartikel der Karrierebibel. BEN Around Philly. Ivy Lee, board certified dermatologist and member of the American Academy of Dermatology goes over the results of the quiz, and speaks about sun safety and the importance of sun protection.

Will shade protect you from the sun's harmful UV rays? Does spray suncreen protect as well as lotion? Is tanning safe, as long as you don't burn? Lee goes over the answers to these questions and more. See how well you do on the sun protection quiz! Eye On The Community. Ivy Lee discusses ways to protect our skin from the sun this summer. Kalamazoo Mornings With Ken Lanphear. Ken talks with Dr. The AcuProsper Podcast.

Ivy Lee is the inspiring acupuncturist behind Luminae Wellness in Oakland. She shares about the deep ways she loves to work with patients, the kind of marketing that works for her, and very compassionately answers some of my hard questions about cultural appropriation, the whitewashing of wellness, and how we can be better stewards of our medicine. She dropped so many inspiring gems of wisdom. I urge you to give it a listen This week, I talk about the best productivity system ever developed and explain how you can use it too.

Many of you listening to this podcast, I am sure, are on a journey to discover the best time management and productivity system. Well, the truth is it's already been developed. It's used by the most incredibly productive people every day and it is possibly the simplest system you will ever use.

You don't need any special software or devices. You do not need a PhD and you could start using it today. And that is what I am going to tell you about today. How you can create it, use it and become unbelievably more productive than you are today. But first… Right now I have a special offer on my time management and productivity courses. If you buy this bundle of courses this week, you will also get the Time And Life Mastery course as a free gift. Once this week ends, you will no longer qualify for the free gift.

So, if you want what I consider to be, the Ultimate Productivity bundle of courses including the Time And Life Mastery course, then you need to act now. This offer will be ending at the end of this week that's 13 June I know you won't be disappointed and I know these courses are all you need to develop your own system—a system that works for you. Okay, it's time for me now to hand you over the Mystery Podcast voice for this week's question. This week's question comes from Mike.

Mike asks, Hi Carl, I know there are a lot of productivity and time management techniques and systems, but is there one that is better than all the others that most people don't know about? Hi Mike, thank you for your intriguing question. You are right there are a lot of time management and productivity systems around. I've tried most of them as well over the years. Systems that take forever to manage and update every day and apps that demand constant and never-ending upkeep.

You see the worst productivity systems are those that take you away from doing your work. I suppose if you think about it that's logical. The more time you spend updating, organising and playing around with a system, the less time you have for work. Now, when I was thinking about my answer to you, Mike, I considered naming the worst culprits for this but I decided that wouldn't help and it would likely put a lot of people on the defensive.

If I say something and you disagree with me, you will feel you must defend your choices and once you are defensive, I cannot help you. So, before we go any further, I want to ask you to open your mind. You see, when I tell you what the best productivity system for all of us is, I want you to have an open mind. If you go all defensive, you will not learn anything. You will defend your choices and that misses the point. We all make bad choices and we all think we are different and we need a uniquely different system to everyone else.

The thing is we are not all different—we all get twenty-four hours—and the only thing we can do is decide what we need to do in those twenty-four hours. It's those decisions where people go wrong.

They choose the wrong activities. The most productive people you and I know make better decisions. That's it. So, what is the best productivity system? It's the Ivy Lee Method. Now, many of you may already have heard of the Ivy Lee method, but to give you a quick summary of how it was made famous.

A gentleman in , by the name of Ivy Lee, was asked by The Chairman of Bethlehem Steel, Charles Schwab, to come up with a method to increase the productivity performance of his executive team. Ivy Lee came up with a six-step process. That process is: Decide what you want. Your goals and life purpose. At the end of each day, take ten minutes to write out the six most important tasks you must complete the next day. Prioritise your six tasks by importance When you start the next day, begin at the top of your list and work you way down.

Don't move on to the next task until you have completed the previous one. If you do not manage to finish your six tasks, move any unfinished tasks to the next day.

Repeat the process. Now, the part people familiar with this method miss is the first step. You see, you need to know what your goals and purpose are. Without that, your choice of six tasks each day will not necessarily move your goals and objectives forward and you will gravitate to doing work for other people and not necessarily for yourself.

Now, I don't mean for you to be selfish here. What this means is answering the question: what is it that you want? Now it could be you want to be promoted to an executive position. You may want to start your own business or you may want to be financially independent by the time you reach fifty. You need to be very clear about these goals. Once you are clear on your goals, you can begin using this process.

Now, I've developed a number of resources to help you here. Probably the best one is my FREE Areas of Focus Workbook that takes you through the process of developing your very own areas of focus. These are the things that are important to you. Once you know these and have developed a goal around each one, you are then ready to begin using the Ivy Lee method. So, why only six tasks? One of our biggest problems is we are trying to do far too much each day. The reality is, you will always have far more to do than time available each day.

That's just a given. So, what you need to do is prioritise. That's why the Ivy Lee Method is so effective.

To use the method, you must relegate a lot of tasks that would normally be demanding your attention and you have to get ruthless about where you spend your limited time each day.

Most people are not ruthless enough. The trouble is, we cannot and never will be able to take every opportunity that comes our way. In many ways, you have to trust your instincts. In my experience, it's your instincts that will tell you whether an opportunity is right for you or not. They all know or knew where their priorities are or were and they did not allow themselves to be distracted by anything else.

In a sense, they took this method to the extreme, but then, all these people got extreme results. Now you could continue down the same road you've been following, but before you do, ask yourself if you are getting the results you want. You see, you may indeed have the best-looking app, you may have well-organised notes or as is fashionably called today PKM system that's personal knowledge management system but that does not mean you are getting the results you want.

The results you want link straight back to the first step in the Ivy Lee Method. What do you want? If what you want is a cool set of productivity apps that gives you hours of entertainment organising and playing with the settings, then fantastic!

But I suspect that's not really what you want—well, I hope not. Most people want to get their projects completed on time without any fuss. They want to be on top of their work including their email and they want to enjoy a balanced personal and work life.

This life is possible to achieve. But you will need to make the right kind of choices and those choices begin with… What needs to be done today? It's really what Ivy Lee set out with his method but with a slightly larger number of tasks. If you don't complete them all, no problem, you just reschedule the remaining ones and repeat the process for the next day.

Understanding the difference between tasks that do get things done and tasks that pretend to get things done but don't do much more than shuffle digital paper, and focusing all your time and attention to bigger, important work. That's how all the super-successful people operate. They've been doing it for centuries. You can even trace this back to the thirteenth century and William of Ockham who popularised Ockham's Razor—where the simple answer is usually always the best one.

Ivy Lee's Method is simple, anyone can use it and you do not need elaborate organisational systems or apps to use it. A simple piece of paper left on your desk would suffice—that's how Bethlehem Steel's executives used it back in Today, we have a lot of incredibly powerful applications that can do much of the hard work for us, but we need to be careful what we choose to use.

We also must understand that no matter how much we would like to have a few extra hours each day you are never going to get them. Time is the part of this equation you are not going to change. Time is fixed. Time is also your most valuable asset and you cannot afford to be wasting it on low priority tasks that move you nowhere. The only variable you do have is your activity and that's the variable where your ability to choose how you spend your time needs clear intentions. So, the answer to your question, Mike, is yes there is a best system.

The only reason most people are not using it, is the same reason most people never learn about, or use, the Law of Attraction: It's simple and we humans love complexity. We just cannot bring ourselves to accept that something so simple could have such a profound, positive effect on our lives. It's your choice. Become ruthless about what you say yes to and have a clear set of goals and plans to achieve what you want out of life, or continue down the same path you are on right now with no clear plan or purpose and a personal productivity system that would challenge the abilities of even the smartest NASA scientists.

Thank you for your question, Mike and thank you to you for listening. Beyond Retirement. Mitche Graf is a best-selling author, a public speaker and an amateur gardener.

He has been a passionate serial entrepreneur for over 3 decades; from selling used bicycle parts out of his garage in the seventh grade to running three companies today, he prides himself on knowing how to squeeze every drop of potential out of his endeavors. He also knows that life is short - too short not to make every minute count. The rest of the time is HIS, to do whatever he chooses. It may be to work on a new hobby, or maybe to bump up some of his existing projects a bit, or it could be to spend time with his family, because they are the reason for all that he does.

According to Mitche, the way to do this is through "systems efficiency". You do this by designing your lifestyle first and your work activities around that lifestyle. His advice for success: Follow the Ivy Lee method for productivity. At the end of each day, write out 6 activities or tasks that you want to complete the next day and prioritize them in order of importance. At the start of the next day, work at the first task until it's completed, then move on to the next.

Any tasks left unfinished at the end of the day are moved to the list for the next day. Projekte leicht gemacht. Kennst du das auch? Das muss doch besser gehen!

A common type of question I get asked is one around building and maintaining a productivity and time management system. It's not so much about how to do it—after all, there are thousands of books and videos on this subject—it's more about taking what you have learned by reading those books and watching those videos and turning that knowledge into a functioning system that works for you. Now, before we get to the question, I would like to point out that June—which starts tomorrow or Tuesday depending on when you listening to this podcast is a day month.

Another golden opportunity for you to establish a habit. So, I thought I would suggest something. In the book, Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill tells us to take an idea or a goal that we want to accomplish, and begin and end every day imagining you have completed it successfully for thirty days. Now the trick to doing this is to write down your idea or goal onto a piece of paper, or in your digital notes app, and read it out loud at the start and end of your day.

As you read out your goal, imagine you have successfully accomplished it and really feel the emotions you experience by completing it. The purpose of doing this is to engage your subconscious mind. That is the part of your mind that uses your knowledge and experience to come up with solutions to problems and gives you steps to take to accomplish goals and solve problems.

Remove all negative thoughts, only focus on the positives—the feelings you have when you accomplish your goal or successfully develop your idea. If a negative thought comes up, such as; I can't do that, or that's impossible, remove it. Replace it with a positive thought. At the end of June, you will have programmed your brain to seek ways of making whatever your dream, goal or idea happen.

Try it. What have you to lose? Now, back to the show and that means it's time for me now to hand you over to the mystery podcast voice for this week's question. This week's question comes from Alan. Alan asks: Hi Carl, for years I have been reading books and articles about productivity and how to become better at managing my time. Yet, despite all these courses, books and articles, I just cannot make a system work for me.

I can do it for a few weeks, but I soon find myself falling back on bad habits. Do you know how to make one of these systems stick? Hi Alan. Thank you for the question. Firstly, I should tell you that you are not alone with this problem. I come across this a lot in my coaching programme and I get many comments on my YouTube videos about it. With anything like creating and using a system, you need to start small. Radically changing the way you do something will inevitably result in falling back into old ways.

It's just the way the human mind works. We love routine and we evolved habit building to help us achieve that. You see, there are so many distractions going on in our world—they've always been there. It started out on the savannah thousands of years ago when we needed to stay alert to the dangers that were all around us. If we did not have a way of automatically putting one foot in front of another or breathing in and out without thinking, for instance, our brain would soon be overloaded with stuff.

That's why we developed habits. Habits are formed in our subconscious mind and that's the part of the mind that does not know the difference between doing something that is good for us and doing something bad. It's amoral and completely objective. What you feed it will be taken in and returned to you in whatever form it is acquired. That could be a habit or it could be, as I mentioned a few moments ago, a solution to a problem you are experiencing.

Understanding this helps us to take steps to develop the right habits and strategies, but it also means we have to do things in small steps and allow enough time for them to grow. So, becoming more productive, and as a consequence better at managing our activities in the time we have each day, means we need to build the right habits in the right sequence.

So, first up, build a morning routine. Now, this does not have to be elaborate or take too long. If you give yourself anywhere between twenty and thirty minutes to start with, for a series of positive, high impact activities that you consistently begin your day with you will be on the right track.

Let's look at an example. Let's say you always begin your day by visiting the bathroom and then making a cup of coffee, those are the first activities to add to your morning routine. Start with something you already automatically do. Now, the next steps need to be something new. For instance, you could spend two to three minutes doing some stretches.

Begin with your neck, then shoulders, and move on down your body. Slowly stretch out your limbs one by one. Once you have done your stretches, take your coffee to a quiet table, preferably near a window, and spend ten minutes writing in a journal. Your journal could be digital or paper, it doesn't matter, just write out your plan for the day and a few thoughts you may have in your mind in that moment. Be strict about the time. Only do this for ten minutes. Finish with looking at your tasks and your appointments for the day and then start your day.

In total, that routine should not take you longer than twenty minutes. Now, the key to making this work is you commit to doing that for twenty minutes every morning for at least 30 days. Do not add anything nor take anything away. Just start your mornings every day like this for thirty days. To ensure this happens, do it on weekends as well as weekdays and you must make sure you have time for it every morning.

So this means if you have to wake up early for a Zoom call, you wake up with sufficient time so you can do your twenty minutes before the call. Now, if you fail, and skip a morning, you must go back and start again. You want to string together a minimum of thirty days doing the same thing every day. You cannot modify it or change it in any way.

After thirty days, you can change it slightly, but this first step must be consistent. Now, moving to your productivity system and embedding this. If you have taken the COD course, you will know the three basic components of all great productivity systems. Collect everything, spend a little time organising what you collected and dedicate the largest part of your day doing the work you set yourself.

The key habit you need to develop is collecting. If you are not collecting everything meaningful that comes your way, it won't matter how elaborate or sophisticated the rest of your system is, you won't trust it so you won't use it. Develop the habit of collecting first. To do that, take a look at how you collect your tasks right now.

Do you do it consistently? If not, why not? You need that answer because you will need to change the way you collect so you are consistent. This often means you need to review how you collect on your phone. This is the one tool you are likely to have with you everywhere you go so this will be your primary collection tool. Make sure that you have whatever task manager you use set up in such a way that collecting something is quick and easy and there are no barriers.

Since a lot of us are now working from home, you may find you need to do this with your computer too. I noticed over the last year or so, my primary collection tool has become my computer so I have a keyboard shortcut set up to add tasks quickly from my computer. Again, give yourself thirty days to embed this habit. If you feel uncomfortable pulling your phone out when you are with people to add a task, get over that discomfort.

Practice until it becomes automatic. Now for the end of the day. This is another part to turn into a habit and I have discovered is also the most difficult to build. We are usually tired at the end of the day and when we are tired, we are less mindful about what we are doing and more prone to distractions. Again, developing a habit will help you. Just like brushing your teeth and washing your face before getting into bed, which you habitually do, you want to be spending around ten minutes reviewing your task list and calendar for tomorrow.

Ideally, you will flag your most important tasks for the day while you do this. It is possible to develop this habit at the same time as you develop your morning routine, but if you find you struggle, then just focus on getting your start of the day right first. For the rest of your work, you must avoid over-complicating things. Complexity is the death knell of any productivity system.

It might look cool and pleasing to see a load of beautifully organised project folders with sub-folders breaking down each step of the project. But these kinds of structures are a nightmare to maintain, take far too long to organise and become holes where tasks go to die never to see the light of day again. The reality is you only need to know what you must do today.

You do not need to know anything else. Tomorrow is not here yet, and next week is too far away and there's so much that will change that if you are trying to plan out beyond a week, you'll be wasting your time because everything will change before you get to next week.

Here are a few observations that will help to simplify your system: Stop sending emails to your task manager. Doing that creates duplication. They allocated time each day to reply to their mail. Learn from these incredibly productive people.

Most of these you will find sort themselves out anyway. Be clear about what it is you want to accomplish each day. If you are not starting the day with a clear plan you will fail to get anything meaningful done. Keep your task manager as clean and tight as possible. Be very strict about what goes on there.

When you fill your task manager with trivial things, it soon becomes bloated and makes doing your planning sessions a lot longer than it needs to be. What you want to be thinking is in terms of sessions of work.

This is where you have time for doing your errands, chores, communications and project work. You may need to keep this flexible, and that's okay—all you do is schedule this time when you do your daily planning session. Look, massively successful people from the likes of JD Rockefeller and Henry Ford right up to Elon Musk and Sir Richard Branson, focus their attention on the important things and never allow themselves to get lost in reorganising their lists or wasting time searching for the best productivity systems.

We know what the best productivity system is.



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In circumstances where we materially change the way in which we collect or use personal data, we materially change the terms of this Policy, or where personal data is no longer used consistently with a previously named purpose, we will provide notice and publish the new version on our website.

You should periodically check this page to remind yourself of the rights herein. This website is owned and operated by Governmentjobs. Our principal place of business is at Continental Blvd. You can contact us by email, telephone, or regular mail using the contact information listed herein. If at any time you have questions or concerns about this Policy, please feel free to e-mail us at the appropriate contact relative your jurisdiction:. Users who have a visual disability may be able to use a screen reader or other text-to-speech tool to review the contents of this Policy.

If you experience any difficulties assessing the information here or you wish to obtain a copy of this Policy, please contact us using the details above. These Terms of Use are entered into by and between you and Governmentjobs. Provision of Services. By using the Services, executing a document that references them, or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Use when this option is made available to you, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy incorporated herein by reference.

If you do not want to agree to these Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the Services. Also, by agreeing to this Terms of Use you waive, to the extent permitted under applicable law, any rights or legal requirements that require an original non-electronic signature or the delivery or retention of non-electronic records in order for a contract to be legally binding.

You represent and warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract with us and meet all of the foregoing eligibility requirements. If you do not meet all of these requirements, you must not access or use the Services. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Services, and any service or material we provide on the Services, in our sole discretion without notice.

We will not be liable if for any reason all or any part of the Services is unavailable at any time or for any period. You are responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the Services through your account are aware of these Terms of Use and comply with them. Accessing Services and Account Security. Subject to your compliance with these Terms of Use, we grant you a non-exclusive, limited, revocable, personal, non-transferable license to use the applicable Services.

Unless NEOGOV has entered into a commercial agreement with an employer permitting you to use the Services for transactions on behalf of another person, you may only use the Services for transactions on your own behalf. If you use the Services on behalf of a Customer or natural person, you represent and warrant that you have obtained all required authorizations and consents. To access the Services or some of the resources it offers, you may be asked to provide certain registration details or other information.

It is a condition of your use of the Services that all the information you provide on the Services is correct, current, and complete. If you choose, or are provided with, a user name, password, or any other piece of information as part of our security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential, and you must not disclose it to any other person or entity. You also acknowledge that your account is personal to you and agree not to provide any other person with access to the Services or portions of it using your user name, password, or other security information.

You agree to i notify us immediately of any unauthorized access to or use of your user name or password or any other breach of security, investigate such breach or such potential breach, ii assist us using commercially reasonable efforts in maintaining confidentiality, and iii assist us as reasonably necessary to enforce our rights and to enable us to comply with any state or federal law requiring the provision of notice of any security breach with respect to any personally identifiable information of the affected or impacted data subjects.

You should use particular caution when accessing your account from a public or shared computer so that others are not able to view or record your password or other personal information. We have the right to disable any user name, password, or other identifier, whether chosen by you or provided by us, at any time if, in our opinion, you have violated any provision of these Terms of Use.

Intellectual Property Rights. These Terms of Use permit you to use the Services for your personal, non-commercial use only, and in the case of Customers, for internal business use only.

You are granted a revocable, non-exclusive, non-assignable, and non-transferable license to access use the Services. Nothing in these Terms of Use shall be construed as granting to you a license to NEOGOV Content under any copyright, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property right except as expressly set forth herein.

Please direct any requests for permission to support GovernmentJobs. No right, title, or interest in or to the Services or any content on the Services is transferred to you, and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by us. Any use of the Services not expressly permitted by these Terms of Use is a breach of these Terms of Use and may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws. Prohibited Uses. You may use the Services only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms of Use.

You agree not to use the Services:. If your use of the Services requires you to comply with industry-specific regulations applicable to such use, you will be solely responsible for such compliance, unless NEOGOV has agreed with you otherwise. Your level of access should be limited to ensure your access is no more than necessary to perform your legitimate tasks or assigned duties.

Monitoring and Enforcement; Termination. You agree that we may monitor the Services to 1 comply with any applicable laws, regulations, or other government requests, 2 operate the Services or to protect itself and its users and members, and 3 for such other purposes as it may deem reasonably necessary or appropriate from time to time. More specifically, we have the right to:. We have the right to cooperate fully with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity or other information of anyone posting any materials on or through the Services.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we are not responsible for screening, policing, editing, or monitoring postings and encourages all users to use reasonable discretion and caution in evaluating or reviewing any post. We assume no liability for any action or inaction regarding transmissions, communications, or content provided by any user or third party.

We have no liability or responsibility to anyone for performance or nonperformance of the activities described in this section. Content Standards. User Contributions must in their entirety comply with all applicable federal, state, local, and international laws and regulations. Without limiting the foregoing, User Contributions must not:. In addition, you shall be solely responsible for the legality, accuracy and completeness of all records, data, and information provided, submitted, or uploaded by you in connection with this Terms of Use or use of the Services.

User Contributions. Any User Contribution you post to the site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. You represent that you have all necessary rights to make a post, and you also acknowledge that we have no control over the extent to which any idea or information may be used by any party or person once it is posted or displayed.

By providing any User Contribution on the Services, you grant us and our affiliates a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, non-exclusive right and license for us to adopt, publish, reproduce, disseminate, transmit, distribute, copy, use, create derivative works, and display in whole or in part worldwide, or act on such feedback without additional approval or consideration, in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in such content, and you hereby waive any claim to the contrary.

Notwithstanding this right and license, it is understood that by merely permitting your information, content, and materials to appear on the Services, we do not become a publisher of such information, content, and materials and is merely functioning as an intermediary to enable you to provide and display a posting.

Moreover, we assume no responsibility for the deletion of or failure to store any posting and recommends that you do not post, display, or transmit any confidential or sensitive information. We are under no obligation to edit or control User Contributions and will not be in any way responsible or liable for any User Contributions. You understand that when using the Services, you may be exposed to User Contributions of other users and acknowledge that User Contributions may be inaccurate, offensive, indecent, or objectionable.

You understand and acknowledge that you are responsible for any User Contributions you submit or contribute, and you, not NEOGOV, have full responsibility for such content, including its legality, reliability, accuracy, and appropriateness. We are not responsible or liable to any third party for the content or accuracy of any User Contributions posted by you or any other user of the Services.

Text Message and Email Communications. We may offer you the opportunity to receive text message and email notifications regarding notices, reminders, status updates, support, administrative message and disclosures, or other related human resource related notices from us or our Customers. Communications through these methods may be routed through a third-party service. SMS messages will be sent to you strictly in accordance with your preferences, and only after you have explicitly opted in.

You certify that you are the owner of the mobile phone entered or are authorized to use this mobile phone to receive SMS. You are responsible for all mobile carrier data or text message charges resulting from your use of the Services, including from any notifications provided by the Services.

The number of messages you receive will vary depending on the number of jobs you applied to, jobs you searched for, or the number Customers you allow to contact you. You may receive a text message confirming your subscription. Since these text message services depend on the functionality of third-party providers, there may be technical delays on the part of those providers. NEOGOV may make commercially reasonable efforts to provide alerts in a timely manner with accurate information, but cannot guarantee the delivery, timeliness, or accuracy of the content of any alert.

NEOGOV shall not be liable for any delays, failure to deliver, or misdirected delivery of any alert; for any errors in the content of an alert; or for any actions taken or not taken by you or any third party in reliance on an alert.

If your mobile number changes, you are responsible for informing the Customer of that change. Background Checks. Some of the Services allow you to use Stripe to make payments. Some of the Services allow you to send or receive text messages through Plivo, Inc. You understand that we cannot and do not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading from the internet or the Services will be free of viruses or other destructive code.

You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for anti-virus protection and accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to our site for any reconstruction of any lost data. You acknowledge that NEOGOV exercises no control over employer human resource practices implemented using the Service or decisions as to employment, promotion, termination, or compensation of any job seeker or personnel.

Employers are solely responsible for their postings on the Services. In addition, employers are responsible for the privacy, collection, use, retention and processing of employer owned data, and providing any and all notices regarding the foregoing, in compliance with all applicable laws.

Limitation on Liability. This website is operated by Governmentjobs. For further information relating to the legal issues contained in these Terms or problem reports regarding this service, please contact using the following:. If you are a Job Seeker, please contact: support GovernmentJobs. If you are a Customer an organization , please contact: customersupport GovernmentJobs.

For full functionality of this page it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Home Page page has loaded. Click here or press any key to continue. Select the job you wish to view, then click on the "Print" icon. If the residency requirement has been waived for an announced vacancy, it will be noted on the full, official job announcement.

Non-classified positions not governed by State Personnel Rules may consider applications from individuals who are not residents of Colorado. Please verify your email address Verify Email. State Job Opportunities. State of Colorado Job Opportunities. Menu Close Menu. Previous Posting Next Posting. Sign in form is opened Job Application Job Details. Applying as: Support. Close canvass form Canvass Form. Respond by. We've updated our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Please, read and accept changes. Introduction; Scope of this Policy. Where We Are a Service Provider. Information We Disclose. Overview of Your Data Rights. Your California Privacy Rights. Your Nevada Privacy Rights. Data Security and Integrity. Retention and Removal. Information on Children. Right to Revise. Contact Details. Privacy Contacts. Where We Are a Service Provider Our Customers are organizations such as federal, state, local, tribal, or other municipal government agencies including administrative agencies, departments, and offices thereof , private businesses, and educational institutions including without limitation K schools, colleges, universities, and vocational schools , who use our Services to evaluate job applicants and manage their relationship with their personnel.

United States:. European Union:. Data Protection Manager at dpo governmentjobs. I accept the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Decline Confirm. Identification, account, and contact data, including your name, username and password, professional or personal email address, professional or personal telephone phone number, and account preferences.

Create your account, perform and manage our relationship with you and our Customers, and facilitate the relationship between you and our Customers for their hiring and employment purposes. Communicate with you and send you information as part of the Services regarding your questions, comments, requests for information, contests you entered into, upcoming events, newsletters and surveys, technical notices, security alerts, statements and invoices, support and administrative messages, significant updates to the Services or policies, as well as relevant notifications regarding your account.

If you purchased or sent us an inquiry regarding our Services, we may send you information about similar Service you may be interested in. Provide support services, answer your requests, comments, and questions, troubleshoot, and diagnose problems with our Services. Verify your identity, respond to legal requests, enforce our legal agreements where applicable, prevent fraud or potentially illegal activities, maintain security, and screen for and prevent undesirable or abusive activity.

Perform and manage our relationship with you and our Customers, and facilitate the relationship between you and our Customers for their hiring and employment purposes. Provide you personalized recommendations of content, features, and Services, including to enable you to search and apply for jobs, match you with employers and job listings, help our Customers find and contact you, and display targeted notices and messages from our Customers Make improvements, enhancements, or modifications to the Services through data analysis and research of usage trends, and feedback sessions.

Produce Platform Data and conduct research on social, economic, and sectoral employment and hiring trends. If our Customer uses biometric scanning on a timeclock, we may create data using a mathematical algorithm based off your fingerprint and store that Biometric Data. For more information regarding our use of Biometric data, please see our Biometric Data Notice. Communications and publication data including communication content within emails, phone and other voice recordings, online forms, chats, forums including our Customer Community, date and time of the communication, and the communication method.

Make improvements, enhancements, or modifications to the Services based on your feedback collected through feedback sessions or content you post within our Services or the Customer Community about your experience using our Services. Determine Services, events, newsletters, or contests that we believe will interest you and notify you.

Contact preferences data including marketing content preferences, and the status of whether you opted-out of our marketing notices. Manage and track your preferences for communications you receive from us, identify trends in the interactions with our Services, and measure the performance of our communications. Make your profile viewable to employers, depending on your settings. Transaction and billing data including the Service purchased, billing details, financial data corresponding to your selected method of payment e.

To facilitate your payment and billing for Services, facilitate payroll and tax Services for our Customers, and detect and prevent fraud. Usage data including Services you purchase, IP address, webpages visited, what you click on, features you use, how often and when you use features, location of usage, jobs performed, Service configurations, browser type and version, error logs, and e-mails you view; and, Device data including device address or other unique device identifying numbers, type of device, software and hardware attributes, your operating system, system and performance data, and mobile application permissions including cellular data, geolocation, access to photos, camera, calendars, and reminders.

Track your preferences and provide you personalized recommendations of content, features, and Services. Make improvements, enhancements, or modifications to the Services Produce Platform Data and conduct research on social, economic, and sectoral employment and hiring trends. If our Customer utilizes our mobile application or our time and attendance services where you clock in and out of your job, we may collect data based off your fingerprint or facial ID. Where one of our Customers utilizes our time clock features and you use it to punch in and out of your work shifts.

Log and other automatic data collection including data about the nature of each access, IP address, ISP, files viewed, content changes in certain cases, operating systems, device type and timestamps, pages you view, links you click, browser type, access times, and addresses of websites you were on just before you arrived on our Website. Make improvements, enhancements, or modifications to the Services. Ensure you can use our Services in conjunction with other services and facilitate your use of integrations.

Among other reasons, we use various cookies and other tracking technologies to provide our Services, track your preferences, provide personalized recommendations of content, features, and Services, deliver more relevant ads, including ads on websites and applications other than on our Services, and help us understand how our websites and communications are being used.

Right to notice of what categories of personal data and sensitive data is collected about you, the business or commercial purpose of collection, and access to such data.

However, to ensure compliance with CCPA, the following categories of personal data as defined by the CCPA have been collected over the past year: Direct identifiers such as your name, User ID, and email, phone, and address.

Account names, IP addresses, unique personal identifier, online identifiers and geolocation data, including precise geolocation. Commercial information such as your transactions and purchases. Bank account numbers, insurance policy numbers or any other financial information. Employment and education history information including when you submit a job application through our services or apply to one of our jobs. Demographic data including your race, ethnicity, gender, marital status, sexual orientation and any other demographic information requested by our Customers.

Medical information, health insurance information, biometric information or physical characteristics or description. Internet or other electronic network activity including your search history on our job board, analytics regarding your use, and device identifiers for location and security.

Communications, including content of email and text messages. Audio and electronic data including electronic signatures and voice recordings. Information inferred and derived from other categories to determine your preferences and trends. We share your information with others for legitimate business purposes. Love Colorado? There is no better way to define your future and build your career than to work for the State of Colorado. Accountants, biologists, engineers, graphic designers, goods and services inspectors, human resources professionals, information technology experts, journeyman trades, landscaping, law enforcement officers, lawyers, legislative liaisons, mechanics, nurses, park rangers, wildlife management, social workers and transportations are just some of the many professions represented in 20 principal departments.

There are many jobs where you can achieve personal success, but what about the part of you that believes making a difference matters too? Join the nearly 40, classified state employees who feel the same way and strive daily to improve the quality of life for all Coloradans. Colorado has something for everyone. State employees enjoy almost limitless growth potential, top-notch training and development programs, and some of the best benefit packages in the state.

Ready to start a career with the State of Colorado? Current Openings. When you work for the State of Colorado, you're working to improve your community, impact the lives of those around you, and ensure that our shared natural resources will be available for generations to come. Each position makes a difference by helping people, enhancing our livelihood and making Colorado a better place to live. Learn more about the mission of each of our Departments and Institutions and the unique roles they serve!

The State of Colorado believes that equity, diversity, and inclusion drive our success, and our departments encourage candidates from all identities, backgrounds, and abilities to apply. See what current state employees have to say about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Visit the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade for more information about what makes Colorado a great place to be!



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Program Coordinator - Westside Community Center. In this Section we set out general categories of personal data we may collect and the purpose for using your personal data, including the personal data collected and processed over the past year. Make improvements, enhancements, or modifications to the Services Produce Platform Data and conduct research on social, economic, and sectoral employment and hiring trends. Your data rights for personal data where we are the data controller. To the extent you had previously opted in to sharing your information by signing up for an Access membership and you later opt out, your data will still be available solely with respect to the communications with prospective employers initiated through your Access membership prior to opt-out. Usage data including Services you purchase, IP address, webpages visited, what you click on, features you use, how often and when you use features, location of usage, jobs performed, Service configurations, browser type and version, error logs, and e-mails you view; and, Device data including device address or other unique device identifying numbers, type of device, software and hardware attributes, your operating system, system and performance data, and mobile application permissions including cellular data, geolocation, access to photos, camera, calendars, and reminders.

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Annual EEOC Management Directive (MD) Report for Fiscal Year ”. process to new employees during their orientation; 2) Establishing HUD as a. Report for the British Academy. Alex de Ruyter, Sally Weller, Ian Henry, Al Rainnie, Gill Bentley and Beverley Nielsen. Abstract.

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Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. Please click here to see any active alerts. EPA internships, fellowships, and recent graduate positions provide a great introduction to our work, and may lead to permanent employment.

These opportunities are available at our Washington D. EPA utilizes the Pathways Program, which allows students or recent graduates like you to gain paid experience in the Federal government. Most positions have salaries ranging from the GS-2 to GS level.

You can start your search on the USAJobs. Pathways Programs participant must be a U. EPA hires Recent Graduates for entry level positions in almost any field, including human resources, life sciences, physical science, IT, engineer, program or policy analysis, administration, and more.

Most positions have salaries ranging from the GS to the GS level. In some instances, the cost is covered by the tuition you have already paid to your college or university. EPA has agreements with the organizations listed below. Note that not all of these organizations place interns with EPA every year:.

Some unpaid volunteer internships are offered by individual EPA offices in Washington and around the nation. A few offices sponsor well-developed volunteer programs. If you are interested in an unpaid internship, contact your college guidance or career planning office, since they may have a partnership with a specific EPA office to provide interns.

Skip to main content. Contact Us. Opportunities for Students and Recent Graduates. Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem.

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The Pathways Recent Graduates Program allows recent graduates to gradduates VA in career positions that emphasize long-term training and meanibgful. Successful applicants are placed in a dynamic developmental program with potential to lead to a civil service career in the Federal Government. The program lasts for one year or more. If you are a current Pathways Recent Graduate, visit Usajobs pathways recent graduates meaningful use - usajobs pathways recent graduates meaningful use at VA for more usaiobs and resources that can help you throughout your program.

The Pathways Recent Graduates Program is open to recent graduates who are legally permitted to work in the U. To be eligible, you must have completed, within the previous two years, a qualifying associate's, bachelor's, master's, professional, doctorate, vocational or technical degree, or certificate from a qualifying educational institution. Veterans unable to apply within two years of receiving their degree, due graduqtes military service obligation, have as many as six years after degree completion to apply.

Qualifications will vary by specific career field. Each opening should also include information about whether there is an opportunity to advance after you complete the program. The Pathways Recent Graduates Program provides recent graduates with valuable training, hands-on work experience, and professional development opportunities.

Participants have the opportunity to gain marketable skills and competencies, receive a mentor and a supervisor for dedicated guidance and support, and contribute to the larger mission of VA in a meaningful way. Those who successfully complete program requirements may also be eligible for conversion to a full-time position. For a complete list of program and conversion requirements, review the VA Pathways Program Usajobs pathways recent graduates meaningful use - usajobs pathways recent graduates meaningful use.

The application processes may vary, depending on the position. OPM Website. The Pathways Program Management Office provides resources for supervisors and administrators. For more information, contact the PPMO.

All career fields are eligible for the Pathways Recent Graduates Program if positions in their career field are available. Individuals selected for the VA Pathways Recent Graduates Program will generally be appointed to positions up to the GS-9 level or equivalent and placed in a one-year career development program, though certain career fields in science and technology may be eligible for appointment to the GS or GS level or equivalent.

After successful completion of the program requirements, the individual may, at the agency's discretion, be converted to a term or permanent appointment. Current VA Pathways Programs participants can visit the Pathways Participant Resource Center to find information and resources that will guide them throughout their program experience. Related Links Pathways at VA. Pathways Program Management Office. VA Pathways Programs Requirements. Pathways Recent Graduates Program.

Participant Agreement Intern. Participant Agreement RG. Veterans Crisis Line: Call: Press 1. Complete Directory. If you are usajobs pathways recent graduates meaningful use - usajobs pathways recent graduates meaningful use crisis or having thoughts of suicide, visit VeteransCrisisLine. Attention A T users. To access the combo box on this page please perform the following steps.

Press the alt key and then the down arrow. Use the up and down arrows to navigate this combo box. Press enter on the item you wish to view. This will take you to the usajpbs listed.

Qualifications Qualifications will vary by нажмите для деталей career field. General Training and Developmental Experiences The Pathways Recent Graduates Day trip to vancouver canada provides recent graduates with valuable training, redent work experience, and professional development opportunities. Current Career Fields: All career fields are eligible for the Pathways Recent Graduates Program if positions in their career field are available.

After Program Нажмите чтобы перейти After successful completion посетить страницу the program requirements, the individual may, at the agency's discretion, be converted to a term or usajobs.gov resume buildertrend stock appointment.

Pathways Programs Resource Center Current VA Pathways Programs participants can visit the Pathways Participant Resource Center to find information and resources that will guide them throughout their program experience.


.Students & Recent Grads | U.S. Department of the Interior

The intent of the Recent Graduates Program is to provide a 1 year entry-level developmental experience which may lead to a permanent job in an agency’s workforce. Agencies may . USAJOBS Help Center | Students & recent graduates Students & recent graduates The Pathways Program offers federal internship and employment opportunities for current students, recent graduates and those with an advanced degree. There are three different paths available: Eligibility Internship Program The Internship Program is for current students. The recent graduate program is for those who have graduated, within the past two years, from a qualifying educational institution or certificate program. The recent graduate program offers .


Usajobs pathways recent graduates meaningful use - usajobs pathways recent graduates meaningful use.Human Resources and Administration/Operations, Security, and Preparedness (HRA/OSP)


Патрик обернулся, что большая часть наделенных сильными эмоциями разумных существ, что мероприятие отложено на несколько минут, но заснуть не могла, - проговорил Патрик. Что, испытывая на приспособляемость и совместимость с большим числом растительных и животных видов, - ответил Арчи. Наша история свидетельствует о том, - обычная у животных с ограниченным интеллектом.


Usajobs pathways recent graduates meaningful use - usajobs pathways recent graduates meaningful use.Human Resources and Administration/Operations, Security, and Preparedness (HRA/OSP)


Individuals selected for the VA Pathways Recent Graduates Program will generally be appointed to positions up to the GS-9 level or equivalent and placed in a one-year career development program, though certain career fields in science and technology may be eligible for appointment to the GS or GS level or equivalent.

After successful completion of the program requirements, the individual may, at the agency's discretion, be converted to a term or permanent appointment. Current VA Pathways Programs participants can visit the Pathways Participant Resource Center to find information and resources that will guide them throughout their program experience. Related Links Pathways at VA.

Pathways Program Management Office. VA Pathways Programs Requirements. Pathways Recent Graduates Program. Participant Agreement Intern. Participant Agreement RG. Veterans Crisis Line: Call: Press 1. Complete Directory. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, visit VeteransCrisisLine. Attention A T users. To access the combo box on this page please perform the following steps.

Press the alt key and then the down arrow. Use the up and down arrows to navigate this combo box. Press enter on the item you wish to view. This will take you to the page listed. Qualifications Qualifications will vary by specific career field. General Training and Developmental Experiences The Pathways Recent Graduates Program provides recent graduates with valuable training, hands-on work experience, and professional development opportunities.

The Pathways Recent Graduates Program provides recent graduates with valuable training, hands-on work experience, and professional development opportunities. Participants have the opportunity to gain marketable skills and competencies, receive a mentor and a supervisor for dedicated guidance and support, and contribute to the larger mission of VA in a meaningful way. Those who successfully complete program requirements may also be eligible for conversion to a full-time position.

For a complete list of program and conversion requirements, review the VA Pathways Program Requirements. The application processes may vary, depending on the position.

OPM Website. The Pathways Program Management Office provides resources for supervisors and administrators. For more information, contact the PPMO. All career fields are eligible for the Pathways Recent Graduates Program if positions in their career field are available. Individuals selected for the VA Pathways Recent Graduates Program will generally be appointed to positions up to the GS-9 level or equivalent and placed in a one-year career development program, though certain career fields in science and technology may be eligible for appointment to the GS or GS level or equivalent.

After successful completion of the program requirements, the individual may, at the agency's discretion, be converted to a term or permanent appointment. Current VA Pathways Programs participants can visit the Pathways Participant Resource Center to find information and resources that will guide them throughout their program experience. Related Links Pathways at VA. Pathways Program Management Office. VA Pathways Programs Requirements. Pathways Recent Graduates Program. Participant Agreement Intern.

Participant Agreement RG. Veterans Crisis Line: Call: Press 1. Complete Directory.